Trump Keeps Promise On Making America Great Gain: Pardons Multiple Army War Criminals

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
It is a struggle of Personality.Moral Hierarchy of Conservatives:

• God above Man
• Man above Nature
• The Disciplined (Strong) above the Undisciplined (Weak)
• The Rich above the Poor
• Employers above Employees
• Adults above Children
• Western culture above other cultures
• America above other countries
• Men above Women
• Whites above Nonwhites
• Christians above non-Christians
• Straights above Gays

Progressives fight for more equalization of these unnoble injustices.
With kings below angels and slaves just above cattle

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Maybe it's true for a partisan minority. Many others not so much. There are shelves of books written by lefty types railing against every US president in history.

Obama is only popular with the rusted on democrat component. The rest of them see him as a corporate hack who only differed from Bush in that he was polite when it came to droning wedding parties in the M.E.

That is reasonable comment. I just appreciate some objectivity. It is very hard to see and listen to the extreme left planting their political comments everywhere, like here. thanks.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Explain to me how a guy who condones war criminals who murdered dozens of women and other civilians in cold blood for fun, so bad his own fellow soldiers denounced him, will make things better for everyday folks like yourself?

How does that work in your warped sense of reality ?

Burt, I am not really disagreeing with you. but who comes to Ray Peat and starts posting political issues?? Go to Alternet or Quora or wherever. All I am saying is if you think the last 3 Presidents before Trump were not puppets for the swamp, I beg to disagree. I won't say Trump is perfect but I do believe he is more interested in the little people of this country than an apologist, an egotist, or anyone using the govt to line their pockets....let's call it corruption personified. My opinion, to you your own.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
With kings below angels and slaves just above cattle

Well, sounds interesting. I find it hard to be a moralist when I can't pay my bills...capitalism lets me live a little easier but no system is perfect my friend. Ask Venezuela or Sweden or France who might portray your words of wisdom. I don't put down your words but they come after prosperity not before.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Well, sounds interesting. I find it hard to be a moralist when I can't pay my bills...capitalism lets me live a little easier but no system is perfect my friend. Ask Venezuela or Sweden or France who might portray your words of wisdom. I don't put down your words but they come after prosperity not before.
I don’t think there is an answer. If there were I would be out living it rather than posting here haha.


Jan 1, 2013
I won't say Trump is perfect but I do believe he is more interested in the little people of this country than an apologist, an egotist, or anyone using the govt to line their pockets....let's call it corruption personified.

Trump doesn't care about the little people, and neither has any president for the last 80 years (or is it 120 ?).

I didn't post this to start a political debate on Trump.

I couldn't care less about the right, the left, the democrats, the republicans, the liberals, the commies, etc..

I wanted to see which kind of reactions i would get from people of all boards.

A crime is still a crime, regardless your political orientation.

People shouldn't try over analyse news but concentrate instead on provable facts and then question the motives of those condoning these facts.

If Gallagher did commit these atrocities, and the power in place, led by Trump, goes out of it's way to support him, how do people go on assuming it's going to improve their condition ?

This is amazing to me.
Last edited:

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Trump doesn't care about the little people, and neither has any president for the last 80 years (or is it 120 ?).

I didn't post this to start a political debate on Trump.

I couldn't care less about the right, the left, the democrats, the republicans, the liberals, the commies, etc..

I wanted to see which kind of reactions i would get from people of all boards.

A crime is still a crime, regardless your political orientation.

People shouldn't try over analyse news but concentrate instead on provable facts and then question the motives of those condoning these facts.

If Gallagher did commit these atrocities, and the power in place, led by Trump, goes out of it's way to support him, how do people go on assuming it's going to improve their condition ?

This is amazing to me. are picking out one instance, one event and want to generalize? There are so many bs things these guys do I just don't know how you think this compares or has relevance. Gallagher may be the biggest asswipe but do you compare that with what all goes on? Do you question Benghazi? Look how many people died when they would not send in back up help? Crap happens all the time and we don't know about it...kinda think about some perspective on Gallagher? Terrible things happen in wars and politicians could give a crap not matter what side IMHO>


Oct 2, 2019
Trump doesn't care about the little people, and neither has any president for the last 80 years (or is it 120 ?).

I didn't post this to start a political debate on Trump.

I couldn't care less about the right, the left, the democrats, the republicans, the liberals, the commies, etc..

I wanted to see which kind of reactions i would get from people of all boards.

A crime is still a crime, regardless your political orientation.

People shouldn't try over analyse news but concentrate instead on provable facts and then question the motives of those condoning these facts.

If Gallagher did commit these atrocities, and the power in place, led by Trump, goes out of it's way to support him, how do people go on assuming it's going to improve their condition ?

This is amazing to me.

Said in a Greta Thunberg faux outrage voice "How dare you, HOW DARE YOU" !!!!

How dare you have an an objective, logical apolitical opinion!

I quite agree and concur with your amazement.


Oct 2, 2019
Burt, I am not really disagreeing with you. but who comes to Ray Peat and starts posting political issues?? Go to Alternet or Quora or wherever. All I am saying is if you think the last 3 Presidents before Trump were not puppets for the swamp, I beg to disagree. I won't say Trump is perfect but I do believe he is more interested in the little people of this country than an apologist, an egotist, or anyone using the govt to line their pockets....let's call it corruption personified. My opinion, to you your own.
This is the rant section after all....
Dec 18, 2018
Burt, I am not really disagreeing with you. but who comes to Ray Peat and starts posting political issues?? Go to Alternet or Quora or wherever. All I am saying is if you think the last 3 Presidents before Trump were not puppets for the swamp, I beg to disagree. I won't say Trump is perfect but I do believe he is more interested in the little people of this country than an apologist, an egotist, or anyone using the govt to line their pockets....let's call it corruption personified. My opinion, to you your own.

Political Issues are part of this Forum.
Dont tell him to go away,what are you doing here.
Trump made trillion Dollar Tax-cuts for Billionaires a reality.
Dont get too slimy,you sound deranged or like a stoner.
Dec 18, 2018
Furthermore,no one was acquitted.Someone else was it,and he had legal immunity by whoever
Incel that was in charge.The crimes the text.
It all happened. dont delude yourself.


Jan 25, 2014
If Gallagher did commit these atrocities, and the power in place, led by Trump, goes out of it's way to support him, how do people go on assuming it's going to improve their condition ?

Well, to your entire point, Gallagher got a trial and was found not guilty. Courts have a higher standard of evidence than any form of media. They also hear two sides to an argument, not simply one side. You made a judgement in the headline that a court could not find evidence to support. Wouldn't a more accurate headline be " Trump
Congratulates Accused Man After Acquital?" Even the line I included in this response indicates that you at least have some doubts, or you wouldn't have used the word "If."


Mar 29, 2016
True. But it appeared you weren't applying that understanding towards Trump. As if he is an exception to the rule.

The rise and fall of civilization, again. Power structures fall. Who's in control. No one. Yet you still talk as if there's an entity or a group in control. If there's one, it's losing it. Just as it had in the past.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
This is the rant section after all....

Hmm. Rant?
Said in a Greta Thunberg faux outrage voice "How dare you, HOW DARE YOU" !!!!

How dare you have an an objective, logical apolitical opinion!

I quite agree and concur with your amazement.

So it sounded apolitical? By "being led by Trump" is should be amazed baby.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Political Issues are part of this Forum.
Dont tell him to go away,what are you doing here.
Trump made trillion Dollar Tax-cuts for Billionaires a reality.
Dont get too slimy,you sound deranged or like a stoner.

Oh cool. "tax cuts for billionaires" really says it all for you. If you were just the casual apolitical type you would not have defended Burt but your liberal Dem outrage raise its head. Mentioning Trump in a negative way is not apolitical? Maybe your hormones are off? Suggest you cut back on your hormones.


Jun 16, 2015
Seems he was acquitted on everything but posing with a corpse. But the reason a nation-state would 'go easy' on someone like this in their elite military units is totally strategic. When your military conflicts are largely asymmetrical / guerrilla (as with the USA), and your enemy engages in the tactics associated with that (typically attacks on non-military targets), then you quite benefit in letting your guerrilla enemies know that you have a few very violent sociopaths floating around your advance units and you aren't afraid to let them off the leash from time to time to put a measure of fear in them. You don't want your rank-and-file military members acting like this because of the scale, optics, and detriment to organized soldiering, but making some ISIS member aware that being slowing gutted and bled out by a member of a covert advance unit having a 'bad day' is a real possibility is good psychological warfare.


Mar 29, 2016
Oh cool. "tax cuts for billionaires" really says it all for you. If you were just the casual apolitical type you would not have defended Burt but your liberal Dem outrage raise its head. Mentioning Trump in a negative way is not apolitical? Maybe your hormones are off? Suggest you cut back on your hormones.

There's bound to be friction between USA Americans and Europeans talking politics. Just as coastal melting pots vary with the heartland apple pie. We subscribe to different narratives--whatever the local flavor of the day is.

Those who have pre-judged Trump negatively will listen to the negative portrayals, be it true or not. And those who see Trump with hope will be swayed to the other side.

Media isn't about objectivity anymore. It's what sells to their audience. Fox will be Fox. CNN will be CNN. I comment on Breitbart and it gets deleted when I say something truthful that counters the narrative. I imagine I'll get the same treatment at Huff Post.

Objectivity is hard to come by. I like listening to YouTube channels like The Hill, The Grayzone (Aaron Maté), Scott Adams, but never CNN, MSNBC, but I'd admit I like listening to The Five on Fox, and never The View. I lean to the right of center. I also like listening to Tim Poole.

What is your source for programming your brain, Hildy, Burtlancast, and Pablo Cruise?


Nov 14, 2016
So I want to give Trump the benefit of the doubt because he isn't so insecure as to care so much about what people think.

Bill and Hillary=bad

is the epitomy of Kool Aid consumption. It's literal political programming.


Mar 29, 2016

Bill and Hillary=bad

is the epitomy of Kool Aid consumption. It's literal political programming.

And for you:

HillBillary = Good
Trump = Bad?

And how would people see your self-aggrandizing attitude?


Jan 1, 2013
By "being led by Trump" is should be amazed baby.

Yes it is.

He's the one supposed to be in charge.

If it was anyone else, going very much out of their way condoning the same atrocities,i would have posted the same.

The politics of the lesser evil has people dancing on a string like puppets.
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