epstein barr virus

  1. M

    How Serious Is Epstein Barr Virus?

    Recently diagnosed! Which makes sense with all the chronic fatigue which i assumed was from low thyroid. But all of this could have have been from chronic epstein barr that was never diagnosed Does anyone here have experience or knowledge in this? Has Ray mentioned this virus at all? Ive...
  2. A

    How to eat Starchy foods without problems.

    I get Brainfog, joint/muscle/back pains, stomach bloating and fatigue when consuming any starchy foods. Concentrated starch powders are the worst. I have tried most hacks to make them tolerable - rinsing starchy veggies thoroughly, boiling/pressure cooking, removing starch water after cooking -...
  3. Saphire

    Thyroid and Stomach health issues, need help!

    I need some help, I am going to try and make a long story short, so I will start with most recent. In February I went through some serious stress. It cause some issues in my neck to the point after 2 massage visits, 2 Chiropractor visits and 3 Dr visits I broke down and took prednisone. I had...
  4. R

    Which is the best way to guarantee you have no viruses or bacteria?

    Im trying to find out the trigger of my thyroid antibodies and I would like to clear out the possibility of a virus or any other pathogen. I also have itchy, white tongue, not sure if related. And I get dental plaque on 4 of my lower teeth for some reason. Could you please tell me which viruses...
  5. M

    Hypothyroid Mononucleosis Connection

    Hypothyroidism and infectious mononucleosis--an unusual association. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1503083/ I had mono as a teenager- anyone else?
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