What Benefits Have You Noticed Since Doing The Ray Peat Diet?


Jan 4, 2016
And how long did it take to get results?

I'm anxious about doing this diet because it seems really restrictive and different from what I'm used to eating (I usually just eat to craving).

But my health sucks so I'm desperate to try anything. I've got no energy, I've lost interest in things I used to enjoy, I'm fat where I should be skinny and skinny where I should be fat, I've got other random health problems like a constantly stuffy/sneezy nose, terrible skin. I'm only in my 20s and I'm concerned that if my body is this bad now what's it going to be like when I'm much older?

Anyway I just want to get a feel for what this diet can do and what it can't.



Jul 17, 2015
Hey UpAndDown.
For me, eating low PUFA and low wheat/grain/veg, which is the general TLDR of the RP principles stops me feeling sluggish and sedated after my meals. Even that makes it worth following the Ray Peat way of eating/life in my opinion, without mentioning the plethora of health benefits associated with a high fruit/dairy diet. The whole point of eating like this is to improve your metabolism, which I guess would give you more energy and motivation :).


Jun 20, 2015
I'm anxious about doing this diet because it seems really restrictive and different from what I'm used to eating (I usually just eat to craving).
I also follow cravings. When I found Ray Peat's works I took it very easy with implementing dietary changes, I immediately skipped nuts and soy, the other changes were rather gradual. I didn't feel that my diet became more restrictive (it was low-starch already). To eat out however has become tricky.

I noticed improvements within a few weeks, and I continue to get better. The first changes I noted were that I did not wake up any longer during the night, and I felt rested in the morning, my arms were not numb when I got up, symptoms of carpal-tunnel-syndrome had gone, when I washed my hair there was less hair in the sink, and my nails were not brittle any longer. A clear gain in quality of life. :grin

The key for me were the frequent snacks.

You may find useful information in sub-forum Diet , or you can post there what you are usually eating and ask for suggestions. Don't make too big changes to your diet too fast, especially if you have avoided certain foods in the past.


Mar 2, 2015
Well I posted my 3 months labs on RP diet today on another thread. I think me being on Testosterone therapy is making the labs murky! My cholesterol labs look terrible to me based on lab ranges. Total cholesterol is near 230, Tg is 206 (up from less than 100), LDL is high etc. I have some work to do...LOL...But I don't feel bad and thats a good thing!!


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Apr 5, 2016
Hey, UpAndDown

For me I slowly worked my way into the Ray Peat style of eating. At first I went all in too fast and that ended up being more stressful in many ways and set me back some. Before I started changing to a more peat style of eating I had bags and dark circles under my eyes, I had put on weight despite constantly restricting calories and constantly exercising, my pulse was low, my hands and feet were cold all the time and my hair which had once been thick and brown had become fair, straw like and had started to recede.

Its been about 2 years since I started changing to a more 'ray peat' style of eating my health has dramatically improved. Not perfect yet, but true health is not about quick fixes, they only lead to more problems. If you want to know more check out the thread I posted yesterday. I go into a bit more detail. Hope it helps.... Hello. My Story, Success With Peat And Health Interests


Apr 30, 2015
Go slow man. Learn the principles not the diet. If you jump into the diet thinking it's the Ray peat diet your going to be on a bad diet. Feel me?


Forum Supporter
Apr 5, 2016
Go slow man. Learn the principles not the diet. If you jump into the diet thinking it's the Ray peat diet your going to be on a bad diet. Feel me?

:handpointup:This. Completely agree. The worst thing I did when I was going through my "healthy" eating phase was being a slave to certain "diets".
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