“You have a disease mimicking Gulf war Syndrome”.

Brian Douglas

Jan 29, 2022
I have stopped all those things for now.

I just cannot see how it can only be my gut. Are you saying it’s the serotonin production from my gut ? My breathing is so bad I’ve been wheezing constantly for over a year. The wheezing is from my lungs not nasal inflammation.

I was already in fear of my life. The idea that healing my gut can fix how bad this is seems a bit overly optimistic. If it were simply inflammation in the lungs I should be able to get that down with anti-inflammatoires at least briefly? But I’ve had no such luck.
Are you aware that these jabs cause iron dysregulation; removing iron from hemoglobin which remarkably reduces oxygen carrying ability?


Aug 28, 2023
Are you aware that these jabs cause iron dysregulation; removing iron from hemoglobin which remarkably reduces oxygen carrying ability?
I’ve supplemented iron and it hasn’t helped. My iron sat was low but ferratin and iron levels in range. This is more than mere shortness of breath. It’s full on muscular dysfunction as well which I’m not sure can be attributed to iron unless I’m mistaken.

Brian Douglas

Jan 29, 2022
I’ve supplemented iron and it hasn’t helped. My iron sat was low but ferratin and iron levels in range. This is more than mere shortness of breath. It’s full on muscular dysfunction as well which I’m not sure can be attributed to iron unless I’m mistaken.
The situation you're referring to is not low iron, it's that iron is no longer bound to hemoglobin, or at least substantially reduced. The hemoglobin can no longer transport oxygen as they used to. The lack of oxygen is what I'm referring to. I just don't know how to reverse this. NAC & serrepeptase are being touted as a corrective measure for alleged "spike" issues but I don't know about their effectiveness here.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I also forgot to ask, with blood serotonin already high would nicotinic acid increase it more ? I trust your opinion on this and will order some, I don’t have much to lose at this point.
I would have no problem guiding my family members this way. Just make sure to get pure nicotinic acid, some companies are cutting it with niacinamide and that is not what you want. I would advise them to start with 25mg after each meal and then slowly work their way up. When they get around 150mg I would advise them to start buffering to cut down on the acid load of the body.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I would look into mercury toxicity. GWS was caused by the jabs that were loaded with thimerasol {Hg], so if your symptoms mimic that, it is probably mercury related.
Not saying I know for sure, but Hg toxicity is often under-looked as the cause of many illnesses.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I would look into mercury toxicity. GWS was caused by the jabs that were loaded with thimerasol {Hg], so if your symptoms mimic that, it is probably mercury related.
Not saying I know for sure, but Hg toxicity is often under-looked as the cause of many illnesses.
Nicotinic acid for the win:

"Our results demonstrated that NA reduced adverse effects produced by MeHg."

"In contrast, niacin supplementation inhibited oxidative stress, which counteracted and minimized the toxic MeHg effects on mitochondria. "


Aug 28, 2023
Alright I’ll try that.

Is anybody familiar with cholinergic crisis ? I certainly had one while on the Huperzine and alpha and other stuff. I didn’t think the effects are permanent but I’m stating to read sometimes that a cholinergic crisis could cause permanent respiratory weakness without prompt treatment. Could I have permanently damaged myself this way ?


Aug 28, 2023
I would look into mercury toxicity. GWS was caused by the jabs that were loaded with thimerasol {Hg], so if your symptoms mimic that, it is probably mercury related.
Not saying I know for sure, but Hg toxicity is often under-looked as the cause of many illnesses.
Hm, you know I had recently swallowed mercury fillings at some point. I noticed they were gone and can’t recall spitting them out.

So mercury poisoning can cause breathing issues like mine ?


May 13, 2015
Hm, you know I had recently swallowed mercury fillings at some point. I noticed they were gone and can’t recall spitting them out.

So mercury poisoning can cause breathing issues like mine ?
Mercury fillings are very bad. They decay over time, crumble, fall out. During this time, mercury is inhaled into the body and absorbed. I've dealt with the after effects of mercury fillings that were placed in childhood, then removed the dangerous way, for many years. I've found high dose thiamine hcl very helpful in my case, also selenium.

suggested reading:
Rethinking mercury: the role of selenium in the pathophysiology of mercury toxicity - PubMed

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Hm, you know I had recently swallowed mercury fillings at some point. I noticed they were gone and can’t recall spitting them out.

So mercury poisoning can cause breathing issues like mine ?
There are so any symptoms that can be related to mercury toxicity. Check out this site, and look at the left side links for more info:


Aug 28, 2023
So because of my high serotonin levels they put me on Octreotide injections three times a day. It only made my diarrhea worse, and breathing/wheezing or muscle strength did not improve at all. So I don’t know if it’s either the medication isn’t lowering it enough or it’s just not serotonin being high/carcinoid syndrome doing this to me

Right now I’m planning on doing some acetylcholinesterase raising supplements like tyrosine and forskolin. If that doesn’t work I’ll try the nicotinic acid as suggested by Charlie. After that, after over a year straight of this ,I’ll probably call it quits on ever figuring this out.


Aug 28, 2023
@Dave Clark @mostlylurking @charlie

I mentioned to one you I had mercury fillings in my teeth. I think like three or maybe four. They were there since I was a child and only noticed they were missing near when my breathing issues began. I don’t recall spitting them out ever so I may have swallowed one or two I had no idea that mercury toxicity can vastly decrease the activity of acetylcholinesterase. So when I started taking all those acetylcholine raising supplements it makes sense that perhaps this sharp decline in acetylcholinesterase would prevent me from breaking down aceytlcholine and be causing this “permanent” bronchoconstriction and respiratory muscle weakness.

I have ordered forskolin because it helps increase acetylcholine but I think that’s not going to cut it alone. I think you guys were correct and this could be mercury toxicity and I am going to be approaching it like it is. Hopefully I can reverse this. If you have any pointers on how to best proceed detoxing this I’ll be happy to hear them. Nicotinic acid , maybe selenium? Glutathione or NAC?

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
@Dave Clark @mostlylurking @charlie

I mentioned to one you I had mercury fillings in my teeth. I think like three or maybe four. They were there since I was a child and only noticed they were missing near when my breathing issues began. I don’t recall spitting them out ever so I may have swallowed one or two I had no idea that mercury toxicity can vastly decrease the activity of acetylcholinesterase. So when I started taking all those acetylcholine raising supplements it makes sense that perhaps this sharp decline in acetylcholinesterase would prevent me from breaking down aceytlcholine and be causing this “permanent” bronchoconstriction and respiratory muscle weakness.

I have ordered forskolin because it helps increase acetylcholine but I think that’s not going to cut it alone. I think you guys were correct and this could be mercury toxicity and I am going to be approaching it like it is. Hopefully I can reverse this. If you have any pointers on how to best proceed detoxing this I’ll be happy to hear them. Nicotinic acid , maybe selenium? Glutathione or NAC?
I think most would say that taking a glutathione supplement might be useless, or at the very least expensive and not the best way to raise your GSH levels. NAC, selenium, would be helpful, and some binders or chelators that mop up mercury should most likely be used {I use modified citrus pectin, mostly because it has shown to work in studies and is a gentle detoxing agent}. But, arguably the best chelator to bind and permanently remove mercury from the body would be NBMI, designed by Dr. Boyd Haley. His compound is in the approval process, but most people are sourcing NBMI from FandaChem.
Most recent video of Dr. Haley going over NBMI:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2yUDM96B_Q


May 13, 2015
I mentioned to one you I had mercury fillings in my teeth. I think like three or maybe four. They were there since I was a child and only noticed they were missing near when my breathing issues began. I don’t recall spitting them out ever so I may have swallowed one or two I had no idea that mercury toxicity can vastly decrease the activity of acetylcholinesterase. So when I started taking all those acetylcholine raising supplements it makes sense that perhaps this sharp decline in acetylcholinesterase would prevent me from breaking down aceytlcholine and be causing this “permanent” bronchoconstriction and respiratory muscle weakness.
The exposure to the gaseous mercury that occurs when the mercury amalgam breaks down and is inhaled into the body is the main problem. The act of chewing activates the decomposition. This type of mercury that's inhaled is very toxic and passes into the brain. Having mercury amalgams AND gold inlays/crowns in your mouth at the same time sets up an electrolysis action that speeds up/increases the decomposition of the amalgam and the exposure/inhalation of the mercury. That happened to me; all 8 of my mercury amalgams crumbled out of my mouth. I suspect that inhaling the mercury in the gaseous state is more toxic than swallowing and passing the amalgam out of the body via defecation would be.

acetlycholinesterase reduces acetylcholine.

"Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is a cholinergic enzyme primarily found at postsynaptic neuromuscular junctions, especially in muscles and nerves. It immediately breaks down or hydrolyzes acetylcholine (ACh), a naturally occurring neurotransmitter, into acetic acid and choline.[1] The primary role of AChE is to terminate neuronal transmission and signaling between synapses to prevent ACh dispersal and activation of nearby receptors. Organophosphates inhibit AChE. They are an important component of pesticides and nerve agents."

I have no experience/knowledge about "all those acetylcholine raising supplements" that you took. I'm just not familiar with them, sorry. I have personally experienced massive improvements in my health and brain function from taking high dose thiamine hcl. Although there is disagreement regarding whether or not thiamine hcl gets into the brain, I believe Dr. Costantini, who used it to treat thousands of Parkinson's Disease patients. He said that if you flood the body with high doses of thiamine hcl, it gets through the blood brain barrier just fine. That was my own experience.

I have read that mercury has a strong affinity for sulfur. Sulfur is used for mercury environmental abatement.
"Sulfur and sulfide compounds stabilize and immobilize mercury, reducing the potential for toxicity."

The thiamine molecule includes a sulfur component. It is believed that one of the ways that mercury causes health damage is by destroying the thiamine molecule by combining to the sulfur part of it, thereby causing a thiamine deficiency. My main health issue for many years was thiamine deficiency. I now high dose thiamine hcl (1gram, 2Xday, in water only) and have experienced great benefit from it.

I have ordered forskolin because it helps increase acetylcholine but I think that’s not going to cut it alone. I think you guys were correct and this could be mercury toxicity and I am going to be approaching it like it is. Hopefully I can reverse this. If you have any pointers on how to best proceed detoxing this I’ll be happy to hear them. Nicotinic acid , maybe selenium? Glutathione or NAC?
watch this one:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NUIsDpvbjk

a warning : About 10 years ago, a doctor prescribed to me 500mg of pantothenic acid (B5). Like an idiot, I took one. It really messed me up for 48 hours. Evidently, pantothenic acid facilitates the release of free fatty acids into the blood stream. This is not a smart thing to do if your fatty acids are toxic (PUFA, toxin storage). I'm afraid to try it again because that one pill messed me up so bad.

I do take 200mcg selenium daily; I think it's helpful.

Thiamine hcl is known to increase glutathione. My glutathione level was in the ditch for many years. I got it tested again after high dosing thiamine hcl for about 6 months and learned that my glutathione status has normalized. Thiamine is known to massively reduce reactive oxygen species (oxidative stress); I think that this is how my glutathione level was able to normalize.

Please note that TTFD uses up glutathione. I was not able to tolerate it because of my low level of glutathione. So I chose to stick with the old fashioned thiamine hcl.
I think most would say that taking a glutathione supplement might be useless, or at the very least expensive and not the best way to raise your GSH levels.
Thiamine hcl normalized my glutathione status. Proven by blood tests after 6 months of high dose thiamine hcl. I follow Dr. Costantini's protocol.
NAC, selenium, would be helpful, and some binders or chelators that mop up mercury should most likely be used
Mercury binds to sulfur and also to selenium. The thiamine molecule includes a sulfur component.

NAC + selenium = selenocysteine. It is needed for thyroid hormone conversion of T4 to T3 via the deiodinases. I think that because mercury bonds to the available selenium, it interferes with thyroid hormone conversion (T4 to T3) which results in hypothyroidism.

Evidently, the NAC facilitates getting the selenium into the brain too. The amount used was surprisingly small.

But, arguably the best chelator to bind and permanently remove mercury from the body would be NBMI, designed by Dr. Boyd Haley. His compound is in the approval process, but most people are sourcing NBMI from FandaChem.

Warning: Counterfeit Emeramide sold illegally in EU & USA

Counterfeit Emeramide is being sold under our various trade names (OSR#1, NBMI, emeramide) and tests have shown that it is not emeramide. This is unsafe and illegal and we are continuously in contact with the various regulatory authorities to take action.

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Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Counterfeit Emeramide is being sold under our various trade names (OSR#1, NBMI, emeramide) and tests have shown that it is not emeramide. This is unsafe and illegal and we are continuously in contact with the various regulatory authorities to take action.


Of course that is possible, but it is also possible and probable that NBMI is being made and is tested to have acceptable purity levels, as is done by FandChem, who will provide COA if requested. Many are using this product with good results, I can't speak to legality. Go to the FB group Irminix/NBMO/Emeramide/OSR for more info.
It is normal for a company to not advocate some other company making a product that they themselves can't market.


Aug 28, 2023
@mostlylurking So it’s typically the inhaling not the swallowing that causes the issue? Well I suppose it makes no matter they’ve been in for so long that could have done it as well.

I guess maybe allithiamine might be best avoided since it can deplete glutathione


May 13, 2015
@mostlylurking So it’s typically the inhaling not the swallowing that causes the issue? Well I suppose it makes no matter they’ve been in for so long that could have done it as well.

I guess maybe allithiamine might be best avoided since it can deplete glutathione
Yes, allithiamine would probably deplete glutathione too since TTFD is a synthetic counterpart of allithiamine and TTFD is known to use glutathione.

I certainly think that swallowing mercury amalgam fillings would be detrimental. However, they probably passed right through you and are long gone. They probably fell out of your teeth because the mercury out-gassed and that caused the amalgam to crumble. Breathing the mercury into the lungs is the source for most of the contamination. So I'm pretty sure you got a load of mercury poisoning that would cause health issues.

My husband takes TTFD thiamine (200mg, daily) without any problems. It is known to chelate lead out of the body and has been very beneficial for him. Evidently, his glutathione levels weren't an issue even though his lead level (from breathing aviation gasoline exhaust fumes) was making him feel pretty awful. He likes TTFD because it comes in a capsule so there's no icky taste. He's never experienced any negative effects from it.
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Aug 28, 2023
Yes, allithiamine would probably deplete glutathione too since TTFD is a synthetic counterpart of allithiamine and TTFD is known to use glutathione.

I certainly think that swallowing mercury amalgam fillings would be detrimental. However, they probably passed right through you and are long gone. They probably fell out of your teeth because the mercury out-gassed and that caused the amalgam to crumble. Breathing the mercury into the lungs is the source for most of the contamination. So I'm pretty sure you got a load of mercury poisoning that would cause health issues.

My husband takes TTFD thiamine (200mg, daily) without any problems. It is known to chelate lead out of the body and has been very beneficial for him. Evidently, his glutathione levels weren't an issue even though his lead level (from breathing aviation gasoline exhaust fumes) was making him feel pretty awful. He likes TTFD because it comes in a capsule so there's no icky taste. He's never experienced any negative effects from it.
I Have a bottle of selenium here that I might get into. I’m not entirely sure if it needs iodine (which I also have). I don’t think people here recommend iodine supplementation though. Can you take selenium without it ?


May 13, 2015
I Have a bottle of selenium here that I might get into. I’m not entirely sure if it needs iodine (which I also have). I don’t think people here recommend iodine supplementation though. Can you take selenium without it ?
I'm taking selenium without iodine. But then I'm on prescription desiccated thyroid which includes iodine and I've been tested for iodine which showed I had plenty. I don't know why you wouldn't be able to take selenium without iodine.


Aug 10, 2014
I don't know much about Octreotide but a quick look at the Wikipedia page suggests it's not something I would ever want to take. Especially as it has to be injected.

If your serotonin is high and cyproheptadine doesn't agree with you why not consider using thyroid to lower it?

Thyroid is the best thing for controlling serotonin's effects.

[Can anti-serotonin drugs permanently fix a problem, even if taken only for a short while?] Yes, but it's important to keep adjusting thyroid and progesterone according to temperature, pulse, etc.

For your respiratory symptoms you could consider the antihistamine Ketotifen:

So there's three safe things that could help: thyroid, progesterone and ketotifen. And not eating things that upset your gut because that can cause breathing problems or make existing ones worse.

Vitamin D too. You can take up to 10,000IU of that a day without any toxicity.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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