Temperature Reset à La Steve Richfield


Oct 17, 2016
Someone suggested I try a temperature reset as part of dealing with anaesthesia and healing from minor surgery. I had a quick read and it sounded bizarre so I kinda didn't worry about it. But a week after surgery in warm weather I was constantly struggling with cold hands a feet. I use a contraceptive app the measures my temp in the morning, and it shows me usually around 36.2-36.7 so I thought I was ok... I mean it gets warmer second half of my cycle which is normal.

Took my temperature after lunch one day and it was 35.18 - HOLY CRAPBALLS no wonder I've been cold. Shouldn't I be deader? So I decided to try heating myself in the shower to get up to 37 - It took me 45 minutes in a 45 degree heat to get up the 37 degrees and I ran out of hot water soon after so couldn't maintain it. I dressed in my ski gear post shower and got under a blanket - EXTREMELY HOT, SWEATY and UNCOMFORTABLE. After ten mins my temperature had dropped down to 36.3 anyway, despite still being sweaty and uncomfortable.

The point of this post is - I didn't think my temp was that bad as my morning temps were relatively ok. But after having one little go at heating myself up to a normal temp - clearly my body is way more fckucked than I thought. Take your temperature a few times a day if you are feeling crap!
Nov 21, 2015
I'm at low 98s now in the daytime. I wonder if I should try another reset, this time to 98.6? I think Steve Richfield would say "yes" but I'm not so sure.

I'm in the 97s when I wake and temps go up sometimes to mid 98s during the day. It is summer where I am...


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Anyone here fixed their temp including waking temp yet??

I have been going through almost the exact same issues as others in this thread with no resolution. How do you fix your waking temp? I haven't seen anyone accomplish it yet. @tankasnowgod is literally the only forum poster here I know that managed a 98.6F waking temp, every day.

I can keep my temps at 98.6F all day from within an hr of waking but can not seem to wake up with 98.6F ever. I don't feel good unless I'm close to 98.6F waking up. I once managed like 98.4-98.5F and felt great. Have not been able to replicate. I like to think its just persistence, but I've been plateued for a while and clearly its possible because I did it once or twice just can't replicate it. Gonna start tracking more religiously on cronometer & make notes as I go


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
That's about where I'm at too. Can't crack the last 0.5F for the life of me. I just feel soooo much better at 98.6F I wish I could always wake up at that temp I'd finally feel alive again I am tired of living this zombie lethargist life


Mar 29, 2014
I can keep my temps at 98.6F all day from within an hr of waking but can not seem to wake up with 98.6F ever. I don't feel good unless I'm close to 98.6F waking up. I once managed like 98.4-98.5F and felt great.
I've not tried Richard's procedure, though I think it's interesting.

Noting that I think Broda Barnes aimed at a waking temp range of 97.8 - 98.2, and said that if you tried to push it higher than that with supplements, you risk reducing endogenous thyroid hormone production.
I'm not saying it's impossible, and it seems some people succeed in getting waking temps consistently higher, but it looks as though that was Barnes experience with a number of patients.

My impression is that it's normal for the temp to get higher through the day and be slightly lower at night.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
My impression is that it's normal for the temp to get higher through the day and be slightly lower at night.

I agree with that, but I also think it should be close to 98.6 upon waking. It's been my personal subjective experience that any time my blood sugar is low, temperature is also low, and holds especially true in the morning for me. RP says that restful sleep can only happen with good metabolism (aka, blood sugar storage), and I can't see how temperature would not be close to 98.6 upon waking if blood sugars are stored because for me, the two are 1:1 synonymous with each other and I can now tell when my temp is below 98.6 just by how I feel and never have I felt good with lower than 98.6 whether its during the day or after waking up. In hypo, blood sugars will be super low in the mornings usually and in someone healthy they may still even be as high as 50% (RP says healthy individuals may be able to fast as long as 16 hrs).

At 98.2 I feel mostly OK (not perfect), but at the lower end of that range, 97.8... I unequivocally feel like I have been drugged, no exceptions. So I am not on board with 97.8 being OK

Anyway - yesterday was my first experimental day bumping up carbs and lowering fat intake - and I got 98.3F this morning, and felt pretty good :)
Last edited:


Aug 9, 2019
I just found out about this method. Is it long lasting /permanent, how long does it take and do you get the benefits associated with a higher metabolism that come with higher temps?
It sounds like a cheat code to all this journey, a hack. Wonder why isn't anyone doing it and struggling mints, years to get their temps up.


Dec 28, 2016
Anyone here fixed their temp including waking temp yet??

Just re-read this whole thread for the nostalgia. Can't believe I registered a 96 after a night out drinking back in 2017!

For the last few years, I've consistently waken up at 98.6 (Kinsa oral) and get up to 99+ by the afternoon. My diet and lifestyle is pretty peaty (although I still put a super focus on dressing warmly, I eat almost all my meals warm, I eat lots of rice and potatoes, I don't take many supplements, and I do non-strenuous aerobic exercise).

I feel great and most people who meet me think I'm 26 (I'm 31). To be honest, my pulse is still low, but I'm a lifelong athlete and I am not convinced that high pulse rate is as important (modern hunter gatherers have low pulses but good cardiovascular health).


Jan 6, 2019
Reviving this thread. Like several others, I have low waking temperature even though I'm able to hit 96.8 in the afternoon. Started today with low 96, then showered to 97 and layered up. Been successfully hovering at around 98.6 for several hours now. Constantly in a very mild state of sweating. Nothing more to say for now, will keep you updated.


Jan 6, 2019
6 hours in: currently sitting at 99f in full ice age gear and not sweating at all. Feels quite comfortable and nice actually. I'm taking this as a good sign.


Jan 6, 2019
96.2F upon waking up. Showered to 99F but couldn't maintain it this time. Abandoning mission and trying again some other time. Correction to my first post: 96.8 should be 98.6 and 'showered to 97' should be 'to 99'


Nov 3, 2015
Thanks for this thread! This was new to me. I've been Peating for years including taking thyroid but my temps would never be even close to 37C. My waking temps sometimes dip into the upper 35's.

I think this has actually helped. Only been doing it for 2 days, but my oral temps during the day are 37C now, and my waking temp today was 36.5.
I've been bundling up, using red light and thyroid to get to a point where i'm feeling sweaty.


Dec 28, 2016
FYI - This new continuous body temperature monitor may be useful for people doing a temperature reset. Device for continuous and accurate core body temperature monitoring - CORE

I just left a review in the Wearable Technology For Tracking Pulse/temps | Ray Peat Forum thread

Ok. The Core Body Temperature monitor arrived last night.

1. It easily clips onto my heart rate monitor and sits on the side of my chest a few inches under my armpit. This is a huge improvement from previous wearable temperature monitors that required me to buy adhesives to apply. The box comes with a pack of adhesives, but using a heart rate monitor is much better, IMO.
2. The continuous monitoring seems accurate. I'm excited about this because I can now check throughout the day and know when I need to put on more layers or eat something warming. There are times when you may feel hot, but your body temperature is still sub-optimal because of lowered temperature setpoints.
3. I like that you can charge it via USB (a lot of these monitors have watch type batteries that you have to keep buying every few months)

1. The app is pretty bare bones. The biggest issue is that you don't seem to be able to download the historical data to a CSV
2. Expensive (~$250)

Summary: My plan was to wear this continually (except while charging alongside my Oura ring for 15-30 minutes every morning) and then upload the hourly data to my health data spreadsheet so that I could see trends in my daily and overnight temperature. Without this export feature, I'll mainly just use it to help me make in the moment decisions about whether I need to take steps to warm myself up. That ability is still very valuable to me!

Peater Pan

Sep 1, 2020
I used Buteyko exercises very very strong and vigorously over a year or two, and I believe that although it was a net HUGE benefit, it did lower my temps a LOT.

I didn't know anything about thyroid then and neither did my teachers and coaches.
Would you recommend against Buteyko until one's thyroid/temps/metabolism are optimal?

Peater Pan

Sep 1, 2020
I decided I have an infection and I ordered some azithromycin. I just don't feel great and I am still coughing things up. Coincidence that this started with my reset? Probably not but who knows.

Managed to stay in the 97s, now it's evening and I'm 97.7 near 10:20pm.

I am wondering if my being mildly sick (if I am) is a reason for lower temps...

I also think riboflavin in the high dosages that I'm using is causing an adrenaline response. Cold hands, cold feet, VERY cold...
I've read/heard (Peat, Haidut) that infection (bacterial or viral) can negatively impact temps. Where do yo get azithromycin?

Peater Pan

Sep 1, 2020
freezing this morning. Was at 96F waking up, now below that. 95.9. Wow, just SO cold.

And I had some weird muscle cramping last night. I wonder if it's the antibiotics, side effects, die-off?

Under the lights in full winter clothing, getting temps up...

This is really weird.
Could be if your'e sweating a lot due to reset/layering that your electrolytes get thrown off?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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