
  1. haidut

    Neurons In The Brain Communicate Remotely Using EMF Signals

    I know the findings of this study probably won't come as surprise to many forum users but they are nonetheless worth pointing out given their potential for dramatically shifting how medicine views the brain. While Peat has written many times about long range communication between cells that...
  2. haidut

    SSRI Drugs Such As Prozac (fluoxetine) Cause Antibiotic Resistance

    If the accumulated evidence on the ineffectiveness and dangers (Massive Study Says SSRI Drugs Are BOTH Ineffective And Dangerous) of SSRI drugs was not already bad enough, now we can add causing antibiotic resistance to the list. The study below found that exposure of E. coli to the SSRI drug...
  3. haidut

    A List Of Androgens That Stimulate 5-AR Activity

    Increasing 5-AR activity has received a lot of interest lately due to its therapeutic effects on mood disorders as well as issues with excess cortisol (5-AR deactivates cortisol). Unfortunately, the official story is that there are no freely available compounds that can stimulate 5-AR activity...
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