X-rays and 3-D Dental X-rays per below


Dec 11, 2020
Hello. I am supposed to go to a biological dentist later whose xray regimen is per below. She is evidently an excellent and skilled dentist and boilogical; yet she goes crazy with the x-rays and gives people a homeopathic after them to "detox" them. I dont really buy that aspect but i am trying to get to the bottom of what is going on with my teeth as I have sinus symptoms that I think are related; yet I am torn on the required roster of x-rays per below. Does anyone have any input on this:

"We're so sorry to hear that! We can take the 2D x-rays (FMX) with the protective vest with the thyroid collar tight and in place. However, for the 3D x-ray (CBCT) we can't use the vest or collar, it causes scatter so we wouldn't be able to evaluate from the imaging. The machine for CBCT that we have is the Planmeca Ultra Low Dose and only scans the jaw to the top of the head, it does not interfere with the thyroid or require a vest and/or collar to be worn for protection.

Can we take the CBCT without a vest and collar, but use it for the FMX? "



Dec 11, 2020
I went ahead and did this horrid x-ray regimen as need to get to the bottom of my dental enigma. I insisted on the protective vest with the collar for all of them, including the CBCT. I am unusually chemically sensitive; but I had a horrid reaction and am still recovering 3 days later. I could taste the x-rays in m mouth and still do three days later. Never again. I took all the measures discussed here- aspirin, thyroid, progesterone, MB- immediately before and immediately after and continuing. The office even gives a homeopathic that is supposed to detox the x-rays which I know is probably preposterous but did it anyway. I know how toxic x-ray is but when you have an unusual dental issue and need help, I dont know how to get around it.


Mar 17, 2021
oh and red light for an hour right after and continuing at home
Did you recover after all? I just had a CBCT scan and i think it was one of the gravest mistakes of my life. It wasn't even done correctly. I'm a hypochondriac but I truly feel off. I almost broke down in tears an hour ago because I can't fall asleep. Thanks.


Dec 11, 2020
Did you recover after all? I just had a CBCT scan and i think it was one of the gravest mistakes of my life. It wasn't even done correctly. I'm a hypochondriac but I truly feel off. I almost broke down in tears an hour ago because I can't fall asleep. Thanks.
Well I got over the acute effects obviously it's been over a year and a half now for me but I don't know whether you know the radiation from things like that has long-term lingering effects I'm possibly still dealing with those so it is a question I have as well and I will not be getting any more X-rays. I had to do a lot during the time that I was writing here because I had to have a tooth pulled and that was last June through around October of 2021 I feel like I had way too many X-rays and I've just decided to take a long break now hopefully it'll even out to just abstain for a while and with all that we know and we do with our philosophy hopefully we counteract radiation damage. Dr Peat has mentioned that making yourself hyperthyroid for a while can reverse radiation damage so I don't know I feel like I've done that a few times something to think about I suppose


Aug 9, 2015
Getting x-rayed like 7 times at the dentist when I was 21 without blanket or thyroid shield sent me into a 2 year spiral down health wise and probably took me anoyher to 2 climb out and plateau at 25

Thyroid was greatly effected


Dec 11, 2020
Getting x-rayed like 7 times at the dentist when I was 21 without blanket or thyroid shield sent me into a 2 year spiral down health wise and probably took me anoyher to 2 climb out and plateau at 25

Thyroid was greatly effected
I'm sorry that happened to you. I will say I've always had the shields all the way over my body and my neck sometimes I wear two of them so I'm not really concerned about it affecting my thyroid per se it's just I feel effects of the radiation as if it were like a chemical reaction but never directly exposed with my organs or anything oh
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