My partner is caving into the vaccine mandates, which blood tests should she get before the jab?


Oct 6, 2021
ddjd, why you want to do these tests ? To find out something not perfect, and that to serve against vaccination or ? Better present more evidences to her, they are plenty.

If that doesn't work tell her, she seems to care more for a career, than her baby. Also be aware as shedding is not c;arified 100%, there could be a risks for the boy too. So you must do anything possible to prevent the vaxx. And a baby needs to be breastfed much more than 6 months, in order to develop properly.
Mar 10, 2021
ddjd, why you want to do these tests ? To find out something not perfect, and that to serve against vaccination or ? Better present more evidences to her, they are plenty.

If that doesn't work tell her, she seems to care more for a career, than her baby. Also be aware as shedding is not c;arified 100%, there could be a risks for the boy too. So you must do anything possible to prevent the vaxx. And a baby needs to be breastfed much more than 6 months, in order to develop properly.

She is a doctor, they have been conditioned to think medicine is almost God like. She isn't going to think that she and her colleagues are naive, puting it mildly. I don't know what ddjd does for a living, but I can imagine he has his hands full trying to be any kind of a leader in his new family. What a horrible position to be in. What incentive or threat can he throw out there? She has too much power and doesn't need him. I feel sick for him and his baby.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
She is a doctor, they have been conditioned to think medicine is almost God like. She isn't going to think that she and her colleagues are naive, puting it mildly. I don't know what ddjd does for a living, but I can imagine he has his hands full trying to be any kind of a leader in his new family. What a horrible position to be in. What incentive or threat can he throw out there? She has too much power and doesn't need him. I feel sick for him and his baby.

Most western MDs have been fooled into thinking they are highly skilled problem solvers, where in reality, for most of them, all that time and money spent simply bought them a distributorship license/franchise. Highly educated pimps for Big Harma
Mar 10, 2021
Most western MDs have been fooled into thinking they are highly skilled problem solvers, where in reality, for most of them, all that time and money spent simply bought them a distributorship license/franchise. Highly educated pimps for Big Harma

Well said.


Oct 6, 2021
@ddjd Show her talidomide babies.. WARNING. Readers, I do NOT encourage you to see this pictures, as you can't unsee them. I'm not that sensitive, but got shocked.

1. So Talidomide is a medicine which was promoted as ''safe and effective'' by ''science'' and caused horrible things. Tell her this as an example how medicine could be wrong without conspiracy being involved.

2. Show her well versed doctors talking against vaccines. There are such who speak German.

3. Guilt trip her, shame tactics etc. Yes it's not a nice thing to do, but you gotta take care of your son. Be careful though cause if you stress her very much, that will affect the baby. For example: You care more for your job, than the baby. If something happen, how the boy will grow. If you shed on him... He needs to be brestfed. etc.

Most important, play on her doctor ego: I thought, you as a doctor will consider all the evidence, but it seems you got peer pressured. This is what uneducated people do, not a doctor. You are not that independent strong woman, if you obey the gov so easy. :D

You may say these stuff in a different way, but you get the point.

4. Licensed German doctors, can practice in every country arround the world, including some of the more free American states. Not to mention, she will make even more money there.

5. Again, showing this to a doctor, from other ''normal'' looking doctors. There are plenty evidence a baby must be taken care of the mother full time at least for 2-3 years. Brestfed at least for an year. Ok, we got it she is strong independant woman, she will skip here and there, but

going to work from June.. What is this?

6. Even if I'm crazy conspiracy theorist, and the vaccine is safest thing in the world, 1 year is just not enough. It'is just stupid to be the lab rat.


Jul 13, 2014
Ive previously discussed that i convinced my partner to avoid the vaccine for the sake of our new born baby.....

this was my orginal post and thanks for everyones replied and support:

Thankfully she agreed then, but now in germany they are mandating vaccines for medical staff and as a doctor she has decided she has to get it in january, even though she is not back at work until July.

Our baby boy is now almost 6 months old so maybe it will be ok if she stops breastfeeding seriously concerned about the long term health implications the vaccine will have and if she does have adverse reactions I want PROOF that it was the vaccine that did it.

So im going to ask her to get blood tests done beforehand.

WHICH TESTS should i organise?


any others?



Finally found an answer to this


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