So what's a good protocol for the vax-poisoned?


May 6, 2021
Some people in my family got the jab and they're now regularly sick. (Yet I who am vax-free have not had a flu in years, but let's not get polemical here.)

My sister will sometimes sneer when I mention Ray Peat, but now she's feeling ill all the time. Maybe this will give her some humility?

I think adopting a more Peat diet and staples like niacinamide and cyproheptadine would probably help them. Maybe I can convince them to do it. I've already convinced my mother to ditch the PUFA oils years ago.

What else would help? And how about more aggressive approaches? Can the vaccine damage be undone? I'd really appreciate some tips here.


May 6, 2021
Thanks for the replies, guys.

I'm bumping this. I can't be the only guy in this situation.

It's a bit grim when you see it playing out in real life. Seeing the vaxxed normies who always rolled their eyes at "conspiracy theories" getting mysteriously sick all the time feels like vindication, but some of those normies are family, so yeah.


Some people in my family got the jab and they're now regularly sick. (Yet I who am vax-free have not had a flu in years, but let's not get polemical here.)

My sister will sometimes sneer when I mention Ray Peat, but now she's feeling ill all the time. Maybe this will give her some humility?

I think adopting a more Peat diet and staples like niacinamide and cyproheptadine would probably help them. Maybe I can convince them to do it. I've already convinced my mother to ditch the PUFA oils years ago.

What else would help? And how about more aggressive approaches? Can the vaccine damage be undone? I'd really appreciate some tips here.

Maybe try a different approach. Don't tell anyone about Raypeat unless they ask you specifically, something like "how are you so healthy?"

I have the habit of wanting to tell everyone I know about something I learn or know. In doing so, what I've learnt is, and this is important. Most people don't want to know it and most people don't care. The people that seem to care usually are pretending to care to not seem rude.

If someone is sick, most of the time they will continue doing what they always do, such as shovel down copious amounts of medication. They usually don't want to hear about your amazing life changing knowledge if you're actively trying too hard to convince them.

It's a tough thing to learn, but planting seeds and having them come to you for help is the only way I've found to work to get through to people. If you can show them how healthy you are without telling them, make them see your vigor through subtlety, it may prompt people to ask you for help. Only then are they eager to learn from you.

If/when that happens, give them only one thing. Don't tell them everything you know all at once, tell them only one suggestion at a time.

As for a Protocol, NAC & Selenium pair together very well, taken before bed.
Atragalus is a good herb, as is horseradish.
Nov 21, 2015

Maybe try a different approach. Don't tell anyone about Raypeat unless they ask you specifically, something like "how are you so healthy?"

I have the habit of wanting to tell everyone I know about something I learn or know. In doing so, what I've learnt is, and this is important. Most people don't want to know it and most people don't care. The people that seem to care usually are pretending to care to not seem rude.

If someone is sick, most of the time they will continue doing what they always do, such as shovel down copious amounts of medication. They usually don't want to hear about your amazing life changing knowledge if you're actively trying too hard to convince them.

It's a tough thing to learn, but planting seeds and having them come to you for help is the only way I've found to work to get through to people. If you can show them how healthy you are without telling them, make them see your vigor through subtlety, it may prompt people to ask you for help. Only then are they eager to learn from you.

If/when that happens, give them only one thing. Don't tell them everything you know all at once, tell them only one suggestion at a time.

As for a Protocol, NAC & Selenium pair together very well, taken before bed.
Atragalus is a good herb, as is horseradish.
Very wise words. Thank you.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Vitamin K interferes with spike domain binding. Famotidine for nausea.

We have a great thread started that is worth going thru:



Feb 6, 2021
I heard this from a family friend who is a food scientist/chemist. He has successfully formulated many supplements and superfoods to international recognition. He said to do the following for friends and family who took the jab:

Buy organic Fennel seeds. You can buy them from a good source here ->
Boil a bunch of them in water on the stove.
Filter the seeds out of the water and drink a cup of this fennel-seed-water every day.

This will protect against cellular damage and oxidative stress. I've researched online and haven't read anything that backs this up - nonexistent digital footprint but this guy is legitimate, believe me.


Jul 27, 2017
I heard this from a family friend who is a food scientist/chemist. He has successfully formulated many supplements and superfoods to international recognition. He said to do the following for friends and family who took the jab:

Buy organic Fennel seeds. You can buy them from a good source here ->
Boil a bunch of them in water on the stove.
Filter the seeds out of the water and drink a cup of this fennel-seed-water every day.

This will protect against cellular damage and oxidative stress. I've researched online and haven't read anything that backs this up - nonexistent digital footprint but this guy is legitimate, believe me.

If i remember correctly, fennel seeds are extremely estrogenic and used as lactation aid.


Oct 11, 2021
If i remember correctly, fennel seeds are extremely estrogenic and used as lactation aid.
I believe the fennel seed recommendation is due to its shikimic acid content, along with star anise tea

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
I have answered this before. This formula treats Covid and the mRNA injection so called vaccine.

1. Quercetin 250mg twice daily with food.
2. Zinc 30-50mg daily
3. Vit D 1000- 2000 units daily. If you can get your blood levels done first
4. NAC 600mg from a quality source, ie, Douglas, Thorne, DaVinci, etc
5. Vit C 500mg twice daily.

I don't know what the time frame for this would be but certainly give it 1-3 months. There are similar formulas out there so this is the one I use.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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