
  1. Mauritio

    Testosterone and androgens increase, estrogen lowers Taurine

    A big part of the taurine in our body comes from our bodies synthesizing it from the amino acids methionine and cysteine via different enzymes. Peat has often talked about the harmfull effects of those two amnino acids in particular. In contrast, he had more good things to say about the amino...
  2. Sapien

    Ray peat wrong about casein having less inflamitory amino acids than whey?

    I often heard peat say that casein is lower in the inflammatory amino acids (methionine, cysteine, tryptophan) than whey, and I was curious to know how much of a difference there was. After some searching, I kept finding (looked at 5+ analysis) that they actually have very similar amounts of...
  3. haidut

    Blocking Cystine, And Thus Glutathione (GSH) Synthesis, Kills Cancer Stem Cells

    Yet another study that adds to the evidence that cancer is a metabolic disease, driven by excessive reductive stress. I posted a few other threads on the role of glutathione precursors in cancer, and specifically on the role of cysteine in melanoma. In the body, cysteine gets converted into...
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