facial attractiveness

  1. ImprovingDaily

    What biological/hormonal/energetic foundation "causes" attractiveness? Specifically. Not just "good thyroid function"

    Going to elaborate a bit here. When you see someone attractive, man or woman, what's the root of that attractiveness? Is it something like low estrogens? High DHEA? Low phosphorus? High CO2? Specifically, what is the biological environment to where they appear generally attractive? I know...
  2. JamesGatz

    If you want to look like a supermodel (and why you should want to look like a supermodel) - a case for head insulation 24/7

    As we all know by now - low thyroid causes mouth breathing and mouth breathing is a horror show on the maxilla. People say to keep your mouth closed, lips sealed, and tongue glued to the roof of the mouth - hence why the method of mewing has been popularized in recent years. In this thread I...
  3. L

    Does Mewing (Orthotropics) Work?

    https://orthotropics.com/ What do you think?
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