
  1. Mauritio

    Thyroid hormone increases anti-oxidant enzymes, glucocorticoids lower them

    In this study they looked at the influence of certain hormones (thyroid hormone, insulin and glucocorticoids) on certain anti-oxidant enzymes (SOD, catalase, glutathione peroxidase). They showed that thyroid increased catalase and superoxide dismutase, while glucocorticoids lower them...
  2. Grapelander

    Eugenol: Helps Reduce Loss Of Dopamine / Protects From Aluminum / Neuro-protective & Anti-stress

    Eugenol Cloves Effect on Parkinson’s Disease – Animal Study Eugenol helped reduce the loss of Dopamine, DOPAC, and HVA that was caused by Parkinson's Disease (6-OHDA). Eugenol protected the dopamine-using neurons in the brain by helping to stop the oxidation of lipids in the cell membranes which...
  3. haidut

    Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) Reduces Lipofuscin, May Extend Lifespan

    There are few reliable treatments of the so-called "age spots" officially known as lipofuscin. Ray has written about the role of iron, PUFA and estrogen in the formation of this skin pigment and has suggested that vitamin E may be one possible treatment. Now we can add vitamin B2 to the list of...
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