What's Your Biggest Frustration With Your Health/ 'Peat Lifestyle' Right Now?


Apr 26, 2014
As the Title suggests, What's Is Your Biggest Frustration With Your Health/ 'Peat Lifestyle' Right Now?

I would really like to gather momentum in bringing the wide-range of posts and answers together, and perhaps create sub-communities of issues/conditions etc.

The problem with Peat as I see and this forum (in my opinion), is that there is no centrality. Scrolling through old posts, finding the answers to questions that have been answered time and time again. Over the next few months, that’s something we could change.

Very interested to hear as many altering responses as possible.


Jun 12, 2013
I think it's a good idea, and not the first time it's been brought up. Below is part of a post from four months ago where member Haidut suggested something similar that never really got addressed beyond that, and hopefully he won't mind me placing some of it below. From this thread: A Reply to Ray Peat on Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency

"...If somebody still doubts Ray's points I challenge you to simply go through my posts from the beginning of my membership and simply skim through them. I have posted studies from all over the world, from people not even remotely related to Peat's work, mostly confirming his views, often DECADES after the man expressed them! Also, keep in mind that I simply posted them as things came through the news naturally. So, it's not like I went searching for those things for a few weeks and amassed a pro-Peat collection from the news archives.

I think it is high time for the main section of the forum to move on to more practical questions such as the effects of specific diet (always low in PUFA) on specific biomakers of health for specific individuals. The main goal of the forum should be (IMHO) to help people solve their specific problem, and not so much debate whether Ray has a point or not. The debate probably still has some merits but it is better served by being moved to the "Alternatives" to Peat section. The man is right, get over it! The much BIGGER point here is HOW to take his generally correct ideas and turn them into actionable steps that work for everybody. Another big question would be why some people seem to not be improving on Peat diet. So, things that will have to be addressed are potential chronic infections, nutritional deficiencies, inflammation, etc.
I don't have a solid solution to this issue yet, but I think we can benefit from creating a database of sorts similar to the graphic from the website FPS where they have two sections - "Efficient Metabolism", and "Non-Efficient Metabolism". Then they have a decent list of both foods and supplements that promote or inhibit the proper metabolism. We have collectively posted enough studies on this forum to build a sizeable repository of helpful interventions. Incidentally, this will have the added benefit that once you stat seeing the interplay of nutrients, metabolism, health, and specific conditions you will quickly see and understand for yourself not only that Ray is right about 99% of his stuff, but why he is right. When you see the antagonism between things like niacinamide and resveratrol you will understand that only one of the two can be beneficial for the organism as a supplement. Combining this knowledge with the failed clinical trials of resveratrol and the success of niacinamide in a number of conditions, you will have no choice but to agree with Peat, at least in principle. And when you see how estrogenic resveratrol is, you will agree with Peat on his ideas about estrogen as well. And when you see how estrogen promotes cortisol, serotonin, and prolactin and the havoc that they wreak then you will have to agree with Peat on those issues too. Anyways, you get my point.
I think there will also be a great interest in creating a section for specific conditions that people struggle with and what supplements/drugs may be helpful. This will probably create a huge influx of visitors to the site, but will also draw attention from FDA. So, it has to be handled very very carefully as to not suggest treatments or diagnosis. Simply a list of studies on supplements/drugs, condition, effectiveness, dosage, duration, etc...."


Jun 12, 2013
To answer your original question, a lingering problem I'm trying to correct is producing more endogenous progesterone and also increase metabolism a little more. I recently upped my caffeine to try to help and will report if it helps or not.


Jul 29, 2014
My problem has to do with diets in general.

Diets have become the new "religion". People form little cliques, band together and shun other groups. It seems to be a natural thing that humans do (probably a survival thing), but I personally want to be passed all that. It should be about unraveling the truth. I do feel like the Peat community is generally very open minded (you almost have to be), and my gripe is not with any specific diet community, but with the idea that if my wife and I make new friends or something, the odds are they are following some other kind of "diet". They are Vegan or don't eat dairy or only eat meat and no carbohydrates. If we invite them for dinner, what do we make? If we are invited for dinner, do we graciously eat what they serve? I don't mind eating one or two unhealthy meals, but if you don't let somebody know, then the charade will snowball. People get really emotional about it too (like religion) and defend their ideas, especially if they have children whom they have raised on a certain diet. If you contradict them then it's like you are saying they did a poor job with their childs diet.

I can't help but analyze every dish that is served. Even foods that I normally do eat might be lower quality versions. "Oh yay ice cream... oh wait it has like 6 kinds of gums in it, and it's called frozen dessert not ice cream." Some of the new substitute foods are even worse than the old versions. I wouldn't mind eating a piece of bread or a piece of pie (as long as the pie was made with butter) a few times a year, but now the bread is made with bean flour and the pie is made with some kind of nut flour.

So I guess it comes down to this: I am very happy with the way I eat and my "Peat" lifestyle, but I don't like offending people. I am actually working on this though. I'm trying to be more confident and more vocal about what I want and don't want (without being offensive and argumentative). I don't have to please everyone at my own expense.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
schultz said:
post 101049 My problem has to do with diets in general.

Diets have become the new "religion". People form little cliques, band together and shun other groups. It seems to be a natural thing that humans do (probably a survival thing), but I personally want to be passed all that. It should be about unraveling the truth. I do feel like the Peat community is generally very open minded (you almost have to be), and my gripe is not with any specific diet community, but with the idea that if my wife and I make new friends or something, the odds are they are following some other kind of "diet". They are Vegan or don't eat dairy or only eat meat and no carbohydrates. If we invite them for dinner, what do we make? If we are invited for dinner, do we graciously eat what they serve? I don't mind eating one or two unhealthy meals, but if you don't let somebody know, then the charade will snowball. People get really emotional about it too (like religion) and defend their ideas, especially if they have children whom they have raised on a certain diet. If you contradict them then it's like you are saying they did a poor job with their childs diet.

I can't help but analyze every dish that is served. Even foods that I normally do eat might be lower quality versions. "Oh yay ice cream... oh wait it has like 6 kinds of gums in it, and it's called frozen dessert not ice cream." Some of the new substitute foods are even worse than the old versions. I wouldn't mind eating a piece of bread or a piece of pie (as long as the pie was made with butter) a few times a year, but now the bread is made with bean flour and the pie is made with some kind of nut flour.

So I guess it comes down to this: I am very happy with the way I eat and my "Peat" lifestyle, but I don't like offending people. I am actually working on this though. I'm trying to be more confident and more vocal about what I want and don't want (without being offensive and argumentative). I don't have to please everyone at my own expense.
Sounds like a mild Danwichism..
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Aug 6, 2015
My problems is that I don't have enough money to eat more calories and try supplements and other things that I'm doing now. It can become very expensive.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Parsifal said:
post 101054 My problems is that I don't have enough money to eat more calories and try supplements and other things that I'm doing now. It can become very expensive.
Understand that feeling.
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Jul 14, 2013
Oxfordshire, UK
In one word: sugar: even from fruits. Any more than trivial amounts of fruit makes me put on weight. I've cut back severely, and finally I'm losing weight for the first time since being influenced by Ray Peat. I've also cut out honey, and I never did use granulated sugar.
And I've cut out juice.

Perhaps it doesn't work the same for everybody, but that's what seems to happen to me.

By the way, I never have got the Coke thing. I just thought it was Ray's little indulgence and an easy source of sugar (albeit refined) which seems to work for him, but I have the perception that some people think it is positively healthful. Does anyone think this? If so, why?


Apr 26, 2014
Thanks for all your responses thus far and as expected quite a range. Peata, I wasn't aware of Haiduts post on refining the forum or building a repository (ironic eh). He (think Haidut is a male?) mentions some really great ideas. I hadnt thought about the FDA or any other organisation for that matter. He has a point although it does give this whole forum a conspiracy like feel. Which I don't think it should be or really is. I guess the potential suspicion from such organisations would be in regard to supplementation. Especially those not FDA accredited or not available to buy OTC. Or those with a lack of clinical trials or research. I will think further into progressing this idea.

Shultz, your views run very similar to mine. In my own personal circumstances, I have had to 'relax' the diet on several occasions to integrate with my family and when socialising. Eating out at a restaurant can be incredibly difficult or impossible depending on the extremities of your dietary choices. I would expect this to be common unless you choose to live like a hermit or a recluse. A peat inspired diet, as great as it can be, can do that. It can isolate. In my opinion, this runs very counter productive to life, happiness and health. Perhaps a guide to eating intuitively whilst incorporating peat, or a way to 'reduce the damage' when socialising guide may be helpful?

Eating with Peat on a budget is something that could be started. As I am from the UK, the US market would be out of my scope. I guess the fundamental principles could be gauged as I assume prices are relatively stable across different economies.

The weight gain on sugar issue frequently occurs, but unfortunately there is always too many mechanisms and variables at play that can lead to this state. I also do not believe standardized or blanket approaches are optimal and for every contexts and scenario tailoring would be required. This therefore makes a solution very difficult but I will also explore the possibilities.


Apr 26, 2014
P.s. I plan to keep brainstorming. Would really like to push this on.


Jul 29, 2014
montmorency said:
In one word: sugar: even from fruits. Any more than trivial amounts of fruit makes me put on weight. I've cut back severely, and finally I'm losing weight for the first time since being influenced by Ray Peat. I've also cut out honey, and I never did use granulated sugar.
And I've cut out juice.

Perhaps it doesn't work the same for everybody, but that's what seems to happen to me.

By the way, I never have got the Coke thing. I just thought it was Ray's little indulgence and an easy source of sugar (albeit refined) which seems to work for him, but I have the perception that some people think it is positively healthful. Does anyone think this? If so, why?

I think it is positively healthful, just less so than other things like fruit. The only problem with it is that it has no micro nutrients. I drink it when I eat liver because it has no vitamin C. I also enjoy it, which is another positive effect. I put more sugar in a Venti latte from Starbucks.


Jan 3, 2014
Slow progress, sometimes backsliding. Weight gain especially belly fat, have tried in peaty way to cut fat/calories only to increase hypothyroid symptoms. Signs that sugar not being properly oxidized yet. Poor energy, mood, aching, insomnia, constipation, all hypothyroidism signs which 18 months of thyroid supplementation is not fully dealing with.
Edit: sorry, misleading - should have said 'weight gain not shifting'. I didn't gain weight peating, I gained it before when I stopped dieting but before peating.


Jun 23, 2015
I can't eat starch so it's too much fkin liquid!!!! Bogs me down haha.

Also, people constantly telling me I eat too much sugar...


Aug 2, 2013
I reset my sugar consumption this week with 2 days of low-ish carb, primarily to quit bread and flour cold-turkey again (turns out I can't eat just a little, it's all or nothing) and to get off added sugar. Too much sugar just makes me feel worse! I'm back to doing a "natural" diet of all whole foods, reasonable quantities of everything, but still limiting PUFA and only eating dairy fat basically. Normal doses of carb in food forms only for me for awhile.

The first day of no bread or added sugar was HELL though. Day 2 was much better and today on day 3 I'm feeling great! Much less bloated and stiff (from all the refined starch I think) and definitely have more energy. I really think I was just overdoing the carbs, and bread in particular is really addicting, not to mention it slows everything down. I'm not a fat-phobe though, and for now I really think I feel better doing whole milk/cheese and butter to taste. The more I tried to lower my fat the worse I felt.


Aug 7, 2015
I've been able to get over pretty much all of my symptoms, but I've gained almost 40lbs during the process, now tipping the scales at 275lbs at 6 ft 3. Really would like my weight to start creeping down.


Aug 27, 2015
That everything is basically fine besides my libido, and nothing I do makes it come back for good.


Mar 29, 2014
My main frustrations:
1. My key issue, migraine, is at least as frequent as it ever was. I have tried various things, still have more to try , but I find it difficult to follow a plan closely. I get discouraged about recovery from this issue being possible.
2. I do not manage to rest and sleep sometimes when I need to - parenting and other work etc, and sometimes my own unhelpful habits. (This is not caused by Peating, just interferes with it.)
3. Same as 2 above for getting outside in the sun.
4. I don't always eat the way I think would serve me best. Usually for logistical reasons, sometimes from habit and tiredness - see 2 above.
5. Sleep deprivation/disruption seems to lead to migraine more readily than before.
6. Exercise seems to lead to migraine more readily than before.
7. I am spending less time having a life than I want to be, mostly because I am a working single parent and don't have much physical stamina because of my health issues, but partly because feeding myself etc takes time.


Jan 12, 2014
Joocy_J said:
That everything is basically fine besides my libido, and nothing I do makes it come back for good.

maybe try some progest-e
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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