Supplements to banish demons and identify crypto jews


Jan 15, 2016
@Lord Cola

Revelation 2:9
‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you.

Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you.

John 8:52
Then the Jews said, “Now we know You have a demon. Abraham died and so did the prophets. You say, ‘If anyone keeps My word, he will never taste death—ever!’

John 10:20
Many of them were saying, “He has a demon and He’s crazy! Why do you listen to Him?”

So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine.
-Matthew 8:31

“You can also educate yourself about the term crypto jew.”
Where to live?


“Trump went to Sunday school and was confirmed in 1959 at the First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica, Queens.”
Donald Trump - Wikipedia


Mar 15, 2018
I am almost certain meat bag did this in jest to mock the anti Semitic leanings of tagged posters
Mockery? I thought Christianity in itself was a split from Judaism used to enslave westerners with the way it's presented, if it used to be legitimate. Not my fault that Blackrock CEOs are a jewish coincidence, unless christianity in its form now (if it wasn't always like that) is or was just a way to ignore it by saying a dead man from a (now-current) racial-based religion is their savior. What I find surprising is that someone could pretend to be a communist like it meant anything when it's another banker propped 'religion' used to destroy and reallocate resources, unless they're just looking for an easy way to amass power for themselves over others. Over half of the bolshevists in Soviet Russia's 'red revolutions' pushed with banker money were jewish.

U.S. Farmers Are Receiving Letters From The Department Of Agriculture Offering Them Cash To Dispose Of Their Crops | Farmers must refuse to be part of genocide |

The New Testament is alright for what it is, but 'house taxes' are a thing. Unless people want to stop playing with monopoly money I'm just not seeing a pretty way out of it.
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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Mockery? I thought Christianity in itself was a split from Judaism used to enslave westerners with the way it's presented, if it used to be legitimate. Not my fault that Blackrock CEOs are a jewish coincidence, unless christianity in its form now (if it wasn't always like that) is or was just a way to ignore it. What I find surprising is that someone could pretend to be a communist like it meant anything when it's another banker propped 'religion' used to destroy and reallocate
Mockery? I thought Christianity in itself was a split from Judaism used to enslave westerners with the way it's presented, if it used to be legitimate. Not my fault that Blackrock CEOs are a jewish coincidence, unless christianity in its form now (if it wasn't always like that) is or was just a way to ignore it. What I find surprising is that someone could pretend to be a communist like it meant anything when it's another banker propped 'religion' used to destroy and reallocate resources.

U.S. Farmers Are Receiving Letters From The Department Of Agriculture Offering Them Cash To Dispose Of Their Crops | Farmers must refuse to be part of genocide |
I could be completely wrong and meatbags the only person who could answer.
I don’t understand your reference to Christianity in the top of your post? I didn’t mention anything about Christianity.


Apr 7, 2021
Mockery? I thought Christianity in itself was a split from Judaism used to enslave westerners with the way it's presented, if it used to be legitimate. Not my fault that Blackrock CEOs are a jewish coincidence, unless christianity in its form now (if it wasn't always like that) is or was just a way to ignore it by saying a dead man from a (now-current) racial-based religion is their savior. What I find surprising is that someone could pretend to be a communist like it meant anything when it's another banker propped 'religion' used to destroy and reallocate resources, unless they're just looking for an easy way to amass power for themselves over others. Over half of the bolshevists in Soviet Russia's 'red revolutions' pushed with banker money were jewish.

U.S. Farmers Are Receiving Letters From The Department Of Agriculture Offering Them Cash To Dispose Of Their Crops | Farmers must refuse to be part of genocide |

The New Testament is alright for what it is, but 'house taxes' are a thing. Unless people want to stop playing with monopoly money I'm just not seeing a pretty way out of it.
Christianity was used to enslave, you say ?! I don't think you master the notion of a christian.

Please do not make the mistake of confusing religion with true faith in the future. There is a difference from heaven to earth, our beloved Savior died precisely because he was against religion, against the form of faith that the pharisees, sadducees, scribes followed. If you asked a pharisee if he considered himself a sinner, he felt offended, I'm not saying to accuse him of sin, they respected what was written in the book, rituals etc. but their souls were blackened, they were rotten with sin, because of the pride that blinded them.

Why did so many christians have to die in severe torment and why are they still killed, if their faith is just a form of control, as you say? It doesn't make sense, I tell you.
They are, have been, but will be increasingly persecuted and killed, precisely because they are free, freed from any religious form created by man and used for barbaric purposes. They are free in Christ the Lord!

But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against an house falleth. If satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand?
Luke 11:17‭-‬19

You're talking about Russia. Do you have any idea how many tens, hundreds of thousands and millions of christians have been killed in Russia, Romania and all of Eastern Europe, but not only? Exploited by forced labor, starved, beaten, tortured, killed.The luckiest escaped after 10-15-20 years in prison and daily work, along with government fluctuations.

The martyrdom of christians began with the persecutions of the Roman Empire. It didn't matter what position you held, if you were a slave or the governor of a city, a doctor or a general in the Roman army. About 2 million martyrs knew Christ in their hearts and died with him on their lips in the first three centuries of christianity alone.

However, the true christian holocaust is taking place today, in the 20th century, about 40 million Christians were martyred, more than half of the 70 million people killed throughout history for their faith in Jesus Christ. These numbers are known, although they are estimated to be much higher.

Being a christian in North Korea is a crime against the nation today. The communist regime has no tolerance for Christ, considering his teaching a public enemy. Many christians were arrested just for holding a Bible, being imprisoned in camps. However, about half a million christians regularly risk their lives and gather in illegal communities to pray together.

In Afghanistan, christians are subjected to daily public and government pressure or are attacked by taliban militias. In Iran, christians are arrested for proselytizing. In Saudi Arabia, the public expression of any non-Muslim faith is prohibited, and conversion to christianity is considered apostasy and is punishable by death. Many foreign workers were deported because of their faith. Somalia is anarchy and some militias have as their main goal the eradication of christianity. All citizens of the Maldives must be muslims and christian churches are banned, pressure has been passed on to tourists in recent years.

In Uzbekistan or Laos, being a christian means being fined at any time, losing your job, being arrested without a proper indictment, being killed. In Yemen, Syria or Iraq, christians have taken the path of exodus. In Egypt 17% of the population, an extremely small percentage is still Christian and churches are frequently the target of attacks.

Please consider that at the end of the seventh century 95% of the Mediterranean population in the south and east was christian. Today only 6% of them are christians and in just a few years there will be only 3% or less.

There is a discreet censorship in Western politics but not only and media on this issue, they are topics avoided and considered to be diplomatically harmful. It is a problem when a symbol of politically correct democracy is reached, for example freedom of speech in Charlie Hebdo case and many others. But the media remains blind to the tens of thousands of christians killed by extremist Islam, fundamentalist Hindus or communists in China or North Korea.

But you will not read this in the CNN or BBC feed or any other media trust subservient to the satanists in control.

The fight against christianity is gradually intensifying and will reach its peak. Christianity means freedom, solidarity, united family, love of fellow human beings, altruism etc. If you sit for a few minutes thinking about the situation, you will quickly notice that the battle is being waged against the principles, virtues and freedoms that are constituents of christianity.


Mar 29, 2016
Was Christianity ever true to Christ's teaching after Christianity was adopted as the religion of Rome by Constantine?

From then on Christianity was used to give kingdoms and empires a moral high ground to justify the means for their conquest of lands and peoples. It may have started well as the conscience of a kingdom or empire, but this was easily gamed and Christianity reverted to the norm of what a religion is, which is to serve the state. This is true of Judaism as well as of Islam.

Even in the current incarnation of civilization of the West, the Church of Rome, shed of its former official (but nonetheless impotent) role as king maker, continues to merely pay lip service to Christ's message, and turns away in prayer and contemplation to avoid any conflict with the corrupt political system of hypocrisy. By its silence and inaction, it consents to barbaric acts the West continues to engage in against peoples around the world. It does nothing to encourage martyrdom. All martyrs are merely passive believers that sit by, and thus, never cause the kingdom, empire, or government to shudder and change its ways of governance. So much so that the tides of change only bring decay. Love cannot change these governments, faith only encourages the endless waiting for a savior who never comes, and hope is never about life on earth, but about the aftermath of one's passing.

True Christianity is being a threat to the banalities of those who govern, and is not part of the standards and banners held by governments.


Apr 7, 2021
Was Christianity ever true to Christ's teaching after Christianity was adopted as the religion of Rome by Constantine?

From then on Christianity was used to give kingdoms and empires a moral high ground to justify the means for their conquest of lands and peoples. It may have started well as the conscience of a kingdom or empire, but this was easily gamed and Christianity reverted to the norm of what a religion is, which is to serve the state. This is true of Judaism as well as of Islam.

Even in the current incarnation of civilization of the West, the Church of Rome, shed of its former official (but nonetheless impotent) role as king maker, continues to merely pay lip service to Christ's message, and turns away in prayer and contemplation to avoid any conflict with the corrupt political system of hypocrisy. By its silence and inaction, it consents to barbaric acts the West continues to engage in against peoples around the world. It does nothing to encourage martyrdom. All martyrs are merely passive believers that sit by, and thus, never cause the kingdom, empire, or government to shudder and change its ways of governance. So much so that the tides of change only bring decay. Love cannot change these governments, faith only encourages the endless waiting for a savior who never comes, and hope is never about life on earth, but about the aftermath of one's passing.

True Christianity is being a threat to the banalities of those who govern, and is not part of the standards and banners held by governments.
I am sorry that we have come to make the distinction between religion and christianity in such a way, calling christianity "true" but I understand you, the term christianity has come to be misused, as well as many criminal acts that have taken place throughout history, but which still take place today, have been done and are being done under the guise of christianity, but we know well, those able and eager to understand, that there is anything, only christianity not.

Yes, I was referring to that "true" christianity when I wrote the above, the only form of christianity by the way, the one that poses a threat to the satanists in control. Of course, it was exploited and used for other purposes, its powers were perverted by puppeteers. But no matter how much one tries to destroy christianity, I do not mention the "true" one again, it is understood I hope, I do not mean the religious forms of leadership, no matter how much one wants to suppress it, eradicate it by perversion and by replacing it only with a form of faith, true christianity will never be defeated. Maybe there will be fewer left and it will happen, but they will not be defeated. These are the people who lost their heads with a smile on their face, these are the people who once sentenced to death, manage through their joy to suppress the sadness that they will no longer be in the body, these are the truly free people I was talking about, even fear is afraid to approach them. These are the people the devil especially hates, he hates humanity as a whole, but ardent christians, because they are the people to whom no matter what you do or take from them, you will never be able to control them, make them obey you or worship you, to leave them without faith, therefore they are victorious.


Mar 29, 2016
I would like to find more Christians that are more active though in being like the Jesus that got really mad at the moneychangers in His temple.

Perhaps many passages from the bible were censored showing Jesus actively leading a resistance movement? Do we still call Christians marching off to war and getting killed martyrs? As the examples of martyrdom have been about Christians being stoic and peaceful and praying as they are being killed? Can one be engaging in defending his faith and his land and his family a la Braveheart and be considered a martyr? Is that action an act of love or would that be called an act of hate, or heaven forbid, an act of racism?


Apr 7, 2021
To answer your questions, I consider martyrs those who gave their lives to defend their country or land, not those who unjustifiably attack other peoples to rob them of their resources.

I come from a country whose land is soaked in the blood of brave heroes, martyrs, guardians of the faith, of the family, of the nation, saints of prisons etc. Ever since it was a kingdom, but even later, this country has fought for defense, it has remained standing despite so many empires that have oppressed it incessantly. I am sure that so are other small states that are or have been at the crossroads of empires or great powers.


@Lord Cola

Revelation 2:9
‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you.

Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you.

John 8:52
Then the Jews said, “Now we know You have a demon. Abraham died and so did the prophets. You say, ‘If anyone keeps My word, he will never taste death—ever!’

John 10:20
Many of them were saying, “He has a demon and He’s crazy! Why do you listen to Him?”
View attachment 25945
So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine.
-Matthew 8:31

“You can also educate yourself about the term crypto jew.”
Where to live?

View attachment 25946
“Trump went to Sunday school and was confirmed in 1959 at the First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica, Queens.”
Donald Trump - Wikipedia
I am not anti religion , quite the contrary. I don't have any desire to condemn or judge your point of view. That being said, I feel it important for your mental and spiritual well being to make the following comment.

Offensive and sad anti jew remarks. In your search for God and meaning perhaps you got lost in the weeds. The overlying theme in Christianity and most other great religions is certainly love above all else. And even most of our atheist or agnostic non-religious good people to whom religion is utter nonsense still know how to love others. This lack of love revealed in your post for other jewish humans who are related to you (albeit no matter how distantly) is disheartening to the extreme. Have you no sense of brotherhood for the rest of your human family? For your own sanity please examine your perspective before it does you or others great harm. Wishing you well.
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Aug 17, 2018
@Lord Cola

Revelation 2:9
‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you.

Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you.

John 8:52
Then the Jews said, “Now we know You have a demon. Abraham died and so did the prophets. You say, ‘If anyone keeps My word, he will never taste death—ever!’

John 10:20
Many of them were saying, “He has a demon and He’s crazy! Why do you listen to Him?”
View attachment 25945
So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine.
-Matthew 8:31

“You can also educate yourself about the term crypto jew.”
Where to live?

View attachment 25946
“Trump went to Sunday school and was confirmed in 1959 at the First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica, Queens.”
Donald Trump - Wikipedia

I find the gnostic teachings closest to the truth. They warned back then that the human abstract thinking and believing in off planet savior can deter us from the proper path. You would need to read their teachings to fully understand how deep the rabbit hole is. Yes, it did start with the Jews but then it all spread like cancer allover the Earth.


Jan 6, 2019
Pregnenolone reveals the inner workings of the synagogue of Satan. Pregnenolone will help one become attuned to the tricks of those who call themselves Jews but are nowhere close to being such. The real Semites are the Cro-Magnotic Europeans, who will pursue and defend truth everywhere they go. Their eternal enemy are the psychopatic Neanderthal Ashkenazim, the nemesis of organized civilization, who wage war against all of that which is true. Hitler was the last Jewish prophet, and like all Semitic prophets before him, he was vilified and rejected by his people -- only to be proven true in time. This century is the last of the Jewish centuries, and the first of the end times, which shall last for seven centuries in total.


Dec 12, 2017
It’s weird ***t like this post that makes me wonder why I follow this forum. This and the alt-right, tin-foil hat anti-vax ***t. Am I the only one here that just wants to fix my metabolism and insulin resistance? ?

Lord Cola

I find the gnostic teachings closest to the truth. They warned back then that the human abstract thinking and believing in off planet savior can deter us from the proper path. You would need to read their teachings to fully understand how deep the rabbit hole is. Yes, it did start with the Jews but then it all spread like cancer allover the Earth.
Do you know a good place to start learning about these gnostic teachings?


Jan 6, 2019
It’s weird ***t like this post that makes me wonder why I follow this forum. This and the alt-right, tin-foil hat anti-vax ***t. Am I the only one here that just wants to fix my metabolism and insulin resistance? ?
If you truly wanted to fix your metabolism, why would you not expose yourself to all possible alternative perspectives?


Apr 7, 2021
I find the gnostic teachings closest to the truth. They warned back then that the human abstract thinking and believing in off planet savior can deter us from the proper path. You would need to read their teachings to fully understand how deep the rabbit hole is. Yes, it did start with the Jews but then it all spread like cancer allover the Earth.
Be careful, brother, you can negatively influence ignorant brothers or sisters.

True Christianity as yerrag calls it and gnosticism are mutually exclusive systems of belief. The principles of gnosticism contradict what it means to be a christian. Therefore, although some forms of gnosticism may claim to be christian, they are in fact undoubtedly non-christian.

Gnosticism was probably the most dangerous heresy that threatened the primary church in the first three centuries. Influenced by philosophers such as Plato, gnosticism is based on two false premises. First, it adopts a dualism of spirit and matter. The gnostics claim that matter is inherited, but that the spirit is good. As a result of this assumption, gnostics believe that everything that is done in the body, even the most heinous sin, has no meaning, because real life exists only in the spiritual realm.

Second, gnostics claim to possess high knowledge, a "higher truth," known to very few people. Gnosticism comes from the greek word gnosis, which means "to know." Gnostics claim to have a higher knowledge, acquired not from the Bible, but from a higher mystical existential plan, also gnostics see themselves as a privileged class, exalted above all others by their higher, deeper knowledge of God.

To discredit the idea of any compatibility between christianity and gnosticism, we only need to compare their teachings on the main doctrines of the faith. Regarding salvation, gnosticism teaches that salvation is gained through the acquisition of divine knowledge, which frees from the illusion of darkness. Although they claim to follow Jesus Christ and His original teachings, the gnostics contradict Him at every step. Jesus said nothing about salvation through knowledge, but through faith in Him as Savior from sin. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; And this does not come from you; but it is the gift of God. Not by works, lest any man should boast ”(Ephesians 2: 8-9). Moreover, the salvation that Christ offers is free and available to everyone (John 3:16), not just to a small number of people who have acquired a special revelation, like gnostics.

Christianity states that there is only one source of truth, and that is the Bible, the inspired, infallible Word of the living God, the only rule of faith and practice (John 17:17, 2 Timothy 3: 15-17, Hebrews 4:12). It is God's written revelation to mankind and is never replaced by human thoughts, ideas, writings or visions. Gnostics, on the other hand, use a variety of early heretical writings, known as the gnostic gospels, a collection of forgeries that claim to be "the lost books of the Bible." Fortunately, the fathers of the early church were almost unanimous in recognizing these gnostic scrolls as fraudulent forgeries, adopting false doctrines about Jesus Christ, salvation, God, and any other basic truth in christianity. There are countless contradictions between the gnostic "gospels" and the Bible. Even when so-called gnostic christians quote from the Bible, they rewrite the verses and parts of verses to fit their philosophy, a strictly forbidden practice and about which there are many warnings in Scripture (Deuteronomy 4.2, 12.32, Proverbs 30.6, Revelation 22: 18-19).

The person of Jesus Christ is another area in which christianity and gnosticism differ drastically. Gnostics believe that Jesus' physical body was not real, but only "appeared" to be physical, and that His spirit descended upon Him at baptism, but left Him before the crucifixion. Such views contradict not only the true humanity of Jesus, but also the atonement, because Jesus had to be not only the true God, but also the true man (physically real), who actually suffered and died on cross, to be the acceptable substitute sacrifice for sin (Hebrews 2: 14-17). The biblical view of Jesus affirms both His complete humanity and His full deity.

In conclusion, gnosticism is based on a mystical, intuitive, subjective, inner, emotional approach to truth, which is nothing new. It is very old and comes from the Garden of Eden, where satan questioned God and His words, convincing Adam and Eve to reject them and accept a lie. He does the same thing today, as he "wanders about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5: 8). He still questions God and the Bible and catches in his net those who are either naive and uninformed in Scripture, or seek any personal revelation that will make them feel special, unique, superior to others.

Apostle Paul, says, "Search all things, keep what is good" (1 Thessalonians 5:21), and do so by comparing everything to God's Word, the only Truth.
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