Tianeptine Makes Me Sharper, Happier, More Confident


Sep 28, 2016
Be aware that noopept can mess with your emotions ... many racetams too.
For sure. Haven't taken any racetams in about 3 years, specifically because of their mood altering and dulling effects. It would often leave me with a subtle sadness that was hardly noticeable but persistent.


Apr 27, 2015

Yeah, I'm taking coffee and aspirin.


Aug 28, 2012
What do you think of noopept? I've taken it in the past and while it did aid my cognition for a while it eventually gave me short term brain fog whenever I took it. It also lowered my libido a lot.

I haven't experienced any of those negatives but maybe because I only take it with those others and max 3 times/week?


Apr 27, 2015
Do you find it helps at all?

Yes, aspirin and coffee provided some small relief during these last days.

Anyway, withdrawal seems to be over. I feel normal again. Feels great.

But these were some quite agonizing four days.

So yeah... Be very careful with tianeptine, guys.


Apr 27, 2015
These really were hellish four days. Tianeptine withdrawals are no joke. I had no idea this thing was as bad as Phenibut withdrawal-wise. Think insomnia, depression, anxiety, bodily pains, runny nose, coughing fits, insane lethargy - for days. And you can barely sleep. No escape. Just chronic, relentless pain.

I was taking maybe 500 mg a day at most? And my tianeptine-abusing stint must have lasted about two weeks. Meanwhile there are guys out there taking 10 grams a day and who have been doing it for years. Their withdrawals must be pure hell.

Tianeptine does bind to all sorts of receptors. You basically get your brain completely hooked on this feel-good brain-candy. And then you suddenly stop taking it and all that bliss becomes pure pain.

Thank God it's over.


Mar 26, 2014
I was taking maybe 500 mg a day at most

Is that not a ludicrous amount? I am just trying out a box I bought ages ago as I have some stressful personal stuff going on, and I take 2 - 3 12.5mg tablets a day


Aug 1, 2017
These really were hellish four days. Tianeptine withdrawals are no joke. I had no idea this thing was as bad as Phenibut withdrawal-wise. Think insomnia, depression, anxiety, bodily pains, runny nose, coughing fits, insane lethargy - for days. And you can barely sleep. No escape. Just chronic, relentless pain.

I was taking maybe 500 mg a day at most? And my tianeptine-abusing stint must have lasted about two weeks. Meanwhile there are guys out there taking 10 grams a day and who have been doing it for years. Their withdrawals must be pure hell.

Tianeptine does bind to all sorts of receptors. You basically get your brain completely hooked on this feel-good brain-candy. And then you suddenly stop taking it and all that bliss becomes pure pain.

Thank God it's over.

glad youre feeling better. brings back memories from some nasty opiate withdrawals ive had


Jan 23, 2018
It's quite a good supplement. I have just taken a somewhat large dose of it, the last one of the 10 g I bought years ago. I'm feeling very good right now. I don't look forward to the grimness that will shortly ensue. By which I mean, haha, yes, normalcy. That bland, slightly depressed and unmotivated state I tend to be in when I'm not taking some mood-improving supplement.

I write so much better when I take tianeptine. I have had several people praise my writing on other forums. I'm not saying I'm a great writer, I'm not, there are certainly people here on RPForum who write better than me even when I'm on my most inspired tianeptine-enhanced writing streak. But it does make me write better.

Words just emerge into consciousness. The elusive words, the ones for which I usually find myself having to fish about. The right words, the words I need, the words that sound nice with the other words I just used. Even my clumsy attempts at writing lyrics - rhyming suddenly becomes so much easier. Assonance, alliteration, rhymes, they just occur to me rather effortlessly.

I spoke German as a child. Then I managed to forget most of it. And now, when taking slightly large tianeptine doses, which I have been doing for a few weeks, they start popping up again. Laufen. Schnell. Platz. Immer. I can suddenly form entire German sentences without superhuman efforts at recollection. So yes: tianeptine does seem to have something of a regenerative effect on the brain.

I'm sharper, too. I want to take an IQ test after taking a good tianeptine dose. If I manage to find a trusty vendor again. My IQ is above average according to tests, but not extraordinarily so. I'm pretty sure it was higher in my teens. But I mean I'm sharper in other things too. I sit down to play my acoustic guitar and the great riffs just keep coming, one after another. And it's not a "I'm high so everything sounds good" thing. Tianeptine sharpens my creativity, my intelligence, my senses.

Insights. They keep coming. I have to jot them all down on a Word file. Clarity. I'm sure it has a lot to do with the dopamine. I feel like a child again. Or a teen. I feel like I felt during the peak moments of my early years. I'm more confident. I'm very neurotic, there are message boards and chatrooms I like to hang out in but if someone in those places intimidates me intellectually I can get nervous. (Just being candid here guys. C'mon.) And yet: not so on tianeptine. No nervousness. I'm chill.

A curious kind of chill. Not the weed kind of chill. (And weed is spiritually dangerous. Tried it a few times. Bad experiences. Don't smoke weed, guys.) Not the SSRI kind of chill. No. There is a confidence, a - well, a virility to it. I feel more like a man. It's not that I impose myself on others, it's sort of that but it's natural. I become naturally non-submissive.

So yeah in short, tianeptine: great stuff.
Can you link me to this please.


Aug 13, 2018
i've been taking it for years dude


So, read through the whole thing and wondering what changed this time? You said you'd taken it for years.....so this time you just took a lot more?

How much were you taking in the years prior?


Apr 27, 2015
So, read through the whole thing and wondering what changed this time? You said you'd taken it for years.....so this time you just took a lot more?

How much were you taking in the years prior?

I bought 10 grams via Ebay in 2015/2016.

For years I regularly took very small doses, mostly for productivity. It worked very well. I don't know how small exactly the doses were. Just a speck on a butter knife.

In 2019 I still had maybe four or five grams left, and I ended up taking them in about two weeks. Considering I have a bit of an addictive personality, I was mostly pretty responsible with my tianeptine. But I did end up abusing it a bit.

So yeah, it can be a good substance, but you need to be very careful. Easy to get addicted and it has the worst withdrawals imaginable.


Mar 6, 2022
It's a drug, not a supplement. I found it impaired my intelligence after being on it for a while, probably due to its antagonism on glutamate receptors that becomes more pronounced over time, and me building tolerance to its dopamine agonistic effects.
It’s such a pity that I have to respond to messages left so long ago, but still. Tianeptine has interesting dopamine up-regulation properties. Tianeptine even LIMITS the development of tolerance to MORPHINE, that is, it somehow also regulates sensitivity to opioids. At the same time, in normal doses it has obvious neuroprotective properties.
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