aromatase inhibitor

  1. haidut

    Some aromatase inhibitors (AI) are estrogenic

    I have long suspected this considering the peculiar side effects of some AI drugs, but was not able to find concrete evidence...until now. The study below demonstrates that one of the most widely used AI - anastrozole - is a potent estrogen receptor activator/agonist, and at low concentrations...
  2. haidut

    Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) + DHT Combo May Reverse Kidney Disease (CKD)

    A truly great study for a number of reasons. First, it cites extensive evidence that male patients with diabetes (both types) have low androgens and high estrogen (estradiol). The association between this endocrine abnormality and the severity of diabetes is apparently quite strong, yet it is...
  3. B

    E2 Is Not The Problem

    “. E2 promotes energy homeostasis, improves body fat distribution, ameliorates insulin resistance (or enhances insulin sensitivity), improves β-cell function, and reduces inflammation. “ The Role of Estrogens in Control of Energy Balance and Glucose Homeostasis Aromatase activity and bone...
  4. haidut

    Inhibiting Aromatase (to Lower Estrogen) May Treat Gastric (stomach) Cancer

    Yet another study demonstrating the causative link between estrogen and a cancer considered to be hormone-independent. Gastric cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-deaths worldwide, and especially Asian countries. It is considered very hard to treat and most patients are diagnosed at...
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