Tranked. I am now a drug abuser. [Klonopin]



Aug 18, 2013
Tranked. I am now a drug abuser.

Yes. I have both thiroyd and triyotex but I'm sure how to use them, or if i should. I have a multinodular goiter. From day to day I don't know what exactly my thyroid levels are. Pulse and temp doesn't really help -- my pulse is always really fast, in the 90's, and my temp hits 99 pretty regularly. Not sure if all that is from the goiter or from maxed adrenaline for some other reason. I've been taking beta blockers to get my pulse down and benzos to stop the shaking. I just ordered clonidine, periactin and mestinon to see if it will help

Essentially it seems I'm on my own here.


Aug 27, 2015
Tranked. I am now a drug abuser.

messtafarian said:
Yes. I have both thiroyd and triyotex but I'm sure how to use them, or if i should. I have a multinodular goiter. From day to day I don't know what exactly my thyroid levels are. Pulse and temp doesn't really help -- my pulse is always really fast, in the 90's, and my temp hits 99 pretty regularly. Not sure if all that is from the goiter or from maxed adrenaline for some other reason. I've been taking beta blockers to get my pulse down and benzos to stop the shaking. I just ordered clonidine, periactin and mestinon to see if it will help

Essentially it seems I'm on my own here.

paralysis by analysis will be your biggest enemy when it comes to healing


Aug 18, 2013
Tranked. I am now a drug abuser.

Maybe. I'm pretty sick of it. Then again when your body starts moving around by itself the stakes do appear to be slightly high.
Jul 27, 2014
Tranked. I am now a drug abuser.

messtafarian said:
post 104692 What's amazing to me is all the things I have not been offered. I have anti-achr antibodies and a thyroid that has gone rogue, so it would seem reasonable to me that I'd be offered mestinon for muscle weakness and perhaps a deep thyroid panel with treatment, but both of these were denied even though I asked. The reason was that I had " no clinical diagnosis' of either of these things. Rock bottom iron stores -- no treatment offered. I have both a rogue thyroid and something weird happening at my neuromuscular junction -- no thymic catscan offered. Be assured I have asked for these things. So far no tests that haidut and others have suggested -- basic things like rt3 and prolactin. Even my three night cortisol test was a massive deal I had to wait six weeks for.

As far as Lyme disease -- something else in the differential -- I'm paying roughly two thousand dollars to get an entire panel sent to Germany since no one in the US believes it actually exists.

What I got was tranks. They keep giving them to me. Valium, ativan, xanax, and the big guns, klonopin, and I bet if I went in there and asked for tramadol they would give me that too.

But my reasoning for taking them is that clearly what my doctors think is wrong with me is "anxiety". I actually am anxious, and if I wasn't anxious *before* I sure as shiesse am right *now* damn freakin anxious. *insane* things are happening to my nerve-muscle communication -- like -- I walk into the bathroom, reach up to grab the shower bar to get in the tub and miss it by a country mile, my arm just swipes through the air. I had diarrhea for TEN months.

In the meantime, I've got shakes, twitches, and strange isolated moments such as the day when I could not butter a piece of toast because my shoulder started jumping around in the socket, the day I raised my left hand and it started waving on its own as if it was saying goodbye, the day I woke up and realized that I had no awareness of where my hands were in relationship to the rest of me. I'll wake up in the middle of the night and feel all my chest muscles vibrating like someone is blowing small bubbles through my veins. I move my neck a certain way and can feel the bottom of my spine moving around and wagging like a tail.

So tranking is sort of my last and only opinion. If "anxiety" is causing all this -- which I sincerely doubt - being sedated should fix it. If not, since the medical establishment simply wants to wait until I'm paralyzed or have some kind of full blown movement disorder, at least it will stop me from trolling the internet looking for potential diagnoses no one will acknowledge or treat me for anyway.

Plus it gets my mind off the fact that what passes for medicine in this country is frankly terrifying .

That feeling you described like bubbles going through the veins is exactly what I experience especially when I take antibiotics. I had multiple blood clotting events, and I believe some bacterial issue caused platelet aggregation along with serotonin and estrogen. Last year, when I took doxycycline, something I can't describe went to my brain, and my head was numb for 2 weeks which docs said it was all anxiety related...
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Aug 18, 2013
Tranked. I am now a drug abuser.

I had a terrible reaction to doxycyline. I didn't think it would be a problem since Peat often says minocycline is a good drug. But I could only handle four days of it -- all kinds of nerve sensations and the feeling that someone had hit me in the back of the head with a heavy pan. I'm glad I'm not the only one, it really scared me badly.


Nov 6, 2015
Tranked. I am now a drug abuser.

Your symptoms sound very much like high serotonin (high body temp, rapid pulse, shaking, loss of muscle coordination, muscle twitching, clumsiness, confusion...). Have you tried cyproheptadine?


Aug 6, 2015
Tranked. I am now a drug abuser.

I've taken a lot of antibiotics during 1 year because of "Lyme disease" positive from a German test and I can tell you it didn't help and made things worst. I've never seen Lyme patients getting better and am starting to believe that it is a scam, just a sign of messed up thyroid and other issues.


Aug 18, 2013
Tranked. I am now a drug abuser.

blob69 said:
Your symptoms sound very much like high serotonin (high body temp, rapid pulse, shaking, loss of muscle coordination, muscle twitching, clumsiness, confusion...). Have you tried cyproheptadine?

I just increased my cypro from 5 to 10 mgs a day and added famotidine after reading about it here, plus DGL Licorice and aloe to try to calm my bowels down. This added to a multiple vitamin and an extra b-complex tab based on Spectracell results.

And you know what? Yesterday was the first day in ten months that I felt almost normal in my body. I don't know what exactly is screwed up but it's obvious cortisol, bowel inflammation and high prolactin.

Down to one .05 mg klonopin yesterday.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Tranked. I am now a drug abuser.

messtafarian said:
post 109251 Yesterday was the first day in ten months that I felt almost normal in my body.
Beautiful! :D
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Aug 18, 2013
Tranked. I am now a drug abuser.

Parsifal said:
post 108945 I've taken a lot of antibiotics during 1 year because of "Lyme disease" positive from a German test and I can tell you it didn't help and made things worst. I've never seen Lyme patients getting better and am starting to believe that it is a scam, just a sign of messed up thyroid and other issues.

I've taken a lot of antibiotics too especially at the beginning of the year. I know when I was taking them I was getting sicker and sicker, and stopping them did nothing for whatever symptoms I kept picking up. I have no idea at this point if any slow improvements I'm making are because of superfocused Peating and tweaking or if it just takes this long to get over too many antibiotics after they've messed you up.

It's a good question, what to do if you find out you're positive. A lot of the natural protocol drugs actually do the same thing as people are trying to do with Peating and supplements.
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