What do people think of the Pope?


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
The "Vatican of the Armenian Church" is the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin in Vagharshapat located in Turkey
Thank you, that’s very beautiful and I love the history.


Jul 25, 2020
This is how the Talmudists aim to erase culture and its richness and variety into a reductionist mass of gray. Not unlike riding a bike thru a flat piece of wasteland devoid of hills and valleys.

Add: The nation-destructing (as opposed to the claimed nation building motives) of the Usrael invasion of Arab countries post the Talmudist-conspired 911 have also the same motive, albeit in a more direct and frontal and violent way. Individual Arab cultures were also put under great stress where their society is transformed towards being one where survival is of paramount concern rather than development and improvement in their society. Where the hyena rules and not the proud lion.

4. Biblical History.—For the rest of the first period the Old Testament forms the main source. It contains in fact the history itself in two forms: (a) from the creation of man to the fall of Judah (Genesis-2 Kings), which is supplemented and continued further—(b) to the foundation of Judaism in the 5th century B.C. (Chronicles—Ezra-Nehemiah). In the light of contemporary monuments, archaeological evidence, the progress of scientific knowledge and the recognized methods of modern historical criticism, the representation of the origin of mankind and of the history of the Jews in the Old Testament can no longer be implicitly accepted. Written by an Oriental people and clothed in an Oriental dress, the Old Testament does not contain objective records, but subjective history written and incorporated for specific purposes. . . .

HEBREW RELIGION (1) Introductory.—To trace the history of the religion of the Hebrews is a complex task, because the literary sources from which our knowledge of that history is derived are themselves complex and replete with problems as to age and authorship, some of which have been solved according to the consensus of nearly all the best scholars, but some of which still await solution or are matters of dispute. Even if the analysis of the literature into component documents were complete, we should still possess a most imperfect record, since the documents themselves have passed through many redactions, and these redactions have proceeded from varying standpoints of religious tradition, successively eliminating or modifying certain elements deemed inconsistent with the canons of religious usage or propriety which prevailed in the age when the redaction took place. Lastly it should be recollected that the entire body of the fragments of tradition and literature belonging to northern Israel has come down to us through the channel of Judaean recensions.

The influence of the Deuteronomic tradition in redaction is seen in such passages as Genesis xxxiii. 20 (cf. xxxi. 45 fol.); Josh. iv. 9-20, xxiv. 26 fol.; 1 Sam. vii. 12, where the maebhah or stone symbol of deity (forbidden in Deut. xii. 3, xvi. 22) is in some way got rid of (in Gen. xxxiii. 20 the word “altar” in Hebrew is substituted). . . . .


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
You are a very sweet person and Charlie is fortunate to have you around as his moderator angel
Thank you, that’s so sweet. It made my morning!


Mar 29, 2016
Yes, exactly this!

This episode of FTN from a couple weeks ago explains a lot about the current state of the Catholic church:
FTN 506: All Zog Goes to Heaven
Thank you for introdicing me to the podcast. I find the episode and the podcast to be refreshing in being able to research and explore why the Catholic Church is the way it is, especially in how it practices 'turn the other cheek' masochism. Why it has a loser mentality. And it is mainly due to it being infiltrated long ago by agents who have grown old and became pope and cardinals, all serving the Talmudist cause.

It has to take non-believers and former Catholics to form a critical appraisal of the church as believers are still hamstrung by their fear of hell and the brainwashing to believe in mysteries to explain away imbecilic and incoherent inventions of the mind to deceive.

Great podcast again!


Jan 24, 2022
Do you think the Pope really is working in the interests of Christian’s and Christian majority nations around the world?
Do you think he‘s working for other interests?
Do you think he’s aware of the Globalists and bankers that at every turn try to undermine the ideals and values of Christianity In order to achieve their aims?
Do you think there is any hope that we will see a strong Pope emerge who can truly fight the evil money power that currently rules the globe?
I’m curious to know how Christian’s and particularly Catholics think of the current pontiff?
The Catholic Church and their leaders are freemasons in denial, not only that, the fact that they managed to kill their own religion by falling to wokeism is the reason Christians are not taken seriously by anyone. They are working with the elite to control you


Jul 25, 2020
I had an acquaintance who was born in So Cal. She was living in the old city of Jerusalem renting an apartment in a nunnery in the Christian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. I learned that there are 4 sections of Old Jerusalem:
Armenian, Christian, Jewish and Muslim

There are various ancient and historical sections of worship for different beliefs in the old city of Jerusalem.

Archaeologists agree that, while they may never know for sure, there is a lot of evidence that this was, indeed, the place where Jesus was buried. As such, this is one of the most holy sites in Christendom.

Last I heard from her was that the government of Israel was pushing everyone out of the old-city who was not Jewish or not *born* in one of the historical places. It became difficult for people like her as she had failed to renew her US passport. She had married a Palestinian Muslim and her children were born in the Muslim side as was her husband, They did not have this problem and supposedly could stay in the sections where they were born. She disappeared - probably to Spain since the snow-bird resorts in Spain needed more workers for the vacation seasons. Spain was hiring and would give passports to anyone willing to work in one of the snow-bird resorts in Spain such as Benidorm)


Aug 22, 2019
The Latin Mass is great entertainment and more spiritual since the Priest and the congregation all face the Cross in UNITY.
ALSO when a mass is said in Latin there are Books that have the Ordinary of the Mass on one side in Latin and the translation in English, or French, or German, or Dutch, or Nigerian or Chinese or Korean or Hindi or Tagalog or whatever language is used in daily life, on the other side.
THEREFORE if a congregation loses a priest another one is able to show up from any place in the world and recite the Latin Mass and the people will still 'understand' just as they did with the other priest -
Unity is something that separates the Roman Catholic from Eastern Orthodoxy big time. However, the lack of unity today in the RCC is due to subversion and not inherent, like it is in Eastern Orthodoxy.


Jul 25, 2020
Unity is something that separates the Roman Catholic from Eastern Orthodoxy big time. However, the lack of unity today in the RCC is due to subversion and not inherent, like it is in Eastern Orthodoxy.
when I was growing up the Unity was amazing. I never heard about anyone hurting children. It could be that when the weather is terrible (snow, too hot, whatever) then people go stir crazy when they are locked indoors too long.


Apr 19, 2020
Do you think the Pope really is working in the interests of Christian’s and Christian majority nations around the world?
Do you think he‘s working for other interests?
Do you think he’s aware of the Globalists and bankers that at every turn try to undermine the ideals and values of Christianity In order to achieve their aims?
Do you think there is any hope that we will see a strong Pope emerge who can truly fight the evil money power that currently rules the globe?
I’m curious to know how Christian’s and particularly Catholics think of the current pontiff?
I think the Pope is not working for Christians particularly, and he does work for other interests. The fact that he is Jesuit is a novel. As in this never happened before in history.
Of course he is aware of Globalists and bankers, he meets with them all the time. J. Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell met with Pope John Paul 2. Kinda odd.
I do not think the current Pope will fight evil money power as the Vatican as a business needs that model to continue. When I discovered 40 years ago that the Vatican owns Coca-cola factories, (or massive stocks in the Co.). The Vatican's financials has been tied to the bankers for many hundreds of years. Sorry to inform you.

Unfortunately large organisations are easy to become corrupt by human frailty (in spirit). Jesus was a poor man, and the Vatican owns and has physical wealth/assets that rivals the largest Corporations on earth. So, it is a simple math issue. My only personal comment regarding ideals and values is that one must live it to be an example.

This below from https://uncensoredopinion.co.za/the-catholic-church-is-the-biggest-financial-power-on-earth/
The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschilds of Britain, France and America, with the Hambros Bank, with the Credit Suisse in London and Zurich. In the United States it has large investments with the Morgan Bank, the Chase-Manhattan Bank, the First National Bank of New York, the Bankers Trust Company, and others.

“The Vatican has billions of shares in the most powerful international corporations such as Gulf Oil, Shell, General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, General Electric, International Business Machines, T.W.A., etc.” (…)

“Some idea of the real estate and other forms of wealth controlled by the Catholic church may be gathered by the remark of a member of the New York Catholic Conference, namely ‘that his church probably ranks second only to the United States Government in total annual purchase.’


Mar 29, 2016
below from https://uncensoredopinion.co.za/the-catholic-church-is-the-biggest-financial-power-on-earth/
The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschilds of Britain, France and America, with the Hambros Bank, with the Credit Suisse in London and Zurich. In the United States it has large investments with the Morgan Bank, the Chase-Manhattan Bank, the First National Bank of New York, the Bankers Trust Company, and others.

“The Vatican has billions of shares in the most powerful international corporations such as Gulf Oil, Shell, General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, General Electric, International Business Machines, T.W.A., etc.” (…)

“Some idea of the real estate and other forms of wealth controlled by the Catholic church may be gathered by the remark of a member of the New York Catholic Conference, namely ‘that his church probably ranks second only to the United States Government in total annual purchase

This is likely another lie from the Talmudists. The biggest villain would like its previous chief tormentor to be the villain so it gets off scot-free.



Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I had an acquaintance who was born in So Cal. She was living in the old city of Jerusalem renting an apartment in a nunnery in the Christian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. I learned that there are 4 sections of Old Jerusalem:
Armenian, Christian, Jewish and Muslim

There are various ancient and historical sections of worship for different beliefs in the old city of Jerusalem.

Archaeologists agree that, while they may never know for sure, there is a lot of evidence that this was, indeed, the place where Jesus was buried. As such, this is one of the most holy sites in Christendom.

Last I heard from her was that the government of Israel was pushing everyone out of the old-city who was not Jewish or not *born* in one of the historical places. It became difficult for people like her as she had failed to renew her US passport. She had married a Palestinian Muslim and her children were born in the Muslim side as was her husband, They did not have this problem and supposedly could stay in the sections where they were born. She disappeared - probably to Spain since the snow-bird resorts in Spain needed more workers for the vacation seasons. Spain was hiring and would give passports to anyone willing to work in one of the snow-bird resorts in Spain such as Benidorm)
Thank you. I’m sorry for your friend and hope her family went with her. It reminded me of one of our acquaintances who went on a business trip to Israel and got baptized in the Jordan while there. It seemed scandalous to me that just anyone could be baptized in the Jordan as a tourist attraction.


May 4, 2022
Do you think the Pope really is working in the interests of Christian’s and Christian majority nations around the world?
Do you think he‘s working for other interests?
Do you think he’s aware of the Globalists and bankers that at every turn try to undermine the ideals and values of Christianity In order to achieve their aims?
Do you think there is any hope that we will see a strong Pope emerge who can truly fight the evil money power that currently rules the globe?
I’m curious to know how Christian’s and particularly Catholics think of the current pontiff?
The position of Pope is not a biblically authorized one. In other words, the Lord God did not approve that office.


Mar 29, 2016


Aug 22, 2019
Can go the other way too:

KGB Russian Orthodox Church​

MOSCOW, RUSSIA – NOVEMBER 4, 2017: Patriarch Kirill (L) of Moscow and All Russia and Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar at a ceremony to lay flowers at the monument to Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky in Moscow’s Red Square on Russia’s National Unity Day. (Photo by Mikhail MetzelTASS via Getty Images)
“Today it is no longer a secret that the former patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, Alexy II, for decades was in the Soviet security apparatus under the operational pseudonym Drozdov, as well as the current patriarch Kirill, who worked for state security under the pseudonym Mikhailov.
—Soviet defector Vladimir Popov”



Mar 29, 2016
All this corruption in these churches has me looking into the religions that were suppressed, such as Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism etc. and more into philosophies such as that of Plato and of Confucianism and Taoism.

This is especially after I read Carroll Quigley's article "Epitemology, Semantics, and Doublethink."

You will note that he is the author of Tragedy and Hope, which exposes the banking cartel in the US and the control it has. In 1950 he shares his thoughts on the history of epistemology, which he shares in reviewing George Orwell's 1949 book Nineteen Eighty-Four.

This passage strikes out me as very telling, of how civilization developed after Christ, in a manner that is built on rationalizing on authoritarian and dogmatic grounds, which plants the seed for the current state we are in, where semantics grows into doublethink, and onto Orwell's newspeak:

Classical dualism began with the discussions of the Greek rationalists, reached its highest achievement with Plato, and continued on, reinforced and corrupted by the influx of oriental ideas and religions after 330 B.C., to its defeat at the hands of Abelard, Albert Magnus, and Thomas Aquinas. In general, this point of view considered the universe to represent a dualism of spirit and matter, the first unchanging, eternal, and good and the latter mutable, temporary, and corrupt. Only the former could be the object of knowledge because it did not exist in the temporal world where the presence of time and thus of change made all knowledge impossible. This point of view, originated by Pythagoras, Parmenides and others, and built into a system by Plato, was powerfully reinforced by the dualistic oriental importations of Gnosis, Manichaeism, Zoroastrianism, and others topped by the conquests of Alexander the Great and of Rome itself.

This universe of an antithetical dualism was sharply challenged by the arrival of Christianity, because the Christian belief that Christ was both True God and true Man made it necessary to work out a philosophy able to reconcile the opposition of eternal idea and temporary matter. The debate continued for more than a thousand years (150–1250) during which period one dualistic heresy after another was defeated. The area of conflict shifted from pulpit to church council, from field of battle to heretics’ stake, from monastic cloister to university lecture hall. Neo-Platonism, Gnosticism, Arianism, Manichaeism, Catharism and others were overcome or driven underground, ultimately, if we can believe Denis de Rougement, to take refuge under the disguise of the troubadours’ romantic poetry. The Christian answer to dualistic heresy reached its culmination in Aquinas. This answer might be summed up as follows. Reality is not dualistic but hierarchical, being a gamut from matter without form to form without matter, or expressed differently from pure potentiality to complete all-inclusive realization, from amorphous matter (which can do nothing but to which anything can be done) to pure Reason (which can do anything but to which nothing can be done), from slavery to freedom. In this hierarchy, all development is upward, the unfolding of potentialities into actualities, a process which clearly establishes that the achievement of beatitude can be made only by living through the lower levels. Salvation is found only by living in this world and living through the flesh not by rejecting the world and the flesh. Indeed, salvation for all required that the divinity become flesh as well. The Incarnation became the ultimate repudiation of ancient dualism and its “horrible progeny of heresies.”
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