Transmissible Viral Vaccines... how the shots are affecting those who haven't taken it. They may be designed to do exactly that



"Self-disseminating vaccines for emerging infectious diseases (
Disseminating vaccines are designed to exploit the ability of replicating virus-based vectors to spread through their animal host populations without the need for direct inoculation of every animal. In this strategy, vaccination of a limited number of ‘founder’ animals is used for initial introduction of the vaccine into the target population. As the vaccine is engineered to express target antigens from the EID pathogen of interest, its spread from vaccinated to non-vaccinated animals will result in coordinated spread of EID-specific immunity throughout the targeted animal population.
And this:
Transmissible Viral Vaccines:
Genetic engineering now enables the design of live viral vaccines that are potentially transmissible. Some designs merely modify a single viral genome to improve on the age-old method of attenuation whereas other designs create chimeras of viral genomes. Transmission has the benefit of increasing herd immunity above that achieved by direct vaccination alone but also increases the opportunity for vaccine evolution, which typically undermines vaccine utility. Different designs have different epidemiological consequences but also experience different evolution. Approaches that integrate vaccine engineering with an understanding of evolution and epidemiology will reap the greatest benefit from vaccine transmission."

We now have the technology to develop vaccines that spread themselves​



Jan 25, 2014
"Self-disseminating vaccines for emerging infectious diseases (
Disseminating vaccines are designed to exploit the ability of replicating virus-based vectors to spread through their animal host populations without the need for direct inoculation of every animal. In this strategy, vaccination of a limited number of ‘founder’ animals is used for initial introduction of the vaccine into the target population. As the vaccine is engineered to express target antigens from the EID pathogen of interest, its spread from vaccinated to non-vaccinated animals will result in coordinated spread of EID-specific immunity throughout the targeted animal population.
And this:
Transmissible Viral Vaccines:
Genetic engineering now enables the design of live viral vaccines that are potentially transmissible. Some designs merely modify a single viral genome to improve on the age-old method of attenuation whereas other designs create chimeras of viral genomes. Transmission has the benefit of increasing herd immunity above that achieved by direct vaccination alone but also increases the opportunity for vaccine evolution, which typically undermines vaccine utility. Different designs have different epidemiological consequences but also experience different evolution. Approaches that integrate vaccine engineering with an understanding of evolution and epidemiology will reap the greatest benefit from vaccine transmission."

We now have the technology to develop vaccines that spread themselves​

All of those articles suggest a possibility, none of them show that it's been done, or even could be done at this time. Last two paragraghs from New Scientist-

Self-disseminating vaccines could be a revolutionary technology for reducing the threat of human infectious diseases that jump to us from wild animals. In addition to making wildlife vaccination feasible and cost-effective, this technology reduces the motivation to cull or exterminate ecologically important disease reservoir species, such as bats.

However, there is still much work to do. Lab and field trials need to check how effective this approach is and look for possible unexpected consequences of
self-disseminating vaccines. But as the costs of our ongoing attempts to find a “cure” for covid-19 continue to accumulate, an ounce of prevention seems to be a better investment with each passing day


Forum Supporter
Dec 12, 2020
This is great info thanks for posting. Hopefully we can come up with remedies for this.


Forum Supporter
Dec 12, 2020
I hope you're right tankasnowgod. the article you quoted above was from 2016 i believe so it's quite possible the problems of before have been figured out in the last five years. Again i really hope you're correct in that there's no transmission to unvaxxed


Jul 8, 2019
"Self-disseminating vaccines for emerging infectious diseases

Glad you started a thread on this, bzmazu.

Not only are they already using these self-disseminating vaccines in animal populations, we know for certain that two of the vaccines are built around adenovirus as the delivery mechanism for the Covid, prion, HIV, etc. genetic material.

And we know for sure that advenovirus is super contagious.

Adenovirus is contagious. It's spread by coughing and sneezing, direct contact with an infected person, or touching objects and surfaces (like door handles) where the virus can live and remain infectious for a long period of time. Unlike the flu, adenovirus is not seasonal - it can cause infections all year long.

Adenoviruses are resistant to many common disinfectants. You need something like bleach. And they can stay stable at room temps for weeks on surfaces.

I am highly suspicious of the continued refusal of the government and vaccine developers to reveal what mRNA is in these vaccines in the face of lawsuits and the outcry of organized groups of doctors. Fleming was filing a lawsuit on behalf of a group of scientists and doctors, Cahill is involved in suits in Europe, and we all saw Bhakdi's letter on behalf of a group of doctors yesterday.
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Jan 25, 2014
I hope you're right tankasnowgod. the article you quoted above was from 2016 i believe so it's quite possible the problems of before have been figured out in the last five years. Again i really hope you're correct in that there's no transmission to unvaxxed

Those are the articles quoted in the OP. You can go look at them yourself to verify.
Mar 10, 2021
"Self-disseminating vaccines for emerging infectious diseases (
Disseminating vaccines are designed to exploit the ability of replicating virus-based vectors to spread through their animal host populations without the need for direct inoculation of every animal. In this strategy, vaccination of a limited number of ‘founder’ animals is used for initial introduction of the vaccine into the target population. As the vaccine is engineered to express target antigens from the EID pathogen of interest, its spread from vaccinated to non-vaccinated animals will result in coordinated spread of EID-specific immunity throughout the targeted animal population.
And this:
Transmissible Viral Vaccines:
Genetic engineering now enables the design of live viral vaccines that are potentially transmissible. Some designs merely modify a single viral genome to improve on the age-old method of attenuation whereas other designs create chimeras of viral genomes. Transmission has the benefit of increasing herd immunity above that achieved by direct vaccination alone but also increases the opportunity for vaccine evolution, which typically undermines vaccine utility. Different designs have different epidemiological consequences but also experience different evolution. Approaches that integrate vaccine engineering with an understanding of evolution and epidemiology will reap the greatest benefit from vaccine transmission."

We now have the technology to develop vaccines that spread themselves​

"Self-disseminating vaccines for emerging infectious diseases (
Disseminating vaccines are designed to exploit the ability of replicating virus-based vectors to spread through their animal host populations without the need for direct inoculation of every animal. In this strategy, vaccination of a limited number of ‘founder’ animals is used for initial introduction of the vaccine into the target population. As the vaccine is engineered to express target antigens from the EID pathogen of interest, its spread from vaccinated to non-vaccinated animals will result in coordinated spread of EID-specific immunity throughout the targeted animal population.
And this:
Transmissible Viral Vaccines:
Genetic engineering now enables the design of live viral vaccines that are potentially transmissible. Some designs merely modify a single viral genome to improve on the age-old method of attenuation whereas other designs create chimeras of viral genomes. Transmission has the benefit of increasing herd immunity above that achieved by direct vaccination alone but also increases the opportunity for vaccine evolution, which typically undermines vaccine utility. Different designs have different epidemiological consequences but also experience different evolution. Approaches that integrate vaccine engineering with an understanding of evolution and epidemiology will reap the greatest benefit from vaccine transmission."

We now have the technology to develop vaccines that spread themselves​



Mar 29, 2016
I'm hoping that the fear of a boomerang effect among the elite would keep this tech from being used.

The elites would have moved wholesale over to their bunker shelters in New Zealand before it takes place.

Right now, they are content taking placebo vaccines.


Jul 8, 2019
Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay (Toxicology Support Services, LLC. - About Us), who got her PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology at MD Anderson, testified to the CDC on April 23 about "immune escape" from these "leaky vaccines".

"There is strong evidence for immune escape, and that inoculation under pandemic pressure with these leaky vaccines is driving the creation of more lethal mutants that are both newly infecting a younger age demographic, and causing more Covid-related deaths across the population than would have occurred without intervention."

She says, "If we do not stop this vaccine campaign until these issues can be investigated, we may see a phenomenon such as we see in chickens with Marek’s disease."

In Marek's disease, the infected shed the virus and spread the disease as long as they live.

You can see her full testimony here:

She has special expertise in this area as she aided the development of a temporary human contraceptive vaccine which ended up causing unintended autoimmune ovarian destruction and sterility.


Jan 9, 2019
Something Unusual is going on with unvaccinated, especially women (for now) however, I'm not sure if it's explained by this (OPs article) There is a big difference between injecting and transmitting. The innate immune system is usually a very effective barrier against this kind of stuff. The only way to really suffer the full brunt of side effects from this experimental vax is to get it injected directly, I don't see a point in Gates trying to make vax mosquitos if they could just satisfactorily infect unvaccinated via vaccinated.


Nov 18, 2019
Something Unusual is going on with unvaccinated, especially women (for now) however, I'm not sure if it's explained by this (OPs article) There is a big difference between injecting and transmitting. The innate immune system is usually a very effective barrier against this kind of stuff. The only way to really suffer the full brunt of side effects from this experimental vax is to get it injected directly, I don't see a point in Gates trying to make vax mosquitos if they could just satisfactorily infect unvaccinated via vaccinated.
I think some scientists are finding this might happen. Here is a paper about it. Not peer reviewed yet.

The phenomenon is fascinating and no one is sure at this point. It would be interesting to ask Ray about it.


Sep 8, 2016
A large portion of the population has had Covid and recovered and is now immune. Natural immunity is much better than vaccines.. The sars2 virus consists of many proteins on it's surface besides the spike protein. Our immune system generates antibodies and t-cells and killer t- cells to many of those sars2 proteins. So if the spike protein mutates our immune system will recognize the other proteins of the sars2 virus and attack. The vaccine only causes our immune system to recognize and generate antibodies to the spike protein. If the virus spike protein mutates we'll get sick again.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
I simply must find out the name of Gate's pharmacist as he's clearly getting way better meds than I am. So now we won't have any choice or even knowledge of what we're being "infected" with if this sick monkey has his way? Let's keep modifying Mother Nature since we're clearly so much smarter than she is. Sigh...where are the zombies when we need them?


Jul 8, 2019
I simply must find out the name of Gate's pharmacist as he's clearly getting way better meds than I am. So now we won't have any choice or even knowledge of what we're being "infected" with if this sick monkey has his way? Let's keep modifying Mother Nature since we're clearly so much smarter than she is. Sigh...where are the zombies when we need them?

The thing to remember about Bill Gates is that just as Zuck didn't really develop Facebook but got it from DARPA to spy on us all and help with mind control and rigging elections, Bill Gates didn't really buy MS-DOS for $50k in 1981. Gates is a ClA front and the ClA is the private army of the Great Reset crowd. Read about the history of Allen Dulles and his brother.

Howard Hughes made money from his father's drill bits, but nothing on movies or aviation or anything else he did until he became a ClA front. The real bazillions came from defense contracts that he got after that. I especially love the part of the story where Hughes starts buying up casinos and property in Vegas, a city he loathed, with ClA contractor Robert Maheu managing it all.

Vegas was never a tourist town. It was a money laundering town for the ClA and their drug/human trafficking cartels and their mob pals and other billionaire miscreants. All of the tourists were for camo. They cut out the money laundering and the town is barely functioning now.

Both Hughes and Gates started "foundations" controlled by the ClA because the ClA wanted its money back. Bill and Melinda didn't decide to launch these mosquitoes. They're just well-paid spokesmodels.


Jul 8, 2019
Christiane Northrup, MD (medical degree from Dartmouth, credentials out the wazoo), confirms there are many thousands of reports getting to doctors of transmission of vax material from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed.

She lists reports of this transmission that have made it to the "yellow card" voluntary reporting system in the UK. She says there is currently no database tracking specifically cases of this environmental transmission.

She believes vaxxed people are literally manufacturing "bioweapons" in their bodies and transmitting them to others via sweat, saliva, semen, and every other kind of bodily fluid you can think of, including fluids I'd never heard of before. She says the manufacturing of these bioweapons in the vaxxed will never stop.


Her segment starts at roughly the 5-minute mark. All the physicians in this video will be discussing shedding/environmental transmission.

Update: Physician Carrie Madej believes what's going on is due to the "nanolipid particles" -- "little computer bits" -- that deliver the vaccine "payload" into our bodies, at least in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

She points out we know nothing about what happens to these nanoparticles after they deliver the payload. She says we already know they produce their own voltage. She believes they may be being used to transmit info from your body via Wi-Fi, literally turning you into an antenna hurting others with EMF toxicity.

If this sounds outlandish to you, she cites studies that are pretty convincing.

Update 2: Lee Merritt, MD, long experience with bioweapons defense work in the navy, points out multiple parts of these vaccines could be getting transmitted, all of them capable of causing the problems we're seeing. She definitely thinks the bioweapon issue is "pertinent."

She points out we're not just seeing bleeding, menstrual issues, etc. We're seeing people bleeding from old scars. Men bleeding from the pores in their legs. Real horror movie stuff. She also points out we're seeing unvaxxed people getting sick and actually dying of Covid promptly after someone else in the same household gets sick after getting vaxxed.

She wants to know whether this apparent transmission is all coming from one vax, like Johnson & Johnson, or whether it's all of them.

Update 3: Dr. Larry, a pediatrician they don't show his last name), is angry. He says, "This is NOT a vaccine. There is nothing in any of these shots that will protect us against a viral infection. They can't stop transmission and were never meant to."

He says Covid was never a viral illness. It was a presentation of poisoning of the blood. He says the spike protein was the man-made poison that caused everything we think of as the Covid illness and says: "Why in God's name are we injecting something that will cause us to make the poison responsible for the illness in the first place?"

He points out that since we have no idea what happens after the synthetic mRNA gets into our genome and causes us to start making spike protein, it could well be that the vaxxed are exhaling spike proteinl with waste gases, sweating spike protein, spitting spike protein, peeing spike protein, weeping spike protein, pooping spike protein, shedding it with our skin, yada yada.

Dr. Larry says, "This is straight-out genocide. They don't even have to inject everyone to get the results they are looking for."

He says straight-out that the vaxxed are making healthy unvaxxed people very sick and even causing their deaths. He says he knows we want to hear how to protect ourselves but "the genie is out of the bottle" and the only protection he can think of is to quarantine the vaxxed.

Still listening.

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Nicole Carter

Sep 22, 2020
Rhashid Buttar warned about this over a year ago and e drying thought he was crazy. These people have no motive to lie.


Jul 8, 2019
Christiane Northrup, MD (medical degree from Dartmouth, credentials out the wazoo), confirms there are many thousands of reports getting to doctors of transmission of vax material from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed.

She lists reports of this transmission that have made it to the "yellow card" voluntary reporting system in the UK. She says there is currently no database tracking specifically cases of this environmental transmission.

She believes vaxxed people are literally manufacturing "bioweapons" in their bodies and transmitting them to others via sweat, saliva, semen, and every other kind of bodily fluid you can think of, including fluids I'd never heard of before. She says the manufacturing of these bioweapons in the vaxxed will never stop.


Her segment starts at roughly the 5-minute mark. All the physicians in this video will be discussing shedding/environmental transmission.

Update: Physician Carrie Madej believes what's going on is due to the "nanolipid particles" -- "little computer bits" -- that deliver the vaccine "payload" into our bodies, at least in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

She points out we know nothing about what happens to these nanoparticles after they deliver the payload. She says we already know they produce their own voltage. She believes they may be being used to transmit info from your body via Wi-Fi, literally turning you into an antenna hurting others with EMF toxicity.

If this sounds outlandish to you, she cites studies that are pretty convincing.

Update 2: Lee Merritt, MD, long experience with bioweapons defense work in the navy, points out multiple parts of these vaccines could be getting transmitted, all of them capable of causing the problems we're seeing. She definitely thinks the bioweapon issue is "pertinent."

She points out we're not just seeing bleeding, menstrual issues, etc. We're seeing people bleeding from old scars. Men bleeding from the pores in their legs. Real horror movie stuff. She also points out we're seeing unvaxxed people getting sick and actually dying of Covid promptly after someone else in the same household gets sick after getting vaxxed.

She wants to know whether this apparent transmission is all coming from one vax, like Johnson & Johnson, or whether it's all of them.

Update 3: Dr. Larry, a pediatrician they don't show his last name), is angry. He says, "This is NOT a vaccine. There is nothing in any of these shots that will protect us against a viral infection. They can't stop transmission and were never meant to."

He says Covid was never a viral illness. It was a presentation of poisoning of the blood. He says the spike protein was the man-made poison that caused everything we think of as the Covid illness and says: "Why in God's name are we injecting something that will cause us to make the poison responsible for the illness in the first place?"

He points out that since we have no idea what happens after the synthetic mRNA gets into our genome and causes us to start making spike protein, it could well be that the vaxxed are exhaling spike proteinl with waste gases, sweating spike protein, spitting spike protein, peeing spike protein, weeping spike protein, pooping spike protein, shedding it with our skin, yada yada.

Dr. Larry says, "This is straight-out genocide. They don't even have to inject everyone to get the results they are looking for."

He says straight-out that the vaxxed are making healthy unvaxxed people very sick and even causing their deaths. He says he knows we want to hear how to protect ourselves but "the genie is out of the bottle" and the only protection he can think of is to quarantine the vaxxed.

Still listening.


This is pretty important so I'm starting a separate post. Dr. Tenpenny says she strongly suspects that the J&J shot is the most dangerous of the three being used in the U.S. right now. (She confirms the AstraZeneca uses an adenovirus too.)
She reminds us that the J&J shot relies on an adenovirus shell to get it into our cells. She reminds us how easily adenovirus is transmitted and says she believes we are going to learn it's the J&J shot that's most responsible for environmental transmission. She believes we are going to learn the transmission mechanism is airborne transmission.

She says when the J&J shot came out everyone went running for it. It only required one shot instead of two and people were already scared of mRNA and the J&J shot doesn't have mRNA. (Instead, again, it uses a weakened common cold virus, called an adenovirus, as a vehicle to deliver a single coronavirus gene into human cells. That gene then provides the instructions for making the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.)

She says she just checked and there are 89 more shots ready to be released right now, some directly meant to shoot up your nose into your brain.

Tenpenny's Self-Protection Protocol

Tenpenny describes how hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin work as a prophylactic for the spike protein. She describes them as safe enough to put in the water supply (she thinks fluoride should be removed from the water supply).

They work in different ways. She thinks right now, until we know exactly how the transmission is happening, we should all be on both to protect ourselves from vaccine environmental transmission.

She discusses dosage/protocol and how they protect you starting at 44:20. The other critical thing, she says, is your Vit. D3 level. She says if you're going to get tested for anything at all, make it your Vit. D level and get it where it should be.

Next in importance would be your zinc level. She also likes supplementing quercetin right now.

Tenpenny likes colloidal silver, perhaps a solution that you gargle and sniff into your nasal passages to shake out anything you may be inhaling. She cautions not to overdo it. I'll point out that povidone iodine is a good alternative that won't turn you blue.
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