We are all projecting our insecurities on others and wondering why we aren’t healed...


Apr 19, 2020
@Inaut Do what you wish by all means, as that means freedom to choose. Projection is what most humans come with, like a software glitch. And my experience is that without years of self reflection, therapy, and constructive (and instructive) relationships, Or a Combo of these, etc., one many never 'own it' and integrate those shadowy aspects of ourselves. And then it becomes reflected in our behaviour and our words. This forum is made from people, and yes, there are varying degrees of Individuation, and hence knowledge of projection. This ain't no Jungian café. Or, maybe it could be! Depends on one's point of view.

A client years ago said to me, "Trust God, Love people.". So I do not mix or try not to mix the two, even though I do believe at a deep level, we are all divine. :): Glad to hear you are discovering your Spiritual path in life. No diet or supplement can make you more or less spiritual, but being healthy is a great place to start. Just not making a religion out of it is also healthy.

I do take some offence in your declaration:
"It’s taken me many years and many hours on this forum to realize that all we do is project our insecurities on others."
So it seems you may be projecting that we all are projecting, as you stated above. Remember that one's point of view, even if unconscious, is driving your experience. There are lots of people here who are not commonly actively projecting, and are actively promoting good health in the Ray Peat inspired tradition, as well as other interesting positive health suggestions.

Helping others or being in service to others is a great way to sublimate your ego, and in the near East it is often referred to as Karma Yoga. Performing service and activity for others, without grasping at the fruit of your actions. Western lifestyle/culture is so far removed from basic Traditions (religious/spiritual) that people are quite 'out of it' in the field of relationships, and relationship to Life, God, Jesus, or Buddha. Etc..
There is a lot to learn in Life, so keep going mate!
Cheers, and Godspeed.


Mar 9, 2022
United States
edit: realized I was being a negative Nancy
You were right the first time round. The "ego" disappears when you are "absorbed" in some task, including good scientific work, and you are called back to yourself by animal needs - to eat, to not be in pain. Sick people are always focusing on those, having lost the ability to interact with the world properly. Ray knew this and it's why he spent decades giving pointers, instead of riding off into the sunset saying you do you, maaaaaaan.


May 8, 2022
Powerful thread for me, so thank you. I feel this strongly in the online "self-help, self-improvement" movement. I find myself seeking out the next online course on how to obtain my dreams, be a better person, etc, etc when I know the answer is to turn off the computer and draw on my inner wisdom and find the answers there...


Forum Supporter
Oct 30, 2015
I’ve recently realized that I’ve been projecting my insecurities on others for many years. Look at my past posts as an example. Look at my past hopes of finding a magic supplement that would dramatically improve my life or fix my “health issues”. I take something for a while and it’s the most amazing substance only to give up on it after a while because it really didn’t resolve my issues....My physical ailments are just a reflection of my spiritual illness. No amount of supplements or devices can fix that.
:praying:Thank you for sharing your beautiful inner journey. Indeed!
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