
  1. L

    Do you regret having a child?

    All things considered, if you could go back in time, would you still choose to have offspring?
  2. JamesGatz

    Have you ever wondered why your best friends all look like you? THIS STUDY HAS THE ANSWERS

    According to this study, DNA HAS THE ABILITY to recognize similar DNA from a distance and congregates with DNA that is similar to themselves So what does this mean in a nutshell? It MEANS THAT you're inclined to...
  3. Peatful

    So two years in: How are you doing?

    The history of the world changed two years ago in March of 2020. I mean, things were always “bad”, but hidden. Secrets. Evil secrets. How have things changed for you? And, more importantly, how are you doing with this change? How do you view the future? Do you have a plan? Here is this from...
  4. JamesGatz

    What causes the feelings of having a crush on someone and having difficulty getting over an ex ? Is it just serotonin and oxytocin ?

    I notice that when I am low serotonin - I don't really have feelings in the sense of romantic relationships - I don't get jealous nor do I care for any of my exes or any girl that I have ever talked to or made a connection with - I feel like talking to girls and having relations with them but I...
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