New Member Greetings


Nov 25, 2012
Good day everyone.
I'm pleased to be able to participate here.

I'm 41. Male.
Current home-base diet is buckwheat and cheese.
I began studying Ray Peat's work about 5 years ago.
The strength of his arguments has gradually taken root and given me much needed dietary stability,
as well as a good mental work-out.

NOW Gelatin
D3 1k-3k per day 5days perweek
Powdered willow bark 200mg/day
apple cider vinegar
cascara sagrada - random use by feeling
Coconut oil 1teaspoon/day
CO2 - 8-12 grams as needed
Gerolsteiner water: magnesium, calcium, 1800mg bicarbonate/liter

Thyroid- 1/4 greater pharma thiroyd usually 2 or 3x per day

Health issues: too many! (But much less than a year ago, things are improving!)... one simple issue.. .1 "neoplasm" hopefully to be soon erradicated.

RPs work is to me like music.... with such a strong spirit of truth.


Nov 23, 2012
Hi Willtobelieve,

Welcome! I'm new here too, and far newer to RP than you. I only discovered him a week ago, but the force of his ideas hit me like a tonne of bricks. It was so obvious that he knew what he was talking about as he was describing me quite precisely... Uncanny really...

Can I ask you a quick question? What do you mean when you say you are supplementing with CO2? The only thing I can think of is that you mean you are drinking a carbonated drink? Am I right? If so, does that work? I've been pretty intolerant of carbonated drinks lately, amongst a whole host of other foods, but it seems like such a simple solution and it hadn't occurred to me until I read why you wrote. Does the CO2 dissolve in your blood? ...heh... Mind blown!

Plus, can I delve a little and ask what your other health issues are (no need to reply to this if you'd rather not) and ask whether they've been helped by Peating? You seem rather seasoned at this , so I imagine you've got lots of experience to bring to the forum.

Many thanks, ruth


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
WilltoBelieve, welcome to the forum! :welcome


Nov 25, 2012
Re CO2

I tried this because I didn't find success with bag breathing, and reasoned that the exhaled air also
I have a 7# co2 tank from which I fill a balloon (about the size of 2 fists, but sometimes less). Then I add at least an equal amount of air by exhaling into the balloon. I then inhale the mixture (and without delay exhale back into the baloon) being careful and using feeling to make sure the mix is diluted enough so that it doesn't burn or hurt. I take one breath (or two) of fresh air and then again inhale and exhale from/to the balloon. I make sure I'm in a place with clean air as I believe the increased co2 will also increase transport of carbon monoxide (not desirable of course). I continue a few times until the breathing impulse returns to normal.

Before I was able to actually try this I spent many months ruminating over the possibility as I was quite weak and the growing number of failed attempts to find relief and lasting, positive results was a great obstacle to my willpower... hence the username "willtobelieve".

My decision to try this was also influenced by a number of other experiments, through which I was introduced to many subtle feelings... including tobacco (I actually grew it myself because I would not dare buy any tobacco product) and thyroid (nutripak), caffeine, etc.

There are so many complexities that I cannot explain because of time...

But one important factor was also that I felt my mental capacity diminishing, and I felt my personality was deteriorating- creating pressure on me to take some reasonable action (and it was becoming urgent)... I read about the use of carbogen and carbon dioxide rooms by psychiatrists also.

Finally I tried it. It didn't seem like anything much... but a few minutes after using about 4 grams I noticed my complexion was improved. When I spoke to my friend who was in the next room , my voice was no longer hoarse. I noticed that I was moving better... a little faster and not dropping things. My hearing, which had become odd, felt normal again. I quickly became hungry and began eating (before that I had been losing my appetite). Especially in the mornings, I would breath in 4 or 5 grams (diluted appropriately) then I would feel the urge to eat as well as the ability.

So along with this I began to adjust every factor I could that would inhibit or improve oxygenation. Sleeping position (on stomach), breathing through the nose only, not engaging in idle conversation and speaking softly, walking in the woods and up hills --- always nose breathing.
So much more can be said - but ..... time.

I would recommend caution to anyone interested in trying this seeing as how modern culture is one of lack of restraint (more is better: truth- more is not always better) excess hyper-capnia can also cause metabolic disturbances and discomfort that could ruin the chance for gain.

It should be approached with respect and care. Treat is as if trying to catch a rabbit- slow and gentle- if you chase a rabbit the rabbit will always win!

I surely overdid it sometimes, but I was pretty desperate... so for about 6 months I was using up to 80 grams a day (better to use self-restraint) and usually eating after each time.

As an important note: When I was healthy and wealthy I would often spend time over 11ooo feet elevation... sometimes many days at 14ooo feet. If a person is really in need, and has enough money, I would recommend this as being a far better method than using canned co2. But of course it's usually not possible to get to the mountains.

I'm sure this is incomplete but I can't edit or expand at the moment.

Oh... on this subject, I have plans to try a "hydroponic" co2 plant delivery system for sleeping (that's when things go downhill most for me) --- one can create a high co2 environment in bed (bath in co2 while you sleep).


Oct 16, 2012
Willtobelieve: Welcome! Look forward to hearing about your experiments with increasing CO2 during sleep.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
WilltoBelieve said:
Oh... on this subject, I have plans to try a "hydroponic" co2 plant delivery system for sleeping (that's when things go downhill most for me) --- one can create a high co2 environment in bed (bath in co2 while you sleep).

Are you going to use a tent?


Nov 25, 2012
For a while I tried sleeping in a canvas tent. I love canvas tents generally, they are warm, and the natural fibers create a nice environment. The trouble is I think the accumulation of exhaled air, while increasing carbon dioxide, is basically stale air... I haven't found good results from using bags or using stale air.

I do value the potency of endogenous co2. I often practice various breath "exercises", especially to release tension before going to sleep. I find the effect endogenous c02 to be much different then exogenous co2.

My idea is just to put the perforated co2 delivery tube under the covers, set the meter for some reasonable amount and sleep in otherwise normal conditions. This would create a co2 bath while sleeping. The device is about $40 I think.

The thing about high altitude for example, is that while one retains co2 from the reduced oxygen, at the same time one breaths fresh air, and exhales freely any other material that needs to be expelled, and I'm sure there are various other things in the breath that one needs to get rid of (not the co2 though). Also, the sweet aroma of forest air is certainly more than just co2 or oxygen!
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