
  1. Ras

    Surgery: The Ultimate Placebo

    TL;DW: Many surgeries are no better than placebo. View:
  2. haidut

    Surgery no better than placebo - doctors are superfluous

    A great article that should give a serious food for thought even to the most ardent defenders of allopathic medicine. Despite the findings of the (in)famous Dr. Ioannidis that 80%+ percent of most clinical trials for drugs are bunk, one of the unassailable bastions of medicine has always been...
  3. haidut

    Hobbies Trump Science least when it comes to learning highly sophisticated, life-saving surgical skills, which in my opinion makes the thread title that much more valid. In fact, I would make the sweeping generalization that it applies to all science and that one of the reasons we are currently in a scientific...
  4. haidut

    The Placebo Effect Is Real And Depends On Human Kindness And Dopamine

    Many forum users have read Peat's writings that the rapport of a patient with their doctor predicts the outcome of their treatment much better than any "objectively" proven drug effectiveness. More importantly, establishing a sense of mutual respect, unconditional acceptance on behalf of the...
  5. haidut

    Massive Study Says SSRI Drugs Are BOTH Ineffective And Dangerous

    While the study is nothing new for the forum users here, what makes it important is that it is the largest study ever and includes reviewing all the available literature on the topic to date. The conclusion - not only are SSRI drugs ineffective but their risks far outweigh even the (mostly)...
  6. haidut

    Theanine As A Novel Painkiller

    The placebo effect has been confirmed in many studies, and there have even been calls to change its name since the current one is at best a misnomer - i.e. we seem to have a much more fundamental and physical connection with our environment than the presence or lack of chemicals/drugs can...
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