Why did ray peat die at 86? Serious


Feb 18, 2018
As Ray would say the naturopathic health community isn't really free from the influence of false ideas. So it is caveat emptor or "buyer beware," as I have personally experienced. The naturopathic doctor I recommended to my brother-in-law, who was very helpful when my mom was very sick with flu 12 years ago, who at eighty then, was able to get well and avoid the risk of being confined in the hospital prison. This time though, he recommended taking a phytoestrogen from soy, called genistein, for prostate cancer. We all know the role of estrogen in cancer, and it pains me to see mybown naturopathic doctor being oblivious to the pharma lie of estrogen being the answer to cancer.

I've long since decided to be my own doctor. And without Ray Peat I would be in the dark on so many things. And still, I had to do research that Ray hadn't covered. And even then, I had to wing it when there wasn't definitive research on the subject. I even had to take a gamble when I decided twenty years ago not to take any blood pressure lowering medication and I stuck to that decision as my blood pressure continued to go to what most people would consider shockingly insane high levels. But through it, and despite that, my health has never deteriorated. And even improved.

Still, I wasn't reckless. I made an educated decision that is simply contrary to conventional wisdom, but it made sense when I read Peat's writing on the role of albumin in increasing plasma volume to increase blood volume and lower blood pressure. Knowing my albumin was lower than its healthy levels, I made the case that my high BP levels were the result of low blood volume caused by low serum albumin. The cause of this I would figure out as well. But with less blood to go around, the BP had to be increased to compensate for low blood volume. And this was the right analysis.

Had I taken BP medication, I would not be feeding my organs, especially the liver, kidneys, and heart, with adequate blood-delivered nutrients and not transporting enough metabolic wastes from the cells for excretion. I would be more sick, which I believe is the case with many people taking BP medication, with increases degeneration in their vital organs.

The point I make here is that it had to be me making the decision, taking a gamble and owning the process of making that decision. No doctor would take that risk for me, for obvious reasons that has mostly to do with the risk of being sued. Do what everyone is doing, even when you know it doesn't work, as that hisnhow the risk-reward game is played in the litigious environment we are in.

A deeper point is that the system cannot be trusted to save one from a chronic condition that leads to early disability and death. You could go to a mechanic to fix your car, and have great confidence it will be fixed and that will be the end of the story. That same thinking cannot apply to getting your body fixed. More often than not, your body will get worse. Your life will be ruined.

I wish I didn't have to spend so much time. trying to fix myself, and simply wish I could delegate that to someone I can trust to take care of my health above his risk of being sued. But the world as it is now makes that wishful thinking.

Ray Peat is hard reading, and I had to go through that like I'm earning a college degree. But it's not for everyone to go through. The sad thing is that those who understand Ray Peat's ideas well can really only help themselves. Because it takes a lot of effort arguing Peat's case to sick people, even people who in other matters will trust me. I stand helpless seeing a friend die of cancer and not being in any position to help because I can't force him to believe me, nor would I dare tell him to trust me.

Sorry if I went off-tangent and made this a very long post. Ray Peat is a gift, and he didn't start out knowing what he would become, but he now is a folk hero not by design but by accident. How the planets would align for another Ray Peat to capture our minds and our hearts would have to come out of the bossom of the Almighty.

Your skepticism is well valid but I don’t believe that no doctor will ever break the mold. For instance, Dr. Saladino, while a social media influencer, is adamant about the diet/health connection, and frequently speaks out about how our food and environment affects our health, and how a large number of people can improve their health through consumption of quality foods and avoid many of the chronic illnesses we face.

So I do believe that there will be more people, especially younger people, who see the system as broken, and without a family or any need to buy into it, and chasing fame, may very well be vocal and willing to go against the grain. These people may come from the medical establishment but they won’t be currently active in it. I also agree with you about the futility of most doctors in the medical establishment. I went to the doctor for a physical and told them about my insomnia and was given a prescription for SSRIs :(

There are also more popular physicians who speak about the role trauma and our culture play in propagating or damaging health, such as Gabor Mate, and how we have an increasingly sick society with sick people and the establishment is doing a very poor job at treating. Ultimately, if we stick to objective facts, which is what science is about, we can use these objective facts as logical points in debates with establishment to show them just how futile their line of thinking is, and anytime their ego rises with the advances of their practices, they can be critically reminded of their futility in treating chronic illnesses and their complete inability to find cures there. Thus they can be humbled in their knowledge and their ability to treat sick people, and in doing so open up a vector for dialogue about the nature in which a human is sick and what is the most optimal path to healing.

all this to say I’m hope I’m as successful as you are at healing myself. I am cautiously observing that I am now dealing with what must be an early onset neurodegenerative disease, and so will be navigating this all much more seriously than I have in the past, but still am open to navigating this process through the medical establishment, at least for the ability to obtain an accurate diagnosis as to what exactly I am facing to then objectively take the correct measures. Above all I am looking to maintain my being in peaceful/tranquil states, so as even if I completely lose my mind, I’ll be like a meditating peaceful madmen until death takes me. I know things like cannabis, kava root, ashwaganda, etc… can powerfully calm down my being, and bring me into more calm, meditative states, which can go a long way in maintaining my sanity and rational line of thinking and mitigating cortisol and stress responses in the body, which may be enough to stymie the disease.


Jan 23, 2017
As Ray would say the naturopathic health community isn't really free from the influence of false ideas. So it is caveat emptor or "buyer beware," as I have personally experienced. The naturopathic doctor I recommended to my brother-in-law, who was very helpful when my mom was very sick with flu 12 years ago, who at eighty then, was able to get well and avoid the risk of being confined in the hospital prison. This time though, he recommended taking a phytoestrogen from soy, called genistein, for prostate cancer. We all know the role of estrogen in cancer, and it pains me to see mybown naturopathic doctor being oblivious to the pharma lie of estrogen being the answer to cancer.

I've long since decided to be my own doctor. And without Ray Peat I would be in the dark on so many things. And still, I had to do research that Ray hadn't covered. And even then, I had to wing it when there wasn't definitive research on the subject. I even had to take a gamble when I decided twenty years ago not to take any blood pressure lowering medication and I stuck to that decision as my blood pressure continued to go to what most people would consider shockingly insane high levels. But through it, and despite that, my health has never deteriorated. And even improved.

Still, I wasn't reckless. I made an educated decision that is simply contrary to conventional wisdom, but it made sense when I read Peat's writing on the role of albumin in increasing plasma volume to increase blood volume and lower blood pressure. Knowing my albumin was lower than its healthy levels, I made the case that my high BP levels were the result of low blood volume caused by low serum albumin. The cause of this I would figure out as well. But with less blood to go around, the BP had to be increased to compensate for low blood volume. And this was the right analysis.

Had I taken BP medication, I would not be feeding my organs, especially the liver, kidneys, and heart, with adequate blood-delivered nutrients and not transporting enough metabolic wastes from the cells for excretion. I would be more sick, which I believe is the case with many people taking BP medication, with increases degeneration in their vital organs.

The point I make here is that it had to be me making the decision, taking a gamble and owning the process of making that decision. No doctor would take that risk for me, for obvious reasons that has mostly to do with the risk of being sued. Do what everyone is doing, even when you know it doesn't work, as that hisnhow the risk-reward game is played in the litigious environment we are in.

A deeper point is that the system cannot be trusted to save one from a chronic condition that leads to early disability and death. You could go to a mechanic to fix your car, and have great confidence it will be fixed and that will be the end of the story. That same thinking cannot apply to getting your body fixed. More often than not, your body will get worse. Your life will be ruined.

I wish I didn't have to spend so much time. trying to fix myself, and simply wish I could delegate that to someone I can trust to take care of my health above his risk of being sued. But the world as it is now makes that wishful thinking.

Ray Peat is hard reading, and I had to go through that like I'm earning a college degree. But it's not for everyone to go through. The sad thing is that those who understand Ray Peat's ideas well can really only help themselves. Because it takes a lot of effort arguing Peat's case to sick people, even people who in other matters will trust me. I stand helpless seeing a friend die of cancer and not being in any position to help because I can't force him to believe me, nor would I dare tell him to trust me.

Sorry if I went off-tangent and made this a very long post. Ray Peat is a gift, and he didn't start out knowing what he would become, but he now is a folk hero not by design but by accident. How the planets would align for another Ray Peat to capture our minds and our hearts would have to come out of the bossom of the Almighty.

Eloquent and intelligent, thank you for sharing.


May 30, 2018
You'd think that if you believe in a treatment modality enough to personally follow it, it would be easy to tell others to follow it too. Yet in the end it's easier to accept the consequences of unwittingly harming yourself than others. I don't understand how doctors do it day after day. They must really trust in their methods beyond all doubt.
I agree but I would have no problem advising Depleted Deuterium Water to someone, at least as a .
I may be wrong though, maybe it can have


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Mar 29, 2016
You'd think that if you believe in a treatment modality enough to personally follow it, it would be easy to tell others to follow it too. Yet in the end it's easier to accept the consequences of unwittingly harming yourself than others. I don't understand how doctors do it day after day. They must really trust in their methods beyond all doubt.
I think it is no different than being a corporal in the chain of command. Don't ask, just follow orders, or suffer the consequences. Career disruption, castigation by peers, repossession of home and car, loss of prestige, becoming low on the totem pole, divorce - these are just a few.

But living a lie has its own internal consequences, especially when it involves causing the accelerated yet slow dying of patients. They find solace and comfort in shared misery with fellow doctors as they enjoy each other's company in listening to pharma-sponsored symposia in expensive resorts. They know the dark undercurrent flowing in each other's veins.
Last edited:


Mar 29, 2016
Your skepticism is well valid but I don’t believe that no doctor will ever break the mold. For instance, Dr. Saladino, while a social media influencer, is adamant about the diet/health connection, and frequently speaks out about how our food and environment affects our health, and how a large number of people can improve their health through consumption of quality foods and avoid many of the chronic illnesses we face.

So I do believe that there will be more people, especially younger people, who see the system as broken, and without a family or any need to buy into it, and chasing fame, may very well be vocal and willing to go against the grain. These people may come from the medical establishment but they won’t be currently active in it. I also agree with you about the futility of most doctors in the medical establishment. I went to the doctor for a physical and told them about my insomnia and was given a prescription for SSRIs :(

There are also more popular physicians who speak about the role trauma and our culture play in propagating or damaging health, such as Gabor Mate, and how we have an increasingly sick society with sick people and the establishment is doing a very poor job at treating. Ultimately, if we stick to objective facts, which is what science is about, we can use these objective facts as logical points in debates with establishment to show them just how futile their line of thinking is, and anytime their ego rises with the advances of their practices, they can be critically reminded of their futility in treating chronic illnesses and their complete inability to find cures there. Thus they can be humbled in their knowledge and their ability to treat sick people, and in doing so open up a vector for dialogue about the nature in which a human is sick and what is the most optimal path to healing.
These are glitters of hope, but these well- intentioned and well-studied doctors are butterflies in a wasteland of garbage teeming with flies. The system keeps churning out fly doctors together with garbage. And it's not that the system is made with good intentions in mind, and because of that, nothing that improves our well-being ever sees the light of day in that system. I am not as hopeful as you in thinking there would be a bottom-up change in the system because the masses of new doctors are getting smarter. On the contrary, the education system is making them mostly dumber and dumber. They are more and more at best good-hearted drug pushers for legal toxic drugs, useful idiots mostly but vile mass murderers are among them, with the hospital as their vertical killing fields.

The tyranny of the brainwashed and moronic will prevail by outright overwhelming majority. A smart lemming can't help but be pushed over the cliff by the stampede of typical lemmings.


Mar 29, 2016
all this to say I’m hope I’m as successful as you are at healing myself. I am cautiously observing that I am now dealing with what must be an early onset neurodegenerative disease, and so will be navigating this all much more seriously than I have in the past, but still am open to navigating this process through the medical establishment, at least for the ability to obtain an accurate diagnosis as to what exactly I am facing to then objectively take the correct measures. Above all I am looking to maintain my being in peaceful/tranquil states, so as even if I completely lose my mind, I’ll be like a meditating peaceful madmen until death takes me. I know things like cannabis, kava root, ashwaganda, etc… can powerfully calm down my being, and bring me into more calm, meditative states, which can go a long way in maintaining my sanity and rational line of thinking and mitigating cortisol and stress responses in the body, which may be enough to stymie the disease.
You're too kind. I won't deny I'm relatively successful but there was a long time where I still doubted my approach of not taking bp drugs. I was ever watchful of signs that would tell me to bail out and embrace pharma bp lowering drugs. Thankfully, those signs never came and I came upon Ray Peat and I felt more justified in my approach after that. But truth be told, I wrote him about what I was doing but he didn't want to commit to an answer. Him not answering was his way of telling me that it's my context and he would neither dissuade nor encourage me on. I understood that and never pestered him anymore about it. He knows all too well what can happen to him when he commits to a position contrary to the establishment's. And I have to aware of the legal context of current society and be aware of its implications when people put something in writing or in a recording. The bill of rights notwithstanding, free speech is overrated in the US. Other places without a constitution and without shysters making and interpreting laws for them have more freedom to speak.

I hope you can find some light at the end of the tunnel for what you call neurological issues. It's not an area I have ever dealt with so I can't be of much help in offering advice. However, my experience with a neurologist gives me room to question neuroscience as it is practiced.

It is about my late mom, hospitalized conscious and talking becoming in a state of coma after a series of treatments. It came to a conclusion with the attending neurologist saying my mom's day were numbered, and that she should be committed to a hospice to await her last day. To buttress her opinion, she wanted to do an EEG to which I declined because her conclusion had already been made. It only would serve to prove she is right and my siblings' deference to the Almighty EEG would be too hard for me to overcome in convincing them my mom still can wake up from her coma.

I've told this story before but it still bears repeating for you. The next ten days we pigeon-fed our mom with a food blend that contained plenty of sugar and magnesium and she was able to walk out of the hospital soon after While she was recuperating from that episode, many interns were going into her room . I can only hope that she was Exhibit A on how wrong the neurologist was. Too bad no one asked me what was in the food that made my mom recover. They probably thought my mom lucked out.

Once again, Ray Peat was right. Sugar and magnesium.

Not that this episode directly applies to your context.


Jun 16, 2021
If Masterjohn just TAKES OFF HIS GLASSES his health and hairline would vastly improve but alas he is a glassescel and instead we have his followers making high-serotonin posts on the forum
Did Ray's spectacles finish him off?


Apr 21, 2021
I admire what Ray accomplished with the vitality he cultivated in his 40''s-80's. It seems he gave himself a powerful enough second wind to accomplish the goals he had for his life starting from damaged health. I don't think extreme longevity of his own body was ever his priority goal. His focus was more on experimentation for what could improve bioenergetics of humanity for the most people and have the greatest impact on the trajectory of culture and politics.
Love this


Mar 20, 2021
Its unlikely I will make it to 86 even obsessing over life extension hacks. I'm 6'5'. Rare us tall guys live that long. I'm focused more on maximizing my vitality now and making the most of it to leave the mark I'd like to. If that helps me live longer than normal that's great, but I'm not counting on it. I admire what Ray accomplished with the vitality he cultivated in his 40''s-80's. It seems he gave himself a powerful enough second wind to accomplish the goals he had for his life starting from damaged health. I don't think extreme longevity of his own body was ever his priority goal. His focus was more on experimentation for what could improve bioenergetics of humanity for the most people and have the greatest impact on the trajectory of culture and politics.
But SO lovely to look UP at a man 😌, something I don't get to do often at 5'11"....


Jan 23, 2017
But SO lovely to look UP at a man 😌, something I don't get to do often at 5'11"....
I'm 6'. If that's not tall enough to look up to a man, I am willing to stand on something while you are looking at me.


Jan 23, 2017
These are glitters of hope, but these well- intentioned and well-studied doctors are butterflies in a wasteland of garbage teeming with flies. The system keeps churning out fly doctors together with garbage. And it's not that the system is made with good intentions in mind, and because of that, nothing that improves our well-being ever sees the light of day in that system. I am not as hopeful as you in thinking there would be a bottom-up change in the system because the masses of new doctors are getting smarter. On the contrary, the education system is making them mostly dumber and dumber. They are more and more at best good-hearted drug pushers for legal toxic drugs, useful idiots mostly but vile mass murderers are among them, with the hospital as their vertical killing fields.

The tyranny of the brainwashed and moronic will prevail by outright overwhelming majority. A smart lemming can't help but be pushed over the cliff by the stampede of typical lemmings.
Idiocracy. A documentary about the American future at the time it was made. Which has now arrived, and in early stages.


Jan 23, 2017
You're too kind. I won't deny I'm relatively successful but there was a long time where I still doubted my approach of not taking bp drugs. I was ever watchful of signs that would tell me to bail out and embrace pharma bp lowering drugs. Thankfully, those signs never came and I came upon Ray Peat and I felt more justified in my approach after that. But truth be told, I wrote him about what I was doing but he didn't want to commit to an answer. Him not answering was his way of telling me that it's my context and he would neither dissuade nor encourage me on. I understood that and never pestered him anymore about it. He knows all too well what can happen to him when he commits to a position contrary to the establishment's. And I have to aware of the legal context of current society and be aware of its implications when people put something in writing or in a recording. The bill of rights notwithstanding, free speech is overrated in the US. Other places without a constitution and without shysters making and interpreting laws for them have more freedom to speak.

I hope you can find some light at the end of the tunnel for what you call neurological issues. It's not an area I have ever dealt with so I can't be of much help in offering advice. However, my experience with a neurologist gives me room to question neuroscience as it is practiced.

It is about my late mom, hospitalized conscious and talking becoming in a state of coma after a series of treatments. It came to a conclusion with the attending neurologist saying my mom's day were numbered, and that she should be committed to a hospice to await her last day. To buttress her opinion, she wanted to do an EEG to which I declined because her conclusion had already been made. It only would serve to prove she is right and my siblings' deference to the Almighty EEG would be too hard for me to overcome in convincing them my mom still can wake up from her coma.

I've told this story before but it still bears repeating for you. The next ten days we pigeon-fed our mom with a food blend that contained plenty of sugar and magnesium and she was able to walk out of the hospital soon after While she was recuperating from that episode, many interns were going into her room . I can only hope that she was Exhibit A on how wrong the neurologist was. Too bad no one asked me what was in the food that made my mom recover. They probably thought my mom lucked out.

Once again, Ray Peat was right. Sugar and magnesium.

Not that this episode directly applies to your context.
"It is about my late mom, hospitalized conscious and talking becoming in a state of coma after a series of treatments. It came to a conclusion with the attending neurologist saying my mom's day were numbered, and that she should be committed to a hospice to await her last day. To buttress her opinion, she wanted to do an EEG to which I declined because her conclusion had already been made. It only would serve to prove she is right and my siblings' deference to the Almighty EEG would be too hard for me to overcome in convincing them my mom still can wake up from her coma.

I've told this story before but it still bears repeating for you. The next ten days we pigeon-fed our mom with a food blend that contained plenty of sugar and magnesium and she was able to walk out of the hospital soon after While she was recuperating from that episode, many interns were going into her room . I can only hope that she was Exhibit A on how wrong the neurologist was. Too bad no one asked me what was in the food that made my mom recover. They probably thought my mom lucked out.

Once again, Ray Peat was right. Sugar and magnesium."

Wonderful and inspiring story. You are not only a paragon for yourself, regarding the healing journey, but, in this example with your mom, it's obvious you are for others too. Like Ray Peat himself,


Mar 20, 2021
I'm 6'. If that's not tall enough to look up to a man, I am willing to stand on something while you are looking at me.
Sounds perfect😏.
I met my husband at a blackjack table, about 24 years ago. He was the dealer and he was standing on an elevated something or other behind the table. I thought he was about 5 inches taller than me. When he picked me up for our first date I was shocked to see that he is actually an inch shorter than me 😆... Needless to say, lots of other things were amazing so the height issue became a non-issue.

However as we have aged, he swears I've gotten taller and even my doctor agreed that I have grown an inch. I think it happened about 5 years ago during a time when I was stretching a lot and weight lifting..... My posture improved too.

Anyway, kind of cool but now I notice how short most men are (compared to me) I guess. It's fabulous in a crowd or a concerts...

purple pill

Nov 19, 2022
United Kingdom
I wish I didn't have to spend so much time. trying to fix myself, and simply wish I could delegate that to someone I can trust to take care of my health above his risk of being sued. But the world as it is now makes that wishful thinking.
This right here! The amount of different diets, supplements, research, trials and errors made over the years by myself and the dissapointments before this of going to doctors and dentists looking for some sound advice or ways to resolve various issues with health is infuriating especially with the inflated egos these "proffesionals" have with pretty much zero practical information to give other than to swallow some experimental chemical and hope for the best. The information from Ray peat, haidut and other members of this forum have been 1000x more valuable than anything offered by any health proffesional or any other self proclaimed health master found on the internet.


Sep 21, 2014
I met my husband at a blackjack table, about 24 years ago. He was the dealer [...]
That sounds like the beginning of a mob movie. Goodfellas II or something like that, this time with the wife as the narrator.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
There are many other factors than diet that can cause death. Infected teeth or a root canal treatment gone wrong can cause havoc on your health. The bacteria can cause inflammation of the heart vessels or can destroy a heart valve due to the formation of bacterial biofilm. This may be prevented by strengthening the blood’s Zeta Potential. Chlorine dioxide can easily penetrate those biofilms but it can’t get rid of an infection of a tooth. I am just having an issue with a root infected tooth. I rinsed with chlorine dioxide and also ingested it, it may have kept it from getting worse but it is still infected.

I am getting a root canal treatment tomorrow. I am aware of the risk. If my health, especially cardiovascular health, declines then the tooth has to go. A friend of mine had a root canal treatment, immediately after that she developed high blood pressure. I told her that this was most probably due the root canal treatment. Over the course of maybe two years, the infection went into her lower yaw, she recently had to have the tooth extracted. Now I expect her blood pressure to normalize. I also told her about Zeta Aid. But I am not a doctor, so she didn’t listen to me. I hope she will get better.

Zeta Aid strengthens the colloidal suspension of the blood, it literally charges up the blood particles. Due to the increase electrostatic repulsion, bacteria can’t settle onto the arterial walls, and if already present, they get dissolved. I think the chlorine dioxide will help with destroying the biofilms, too.
Apr 25, 2018
That is often a popular idea on this forum, but Ray Peat and his followers are no threat at all to the powers that be. If this was a huge movement, then yes, I could understand it being a threat. In the grand scheme of things, quite honestly, nobody cares about Ray Peat or the Ray Peat Forum.

Also, with the directed energy thing. If you've pissed somebody off, why would they not just give you a fatal heart attack straight away instead of wasting years of their own life trolling you? I used to be like you. Thinking that people were using that stuff against me. But after doing night shifts, and realising that these physical sensations are 24/7, random, and have no logic, I've come to realise that these sensations are just my own deranged central nervous system (which is screwed following my previous drug abuse). Saying that, I had three acute psychotic episodes over a period of weeks, and since then I've been left with the physical changes. In schizophrenia, these things are classed as 'tactile hallucinations'.
Appreciate the gaslighting but I don't think you know what you're talking about and ive talked to SEVERAL people that have experienced the effects of this technology including the mind control stuff, you honestly think a country that DGAF about its people who force people to get risky vaccinations in Canada they allow people euthanize themselves from DEPRESSION but experimenting with microwave energy on its citizens is somehow impossible and simply a "mental illness". Bill Clinton admitted to the fact that we had been experimenting on people and the only think that really happened was an apology. So you calling it trolling is naive at best and dishonest at worst -- they have funds to literally track us nonstop and literally have 10s of thousands of people on the terrorist "watch list" who have zero affiliation to anything but its about authoritarian power.

Do you work for the government? :tearsofjoy:


Apr 29, 2018
There are many other factors than diet that can cause death. Infected teeth or a root canal treatment gone wrong can cause havoc on your health. The bacteria can cause inflammation of the heart vessels or can destroy a heart valve due to the formation of bacterial biofilm. This may be prevented by strengthening the blood’s Zeta Potential. Chlorine dioxide can easily penetrate those biofilms but it can’t get rid of an infection of a tooth. I am just having an issue with a root infected tooth. I rinsed with chlorine dioxide and also ingested it, it may have kept it from getting worse but it is still infected.

I am getting a root canal treatment tomorrow. I am aware of the risk. If my health, especially cardiovascular health, declines then the tooth has to go. A friend of mine had a root canal treatment, immediately after that she developed high blood pressure. I told her that this was most probably due the root canal treatment. Over the course of maybe two years, the infection went into her lower yaw, she recently had to have the tooth extracted. Now I expect her blood pressure to normalize. I also told her about Zeta Aid. But I am not a doctor, so she didn’t listen to me. I hope she will get better.

Zeta Aid strengthens the colloidal suspension of the blood, it literally charges up the blood particles. Due to the increase electrostatic repulsion, bacteria can’t settle onto the arterial walls, and if already present, they get dissolved. I think the chlorine dioxide will help with destroying the biofilms, too.

I had a low grade infection coming from a root canal for several years, and only very experienced dentists could detect it, the symptoms started as persistent back pain and heart symptoms, especially after cocaine use, which never happened to me before, the LPS and cocaine metabolites made palpitations and hangover feelings last for days. Fortunately, on the echocardiogram I had recently the doctor said that my heart was in perfect condition. Now regarding Peat, low protein intake and antibiotics leads to B12 deficiency, that could cause homocysteine to rise, and he advocated root canals as opposed to extraction, so it's likely he had a few..
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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