Things That Help Recover From Flu (or Bad Cold)


Sep 30, 2016
Only 200-350 mg/day, Optimal ceiling is probably 6 mg/kg lean body mass in humans adminsitered in dividing doses; this dose doesn't elevate epinephrine or cortisol like a larger dosage would (12 mg/kg).

Same here anything over 400mg is too much for me.


Sep 3, 2016
Thoughts on ways to expedite stomach "virus" recovery. It came on the heels of an undercooked steak combined with a night of 3 tequilla drinks. The next night was one of the worst of my life, vomit and diarrhea filled. That was monday, its not thursday. I feel certainly better (not as nauseous) but body still feels a bit a week and achy. Any ways to expedite recovery, other than fat solubles, MB, preg, NDT? HAve been using these.


Mar 29, 2014
Last time I ate dodgy food and felt my gut start to turn, I took a generous dose of activated charcoal, and followed it up with some garlic. Next time I'll follow that up with tea made from aged cascara sagrada and more liquid over all - the charcoal seemed to contribute to a nastier case of constipation than I've had in a long time.
Do you know it's viral, or just guessing?


Sep 3, 2016
Last time I ate dodgy food and felt my gut start to turn, I took a generous dose of activated charcoal, and followed it up with some garlic. Next time I'll follow that up with tea made from aged cascara sagrada and more liquid over all - the charcoal seemed to contribute to a nastier case of constipation than I've had in a long time.
Do you know it's viral, or just guessing?

Totally guessing on viral, but it was nasty @tara. I talked to @haidut, and he mentioned that he thinks the flu is usually a case of endotoxin/serotonin overload on the gut. This could be the case, as alcohol is an agonist of both. I drank two days straight, and i truly felt as if my steak that night was under cooked. Going out to eat just isn't as enjoyable as it used to be.

I had diarrhea all day monday, followed by a sleepless night filled with vomiting and more diarrhea. Each day has been a bit better, so at least there is a positive trend. I have been able to eat about 2 normal meals since. Appetite is low overall. I don't own any charcoal, but have been using other Peaty supplements that i mentioned above. I was thinking about using my Cascara, which i love, but with how loose my stools have been, that may be the equivalent of putting gas on the fire.


Mar 29, 2014
If you think you are suffering from contaminated meat, I would think activated charcoal could be really helpful. I think it is used in the mainstream for poisoning, food poisoning, and nasty gut infections. Binds to organic stuff in the gut and carries it out. I don't know what's available near you, but I think some posters have said their local pharmacies have had it in reasonable quantities. I've got a tub of powder from Charcoal house - where I am, I think I would only find capsules locally. For this purpose I used a couple of heaped teaspoons of loose powder (very thoroughly mixed to a slurry with water in a well sealed bottle). But if all you can get is capsules at short notice, and your gut is still dodgy, it still might be worth it.

I would not personally be reaching for the cascara while diarrhea is the issue, only if constipation threatens, which activated charcoal can sometimes do.
Raw garlic would be as an antibiotic.

If you are past that stage and into recover, I wonder whether mineral balance could be an important factor in recovery? Electrolytes?

I've had tummy bugs that have laid me out - collapsed on the floor or crawling. Really messes with the system. Hope it 'passes' soon.


Jan 3, 2014
i had the flu. Only lasted a few days.

Methylene blue.
Riboflavin 400mg/day to prevent/fix a secondary infection

A few days later it was gone. I had all the body aches and felt 100 years old, and it was GONE.
I just had the same experience. Thanks for your list!I used all the above except lysine. I think it's clear that the endotoxin lowering approach works. Cleared my lungs in a day or two. Now that symptoms are 99% gone I'm also full of energy which wouldn't normally be the case so soon. I'm taking the endotoxin lowering approach for most things right now, and am tempted to keep up the higher MB, but will need to source the highest quality first.
Nov 21, 2015
when I feel like I'm "coming down with something" I take 100,000 units of retinol and some D3 and K2 and vitamin C.

And that's usually the end of it. Sometimes 4 - 6 mg of methylene blue, but usually it isn't needed.


Jan 3, 2014
For me, getting A from grassfed beef liver weekly, taking D3 5000 anyway daily, not taking K2 or C, K2 because can't find decent one locally, C I haven't caught up with yet after stopping for years.

So the things I can easily change if I get that feeling are charcoal, more aspirin than usual (up to 1g), more doxycycline than usual (2x100mg a day while sick), much more MB than the usual <1mg, more riboflavin than my usual approx 50mg. I also take gelatin.

What's interesting now to me as a post CFS sufferer (it's been years but still, energy remains an issue) is that my energy now is so much better than usual, let alone just after flu. I'm intrigued and thinking of making some of these raised things a regular thing (not the charcoal or the aspirin) because energy and no aching is still something that could usually still be a good bit better - or so it seems clear now that I do feel better. I wonder which of these is working the magic. My guess having done higher aspirin before is that's not it. Ditto coffee. Ditto charcoal. So doxy, MB (best purity), 500mg riboflavin are the likely things. Doxy I would have to cycle. Worth exploring I think
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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