Tianeptine Makes Me Sharper, Happier, More Confident


Apr 27, 2015
It's quite a good supplement. I have just taken a somewhat large dose of it, the last one of the 10 g I bought years ago. I'm feeling very good right now. I don't look forward to the grimness that will shortly ensue. By which I mean, haha, yes, normalcy. That bland, slightly depressed and unmotivated state I tend to be in when I'm not taking some mood-improving supplement.

I write so much better when I take tianeptine. I have had several people praise my writing on other forums. I'm not saying I'm a great writer, I'm not, there are certainly people here on RPForum who write better than me even when I'm on my most inspired tianeptine-enhanced writing streak. But it does make me write better.

Words just emerge into consciousness. The elusive words, the ones for which I usually find myself having to fish about. The right words, the words I need, the words that sound nice with the other words I just used. Even my clumsy attempts at writing lyrics - rhyming suddenly becomes so much easier. Assonance, alliteration, rhymes, they just occur to me rather effortlessly.

I spoke German as a child. Then I managed to forget most of it. And now, when taking slightly large tianeptine doses, which I have been doing for a few weeks, they start popping up again. Laufen. Schnell. Platz. Immer. I can suddenly form entire German sentences without superhuman efforts at recollection. So yes: tianeptine does seem to have something of a regenerative effect on the brain.

I'm sharper, too. I want to take an IQ test after taking a good tianeptine dose. If I manage to find a trusty vendor again. My IQ is above average according to tests, but not extraordinarily so. I'm pretty sure it was higher in my teens. But I mean I'm sharper in other things too. I sit down to play my acoustic guitar and the great riffs just keep coming, one after another. And it's not a "I'm high so everything sounds good" thing. Tianeptine sharpens my creativity, my intelligence, my senses.

Insights. They keep coming. I have to jot them all down on a Word file. Clarity. I'm sure it has a lot to do with the dopamine. I feel like a child again. Or a teen. I feel like I felt during the peak moments of my early years. I'm more confident. I'm very neurotic, there are message boards and chatrooms I like to hang out in but if someone in those places intimidates me intellectually I can get nervous. (Just being candid here guys. C'mon.) And yet: not so on tianeptine. No nervousness. I'm chill.

A curious kind of chill. Not the weed kind of chill. (And weed is spiritually dangerous. Tried it a few times. Bad experiences. Don't smoke weed, guys.) Not the SSRI kind of chill. No. There is a confidence, a - well, a virility to it. I feel more like a man. It's not that I impose myself on others, it's sort of that but it's natural. I become naturally non-submissive.

So yeah in short, tianeptine: great stuff.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Das ist vunderbar! Danke!

Ive ordered some, heard a lot of good things about it, cant wait to get it.


Mar 3, 2016
It's a drug, not a supplement. I found it impaired my intelligence after being on it for a while, probably due to its antagonism on glutamate receptors that becomes more pronounced over time, and me building tolerance to its dopamine agonistic effects.


Apr 27, 2015
Das ist vunderbar! Danke!

Ive ordered some, heard a lot of good things about it, cant wait to get it.

That's cool, man. Do take it easy with the doses, though, it's powerful stuff.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
That's cool, man. Do take it easy with the doses, though, it's powerful stuff.
Enlighten me on dosages, Bitte, and which kind u take?


Apr 27, 2015
It's a drug, not a supplement.

Oh come on now. "Drug" is just an arbitrary dirty word.

I found it impaired my intelligence after being on it for a while,

Then your experience has been markedly different from mine.

Haidut said somewhere that tianeptine is good for undoing brain damage. I have seen other people affirm this as well.

I guess tianeptine has acquired a bad rep after a handful of irresponsible people mega-dosed on it, with catastrophic results.

But you know. There are people taking 2 g doses of the thing throughout the day, an insane ammount, and they're... doing fine. Yes, yes, quitting it cold turkey can be nasty. But still.

and me building tolerance to its dopamine agonistic effects.

One does build tolerance quickly when it comes to tia. But it's not that hard to use it responsibly.


Apr 27, 2015
Enlighten me on dosages, Bitte, and which kind u take?

I have just somehow accidentally added your post to this website's "Noteworthy Quotes" thingy instead of quoting you in this thread, which is what I meant to do, so maybe you should reconsider taking tianeptine.


(Or maybe this site's layout is a bit confusing and my contacts are ungluing from my eyes and everything's kinda blurry.)

Anyway the usual dosage is 12,5 mg.

I got it from this guy: Na- Tianeptine - Always 99% Purity or Greater - Third Party Tested | eBay

(Ebay no longer allows tianeptine to be sold in their website, though.)


Mar 3, 2016
Oh come on now. "Drug" is just an arbitrary dirty word.

Then your experience has been markedly different from mine.

Haidut said somewhere that tianeptine is good for undoing brain damage. I have seen other people affirm this as well.

I guess tianeptine has acquired a bad rep after a handful of irresponsible people mega-dosed on it, with catastrophic results.

But you know. There are people taking 2 g doses of the thing throughout the day, an insane ammount, and they're... doing fine. Yes, yes, quitting it cold turkey can be nasty. But still.

One does build tolerance quickly when it comes to tia. But it's not that hard to use it responsibly.
It's not arbitrary at all. It's a made up pharmaceutical substance invented in a lab by humans. It's not a naturally occuring nutrient or plant chemical. That makes it a drug and it has implications for how you should think about it and how you should use it. If you look at the forum sections of this website, tianeptine is listed under drugs, you posted your thread in the wrong section.

My intial experience with tianeptine regarding cognition was intially very good, like it is with all stimulants. That effect went away after a while though, as it usually does. If it stays for you then you're a lucky guy. It was still good for my memory and focus after that, but it didn't really improve my performance, quite the opposite as it started to feel quite a bit like an anti-epileptic. But it is probably helpful for memory and brain plasticity if you're after that.

2 grams is an absolutely insane amount, no doubt those people are chasing the dopamine and/or opiate high, that has nothing to do with the antiserotonergic and antiglutamatergic effcts that are helpful for brain damage. That initial high is the thing that goes away after a while, and some people keep on increasing the dose over and over and over again to chase that dopamine high. People who take it that way, it's no different than people taking any other illicit drug to get high.

If you take tianeptine to get a dopamine/opiate high you're not taking it responsibly, the correct way to take it is something like 25-50mg per day for months and that's also the way it's prescribed. I guess you could take it every now and then as a pure anxiolytic.


Apr 27, 2015
It's not arbitrary at all. It's a made up pharmaceutical substance invented in a lab by humans. It's not a naturally occuring nutrient or plant chemical. That makes it a drug and it has implications for how you should think about it and how you should use it. If you look at the forum sections of this website, tianeptine is listed under drugs, you posted your thread in the wrong section.

Ok. You're right. It is a drug, then, and I did post it on the wrong section. I tend to be sloppy with details. Anyway: if it is a drug, then aspirin and cyproheptadine are drugs as well, right? Basically, I trust Peat. If he has OK'd a substance, I trust him. Tia might be a lab-developed drug, but if taken responsibly it can be good for you. I do well on it.

I'm not a puritan when it comes to these things. I'm a very neurotic guy, I have some serious anxiety issues, so if there's substances I can take which have no serious side-effects and can help alleviate my anxiety, I'll take them. I'm not a puritan. I don't know why the fact that it is technically a drug should be a concern. I don't know why this kind of mild "bio-hacking" should be an issue.

Anyway. Even at low-ish doses tia can make you feel very good. Again: is mild drug-induced euphoria somehow wrong? Immoral? Bad? I don't get it. I'm perfectly aware of the financial burden and the health risk aspects of it. Tia is expensive and to keep taking higher and higher doses to chase that rush is irresponsible. You can get significant anxiety-alleviating and mood-boosting effects at low-ish doses. (Higher but not too higher than 12,5 mg.)

And like I said: it makes me sharper. I'm more creative and I think more clearly when I take tianeptine. I also tend to think better and write better if I take too shots of vodka at once. But I sort of hate getting drunk. I think it's basically some GABA issue.


Mar 3, 2016
Ok. You're right. It is a drug, then, and I did post it on the wrong section. I tend to be sloppy with details. Anyway: if it is a drug, then aspirin and cyproheptadine are drugs as well, right? Basically, I trust Peat. If he has OK'd a substance, I trust him. Tia might be a lab-developed drug, but if taken responsibly it can be good for you. I do well on it.

I'm not a puritan when it comes to these things. I'm a very neurotic guy, I have some serious anxiety issues, so if there's substances I can take which have no serious side-effects and can help alleviate my anxiety, I'll take them. I'm not a puritan. I don't know why the fact that it is technically a drug should be a concern. I don't know why this kind of mild "bio-hacking" should be an issue.

Anyway. Even at low-ish doses tia can make you feel very good. Again: is mild drug-induced euphoria somehow wrong? Immoral? Bad? I don't get it. I'm perfectly aware of the financial burden and the health risk aspects of it. Tia is expensive and to keep taking higher and higher doses to chase that rush is irresponsible. You can get significant anxiety-alleviating and mood-boosting effects at low-ish doses. (Higher but not too higher than 12,5 mg.)

And like I said: it makes me sharper. I'm more creative and I think more clearly when I take tianeptine. I also tend to think better and write better if I take too shots of vodka at once. But I sort of hate getting drunk. I think it's basically some GABA issue.
Blind trust is stupid. Do you know if Ray has any personal experience with tianeptine? I'm not a puritan either. Listen to yourself, you're calling it a "mild-biohack" to justify its use in your own mind lol. You may very well be justified in using it, I'm not saying you're not. It's not like just popping some aspirin though, tianeptine is regulated as a narcotic in multiple countries and in some US states now too I believe. I don't think it's a simple "biohack" either as it acts on at least 4 different transmitters, it's quite a dirty way to get what you want although there probably isn't a better way in a lot of cases, it surely is a potent treatment for many mental problems, it is a great medicine for crippling anxiety. Drug-induced euphoria can definitely be bad if it makes you feel good at times you shouldn't feel good or good about things that you don't really want to feel good about. Tianeptine reminds me of Soma in Brave New World. How long have you taken it? If you've taken it daily for more than a month and it still increases the sharpness of your mind I envy you. Anyways for your information tianeptine is normally prescribed as 12.5 mg to be taken 3 times per day, so a total of 37.5 mg per day. That is the official tianeptine sodium version, the grey market tianeptine sulfate probably has completley different dosing, I have no experience with it but I know the half time is much much longer. By the way tianeptine made alcohol taste very good to me, I think it works synergistically with coffee, and to some degree alcohol as well.


Jul 13, 2014
Anyway: if it is a drug, then aspirin and cyproheptadine are drugs as well, right?
Aspirin is naturally occurring in nature: white willow bark. There's nothing natural about tianeptine. Give it 6 months and you'll be frustratingly admitting you got it wrong about tia


Mar 3, 2016
Aspirin is naturally occurring in nature: white willow bark. There's nothing natural about tianeptine. Give it 6 months and you'll be frustratingly admitting you got it wrong about tia
It's a great anti-anxiety drug though, if that is the actual reason he's taking it he will probably be quite satisfied.


Apr 27, 2015
Blind trust is stupid. Do you know if Ray has any personal experience with tianeptine? I'm not a puritan either. Listen to yourself, you're calling it a "mild-biohack" to justify its use in your own mind lol. You may very well be justified in using it, I'm not saying you're not. It's not like just popping some aspirin though, tianeptine is regulated as a narcotic in multiple countries and in some US states now too I believe. I don't think it's a simple "biohack" either as it acts on at least 4 different transmitters, it's quite a dirty way to get what you want although there probably isn't a better way in a lot of cases, it surely is a potent treatment for many mental problems, it is a great medicine for crippling anxiety. Drug-induced euphoria can definitely be bad if it makes you feel good at times you shouldn't feel good or good about things that you don't really want to feel good about. Tianeptine reminds me of Soma in Brave New World. How long have you taken it? If you've taken it daily for more than a month and it still increases the sharpness of your mind I envy you. Anyways for your information tianeptine is normally prescribed as 12.5 mg to be taken 3 times per day, so a total of 37.5 mg per day. That is the official tianeptine sodium version, the grey market tianeptine sulfate probably has completley different dosing, I have no experience with it but I know the half time is much much longer. By the way tianeptine made alcohol taste very good to me, I think it works synergistically with coffee, and to some degree alcohol as well.

More like blind trust is lazy. I'm lazy. I could read up on stuff but I just trust Peat.

I know intellectual honesty when I see it and I see it in Peat. I'm not credulous. I'm not a dupe. I don't trust medical doctors, I don't trust medical specialists who talk on TV or write for big newspapers. Normies trust these guys because the respectability of credentials and big media impresses them. Right? But I'm not a normie. And Peat deserves our trust. The RP community probably has the smartest people in the nutriton community.

If tianeptine were "dirty" I think we would have heard more about it around these parts. It's been getting vilified on reddit as of late because of all the irresponsible ovedosers, but whatever. I get no nasty side-effects from it.

The fact that is is "regulated" in many countries: who cares? Do you think the FDA is at all rigorous and scientific? If they were they would ban PUFAs and promote coconut oil. ANVISA - the Brazilian FDA, as it were - has recently banned aloe vera, this most harmless and beneficial of plants. That's what bureaucracies do: they have a lust for banning things. And again, normies see this and think "Oh damn if it has been banned it must be nasty." It's silly.

I've been taking it since 2015. Regularly. But very, very small doses. These past few weeks I may have gone a little reckless with my doses. I'll give you that. It does feel very good at higher doses. Better than being drunk or high. But whoops, yeah, I guess I'm sounding like a junkie. I mean I don't know man. The famous poet W. H. Auden took amphetamines every morning. The guy basically got high on amphetamines every mornig and wrote poetry. And he was a great poet.

Oh yeah and it does work synergistically with coffee. Big time.


Apr 27, 2015
Aspirin is naturally occurring in nature: white willow bark. There's nothing natural about tianeptine. Give it 6 months and you'll be frustratingly admitting you got it wrong about tia

i've been taking it for years dude



Mar 3, 2016
More like blind trust is lazy. I'm lazy. I could read up on stuff but I just trust Peat.

I know intellectual honesty when I see it and I see it in Peat. I'm not credulous. I'm not a dupe. I don't trust medical doctors, I don't trust medical specialists who talk on TV or write for big newspapers. Normies trust these guys because the respectability of credentials and big media impresses them. Right? But I'm not a normie. And Peat deserves our trust. The RP community probably has the smartest people in the nutriton community.

If tianeptine were "dirty" I think we would have heard more about it around these parts. It's been getting vilified on reddit as of late because of all the irresponsible ovedosers, but whatever. I get no nasty side-effects from it.

The fact that is is "regulated" in many countries: who cares? Do you think the FDA is at all rigorous and scientific? If they were they would ban PUFAs and promote coconut oil. ANVISA - the Brazilian FDA, as it were - has recently banned aloe vera, this most harmless and beneficial of plants. That's what bureaucracies do: they have a lust for banning things. And again, normies see this and think "Oh damn if it has been banned it must be nasty." It's silly.

I've been taking it since 2015. Regularly. But very, very small doses. These past few weeks I may have gone a little reckless with my doses. I'll give you that. It does feel very good at higher doses. Better than being drunk or high. But whoops, yeah, I guess I'm sounding like a junkie. I mean I don't know man. The famous poet W. H. Auden took amphetamines every morning. The guy basically got high on amphetamines every mornig and wrote poetry. And he was a great poet.

Oh yeah and it does work synergistically with coffee. Big time.
Raypeaters are just as stupid as everyone else. My drug abusing friend told me tianeptine felt almost like taking oxy or heroin, makes sense as it's an opiod agonist. Anyways, good luck.


Jul 13, 2014
i've been taking it for years dude

"I've been taking it since 2015. Regularly. But very, very small doses. These past few weeks I may have gone a little reckless with my doses. I'll give you that. It does feel very good at higher doses. Better than being drunk or high. But whoops, yeah, I guess I'm sounding like a junkie. "

Enough said.

I look forward to revisiting this thread. You'll be eating your words.


Apr 27, 2015
Raypeaters are just as stupid as everyone else. My drug abusing friend told me tianeptine felt almost like taking oxy or heroin, makes sense as it's an opiod agonist. Anyways, good luck.

Look man, you're right. I intend to use tianeptine responsibly when I buy it again. I must come across as a bit of a junkie in my posts. I'm aware of that.

You're a good guy.



Apr 27, 2015
"I've been taking it since 2015. Regularly. But very, very small doses. These past few weeks I may have gone a little reckless with my doses. I'll give you that. It does feel very good at higher doses. Better than being drunk or high. But whoops, yeah, I guess I'm sounding like a junkie. "

Enough said.

I look forward to revisiting this thread. You'll be eating your words.

I have just run out and they don't sell tianeptine powder in Brazil, so I'm gonna be fine.

Thanks for your concern, though.


Mar 3, 2016
Look man, you're right. I intend to use tianeptine responsibly when I buy it again. I must come across as a bit of a junkie in my posts. I'm aware of that.

You're a good guy.

Cheers mate. And do notice that I'm not telling you not to take it, just to treat it with respect, and to understand that induced euphoria can cloud ones judgement. It can be disarming, which is good if you're anxious and hypervigilant for no good reason. But it can also be dangerous, for example if you're in a dangerous envionrment or siutation but you can't comprehend it or you can't grasp the severety of the situation because you're in a slightly euphoric state induced by a drug. I found that when I took tianeptine long-term it inhibited my ability to feel anger, which is maybe sounds pleasant and desirable, but sometimes there are things that really should make you angry. You kinda lose your spirituality, your intuition in a sense. But it can be worth it, for some time, if you're dealing with some kind of crippling anxiety disorder or maybe loss of memory. Just as long as you treat it with respect.

I wish there was a readily available single-action serotonin antagonist, without disgusting anticholinergic effects like the ones many on here like to use.
Jun 16, 2017
"I've been taking it since 2015. Regularly. But very, very small doses. These past few weeks I may have gone a little reckless with my doses. I'll give you that. It does feel very good at higher doses. Better than being drunk or high. But whoops, yeah, I guess I'm sounding like a junkie. "

Enough said.

I look forward to revisiting this thread. You'll be eating your words.
LOL wtf! You know you should listen to someone when they hope that you f*uck up
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