What are your thoughts on legitimacy and the possible causes of if true of those UFO stories, especially ones involving contacts with some chemicals?


Apr 28, 2018
Thank you for that video on weather modification.
A place where you can see 1973Lyndon Johnson scream during a speech"he who controls the weather controls the world!" And where thousands have sent their cameraphone vids for decades, geoengineeringwatch.org


Feb 18, 2018
Spraying stuff on people to harm them.... that's not being done by extraterastrials.
There are indeed several alien races hovering in our skies, but they're looking out for us and trying to help our planet.
Species like Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians, Andromedans are far more advanced than us and they try to help us (as long as it doesn't interfere with our free will).

It's true that decades ago Grays used to abduct people, but that hasn't happened anymore after the early 00's. Thanks to above mentioned species, who kind of 'patrolled the neighborhood' and sent them back from where they came from.
What nonsense .

Veritas IV

Nov 5, 2021
A place where you can see 1973Lyndon Johnson scream during a speech"he who controls the weather controls the world!" And where thousands have sent their cameraphone vids for decades, geoengineeringwatch.org
Thanks for the link, had it bookmarked elsewhere on some other PC and nearly forgotten about it, great site.

What nonsense .
Care to discuss and elaborate? If it's not worth your time then we'll politely file this comment under "negative drive-by".

I hope you understand, it's the discussion we welcome.


Feb 18, 2018
Care to discuss and elaborate? If it's not worth your time then we'll politely file this comment under "negative drive-by".
What's to discuss? Species watching over this planet? There is absolutely no evidence for this at all. If you have some evidence I'm willing to look at it

Veritas IV

Nov 5, 2021
What's to discuss? Species watching over this planet? There is absolutely no evidence for this at all. If you have some evidence I'm willing to look at it
Thank you for replying and clarifying your frame of mind, even this is considered discussion :)

I posted a similar response about that passage, but his post actually had two separate frames of thought. Note Dutchie's first sentence, he inferred that mankind was to blame for certain shenanigans, not aliens. Now that's something i think most of us can roughly agree with.


Forum Supporter
Dec 12, 2020
Will address both in this post.

Have you seen Haidut's post from a couple of years back? X-rays, Nuclear Fusion Are Electromagnetic Phenomena, Can Be Created At Home

What a rabbit hole we've found ourselves in. Much of this may just be a created narrative foisted upon us. Going back to the math i was referring to before, who is most likely responsible behind shenanigans of decades past, humans or aliens? Just playing the odds, what answer would it lead you to? Another possible control mechanism, a bit too fantastic for the general public to believe though and it's hard to truly fake an invasion. But that's ok because they had a virus present itself as an opportunity instead, and what a control mechanism it's turned out to be.

As for "nazi tech" ..... well, it turns out in the waning days of the third reich, their last money was funnelled into multi-national industry. And their scientists were funnelled through Operation Paperclip to the detriment of host nations that accepted them. US Govt and intelligence services protected them and the industries they worked in ie; medical, tech, other sciences, universities. This new dynamic distorted and corrupted everything. No one could oppose these groups because of the support they enjoyed, they further corrupted what was already dirty, good guys didn't stand a chance and most whistleblowers were first discouraged then punished. This nonsense has helped influence and shape the events that have led us to where we are today.

This is not to say that aliens don't exist by the way, but it's hard separating facts from narratives so they all end up being lumped in together. I do think we are slowly getting get one step closer to the truth in the meantime. Let's see what the future has in store for us.
I agree with you on this. It sounds like you may have read Dr Joseph Ferrell's books where he really dives deep into nazi technology and what happened after WWII. Another good resource is Dark Journalist X series (on youtube or darkjournalist.com)- there's over a 100 now but very fascinating stuff that shows how technologically advanced we were decades ago but it's been hidden from the masses. Werner Von Braun (sp?) said that to gain funding/fear/approval for authoritarianism that first it would be the Russians, then terrorism, then third world dictators, then asteroids and lastly aliens and all were lies. Doesn't mean there's not aliens but the elites will use them to instill fear in us.

Veritas IV

Nov 5, 2021
I agree with you on this. It sounds like you may have read Dr Joseph Ferrell's books where he really dives deep into nazi technology and what happened after WWII. Another good resource is Dark Journalist X series (on youtube or darkjournalist.com)- there's over a 100 now but very fascinating stuff that shows how technologically advanced we were decades ago but it's been hidden from the masses. Werner Von Braun (sp?) said that to gain funding/fear/approval for authoritarianism that first it would be the Russians, then terrorism, then third world dictators, then asteroids and lastly aliens and all were lies. Doesn't mean there's not aliens but the elites will use them to instill fear in us.

Haven't had the pleasure yet, but i've seen Dr Ferrell mentioned recently, possibly here or elsewhere. Am going to follow-up with the leads in your post and previous posts., sounds like excellent material.

They've overstepped and exposed themselves, "Build back better" is not going to turn out the way they expect imo.
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Feb 18, 2018
Thank you for replying and clarifying your frame of mind, even this is considered discussion :)

I posted a similar response about that passage, but his post actually had two separate frames of thought. Note Dutchie's first sentence, he inferred that mankind was to blame for certain shenanigans, not aliens. Now that's something i think most of us can roughly agree with.
Could you post evidence?

Veritas IV

Nov 5, 2021
Could you post evidence?
Evidence of what exactly? Aliens in general or Reptilian visitors? My evidence would be the same as yours, digging up eyewitness testimony from "credible" witnesses. However now we go back to what Lilac and others mentioned earlier, supposedly some of these so called credible witnesses were just actors in some made up story for our consumption. If true then some of the evidence we had just went out the window.


Feb 18, 2018
Evidence of what exactly? Aliens in general or Reptilian visitors? My evidence would be the same as yours, digging up eyewitness testimony from "credible" witnesses. However now we go back to what Lilac and others mentioned earlier, supposedly some of these so called credible witnesses were just actors in some made up story for our consumption. If true then some of the evidence we had just went out the window.
Well you made the claim that other species watch over earth so I'm asking for evidence.


May 8, 2017
Well you made the claim that other species watch over earth so I'm asking for evidence.

Watch the documentary The Phenomenon directed by James Fox. This will give you a nice intro on UFOs and has some decent pictures and videos. Stuff is very real but as far as I'm concerned, nobody knows where they all come from, how many 'species' we are dealing with and what all of their intentions are.
UFOs have been visiting earth for thousands of years but it seems we are being visited more and more the last 100 years, especially since we started developing nuclear weapons. Just google image "ufos in renaissance art" - I know this doesn't exactly prove anything but crazy they appeared in paintings

Richard Dolan's YouTube channel has a lot of great info. So does 'Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal' and his interviews on UFOs this year with Lue Elizondo, Richard Dolan and Ross Coulthart.

Veritas IV

Nov 5, 2021
Well you made the claim that other species watch over earth so I'm asking for evidence.
I believe you've mistakened me for Dutchie.

As for someone watching over us, that simply requires faith ;)

That reminds me of the late Stephen Hawking warning mankind not to attempt to make contact and that humans should keep an inter-galactic low profile.


Nov 21, 2012
Thank you for replying and clarifying your frame of mind, even this is considered discussion :)

I posted a similar response about that passage, but his post actually had two separate frames of thought. Note Dutchie's first sentence, he inferred that mankind was to blame for certain shenanigans, not aliens. Now that's something i think most of us can roughly agree with.

Watching over us,imo, is not the same as helping us.
The blog is in Dutch (but the videos are not), an example of how they're helping us,is by them intervening with nuclear bases. When you stop and think of it,it would make sense in a way....if we would blow up the earth in nuclear warfare, that wouldn't go unnoticed in The Universe. I imagine it could create a ripple effect.

Ufo's grijpen in bij nucleaire bases - Coen Vermeeren

....and as a sidenote, I'm not a him, I'm a her. ;)


Jun 29, 2021
What do ufos have to do with chemicals? I can tell you for a fact ufos are real but I've never seen them release chemicals.

I used to live near Selfridge air base and there were a lot of ufos there... It you're in Michigan that's the place to stake out it you're into that stuff.


What do ufos have to do with chemicals? I can tell you for a fact ufos are real but I've never seen them release chemicals.

I used to live near Selfridge air base and there were a lot of ufos there... It you're in Michigan that's the place to stake out it you're into that stuff.
What kind of ufos did you see?


Jan 25, 2014
I've been reading Val Valerian's Matrix series, and the first book is all about EBE's, and their interaction with humans, governments and animals on Earth. It mentioned the 1952 UFO incident over the White House, which I was not familiar with-

Here's an interview Val Valerian did with Laura Lee in the 1990s-

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IuoSBTQmPk&list=PL0-r5rOTI3qbP9T-NzU4PWq4Sb6tnYo7X&index=4

Veritas IV

Nov 5, 2021
A possible explanation for some events: Plasmoids

View: https://youtu.be/Z3ExTkjYXWY

If true then it partially demonstrates the awesome, adaptive and far reaching power of electricity. Apparently these things can appear/be created by any major tectonic event including volcanic eruptions. Remember electricity can have it's properties change many different ways based upon conditions, defy gravity, attract or repel from objects, distort, split, reverse polarity, etc etc.

Tinfoil hat questions: I may be wrong but why does it seem that highly plausible topics such as plasmoids get shoved into fringe corners along with Bigfoot and Reptilian Grays? I mean if a government would want to explain away UFO's as something harmless then why not use plasmoids as an excuse when it's likely both the answer and a natural event? Is our attention being focused away from electro-magnetism on purpose? They are already focusing our attention away from electricity every time they bring up Dark Matter™, maybe they are doing it here too. Have we learned to ride the lightning yet and no one is telling us?

I realize i'm getting a little carried away, but hopefully some of this is food for thought. We are supposed to be naturally curious and tickle that corner of our brain. This video and topic happened to do it for me, so i wanted to share.
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A possible explanation for some events: Plasmoids

View: https://youtu.be/Z3ExTkjYXWY

If true then it partially demonstrates the awesome, adaptive and far reaching power of electricity. Apparently these things can appear/be created by any major tectonic event including volcanic eruptions. Remember electricity can have it's properties change many different ways based upon conditions, defy gravity, attract or repel from objects, distort, split, reverse polarity, etc etc.

Tinfoil hat questions: I may be wrong but why does it seem that highly plausible topics such as plasmoids get shoved into fringe corners along with Bigfoot and Reptilian Grays? I mean if a government would want to explain away UFO's as something harmless then why not use plasmoids as an excuse when it's likely both the answer and a natural event? Is our attention being focused away from electro-magnetism on purpose? They are already focusing our attention away from electricity every time they bring up Dark Matter™, maybe they are doing it here too. Have we learned to ride the lightning yet and no one is telling us?

I realize i'm getting a little carried away, but hopefully some of this is food for thought. We are supposed to be naturally curious and tickle that corner of our brain. This video and topic happened to do it for me, so i wanted to share.

UFOs are real aircraft. They don't interact with humans other than observing them AFAIK. I don't believe in stories of Grays. It's a meme.

Veritas IV

Nov 5, 2021
UFOs are real aircraft. They don't interact with humans other than observing them AFAIK. I don't believe in stories of Grays. It's a meme.

Some UFO's may be real aircraft, whereas that video claims some events/occurrences are plasmoids / electrical events.

Edit: A fellow i work with has a video of over a dozen plasmoid looking spheres lining up, spreading out, etc etc. Seemed like too much for drones to pull off. If the video on his phone isn't a huge file size i'll have him send it to me so i can upload and post. He claims to have recorded it near where we live. He's not prone to exaggeration but who knows, maybe i need to study the video a little better...
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Jun 29, 2021
UFOs are real aircraft. They don't interact with humans other than observing them AFAIK. I don't believe in stories of Grays. It's a meme.
Well some people have had experiences that indicate the occupants do more than observe. If they are just observing then they could do that thousands of miles away.

I used to see ufos over and near Selfridge when i lived near the base. My grandfather took a photo of a UFO like the Trent photo back in i think 1955 of a ufo that kept flying around the house in daylight in Detroit city of all places.

Other people have experiences with the so called grey aliens. Being a physicist i look for scientific and logical facts to UFO reports and if people are making all these stories up then somehow they are getting subtleties of physics right without even knowing it. Same for the abduction reports.... I don't see how large groups of science illiterate people grasp subtle physics facts when making up stuff out of thin air. Not possible.
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