Stress response to any substance


Sep 22, 2021
new york
I’m 25 and I can’t tolerate any substance. Thinking back it was the same in high school but Just pushed thru it and didn’t listen to my body.

I’m ok w it and don’t miss these things , but I always beg the question think why? What is going on. Literally 1 drink, 1 hit off a joint, 1 pull of a cigar , and I’m out of it. I don’t mean as in I’m a lightweight.

The cycle is pretty simple. I take a hit , I immediately get a stress response, next I get racing thoughts /irritability, mineral loss ,then insane blood sugar issues, and I become retarded until I have a meal, that cycle is basically everyday even without the drugs and just how I feel I operate. I also very much know that working at a place that doesn’t fulfill me is a huge factor and I need to find something I enjoy that I can monetize. I

Nobody else would know I’m struggling. Following the drink/weed. But immediately I get this pessimistic outlook on everything , and things have a slight negative angle to them, I just feel neurotic and reality is weird. Especially from weed. Its no secret to me that I have a fragile nervous system and most things that even sway me away from homeostasis mess me up. I like predictability and smooth sailing, routine, nature, slow paced life. Don’t like confrontation. Cloudy weather seriously ruins my day. I imagine most ppl don’t like it but I’m just weak mentally when it’s not sunny. It’s bad.

Why can’t i be tolerate a damn hit off a cigar? What does all I said seem to point to^? High serotonin? Mineral dysregulation?


May 31, 2018
I’m 25 and I can’t tolerate any substance. Thinking back it was the same in high school but Just pushed thru it and didn’t listen to my body.

I’m ok w it and don’t miss these things , but I always beg the question think why? What is going on. Literally 1 drink, 1 hit off a joint, 1 pull of a cigar , and I’m out of it. I don’t mean as in I’m a lightweight.

The cycle is pretty simple. I take a hit , I immediately get a stress response, next I get racing thoughts /irritability, mineral loss ,then insane blood sugar issues, and I become retarded until I have a meal, that cycle is basically everyday even without the drugs and just how I feel I operate. I also very much know that working at a place that doesn’t fulfill me is a huge factor and I need to find something I enjoy that I can monetize. I

Nobody else would know I’m struggling. Following the drink/weed. But immediately I get this pessimistic outlook on everything , and things have a slight negative angle to them, I just feel neurotic and reality is weird. Especially from weed. Its no secret to me that I have a fragile nervous system and most things that even sway me away from homeostasis mess me up. I like predictability and smooth sailing, routine, nature, slow paced life. Don’t like confrontation. Cloudy weather seriously ruins my day. I imagine most ppl don’t like it but I’m just weak mentally when it’s not sunny. It’s bad.

Why can’t i be tolerate a damn hit off a cigar? What does all I said seem to point to^? High serotonin? Mineral dysregulation?

Don't know if it's related to the same thing, but I could only take a tongue-tip of Benadryl or it would knock me out, sensitive to every medicine, etc.

After decades I found out it was lack of vitamins and minerals for me as I was sensitive to THOSE too. so I couldn't take them. I never gave up, always coming back to trying it again, a different format a different brand. B1, B6, Folic Acid and B12 were the huge ones. I'm not taking them all the time because I am still sensitive, but while i was taking them I realized I needed far more Benadryl to feel anything which was alien to me!

And yes, I take the tiniest speck of pot and I feel the effects of muscle release and relaxation. I can't imagine ever smoking a whole joint.. a 1 gram joint is about 75+ doses for me!! Great on the wallet I will say.

I am sensitive to Salicylates all around which raise my Histamine. Do you have allergy issues/skin itching as well?


Sep 22, 2021
new york
Don't know if it's related to the same thing, but I could only take a tongue-tip of Benadryl or it would knock me out, sensitive to every medicine, etc.

After decades I found out it was lack of vitamins and minerals for me as I was sensitive to THOSE too. so I couldn't take them. I never gave up, always coming back to trying it again, a different format a different brand. B1, B6, Folic Acid and B12 were the huge ones. I'm not taking them all the time because I am still sensitive, but while i was taking them I realized I needed far more Benadryl to feel anything which was alien to me!

And yes, I take the tiniest speck of pot and I feel the effects of muscle release and relaxation. I can't imagine ever smoking a whole joint.. a 1 gram joint is about 75+ doses for me!! Great on the wallet I will say.

I am sensitive to Salicylates all around which raise my Histamine. Do you have allergy issues/skin itching as well?
Interesting .. my face tends to burn and be dry


Dec 28, 2021
But immediately I get this pessimistic outlook on everything , and things have a slight negative angle to them, I just feel neurotic and reality is weird. Especially from weed. Its no secret to me that I have a fragile nervous system and most things that even sway me away from homeostasis mess me up.
Sounds similair to me. I'm guessing you need to find out why your body and mind are in this constantly stressed state. It can be tricky especially if you like me have been used to be this way for a long time, hence why it might seem to be 'normal' a lot of times. I had this feeling of being mentally weak, but it forced me to have a more gentle outlook on life so it got me to a fairly good state spiritually. With this said, I still had a lot of physical symptoms, almost PTSD-like, sensitive to substances, to sunlight, loud noises etc. I found this weird because I felt like I wasn't insecure in myself, although my body was still dealing with a lot of these negative reactions.

I also had a lot of back pain and just recently noticed it was closely tied to my digestion, altough I never felt I had that bad of a digestion because I had bowel movements every day. I had one night/day last week where I felt really good, and the last couple of days have been OK, and it seems to be linked to 1. eating the least offending foods and 2. keeping metabolism high. A bit tricky because it's like a pussle - for example: a lot of orange juice can be good because of sugar and calories, but also too much liquid and citric acid can upset the intestines. So it's a lot of figuring out what works and in what quantities. PS Also rhubarb root tea has helped tremendously to get things moving, altough easy to overdo.

Just my personal experience, hope it can be of some use.


Sep 9, 2019

Ignore, will get back with something more concrete :)
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EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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