Supplements to banish demons and identify crypto jews


Aug 17, 2018
Be careful, brother, you can negatively influence ignorant brothers or sisters.

True Christianity as yerrag calls it and gnosticism are mutually exclusive systems of belief. The principles of gnosticism contradict what it means to be a christian. Therefore, although some forms of gnosticism may claim to be christian, they are in fact undoubtedly non-christian.

Gnosticism was probably the most dangerous heresy that threatened the primary church in the first three centuries. Influenced by philosophers such as Plato, gnosticism is based on two false premises. First, it adopts a dualism of spirit and matter. The gnostics claim that matter is inherited, but that the spirit is good. As a result of this assumption, gnostics believe that everything that is done in the body, even the most heinous sin, has no meaning, because real life exists only in the spiritual realm.

Second, gnostics claim to possess high knowledge, a "higher truth," known to very few people. Gnosticism comes from the greek word gnosis, which means "to know." Gnostics claim to have a higher knowledge, acquired not from the Bible, but from a higher mystical existential plan, also gnostics see themselves as a privileged class, exalted above all others by their higher, deeper knowledge of God.

To discredit the idea of any compatibility between christianity and gnosticism, we only need to compare their teachings on the main doctrines of the faith. Regarding salvation, gnosticism teaches that salvation is gained through the acquisition of divine knowledge, which frees from the illusion of darkness. Although they claim to follow Jesus Christ and His original teachings, the gnostics contradict Him at every step. Jesus said nothing about salvation through knowledge, but through faith in Him as Savior from sin. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; And this does not come from you; but it is the gift of God. Not by works, lest any man should boast ”(Ephesians 2: 8-9). Moreover, the salvation that Christ offers is free and available to everyone (John 3:16), not just to a small number of people who have acquired a special revelation, like gnostics.

Christianity states that there is only one source of truth, and that is the Bible, the inspired, infallible Word of the living God, the only rule of faith and practice (John 17:17, 2 Timothy 3: 15-17, Hebrews 4:12). It is God's written revelation to mankind and is never replaced by human thoughts, ideas, writings or visions. Gnostics, on the other hand, use a variety of early heretical writings, known as the gnostic gospels, a collection of forgeries that claim to be "the lost books of the Bible." Fortunately, the fathers of the early church were almost unanimous in recognizing these gnostic scrolls as fraudulent forgeries, adopting false doctrines about Jesus Christ, salvation, God, and any other basic truth in christianity. There are countless contradictions between the gnostic "gospels" and the Bible. Even when so-called gnostic christians quote from the Bible, they rewrite the verses and parts of verses to fit their philosophy, a strictly forbidden practice and about which there are many warnings in Scripture (Deuteronomy 4.2, 12.32, Proverbs 30.6, Revelation 22: 18-19).

The person of Jesus Christ is another area in which christianity and gnosticism differ drastically. Gnostics believe that Jesus' physical body was not real, but only "appeared" to be physical, and that His spirit descended upon Him at baptism, but left Him before the crucifixion. Such views contradict not only the true humanity of Jesus, but also the atonement, because Jesus had to be not only the true God, but also the true man (physically real), who actually suffered and died on cross, to be the acceptable substitute sacrifice for sin (Hebrews 2: 14-17). The biblical view of Jesus affirms both His complete humanity and His full deity.

In conclusion, gnosticism is based on a mystical, intuitive, subjective, inner, emotional approach to truth, which is nothing new. It is very old and comes from the Garden of Eden, where satan questioned God and His words, convincing Adam and Eve to reject them and accept a lie. He does the same thing today, as he "wanders about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5: 8). He still questions God and the Bible and catches in his net those who are either naive and uninformed in Scripture, or seek any personal revelation that will make them feel special, unique, superior to others.

Apostle Paul, says, "Search all things, keep what is good" (1 Thessalonians 5:21), and do so by comparing everything to God's Word, the only Truth.

I completely disagree with you. Gnostic teachings existed way before Christianity appeared. Yes, it's a sensitive topic and gnostics were rivals to Christians but if one seeks the truth then should remain open to all possibilities. Perhaps this is a debate to be taken off this thread. I'm just going to say if you are going by the translations at main website (which I did read along with a few books they recommended) then these translations are actually way off. The only person I came across so far that actually explains the gnostic is John Lash as mentioned in my previous post. He did learn Coptic. I recommend reading his book Not in his image if you really want to know what their teachings were about.


Apr 7, 2021
I completely disagree with you. Gnostic teachings existed way before Christianity appeared. Yes, it's a sensitive topic and gnostics were rivals to Christians but if one seeks the truth then should remain open to all possibilities. Perhaps this is a debate to be taken off this thread. I'm just going to say if you are going by the translations at main website (which I did read along with a few books they recommended) then these translations are actually way off. The only person I came across so far that actually explains the gnostic is John Lash as mentioned in my previous post. He did learn Coptic. I recommend reading his book Not in his image if you really want to know what their teachings were about.

You are absolutely right about the existence of gnostic teachings, Plato died over 300 years before Christ the Lord was born, otherwise I have never mentioned anything contradictory in previous writings about it, but if you really want to contradict me, it is accepted. Thank you for the suggestions, but I am firmly convinced and strongly believe that salvation is for everyone, not just for the initiated, enlightened etc.

You are right about the contradictory discussions on this topic, you cannot turn me from my path and I cannot change you from yours either, I just sounded the alarm regarding our brothers and sisters. They are more important, I say, than a contradictory discussion between the two of us.

May the truth be your guide!


I completely disagree with you. Gnostic teachings existed way before Christianity appeared. Yes, it's a sensitive topic and gnostics were rivals to Christians but if one seeks the truth then should remain open to all possibilities. Perhaps this is a debate to be taken off this thread. I'm just going to say if you are going by the translations at main website (which I did read along with a few books they recommended) then these translations are actually way off. The only person I came across so far that actually explains the gnostic is John Lash as mentioned in my previous post. He did learn Coptic. I recommend reading his book Not in his image if you really want to know what their teachings were about.
Gnostic teachings are way newer than you infer. They were a 1st century AD development , not "way earlier" and stem out of Jewish mysticism and early Christian mysticism. Not developed long before christianity, and some parts of it simultaneously were born together with the church as well as many other things from which Christianity developed it's initial philosophy. Early Christianity drew upon many philosophies, including Greek Platonism and Jainism which are much older than Christianity and Gnostic ideas which were certainly more concurrent with the timeframe of the birth of the early church. Perhaps when you said "way before" you were thinking of Greek Platonism and Jainism instead.
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Apr 7, 2021
Gnostic teachings are way newer than you infer. They were a 1st century AD development , not "way earlier" and stem out of Jewish mysticism and early Christian mysticism. Not developed long before christianity, and some parts of it simultaneously were born together with the church as well as many other things from which Christianity developed it's initial philosophy. Early Christianity drew upon many philosophies, including Greek Platonism and Jainism which are much older than Christianity and Gnostic ideas which were certainly more concurrent with the timeframe of the birth of the early church. Perhaps when you said "way before" you were thinking of Greek Platonism and Jainism instead.

You are right, the movement reached a great point of development during the 2nd century AD, in the roman and alexandrian schools founded by Valentius, it actually flourished between the 2nd and 3rd centuries, but we are also right, the (teachings) of gnosticism are older than the concept of christianity, but I think that not older than the teachings of christianity.
I referred to the influences, roots of gnosticism as being older than christianity, which is why I mentioned Plato.


You are right, the movement reached a great point of development during the 2nd century AD, in the roman and alexandrian schools founded by Valentius, it actually flourished between the 2nd and 3rd centuries, but we are also right, the (teachings) of gnosticism are older than the concept of christianity, but I think that not older than the teachings of christianity.
I referred to the influences, roots of gnosticism as being older than christianity, which is why I mentioned Plato.
Point well taken, the various ideas / any philosophy or teachings precede by centuries or even millenia - any established religion. Probably dates back to the beginnings of human language itself.


Apr 7, 2021
Point well taken, the various ideas / any philosophy or teachings precede by centuries or even millenia - any established religion. Probably dates back to the beginnings of human language itself.


Mar 15, 2018
With the whole issue of religion and legitimate 'history' to follow said religion you'd have to question the organizations or people 'recording' said history, providing proof of the existence of religions for a set period of time, since people are relying on them specifically for the legitimacy of said religion, if one is not relying on their own family to help record public history to an extent (you have reports of altered statues in Egypt and communists breaking statues to 'alter history'). I don't really see a problem looking at most 'recorded history' or 'religious doctrines' to discern what you want from it yourself, the same with looking through any sort of book.


May 2, 2021
Be careful, brother, you can negatively influence ignorant brothers or sisters.

True Christianity as yerrag calls it and gnosticism are mutually exclusive systems of belief. The principles of gnosticism contradict what it means to be a christian. Therefore, although some forms of gnosticism may claim to be christian, they are in fact undoubtedly non-christian.

Gnosticism was probably the most dangerous heresy that threatened the primary church in the first three centuries. Influenced by philosophers such as Plato, gnosticism is based on two false premises. First, it adopts a dualism of spirit and matter. The gnostics claim that matter is inherited, but that the spirit is good. As a result of this assumption, gnostics believe that everything that is done in the body, even the most heinous sin, has no meaning, because real life exists only in the spiritual realm.

Second, gnostics claim to possess high knowledge, a "higher truth," known to very few people. Gnosticism comes from the greek word gnosis, which means "to know." Gnostics claim to have a higher knowledge, acquired not from the Bible, but from a higher mystical existential plan, also gnostics see themselves as a privileged class, exalted above all others by their higher, deeper knowledge of God.

To discredit the idea of any compatibility between christianity and gnosticism, we only need to compare their teachings on the main doctrines of the faith. Regarding salvation, gnosticism teaches that salvation is gained through the acquisition of divine knowledge, which frees from the illusion of darkness. Although they claim to follow Jesus Christ and His original teachings, the gnostics contradict Him at every step. Jesus said nothing about salvation through knowledge, but through faith in Him as Savior from sin. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; And this does not come from you; but it is the gift of God. Not by works, lest any man should boast ”(Ephesians 2: 8-9). Moreover, the salvation that Christ offers is free and available to everyone (John 3:16), not just to a small number of people who have acquired a special revelation, like gnostics.

Christianity states that there is only one source of truth, and that is the Bible, the inspired, infallible Word of the living God, the only rule of faith and practice (John 17:17, 2 Timothy 3: 15-17, Hebrews 4:12). It is God's written revelation to mankind and is never replaced by human thoughts, ideas, writings or visions. Gnostics, on the other hand, use a variety of early heretical writings, known as the gnostic gospels, a collection of forgeries that claim to be "the lost books of the Bible." Fortunately, the fathers of the early church were almost unanimous in recognizing these gnostic scrolls as fraudulent forgeries, adopting false doctrines about Jesus Christ, salvation, God, and any other basic truth in christianity. There are countless contradictions between the gnostic "gospels" and the Bible. Even when so-called gnostic christians quote from the Bible, they rewrite the verses and parts of verses to fit their philosophy, a strictly forbidden practice and about which there are many warnings in Scripture (Deuteronomy 4.2, 12.32, Proverbs 30.6, Revelation 22: 18-19).

The person of Jesus Christ is another area in which christianity and gnosticism differ drastically. Gnostics believe that Jesus' physical body was not real, but only "appeared" to be physical, and that His spirit descended upon Him at baptism, but left Him before the crucifixion. Such views contradict not only the true humanity of Jesus, but also the atonement, because Jesus had to be not only the true God, but also the true man (physically real), who actually suffered and died on cross, to be the acceptable substitute sacrifice for sin (Hebrews 2: 14-17). The biblical view of Jesus affirms both His complete humanity and His full deity.

In conclusion, gnosticism is based on a mystical, intuitive, subjective, inner, emotional approach to truth, which is nothing new. It is very old and comes from the Garden of Eden, where satan questioned God and His words, convincing Adam and Eve to reject them and accept a lie. He does the same thing today, as he "wanders about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5: 8). He still questions God and the Bible and catches in his net those who are either naive and uninformed in Scripture, or seek any personal revelation that will make them feel special, unique, superior to others.

Apostle Paul, says, "Search all things, keep what is good" (1 Thessalonians 5:21), and do so by comparing everything to God's Word, the only Truth.
Very well written. Gnosticism/new age/mystery religion/mysticism are all deception and distraction by the enemy. An endless rabbit hole of an attempt to acquire "hidden knowledge" to set you free from the matrix of this world.

True salvation is a free gift given to all who have sinned (all of humanity) who accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior through the death, burial, and resurrection. True faith in his finished work on the cross leads one to repentance - to change our ways away from the ways of the world and to separate ourselves from the world in order to strive to live a more righteous life. Though our works are as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6), The body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also (James 2:26). But the end of the day, it is by grace and through faith in which we have been saved and not by works. God bless you!
Nov 21, 2015
i personally would rather this stuff be somewhere else other than this forum. It's just my opinion that religion sucks as a topic for a health forum.


i personally would rather this stuff be somewhere else other than this forum. It's just my opinion that religion sucks as a topic for a health forum.
I would offer polite disagreement. Though a lot of us (perhaps even most of us) are certainly here with the selfish motive to improve our health and well being it is ridiculous to call the Ray Peat forum just a health forum. Ray's numerous broadcasts are certainly not just health shows based on the obvious fact that they touch on absolutely every theme under the sun, from God (which he doesn't appear to believe in in any traditional sense) to metaphysics, history, humor, medicine, pharmacology, electromagnetic spectrum and light, properties of elements and molecules ,the origin of life ,philosophy, states of water, energy, politics, art, etc.......... No topic seems to be off limits with Ray. He seems to have commented on and is interested in most themes that make up the fabric of this life. He has overtly stated he sees himself as an artist and prefers art over science or nutrition. As far as religion goes, these are innocently made remarks by honest individuals seeking understanding and I don't think the discussion is intended to disgust or offend you. Most people mentally wrestle routinely with these themes. Understood from your comment that for you the topic is not appealing at all. Fine then for you to simply ignore it keeping your stress response low and avoid unneeded annoyance. If health is your main interest, very reasonable to just focus then on the health posts here that furnish you with the goldmine of information you require to maintain your wellbeing.
Last edited by a moderator:
Nov 21, 2015
I would offer polite disagreement. Though a lot of us (perhaps even most of us) are certainly here with the selfish motive to improve our health and well being it is ridiculous to call the Ray Peat forum just a health forum. Ray's numerous broadcasts are certainly not just health shows based on the obvious fact that they touch on absolutely every theme under the sun, from God (which he doesn't appear to believe in in any traditional sense) to metaphysics, history, humor, medicine, pharmacology, electromagnetic spectrum and light, properties of elements and molecules ,the origin of life ,philosophy, states of water, energy, politics, art, etc.......... No topic seems to be off limits with Ray. He seems to have commented on and is interested in most themes that make up the fabric of this life. He has overtly stated he sees himself as an artist and prefers art over science or nutrition. As far as religion goes, these are innocently made remarks by honest individuals seeking understanding and I don't think the discussion is intended to disgust or offend you. Most people mentally wrestle routinely with these themes. Understood from your comment that for you the topic is not appealing at all. Fine then for you to simply ignore it keeping your stress response low and avoid unneeded annoyance. If health is your main interest, very reasonable to just focus then on the health posts here that furnish you with the goldmine of information you require to maintain your wellbeing.

thank you. I am okay with ignoring threads of no interest to me and perhaps that’s as it should be. Again thank you.


thank you. I am okay with ignoring threads of no interest to me and perhaps that’s as it should be. Again thank you.
Lol, we both get to pick and choose what we pay attention to and what we ignore. I have paid attention in the past to your posts and you are quite the prolific poster and I usually very much like what you share. The health stuff on this forum is a true treasure trove.


May 2, 2021
I would offer polite disagreement. Though a lot of us (perhaps even most of us) are certainly here with the selfish motive to improve our health and well being it is ridiculous to call the Ray Peat forum just a health forum. Ray's numerous broadcasts are certainly not just health shows based on the obvious fact that they touch on absolutely every theme under the sun, from God (which he doesn't appear to believe in in any traditional sense) to metaphysics, history, humor, medicine, pharmacology, electromagnetic spectrum and light, properties of elements and molecules ,the origin of life ,philosophy, states of water, energy, politics, art, etc.......... No topic seems to be off limits with Ray. He seems to have commented on and is interested in most themes that make up the fabric of this life. He has overtly stated he sees himself as an artist and prefers art over science or nutrition. As far as religion goes, these are innocently made remarks by honest individuals seeking understanding and I don't think the discussion is intended to disgust or offend you. Most people mentally wrestle routinely with these themes. Understood from your comment that for you the topic is not appealing at all. Fine then for you to simply ignore it keeping your stress response low and avoid unneeded annoyance. If health is your main interest, very reasonable to just focus then on the health posts here that furnish you with the goldmine of information you require to maintain your wellbeing.
I can also personally attest to (even fairly recently in my life) being turned away at the sight or sound of religiosity - especially from what I interpreted as Christian dogma. The questioning and challenging of beliefs/education/systems of thought, etc. should always be part of growth and development and hopefully continue to occur throughout one's life to avoid stagnation and assist in strengthening the orienting reflex.

Shifting from an interest in new age/eastern philosophy, pantheism, agnosticism, gnosticism toward actually understanding both the significance and simplicity of the true Gospel of Christ, something that years of attending church in younger years never gave me, happened around the same time I was experimenting with physical health and having to reject ideas about health that were deeply intwined with my identity (fruitarianism, fasting, yoga, meditation). So for me the connection with spirituality and faith and health are all connected in context of my past experiences and how I'm trying to grow in both the physical (health) and spiritual (faith).

Many are trying to find their way to optimize all aspects of their lives, wether through physical health, spirituality, or a mix of the two or more variables. I think individuals like myself (who have just recently "seen the light" so to speak) see how much the truth and simplicity of the Gospel has been corrupted by religion, society, culture, and even perhaps through more deeply rooted conspiratorial efforts like freemasonry, mind control, or even just slightly less than true re-branding of the Gospel for personal gain and control. Experiencing how communion with God through prayer and faith in Christ provides peace and steadfastness in such a fallen and corrupt world as we live in has had a remarkable impact on being able to remain grounded and stable in such times as these. In this context I find faith and spirituality to be especially relevant to physical health - all while completely being able to relate to coming from a place where I detested these ideas based on my understanding and bias toward them at a given time in my life.



May 2, 2021
thank you. I am okay with ignoring threads of no interest to me and perhaps that’s as it should be. Again thank you.
And I will second that and say that in my short time lurking since the beginning of this year I have also benefitted from posts and comments you have contributed on the forum


Apr 7, 2021
Very well written. Gnosticism/new age/mystery religion/mysticism are all deception and distraction by the enemy. An endless rabbit hole of an attempt to acquire "hidden knowledge" to set you free from the matrix of this world.

True salvation is a free gift given to all who have sinned (all of humanity) who accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior through the death, burial, and resurrection. True faith in his finished work on the cross leads one to repentance - to change our ways away from the ways of the world and to separate ourselves from the world in order to strive to live a more righteous life. Though our works are as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6), The body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also (James 2:26). But the end of the day, it is by grace and through faith in which we have been saved and not by works. God bless you!
May the Lord bless you, the whole community and all His children!


I understand your point of view, but I do not agree with it because it does not reflect reality.

Health is divided into categories. Many can benefit from such discussions. Your mind and soul also need to be properly cared for, nourished or powered so that the efficiency of your body is intensified. This way you avoid any potential imbalance.
"Mens sana in corpore sano", it can also be used in reverse.

Also, don't forget that your body is not immortal, no matter how much you care about its well-being. Even if this topic started mockingly, we can have amicable discussions, we can learn from each other and we can help each other. I am firmly convinced that there are anxious and sick brothers and sisters, not only physically, who need viable suggestions about what to follow in this life, they need help to get up from the ground, support, encouragement etc.

Therefore, I consider that the guidance to the truth and its discovery is equivalent to a high morale, peace of mind etc. All this contributes enormously to the general state of health of the individual.

I personally read many topics on this forum, just like many others. Among them were topics that were not of particular interest to me, but from which I was able to evade the essentials, there were also grotesque topics that I read, I felt the need to write that I am bothered by certain aspects, but I did not. It was about an individual whose writings clearly showed that he was anxious. This individual mentioned among his writings all sorts of bizarre fetishes involving rape, torture of women, but also others. Strange as no one warned him about his writings, I'm glad that a user was finally found to report that topic, rightly so.

You are not the only voice that I hear is against the topics related to faith or religion, there are many of you.

I. Are you really bothered by the fact that such topics are here on the forum and not elsewhere?

II. Why do you think this would not be a good place for such discussions?

III. Why did you access and write in this topic if you knew or thought that such discussions had no place here or are not of interest to you, what made you so upset that you made the previous statement?

Please be kind, explain to me what bothers you more precisely?

Thank you!


May the Lord bless you, the whole community and all His children!


I understand your point of view, but I do not agree with it because it does not reflect reality.

Health is divided into categories. Many can benefit from such discussions. Your mind and soul also need to be properly cared for, nourished or powered so that the efficiency of your body is intensified. This way you avoid any potential imbalance.
"Mens sana in corpore sano", it can also be used in reverse.

Also, don't forget that your body is not immortal, no matter how much you care about its well-being. Even if this topic started mockingly, we can have amicable discussions, we can learn from each other and we can help each other. I am firmly convinced that there are anxious and sick brothers and sisters, not only physically, who need viable suggestions about what to follow in this life, they need help to get up from the ground, support, encouragement etc.

Therefore, I consider that the guidance to the truth and its discovery is equivalent to a high morale, peace of mind etc. All this contributes enormously to the general state of health of the individual.

I personally read many topics on this forum, just like many others. Among them were topics that were not of particular interest to me, but from which I was able to evade the essentials, there were also grotesque topics that I read, I felt the need to write that I am bothered by certain aspects, but I did not. It was about an individual whose writings clearly showed that he was anxious. This individual mentioned among his writings all sorts of bizarre fetishes involving rape, torture of women, but also others. Strange as no one warned him about his writings, I'm glad that a user was finally found to report that topic, rightly so.

You are not the only voice that I hear is against the topics related to faith or religion, there are many of you.

I. Are you really bothered by the fact that such topics are here on the forum and not elsewhere?

II. Why do you think this would not be a good place for such discussions?

III. Why did you access and write in this topic if you knew or thought that such discussions had no place here or are not of interest to you, what made you so upset that you made the previous statement?

Please be kind, explain to me what bothers you more precisely?

Thank you!
I know your heart is in the right place and you want to do good but @ecstatichamster made it very clear he does not want to have this discussion at all. I think we should respect that.


Aug 22, 2019
Mockery? I thought Christianity in itself was a split from Judaism used to enslave westerners with the way it's presented, if it used to be legitimate.

How absurd to say that. The Catholic Church built the West.


Apr 7, 2021
I know your heart is in the right place and you want to do good but @ecstatichamster made it very clear he does not want to have this discussion at all. I think we should respect that.

You wrote in another message that you found his messages useful or something similar and another conversation friend wrote the same thing. In this way I specify that I also like his messages and I do not want to flatter anyone. He is one of the contributing members of the forum through the useful suggestions he offers. He is quite manly to answer us, we can expose our ambiguities and we are able to reach a consensus or at least try to clarify them.
He is also our brother regardless of whether or not he agrees with such topics / discussions!


You wrote in another message that you found his messages useful or something similar and another conversation friend wrote the same thing. In this way I specify that I also like his messages and I do not want to flatter anyone. He is one of the contributing members of the forum through the useful suggestions he offers. He is quite manly to answer us, we can expose our ambiguities and we are able to reach a consensus or at least try to clarify them.
He is also our brother regardless of whether or not he agrees with such topics / discussions!
I hear you brother.
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