Merkel Sets In Motion The Next Phase


Sep 24, 2016
There are hardly any more obvious and servile servants it the big plan than Angela Merkel within the ranks of „functional elites“

Sadly, with German Media and Deep State thoroughly on her side, she is also one of the most diligent and effective of those. That’s why she is trusted with and has enacted some of the more important stages of the infathomable power grab.

Yesterday, an EU summit ended securing trillions of Euro that mark the beginning of fiscal and debt Union of the EU.
This breach of the muliliteral treaties don’t even get mentioned anymore.
Now, this policy is a 180 degree turn of traditional German financial politics in Europe (and what Merkel allegedly favorited and exercised during the Euro crisis 10 years ago)
Whenever Merkel does such drastic things (and there is no resistance by other prominent functional elites within her party like Schäuble)
this Signals a deliberate and panned out step in the plan to fuse superstates with super corps. This is basically modern monetary theory put into practice but not to the benefit of the general populace but to finance this endeavour. China has then deeply impressed and inspired it seems.

Europe will see what @Amarsh213 predicted:
Sone corporate specialist elites and the authorities ruling over a basic income herd allowed to plaster solar panels on their shabby buildings soon.

Until that stage can be discarded too, and with it the herd.


May 19, 2017
I'm not very good at this, can you explain what does this mean, please? Printing more money? Increasing the public debt faster than before?

What would be the money used for?


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I'm not very good at this, can you explain what does this mean, please? Printing more money? Increasing the public debt faster than before?

What would be the money used for?
I'd like also to be broken down so that my hypo brain can get a grasp, if possible.
The description of Angela Satan Merkel, BTW, is very correct.


Oct 1, 2019
Merkel was „Secretary for Propaganda and Agitation“ in the DDR youth.

She has such a guilty conscience because of all the crooked things she’s been (and probably will be) doing, anytime the german national anthem plays she gets uncontrollable spastic jitters.



Sep 24, 2016
Merkel was „Secretary for Propaganda and Agitation“ in the DDR youth.

She has such a guilty conscience because of all the crooked things she’s been (and probably will be) doing, anytime the german national anthem plays she gets uncontrollable spastic jitters.

That’s my interpretation of her symptoms too. The remnants of her suppressed subconsciousness gives her a solid tremor in the face of German flag and anthem.

She has basically enabled the EU to borrow itself endlessly printed money. That will help along massively to make the EU a totalitarian central regime of all the member states.

She also now basically opened an unlimited money pipe for the „markets“ - meaning state capitalism like China.

Next steps will be universal basic income for all within the EU. What sounds like a positive MMT-scenario come true is truly a very effective method of pacifying the masses. Shelter, food, a bit of entertainment and renewable energy. Until the next Stage when the pacified, indoctrinated Europeans robbed of former national identities are no longer needed to be pacified.


May 19, 2017
That’s my interpretation of her symptoms too. The remnants of her suppressed subconsciousness gives her a solid tremor in the face of German flag and anthem.

She has basically enabled the EU to borrow itself endlessly printed money. That will help along massively to make the EU a totalitarian central regime of all the member states.

She also now basically opened an unlimited money pipe for the „markets“ - meaning state capitalism like China.

Next steps will be universal basic income for all within the EU. What sounds like a positive MMT-scenario come true is truly a very effective method of pacifying the masses. Shelter, food, a bit of entertainment and renewable energy. Until the next Stage when the pacified, indoctrinated Europeans robbed of former national identities are no longer needed to be pacified.
Wow, that sounds horrible


Feb 18, 2018
The Netherlands
Merkel was „Secretary for Propaganda and Agitation“ in the DDR youth.

She has such a guilty conscience because of all the crooked things she’s been (and probably will be) doing, anytime the german national anthem plays she gets uncontrollable spastic jitters.

Seems like Parkison disease.


Mar 18, 2017
That’s my interpretation of her symptoms too. The remnants of her suppressed subconsciousness gives her a solid tremor in the face of German flag and anthem.

She has basically enabled the EU to borrow itself endlessly printed money. That will help along massively to make the EU a totalitarian central regime of all the member states.

She also now basically opened an unlimited money pipe for the „markets“ - meaning state capitalism like China.

Next steps will be universal basic income for all within the EU. What sounds like a positive MMT-scenario come true is truly a very effective method of pacifying the masses. Shelter, food, a bit of entertainment and renewable energy. Until the next Stage when the pacified, indoctrinated Europeans robbed of former national identities are no longer needed to be pacified.

With regards to UBI, it's coming to the US neatly wrapped:

How a basic income would help close the racial wealth gap and give Americans needed financial security


Mar 29, 2016
She looks like in an ordinary grandma. If she looked like a witch, she wouldn't have lasted that long. Across the Atlantic, we barely missed one 4 yrs ago.


Mar 6, 2016
hey i live in europe and will study in eu probably. Sould i go to the uk or wheer should I move where am i safe? is good to see things coming but what are u guys doin to protect urselves!


Sep 24, 2016

UN is now proposing a worldwide universal basic income to „attenuate“ the economic effects of the pandemia.
The FED yesterday has continued the swap-possibility for foreign central banks to increase dollar availability. This devalues the dollar further.

This stuff, understood by few and practically under the radar, framed as something highly positive and charitable to many is turning out to be the epochal chance of the Corona pandemic. If this really turns out true and massive, it seems more likely that Corona was either set in motion or used as a welcome pretext to facilitate a fundamental monetary change.

What @Amarsh213 predicted weeks ago


Oct 1, 2019
And to be eligible for UBI you'll have to get your yearly corona shots.


Mar 29, 2016
And to be eligible for UBI you'll have to get your yearly corona shots.
And do you get your world citizenship as well?


Aug 17, 2016
UN is now proposing a worldwide universal basic income to „attenuate“ the economic effects of the pandemia.
The FED yesterday has continued the swap-possibility for foreign central banks to increase dollar availability. This devalues the dollar further.

This stuff, understood by few and practically under the radar, framed as something highly positive and charitable to many is turning out to be the epochal chance of the Corona pandemic. If this really turns out true and massive, it seems more likely that Corona was either set in motion or used as a welcome pretext to facilitate a fundamental monetary change.

What @Amarsh213 predicted weeks ago

Kind of an insurance policy. It's not their money, so such benevolent administers will be cheered (for a while). The masses that should unite and expel them, instead will squelch anyone who criticizes the overthrow. Stalin's plucked chickens.

Honestly, I have nothing against the theory. But the wrong people are engineering it.

Few are watching the magician's (chaos magick) slight of hand. There will be communitarian strings attached in their animal farm.

Yeah, I noted Amarsh's searing commentary then. It did make me swallow exactly what was happening whole (zen expression or "ukemi" - to catch what is happening), and forced me into a deep dive. (or head in the toilet). A dive I wished I didn't have to do. In a former portion of my life, I worked with these people and their workings. So boring. So stupid. And repugnant. I forgot about it. But here we are.

I really do recommend Dean Henderson's book Illuminati Agenda 21 to see how we got here.


Sep 24, 2016
Honestly, I have nothing against the theory. But the wrong people are engineering it.

100% my sentiment.

Few are watching the magician's (chaos magick) slight of hand. There will be communitarian strings attached in their animal farm.

Exact. Not only are they not watching, the green-pseudolefties think they are finally winning, seeing "their" policies enacted. Not noticing how sarcatically they are being played and fooled.
The elites have learned that "benign" restructuring of powers and systems with food, shelter and entertainment provided (or at leat a handful of dollers/euros) will see drastially fewer ressistance. Making the operation a lot more smooth and less risky.

Yeah, I noted Amarsh's searing commentary then. It did make me swallow exactly what was happening whole (zen expression or "ukemi" - to catch what is happening), and forced me into a deep dive. (or head in the toilet). A dive I wished I didn't have to do

Again, mirrors my feelings. Maybe not every detail of Amarsh observation - but the big theme of using corona for a fundamental monetary, social an political fell swoop seems to be transpiring


Oct 1, 2019
The elites have learned that "benign" restructuring of powers and systems with food, shelter and entertainment provided (or at leat a handful of dollers/euros) will see drastially fewer ressistance. Making the operation a lot more smooth and less risky.

Interview 1563 – Keith Knight and James Corbett Dissect Voluntary Servitude : The Corbett Report


"This method tyrants use of stultifying their subjects cannot be more clearly observed than in what Cyrus did with the Lydians after he had taken Sardis, their chief city, and had at his mercy the captured Croesus, their fabulously rich king. When news was brought to him that the people of Sardis had rebelled, it would have been easy for him to reduce them by force; but being unwilling either to sack such a fine city or to maintain an army there to police it, he thought of an unusual expedient for reducing it. He established in it brothels, taverns, and public games, and issued the proclamation that the inhabitants were to enjoy them. He found this type of garrison so effective that he never again had to draw the sword against the Lydians.

Do not imagine that there is any bird more easily caught by decoy, nor any fish sooner fixed on the hook by wormy bait, than are all these poor fools neatly tricked into servitude by the slightest feather passed, so to speak, before their mouths. Truly it is a marvellous thing that they let themselves be caught so quickly at the slightest tickling of their fancy. Plays, farces, spectacles, gladiators, strange beasts, medals, pictures, and other such opiates, these were for ancient peoples the bait toward slavery, the price of their liberty, the instruments of tyranny.

Tyrants would distribute largess, a bushel of wheat, a gallon of wine, and a sesterce: and then everybody would shamelessly cry, “Long live the King!” The fools did not realize that they were merely recovering a portion of their own property, and that their ruler could not have given them what they were receiving without having first taken it from them."

Deleted member 5487

The Global Reset – Unplugged. "The Deep State" - Global Research
Now Comes the Davos ‘Great Reset’

It's essentially a bunch of Kleptocratic Oligarchs or the .001% inside of Davos/World economic fourm...etc. Who are Preparing the third and first world to expect much lower living standards and a stagnant growth in quality of life.

1) Corona Lock Down=Destroyed Economic Oppurtunity+ Use Way less Gas(Less money goes to Russia/Iran/Venzuela)+Way Less money+Way Less Travel+Cook from home+No More Bars/Clubs= Bill Gates gives you a television+Xbox+small apartment

2) Third World grows on supping the first world. If the first world takes a Massive Blow, and demand is destroyed, the third world imploads.

Hope I Explained it easy enough to understand.

Western Oligarchs--->Want you to eat rice/beans, Live in a tiny shoe box apartment, play xbox, while they collect your data. Essentially they're getting you ready for third world quality of life. " You Peasants, Gone are the days of owning a house, having kids, increasing the population, consuming meat, and traveling the world"!-Western Ultra elite say.

United States/Europe Will become extremely neofeudal and class based. Even though it already is.

1) Class One: Welfare Class: Or the Universal Basic Income Crowd+Gig Economy(uber/favor). They're Role will be to eat rice/beans, purchase small tickets/toys/video games from Amazon.
2) Class Two: Click Farm Class: These people work for large tech/finance and have kept their income over the pass 5-6 months. They will program and move digits around. They're job is to lever up with extremly expense houses/teslas and pay interest to banks.
3) Class Three: Rich: Will have their Properities/stocks/bonds kept elevated in price and will continue to live very well. They will have their food delivered, there houses cleaned, and spend their time at their beach/lake house.
4) Class 4: Ultra Rich, These are the ones pulling the strings.
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May 19, 2017
The Global Reset – Unplugged. "The Deep State" - Global Research
Now Comes the Davos ‘Great Reset’

It's essentially a bunch of Kleptocratic Oligarchs or the .001% inside of Davos/World economic fourm...etc. Who are Preparing the third and first world to expect much lower living standards and a stagnant growth in quality of life.

1) Corona Lock Down=Destroyed Economic Oppurtunity+ Use Way less Gas(Less money goes to Russia/Iran/Venzuela)+Way Less money+Way Less Travel+Cook from home+No More Bars/Clubs= Bill Gates gives you a television+Xbox+small apartment

2) Third World grows on supping the first world. If the first world takes a Massive Blow, and demand is destroyed, the third world imploads.

Hope I Explained it easy enough to understand.

Western Oligarchs--->Want you to eat rice/beans, Live in a tiny shoe box apartment, play xbox, while they collect your data. Essentially they're getting you ready for third world quality of life. " You Peasants, Gone are the days of owning a house, having kids, increasing the population, consuming meat, and traveling the world"!-Western Ultra elite say.

United States/Europe Will become extremely neofeudal and class based. Even though it already is.

1) Class One: Welfare Class: Or the Universal Basic Income Crowd. They're Role will be to eat rice/beans, purchase small tickets/toys/video games
2) Class Two: Click Farm Class: These people work for large tech/finance and have kept their income over the pass 5-6 months. They will program and move digits around
3) Class Three: Rich: Will have their Properities/stocks/bonds kept elevated in price and will continue to live very well. They will have their food delivered, there houses cleaned, and spend their time at their beach/lake house and there kids will go.
4) Class 4: Ultra Rich, These are the ones pulling the strings.

Thank you for this explanation. Not have anything to add to the topic, just wanted to say that I appreciate your posts very much!
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