Wine Causing Vomiting. Allergy, Endotoxin?


Apr 5, 2016
Hey guys. I have a friend in his early twenties who has recently become allergic to wine. Whenever he drinks wine he vomits it a few minutes later. Originally it was just red wine but now it is also white wine. other forms of alcohol do not seem to give him this problem. He is the typical twenty something college student so he parties quite a bit and probably eats a bit too much junk good but is otherwise healthy. He was a high level college athlete.

My first thoughts were something that was endotoxin related but the fact that he vomits pretty much immediately after he drinks wine makes me think otherwise.

I am not too familiar with what peats views are on allergies any help would be appreciated.

One thing to note that might be relevant. he's had quite a few serious sports injuries that required him to be put on opioids, don't know if those could somehow have had an impact.

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