
  1. haidut

    Pregnenolone As A Possible Treatment Of CFS/ME

    I just posted yet another study showing that CFS/ME is a metabolic disorder that can be treated using various substances that activate PDH and Krebs cycle activity. CFS/ME Once Again Confirmed As A Metabolic Disorder This study took an alternative path and discovered that people with CFS/ME also...
  2. haidut

    CFS/ME Once Again Confirmed As A Metabolic Disorder

    I posted previously about recent research indicating that CFS/ME is likely due to hypometabolism caused by environmental stress. CFS Is Likely Hypometabolism Triggered By Environmental Stress The earlier studies found lower activity of the enzyme PDH, which is the rate-limiting step for entrance...
  3. haidut

    Endotoxin (LPS) Is A Probable Cause For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS / ME)

    It seems like the bad news about endotoxin (LPS) just don't stop. After the recent studies implicating in many degenerative conditions, and especially Alzheimer, systemic sclerosis, ALS, etc not this study links it to the so-called chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS / ME), which the medical...
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