What do people think of the Pope?



Oct 2, 2018
Instead of looking to its leadership, one ought to look to its unchanged teaching for 2,000+ years.
I definitely do focus on my individual relationship with God. However I do think we need the fellowship of others who share the same beliefs and are on a journey in their individual relationship to the creator. Normally we would get this through church. Then the church itself which is supposed to represent, assist and fight for the rights of those who constitute it could benefit by having a leader or figurehead that cares about the people who constitute it. But I guess that’s wishful thinking on my part.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA


Dec 8, 2016
The Pope is likely a heretic. I suspect he is both a freemason and a KGB operative—two things quite anathema to the Church.
This is evidenced with pictures of him doing the hidden hand of Freemasonry, the devils horns etc.
Absolutely a FM.
Dare I say satanist.


Aug 22, 2019
This is evidenced with pictures of him doing the hidden hand of Freemasonry, the devils horns etc.
Absolutely a FM.
Dare I say satanist.
One of the goals of putting a freemason in the papacy is to discredit the genuine Catholic faith.


Mar 29, 2016
I definitely do focus on my individual relationship with God. However I do think we need the fellowship of others who share the same beliefs and are on a journey in their individual relationship to the creator. Normally we would get this through church. Then the church itself which is supposed to represent, assist and fight for the rights of those who constitute it could benefit by having a leader or figurehead that cares about the people who constitute it. But I guess that’s wishful thinking on my part.
I used to believe that the Church, because of its spiritual ans Godly legacy, would truly last until the end of time, as promised by Jesus. It would be unlike the temporal kingdoms and empires that rise and fall.

Now I realize that it is just as temporal as it hasn't really stood the test of time as it morphed accordingly due to the decay that corruption over time would, being that it is a man-made agency pretending to have the protection of the Almighty.

The only thing I see that has stood the test of time is the ever constant building and strengthening of the Talmudist empire on earth.

The belief system is their narrative that encompasses the belief system we think of as a religion. The god we profess to believe in is their god, and their god favors Talmudists and puts Gentiles on a low tier to be used as Talmudists see fit.


Aug 22, 2019
Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill is a KGB operative and Pope Francis is likely a communism and freemason. What a tandem.
Sep 15, 2021


May 22, 2014 / Joseph P. Farrell / 15 Comments

In the midst of all this high strangeness, more high strangeness, as the Vatican, you'll recall, weighed in with a suggestion that if it encountered aliens, they might not have to be baptized, since they might not have fallen. As you'll recall, I pointed out that there were difficulties with such a view, since on any traditional Christian interpretation of the fall of Man, Roman Catholic, Protestant, Anglican, or Orthodox, the fall is a cosmic event.

Now it seems Pope Francis has gently weighed in on the subject, indicating that, as far as he's concerned (and therefore, as far as the Papacy is concerned), there's no problem with extra-terrestrial baptisms:

Pope says baptism for all - even Martians

Home / News / Alien Baptism! Pope Francis would welcome Martians to the church

While the Pope speaks of green beings with tentacles and long ears, I suspect there is something else going on here, and of course, it prompts to our usual "high octane speculations." We can gain a measure of those possible hidden concerns by pondering the other component of that "traditional doctrine of the Fall" and baptism issue, namely, that when previously the christian tradition was confronted by a similar situation with the discovery of the New World, it argued the same thing, even though it did not have any explanation at that time as to how Native American Indians came to the New World. To baptize them was an admission that somehow, they belonged to the same genus as the rest of man, as descendents of, as relations, of Adam and Eve.

I suspect, therefore, that there are those hidden within the Roman Church that have come to a similar conclusion, namely, that even though any extraterrestrials encountered by humanity, and how they relate to humanity, may not be explainable on the basis of current human historical or genetic knowledge, the precedent was established, and therefore, the Vatican may be subtly telling us that it may now have come to the position that we have "genetic cousins" out there, who, like us, might be hugely fallen, and who, like us, are in need of a huge forgiveness. And of course, the power play here shouldn't be ignored. For suppose "ET" in exchange for "baptism" offered a lot of really cool technology. Who better to entrust it to than to an institution with an historical, albeit spurious, claim to speak for God and all of humanity, Boniface VIII-Unam Sanctam style?

The Vatican, in short, can and does read the same ancient texts that we can, and it well knows all those legends of Annunaki, Nephilim, giants condemned to punishment... Francis merely let us in on a process of logic and speculation that may be operating very subtly within the world's oldest and most experienced political chancery...

...See you on the flip side...


Jul 25, 2020
I used to wonder about former Catholic Irish comedians that left the faith. I think they found no humor in popes being devils.

And on the very nature of why one good Catholic president had to die with his mission left in tatters, and his Catholic successor surviving with mission creep.
HA. actually many Catholics, like me, are basically non practicing. I enjoy the 'sub-rosa' aspect of conversations with those who grew up Catholic. The Irish in particular are very good at in and they have the "gift of the gab".
Also, in real life if I get to choose someone at a bank or elsewhere to help me I always go to someone who was born in the Philippines if one is available. I have found that most who were brought up as Catholics are very honorable people.
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Nov 6, 2021
Colorado Springs
Orthodoxy gets slandered left and right and I'm not going to address the slander. In the Gospel The Lord is slandered and there is a host of rumors about him, but it was still the onus of the individual to try and see for himself if the rumors were true. Taste and see for yourself if Orthodoxy is true, check out those videos I posted, message me if you want to talk about this in depth. The journey towards the truth isn't something that's an easy automatic victory, it takes effort.


Jul 25, 2020
The Greek Orthodox Church near one of the oldest cemeteries in Los Angeles, (Rosedale) and also near Loyola High School used to have Greek Festivals with lots of folk dancing and great food. The Church is very beautiful inside. I've never visited an Armenian Church. Is the Armenian Church related to one that is in Palestine?


Mar 29, 2016
One of the goals of putting a freemason in the papacy is to discredit the genuine Catholic faith.
I find it hard to find anything genuine about the Catholic faith post-Vatican. And I don't mean post-2ND Vatican Council.

The Latin church ransacked Constantinople and with it the Orthodox Church. And built the Vatican with the spoils.

There is no genuine good intent in that action. It is just as suspect as Russia is after the Talmudists planted communism in Russia.


Aug 22, 2019
I find it hard to find anything genuine about the Catholic faith post-Vatican. And I don't mean post-2ND Vatican Council.

The Latin church ransacked Constantinople and with it the Orthodox Church. And built the Vatican with the spoils.

There is no genuine good intent in that action. It is just as suspect as Russia is after the Talmudists planted communism in Russia.
Constantinople was sacked by the Turks (Muslims) on the very day of Pentecost (descending of the Holy Spirit). Now, what was the main cause of the split between Eastern and Western churches? The Eastern Orthodox's rejection of the Filioque (that the Spirit also proceeds from the Son, Christ).

Think about that carefully.


Aug 22, 2019
Orthodoxy gets slandered left and right and I'm not going to address the slander. In the Gospel The Lord is slandered and there is a host of rumors about him, but it was still the onus of the individual to try and see for himself if the rumors were true. Taste and see for yourself if Orthodoxy is true, check out those videos I posted, message me if you want to talk about this in depth. The journey towards the truth isn't something that's an easy automatic victory, it takes effort.
No where near as much as the Catholic CHurch does. Most people don't even know about Eastern Orthodoxy. But bring up the Catholic church, and the first thing they thing about is pedophile priests, because the media has shaped their thinking this way.


Mar 29, 2016
Constantinople was sacked by the Turks (Muslims) on the very day of Pentecost (descending of the Holy Spirit). Now, what was the main cause of the split between Eastern and Western churches? The Eastern Orthodox's rejection of the Filioque (that the Spirit also proceeds from the Son, Christ).

Think about that carefully.
You seem to be turning your back and ignoring the fact that the Latin Church used the Crusade as a pretext to ransack Constantinople, weakening it so that Constantinople never recovered from that. Constantinople would never have fallen to the Turks were it not for that inter-Christian betrayal by the Latin Church.

What is your point though of saying Constantinople fell to the Ottomans on Pentecost?

And if there were differences between the Latin and Eastern Church in theology, does that justify one ransacking the other?

You haven't quite given a rebuttal to my point that the Vatican was built on the blood of betrayal and seeded on very unholy foundations.
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Oct 2, 2018
Constantinople was sacked by the Turks (Muslims) on the very day of Pentecost (descending of the Holy Spirit). Now, what was the main cause of the split between Eastern and Western churches? The Eastern Orthodox's rejection of the Filioque (that the Spirit also proceeds from the Son, Christ).

Think about that carefully.
I’m less concerned about the anal retentive hair splitting over words and whether the spirit proceeds from the father, or from the father and son. Maybe the Catholics got it right? Maybe they didn’t?

I’m more concerned that somewhere along the way many of them forgot to realize that its a sin to be a paedophile.


Aug 22, 2019
I’m less concerned about the anal retentive hair splitting over words and whether the spirit proceeds from the father, or from the father and son. Maybe the Catholics got it right? Maybe they didn’t?

I’m more concerned that somewhere along the way many of them forgot to realize that its a sin to be a paedophile.
Pederasts are in every walk of life. You just hear the media constantly single out the Catholic Church. Don't be so gullible.
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