Small burps/belches even on an empty stomach fasted, especially if I drink water? they get stuck in my throat/stomach


Jun 13, 2021
Does anyone have any idea why this could be happening?

It seemingly spontaneously started happening when I was going pretty heavy on High vitamin K doses and also on high histamine foods (bone broth, gelatin, kefir, dark chocolate) but I have since stopped eating gelatin, bone broth, dark chocolate and kefir I was having up until very recently but have cut that out too since it's gassy and makes me burp which makes the likelihood of it getting trapped more likely. I remember switching from blueberry juice to apple juice for my gelatin gummies and that's when I really started to notice it happening. Since then the belching has decreased in frequency and strength (the belches are smaller) but the issue with this is it seems like they can sometimes get stuck in my esophagus/chest

The worst part about it is the air sometimes gets stuck in my esophagus/chest and it feels like I cannot breathe properly. This activates anxiety and I start manually breathing with the constant air hunger feeling. The belches can sometimes be very very small, like 20% the size of a regular belch.

At the start of all of this I had a stool culture test done after having consistent tenesmus and trapped wind/air feeling which lasted all day for weeks. 3-6 bowel movements per day with what felt like paradoxical bowel movements that were hard to get out but were somewhat soft. Went on stool softeners, got diagnosed with IBS and tried some IBS medications (peppermint capsules, simeticone, deflatine) stool testing showed S.T.E.C. antibodies (ecoli antibodies) but I didn't have the typical food poisoning symptoms. Just bad trapped gas and discomfort. Taking activated charcoal gave me bad burning pain around the belly button region - like a square surrounding it.

I've had a small bowel MRI done which showed a normal scan result and when I asked my gastroenterologist he said yes it would also show any stomach or large intestinal problems. He seemed more concerned about malignancy than anything else even though my initial concern was possibly having gelatin stuck somewhere in my system or some kind of other food object.

I have dissolved a gelatin gummy in room temperature water so it doesn't make much sense for there to be gelatin stuck say in my stomach when the human body is typically 36.8C +-1.5C depending on a number of factors (so hot enough to dissolve gelatin gummies)

Had a fairly comprehensive blood panel done and the only things that stood out were high LDL & some thyroid antibody stuff tied to autoimmunity (which ofc my doctors said not to worry about) but I believe the LDL was more tied to a lack of sunlight at the time and my copper and Retinol intake could've been better. Testing it again soon. Thyroid seemed normal, can post if someone wants but will need to find the paperwork.

Two chest x-rays taken, both clear (apparently)

48H ECG machine, normal results. Multiple regular ECGs. Had lungs checked by GP with stethoscope.

I've thought long and hard about what the problem could be and I came up with the following list

LPR (silent reflux)
Low stomach acid
Hiatus Hernia

R-CPD (retrograde cricopharyngeus dysfunction)
Unknown food intolerance to something really unlikely (like white rice for example)
Unknown issue not on my radar

or a combination which wouldn't be unusual.

Diet before/as this all started happening was as follows

Liver/mince twice a week (about 200g liver a week split to 100g each serving)
Venison multiple times a week or steak
White fish such as Halibut or cod 1-2x a week
Bone broth, Gelatin gummies w/apple juice, Collagen
White rice, Potatoes
Raw goats milk, raw goats kefir (same milk)
Apples, Blueberries, Kiwis (with the gelatin usually),
Raw honey
Dark chocolate, breadsticks (no pufa in them)
Butter, Ghee, Tallow, Olive oil to cook or add to meals (never cooked with the olive oil)

I've gone very restrictive recently after having many debilitating days where I'm in a constant panic state (due to the chest fullness/pressure and breathing) so my diet atm is

Butter, Olive oil, Coconut oil
Apples here and there (have cut them out weeks at a time recently)
Blueberries (have also cut them out before)
Feta cheese
Buffalo Milk Mozzarella

Raw goat milk, experimented with pasteurised and seemingly didn't make any difference. Also cut this out for weeks at a time and I don't seem to react to it aside from a small amount of mucus if I drink too much in one go after having not had it for a while.

Beets which I have recently cut out
Soaked oats which I have recently cut out
White rice which I have recently cut out as well
Goat milk yogurt (pasteurised) which I have recently decided to cut out as well.

As you can see I'm on a slippery slope here where my calories are now starting to fall too low/below my intake goals of about 2700 (1700-2200 atm)

Supplements I take are:

Magnesium (500mg elemental)
Whole food vitamin C 100-300mg
Glycine 5-20g
Thiamine HCL/Benfotiamine at 100mg
Recently started taking PepZinGI (Zinc L-Carnosine) incase it's gastritis i'm suffering from

Supplements I have but am not currently taking (and will likely add)

Vitamin E
Pine Pollen Tincture
Digestive enzymes + HCL

Medications I'm on:

Infrequent Propranolol 10-20mg
Experimenting with cyproheptadine at at 1mg dose at night

I have experimented with Betaine HCL from bioptimizers and it seemed to give me minor reflux (acid comes up with the belches) with what seemed like very mild vertigo when I upped the dose from 1 capsule to two. I'm also hesitant to take it or digestive enzymes incase I am suffering from gastritis and unknowingly making it worse.

Symptoms at the start of my problem were:

Woken up in the middle of the night followed by full body shakes and arrythmia/palpitation
Arrhythmias and Palpitations
Trapped gas/air in GI system
Loose stools (bristol stool chart 4.5-6)
Excessive belching leading to trapped air sensation/air hunger/shortness of breath
Dissociative feeling

Now I mostly suffer from

Infrequent Arrythmia and Palpitations
Trapped gas/air in GI system but less painful and less frequent, usually happens stomach and above now
Loose stools when my diet has fibre in it, currently experimenting with removal of carbs and it seems like my bowel movements are type 3-4.5
Belching even on empty stomach with wakeups in the night with mild air hunger (hasn't consistently happened, just sometimes)
Trapped air sensation/air hunger/shortness of breath
Sensation of food in my middle chest (esophagus)
Late bed time due to discomfort & not wanting to lie down. Inclined my bed to help somewhat.
Sometimes the urge to swallow before i've properly chewed my food so I end up swallowing say twice or even 3 times in one fork/mouthful of food

Very frustrated as I've been battling with this for months and have no idea what it is yet. The discomfort is really bad to the point i've gone to the ER several times and I can be in discomfort for days at a time with very little relief sometimes (the air hunger issue). Since I don't know what the issue is I don't know what I can do about it.

Wondering if anyone has dealt with anything similar to this and if so, what is was and how you treated it. Or just input in general, I'm running out of ideas & hope.
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Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2016
A few things come to mind. It sounds like you have LPR/Gerd, and possibly SIBO and/or H Pylori. I have had exactly what you are describing. I recommend you do a GI Map stool test to test for H Pylori. That is the most comprehensive stool test for H Pylori. Don’t waste your time with any other test. I tested negative on a breath test, blood test, endoscopy and a different stool test and then tested positive for HP on the GI Map test.
It sounds like you are suffering from low stomach acid. It would make sense to start taking HCL with your meals to correct the low stomach acid, but you may need to first heal your gut before you can tolerate HCL. I recommend you test for H Pylori (a top cause of reflux) and eradicate it if you have it. At the same time, take glutamine, DGL, and probiotics to heal your gut. Not all probiotics are good for SIBO/reflux. Saccharomyces boulardii is a great strain of probiotics for reflux sufferers. I take 2 a night before bed and it helps me a lot.
Take enzymes before every meal to help with digestion. Drink warm water with lemon in the mornings, to keep bowels flowing and increase stomach acid. You could also try drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in water, in the morning. Don’t try everything at once…. Start with lemon in warm water for a week and see how you do. That is the most mild approach. Then try apple cider vinegar.
Once your gut is healed, you increase stomach acid, and you take enzymes with your meals, I’m certain this will go away.


Jun 13, 2021
A few things come to mind. It sounds like you have LPR/Gerd, and possibly SIBO and/or H Pylori. I have had exactly what you are describing. I recommend you do a GI Map stool test to test for H Pylori. That is the most comprehensive stool test for H Pylori. Don’t waste your time with any other test. I tested negative on a breath test, blood test, endoscopy and a different stool test and then tested positive for HP on the GI Map test.
It sounds like you are suffering from low stomach acid. It would make sense to start taking HCL with your meals to correct the low stomach acid, but you may need to first heal your gut before you can tolerate HCL. I recommend you test for H Pylori (a top cause of reflux) and eradicate it if you have it. At the same time, take glutamine, DGL, and probiotics to heal your gut. Not all probiotics are good for SIBO/reflux. Saccharomyces boulardii is a great strain of probiotics for reflux sufferers. I take 2 a night before bed and it helps me a lot.
Take enzymes before every meal to help with digestion. Drink warm water with lemon in the mornings, to keep bowels flowing and increase stomach acid. You could also try drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in water, in the morning. Don’t try everything at once…. Start with lemon in warm water for a week and see how you do. That is the most mild approach. Then try apple cider vinegar.
Once your gut is healed, you increase stomach acid, and you take enzymes with your meals, I’m certain this will go away.

Yeah I haven't managed to take enzymes/hcl/acv daily yet as I always back off after a few days since i don't want to damage my stomach any further if it is gastritis/ulcurs/h.pylori

Did you even have the belching thing while fasted or drinking water? the worst part about that is the air getting stuck, not sure why that would happen


Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2016
Yes I had all of that. It’s the worst! I still get burps if I don’t drink enough lemon water/HCL to keep my acid levels up. Also enzymes and probiotics are helping me a lot. I did the quad therapy for H Pylori a few months ago.


Yes I had all of that. It’s the worst! I still get burps if I don’t drink enough lemon water/HCL to keep my acid levels up. Also enzymes and probiotics are helping me a lot. I did the quad therapy for H Pylori a few months ago


For me, the small burps on empty stomach means low stomach acid causing acid reflux. I drink about 1/2 - 1 cup of water with 2 large salt crystals (coarse salt) on my tongue 20 minutes before a meal and it creates more stomach acid to avoid the reflux. I actually watched a course on how to do this and the practitioner explained why and how it works. I prefer it over HCL capsules because it helps your body to make its own acid. Also I get reflux when I use lemon water because I believe although the lemon is initially acidic, it neutralizes acid and creates more alkalinity which reduces stomach acid and ends up creating reflux/heartburn.

Histamine on the other hand can generate a huge amount of gastric acid/reflux and cause a lot of burning stomach and esophageal pain and for me, a lot of mucus so that I feel like I am choking. My tongue also gets burning red if my histamine is high with so much gastric acid traveling up my esophagus. I also had an ulcer in my esophagus which was crazy painful. I've had multiple scopes done of my esophagus/stomach that showed gastric lesions from so much acid. Have you had scopes done? It would show if you have an allergic type of esophagitis/EoE - eosinophilic (shows rings on your esophagus I believe) which causes difficulty swallowing and breathing and feeling like food gets stuck. It can be stretched during a scope, if it needs to be to create a better air/food flow.

If the HCL capsules give you reflux, you have too much or you don't need to increase your acid.

With histamine/acid problems glycine and Vit C can be very problematic and make it worse. Vit C is necessary but in small amounts like RDA or a little higher. Too much can deplete copper which is needed to create DAO enzyme to down regulate histamine which controls stomach acid. Hydroxyproline (high in gelatin) also just generated too much stomach acid for me. I had to stop magnesium glycinate and I switched to magnesium malate which works better for me.

Also high oxalate foods can generate a lot of histamine which increases estrogen which increases more histamine which increases more estrogen which increases stomach acid and IBS and inflammation which can lead to a hernia which causes more stomach acid to leak through to esophagus. I had a hernia as well which a scope can identify. I made a lot of progress when I cut out high oxalate foods. Chocolate is very high in oxalate.

I also took zinc carnosine which really helped ease my burning stomach pain (which was misdiagnosed as gastritis) but the zinc just killed my copper levels and made it worse in the long run because low copper = higher histamine = more gastric acid.

Your initial diet is crazy high in histamine which for sensitive people will create a lot of inflammation and a host of symptoms like yours. (Kefir, chocolate, gelatin, bone broth). You might need to go on a low histamine diet and consider low oxalates to calm things down and get your esophagus scoped. Forgive me if you said somewhere that you did as I didn't see it.

It's possible to get this fixed but it usually requires a bunch of effort. I am very much healed now or am on the path to healing so from personal experience I know it's possible.


Apr 14, 2013
Wow. We have a lot in common.
I definitely have experienced all the digestive issues you mentioned.
Specifically for the gastric and esophageal issues, I found bovine pancreas (4 caps before meals) to be more effective than enzymes, and two Pepcid AC (famotidine) tablets per day (taken away from meals) significantly helped with esophagus spasms and GERD/LPR/hiatal hernia. The famotidine blocks the histamine that happens during digestion but it can also lower stomach acid that's why I think it's best to take on an empty stomach.
Definitely wise to reduce high histamine/oxalate foods too. But I personally suck at that and still managed to improve. Just do your best on that.

Several months ago my gastritis flared up due to stress plus I drank a lot of kombucha (I recommend everyone avoid this). I started taking methylene blue 2.4 mg 2x per day and the gastritis resolved.

Now, occasionally if I feel any of those digestive symptoms even a tiny bit, I immediately take a Benadryl and two aspirin dissolved in warm water with a sprinkle of sodium bicarbonate (try not to drink the residue that collects at the bottom) and I'm feeling fine again in an hour or two.

If you go to the ER again, ask for the 'GI cocktail'. It contains lidocaine which will almost immediately stop your agony. It contains lidocaine which has a weird possibly epigenetic effect (according to RP) on reversing certain issues including GERD/LPR type stuff. Anecdotally, I noticed that back when I was really sick with these issues, my problem would resolve for a few weeks after getting cavities filled (I've since fixed my dental issues too though). My dentist confirmed he used lidocaine as the numbing agent.


Feb 24, 2019
I have same problem. thanks for this thread, im still working on this.
In my case I think its a thyroid problem and a mucus problem. I was smoker and cant clear throat or cough up well, so I take bromhexine tablets to loosen mucus.
As for thyroid function, it regulates peristalsis and motility of gut and esophagus and also the ability to make hormones for the stomach acid system.
So I make sure before breakfast of any protein to have sugary drink and glass of diluted baking soda and support my thyroid first with t3/t4. Only then I eat protein rich meal. I also avoid irritating spices.
Perhaps its a good idea to start thyroid meds if you are not already...




Nov 22, 2017
Very interesting thread. My mother has experienced this problem with countless such small burps daily and although cyproheptadine has managed to reduce the frequency/severity of symptoms by a good amount, it has never fully resolved. Lidocaine is indeed very interesting.

On a personal level, I've dealt with recurrent GERD-like symptoms including dysphagia and from prior research there does seem to be a link with oral (teeth) infections as well.

I occasionally experience the symptoms you describe with food getting stuck, and what worked the best for this has been to increase thyroid supplementation. At around 4 grains daily, these symptoms almost disappeared. Along with magnesium, it seems to allow the esophageal sphincter and other gastric muscles to contract and work properly.

Once again, cyproheptadine is good to bring powerful relief to the GI tract. Not a silver bullet, but seems to calm everything down. 1mg is enough.

Some people have resolved chronic esophageal ulcers by avoiding gluten and other allergens.
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Oct 23, 2018
Does anyone have any idea why this could be happening?

It seemingly spontaneously started happening when I was going pretty heavy on High vitamin K doses and also on high histamine foods (bone broth, gelatin, kefir, dark chocolate) but I have since stopped eating gelatin, bone broth, dark chocolate and kefir I was having up until very recently but have cut that out too since it's gassy and makes me burp which makes the likelihood of it getting trapped more likely. I remember switching from blueberry juice to apple juice for my gelatin gummies and that's when I really started to notice it happening. Since then the belching has decreased in frequency and strength (the belches are smaller) but the issue with this is it seems like they can sometimes get stuck in my esophagus/chest

The worst part about it is the air sometimes gets stuck in my esophagus/chest and it feels like I cannot breathe properly. This activates anxiety and I start manually breathing with the constant air hunger feeling. The belches can sometimes be very very small, like 20% the size of a regular belch.

At the start of all of this I had a stool culture test done after having consistent tenesmus and trapped wind/air feeling which lasted all day for weeks. 3-6 bowel movements per day with what felt like paradoxical bowel movements that were hard to get out but were somewhat soft. Went on stool softeners, got diagnosed with IBS and tried some IBS medications (peppermint capsules, simeticone, deflatine) stool testing showed S.T.E.C. antibodies (ecoli antibodies) but I didn't have the typical food poisoning symptoms. Just bad trapped gas and discomfort. Taking activated charcoal gave me bad burning pain around the belly button region - like a square surrounding it.

I've had a small bowel MRI done which showed a normal scan result and when I asked my gastroenterologist he said yes it would also show any stomach or large intestinal problems. He seemed more concerned about malignancy than anything else even though my initial concern was possibly having gelatin stuck somewhere in my system or some kind of other food object.

I have dissolved a gelatin gummy in room temperature water so it doesn't make much sense for there to be gelatin stuck say in my stomach when the human body is typically 36.8C +-1.5C depending on a number of factors (so hot enough to dissolve gelatin gummies)

Had a fairly comprehensive blood panel done and the only things that stood out were high LDL & some thyroid antibody stuff tied to autoimmunity (which ofc my doctors said not to worry about) but I believe the LDL was more tied to a lack of sunlight at the time and my copper and Retinol intake could've been better. Testing it again soon. Thyroid seemed normal, can post if someone wants but will need to find the paperwork.

Two chest x-rays taken, both clear (apparently)

48H ECG machine, normal results. Multiple regular ECGs. Had lungs checked by GP with stethoscope.

I've thought long and hard about what the problem could be and I came up with the following list

LPR (silent reflux)
Low stomach acid
Hiatus Hernia

R-CPD (retrograde cricopharyngeus dysfunction)
Unknown food intolerance to something really unlikely (like white rice for example)
Unknown issue not on my radar

or a combination which wouldn't be unusual.

Diet before/as this all started happening was as follows

Liver/mince twice a week (about 200g liver a week split to 100g each serving)
Venison multiple times a week or steak
White fish such as Halibut or cod 1-2x a week
Bone broth, Gelatin gummies w/apple juice, Collagen
White rice, Potatoes
Raw goats milk, raw goats kefir (same milk)
Apples, Blueberries, Kiwis (with the gelatin usually),
Raw honey
Dark chocolate, breadsticks (no pufa in them)
Butter, Ghee, Tallow, Olive oil to cook or add to meals (never cooked with the olive oil)

I've gone very restrictive recently after having many debilitating days where I'm in a constant panic state (due to the chest fullness/pressure and breathing) so my diet atm is

Butter, Olive oil, Coconut oil
Apples here and there (have cut them out weeks at a time recently)
Blueberries (have also cut them out before)
Feta cheese
Buffalo Milk Mozzarella

Raw goat milk, experimented with pasteurised and seemingly didn't make any difference. Also cut this out for weeks at a time and I don't seem to react to it aside from a small amount of mucus if I drink too much in one go after having not had it for a while.

Beets which I have recently cut out
Soaked oats which I have recently cut out
White rice which I have recently cut out as well
Goat milk yogurt (pasteurised) which I have recently decided to cut out as well.

As you can see I'm on a slippery slope here where my calories are now starting to fall too low/below my intake goals of about 2700 (1700-2200 atm)

Supplements I take are:

Magnesium (500mg elemental)
Whole food vitamin C 100-300mg
Glycine 5-20g
Thiamine HCL/Benfotiamine at 100mg
Recently started taking PepZinGI (Zinc L-Carnosine) incase it's gastritis i'm suffering from

Supplements I have but am not currently taking (and will likely add)

Vitamin E
Pine Pollen Tincture
Digestive enzymes + HCL

Medications I'm on:

Infrequent Propranolol 10-20mg
Experimenting with cyproheptadine at at 1mg dose at night

I have experimented with Betaine HCL from bioptimizers and it seemed to give me minor reflux (acid comes up with the belches) with what seemed like very mild vertigo when I upped the dose from 1 capsule to two. I'm also hesitant to take it or digestive enzymes incase I am suffering from gastritis and unknowingly making it worse.

Symptoms at the start of my problem were:

Woken up in the middle of the night followed by full body shakes and arrythmia/palpitation
Arrhythmias and Palpitations
Trapped gas/air in GI system
Loose stools (bristol stool chart 4.5-6)
Excessive belching leading to trapped air sensation/air hunger/shortness of breath
Dissociative feeling

Now I mostly suffer from

Infrequent Arrythmia and Palpitations
Trapped gas/air in GI system but less painful and less frequent, usually happens stomach and above now
Loose stools when my diet has fibre in it, currently experimenting with removal of carbs and it seems like my bowel movements are type 3-4.5
Belching even on empty stomach with wakeups in the night with mild air hunger (hasn't consistently happened, just sometimes)
Trapped air sensation/air hunger/shortness of breath
Sensation of food in my middle chest (esophagus)
Late bed time due to discomfort & not wanting to lie down. Inclined my bed to help somewhat.
Sometimes the urge to swallow before i've properly chewed my food so I end up swallowing say twice or even 3 times in one fork/mouthful of food

Very frustrated as I've been battling with this for months and have no idea what it is yet. The discomfort is really bad to the point i've gone to the ER several times and I can be in discomfort for days at a time with very little relief sometimes (the air hunger issue). Since I don't know what the issue is I don't know what I can do about it.

Wondering if anyone has dealt with anything similar to this and if so, what is was and how you treated it. Or just input in general, I'm running out of ideas & hope.

Been dealing with this for a while now too.

Still haven't found anything that works.


Jun 13, 2021
Yes I had all of that. It’s the worst! I still get burps if I don’t drink enough lemon water/HCL to keep my acid levels up. Also enzymes and probiotics are helping me a lot. I did the quad therapy for H Pylori a few months ago.

Is there anything in particular you'd recommend for me to say or do for getting a gastro to perform a GI Map stool test to test for H Pylori? Specialists and doctors in general can sometimes be a bit tricky with this stuff and flat out refuse to investigate in a direction they don't think is worthwhile even if my life has been completely derailed by said problem for months now

I see there's a thread in this subforum as well about eradicating H.Pylori naturally. Is the glutamine and DGL for that? I take a spore based probiotic (just thrive) but recently ran out and am intending to buy more. I also got histaminX one by seekinghealth as some probiotics can increase histamine IIRC which may have worsened my issues

my train of thought is this

>poor stomach acid from low-med protein for years w/typical bad habits, only really went hardcore about last november in fixing up my lifestyle
>get H.Pylori
>get ECOLI but have a very mild case of it (idk why else i'd have the STEC antibodies)
>proceed to get SIBO through poor stomach acid from poor protein digestion
>stomach develops mild gastritis/ulcurs from the H.Pylori
>now I have belching/minor reflux/minor or moderate SIBO/gastritis

Protein just sitting there for hours fermenting creating gas which makes me belch at all hours of the day since gas is constantly 24/7 being created. Half thought maybe to go low protein (as in 0.8-0.9g/lb) high carb low fibre w/easy to break down carbs

or perhaps I just (ideal situation) have low stomach acid and have really irritated my stomach and esophagus through that. Or i'm dealing with the fallout from histamine overload with excess and the cypro will get rid of it. Really annoying that i've not even had an endoscope yet but I guess the MRI gives the all clear for everything down below that so I know where to hone in on.


Oct 23, 2018
Is there anything in particular you'd recommend for me to say or do for getting a gastro to perform a GI Map stool test to test for H Pylori? Specialists and doctors in general can sometimes be a bit tricky with this stuff and flat out refuse to investigate in a direction they don't think is worthwhile even if my life has been completely derailed by said problem for months now

I see there's a thread in this subforum as well about eradicating H.Pylori naturally. Is the glutamine and DGL for that? I take a spore based probiotic (just thrive) but recently ran out and am intending to buy more. I also got histaminX one by seekinghealth as some probiotics can increase histamine IIRC which may have worsened my issues

my train of thought is this

>poor stomach acid from low-med protein for years w/typical bad habits, only really went hardcore about last november in fixing up my lifestyle
>get H.Pylori
>get ECOLI but have a very mild case of it (idk why else i'd have the STEC antibodies)
>proceed to get SIBO through poor stomach acid from poor protein digestion
>stomach develops mild gastritis/ulcurs from the H.Pylori
>now I have belching/minor reflux/minor or moderate SIBO/gastritis

Protein just sitting there for hours fermenting creating gas which makes me belch at all hours of the day since gas is constantly 24/7 being created. Half thought maybe to go low protein (as in 0.8-0.9g/lb) high carb low fibre w/easy to break down carbs

or perhaps I just (ideal situation) have low stomach acid and have really irritated my stomach and esophagus through that. Or i'm dealing with the fallout from histamine overload with excess and the cypro will get rid of it. Really annoying that i've not even had an endoscope yet but I guess the MRI gives the all clear for everything down below that so I know where to hone in on.

If you pay yourself you can have anything done on your own.

Due to labor day weekend, I think there is a 20% off deal on all tests. Might be able to get a discount on that as well.


Jun 13, 2021

If you pay yourself you can have anything done on your own.

Due to labor day weekend, I think there is a 20% off deal on all tests. Might be able to get a discount on that as well.
I'll check in a bit but usually here in the UK it's not so easy. Really wish I lived in the US

I'm headed down to London tomorrow for full ENT investigation so am busy prepping for that. Getting Upper endoscope and barium swallow to rule out hernia, achalasia and R-CPD


Feb 24, 2019
Is there anything in particular you'd recommend for me to say or do for getting a gastro to perform a GI Map stool test to test for H Pylori? Specialists and doctors in general can sometimes be a bit tricky with this stuff and flat out refuse to investigate in a direction they don't think is worthwhile even if my life has been completely derailed by said problem for months now

I see there's a thread in this subforum as well about eradicating H.Pylori naturally. Is the glutamine and DGL for that? I take a spore based probiotic (just thrive) but recently ran out and am intending to buy more. I also got histaminX one by seekinghealth as some probiotics can increase histamine IIRC which may have worsened my issues

my train of thought is this

>poor stomach acid from low-med protein for years w/typical bad habits, only really went hardcore about last november in fixing up my lifestyle
>get H.Pylori
>get ECOLI but have a very mild case of it (idk why else i'd have the STEC antibodies)
>proceed to get SIBO through poor stomach acid from poor protein digestion
>stomach develops mild gastritis/ulcurs from the H.Pylori
>now I have belching/minor reflux/minor or moderate SIBO/gastritis

Protein just sitting there for hours fermenting creating gas which makes me belch at all hours of the day since gas is constantly 24/7 being created. Half thought maybe to go low protein (as in 0.8-0.9g/lb) high carb low fibre w/easy to break down carbs

or perhaps I just (ideal situation) have low stomach acid and have really irritated my stomach and esophagus through that. Or i'm dealing with the fallout from histamine overload with excess and the cypro will get rid of it. Really annoying that i've not even had an endoscope yet but I guess the MRI gives the all clear for everything down below that so I know where to hone in on.
in such cases, Ray has simply advised to just sip sugared milk whole day and take 25mcg of thyroid.


Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2016

Here’s The link to the lab I used for my GI Map. I contacted diagnostics solutions and asked what they needed from my doctor to order the test, faxed the requisition form to my doctors office, and called my doctors office many times to follow up until it was ordered.

I have found that eating High protein, low sugar meals helps me the most.

If you have Facebook, check out the many Facebook groups for people with SIBO and H Pylori. I learn a lot from those groups.

Mastic gum is supposed to be just as effective at killing H Pylori as the antibiotics. I still take Jarrows mastic gum daily and I think it helps. There are other natural remedies. You’ll see many discussed on the Facebook groups.

Glutamine and DGL help to heal the gut.

Best of luck. I know how frustrating it can be!


Jun 13, 2021
So I've been quite busy since I last posted in this thread and I think I'll give an update or make a separate thread as it has a new topic of discussion

So in the last month I've had the following tests done

Upper endoscopy by an ENT
Barium swallow
Endoscope to check stomach and start of small intestine performed by Gastroenterologist
Private G.I Mapping test

I saw a specialist for Retrograde Cricopharyngeus Dysfunction which I got a diagnosis for. My diagnosis was considered a "variant" of R-CPD. Specialist I saw can be found here Inability to Burp or Belch and as noted on that link, it's suspected R-CPD can come from acid reflux.

Barium swallow which I had done at the same clinic showed minor reflux in certain positions but no abnormalities like achalasia, hiatal hernia etc.

Gastroenterologist based Endoscope didn't find anything on inspection (no initial H.Pylori found) or stuff like gastritis etc. The notes for my endoscopy are that findings are "normal". Of course there may have been slight communication issues or they don't list "minor" gastritis as a problem but from the looks of it, nothing initially to report. Samples that they took should come back in 2 weeks.

This is where it gets interesting.

I had G.I mapping done in late september and got the results yesterday.

Results are the following





So from what I can tell I definitely have impaired digestion and what looks like gut dysbiosis/SIBO. Question is what can I do about it? GP won't see me so I have booked to see a private GP on the 11/10/21 (Monday next week) to discuss.

The following things are flagged on my results

High levels of the pathogen Enterohemorrhagic E. coli

Low levels of "normal bacterial flora" for:
Bacteroides fragilis
Enterococcus spp.
Clostridia (class)
Enterobacter spp.

Low Bacteroidetes and low Firmicutes with a poor ratio between them

High levels of opportunistic bacteria:

Enterococcus faecalis
Enterococcus faecium
Staphylococcus auerus
Streptococcus spp.

Low levels of Elastase-1
Low secretory igA

High b-Glucuronidase
High Occult blood (FIT) marker.

From what I can tell online Elastase-1 is a pancreatic based enzyme and if this is low, digestion of food will also be poor. Since confirming in my endoscope I don't have gastritis I think it's smart to try some digestive enzymes to see if they help (tired before just not consistently)

I also have "opportunistic bacteria" overgrowth which to me comes from low stomach acid. This makes sense as up until march/april (when these issues started) I had some bad habits such as drinking liquids with meals, swallowing more than I needed to per mouthful of food etc. Was also experimenting with magnesium bicarbonate which is quite alkaline. Poor enzymes or acid or both then lets these grow in amounts larger than they should.

Online research says that amoxicillin is effective in treating all opportunistic bacteria listed and I have some available but I need to do a SIBO test first and I dislike antibiotics in general plus I'm not sure what dosage/length of time would be recommended for this.

My main problem right now is if the R-CPD condition mentioned earlier is permanent after experiencing reflux/acidity issues. If I resolve the lack of acid, will the belching (or inability to at times) resolve itself? this is by far the most debilitating part of whatever I'm suffering from and I know that bloating, gas, belching etc can be from SIBO/Gut dysbiosis. Question is can this cause the R-CPD which brings on really bad shortness of breath and chest discomfort. And if so, what I can do to eliminate this issue. I wouldn't want to get botox into my upper oesophageal muscle if I didn't have a genuine dysfunction of that muscle.

I've been mostly OK (still have breathing issues and discomfort) recently but I haven't deviated at all diet wise. Last time I tried to improve my digestion with HCL, enzymes, lemon water, ACV etc I got really bad air hunger and shortness of breath which landed me in the ER twice. Not sure why it happens unless I am refluxing into my lungs and I have not only reflux issues but R-CPD too which leads to trapped air in my esophagus and chest....

The occult blood marker may be a red herring and nothing to worry about. GP said this and refused to do a re-test since this is a "private clinic test" and that he "wouldn't have performed a occult blood (FIT) test" so I'll get this checked again soon. Hopefully it's nothing. All bloods recently look normal so it's less worrying but still makes me wonder what would be causing it.
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Nov 24, 2017
I have this too since a few days.

I don’t know what caused this.

I was taking allicin and olive leaf extract over the last two weeks.

I took Ascorbic acid too and also magnesium Malate.

I also was sick and in bed all the time so I thought maybe tight muscles can play a part. I don’t know.


Jun 13, 2021
Quick update, the occult blood marker still seems to be elevated (though not crazy high)

referred to get a colonoscopy...


Jun 13, 2021
A few things come to mind. It sounds like you have LPR/Gerd, and possibly SIBO and/or H Pylori. I have had exactly what you are describing. I recommend you do a GI Map stool test to test for H Pylori. That is the most comprehensive stool test for H Pylori. Don’t waste your time with any other test. I tested negative on a breath test, blood test, endoscopy and a different stool test and then tested positive for HP on the GI Map test.
It sounds like you are suffering from low stomach acid. It would make sense to start taking HCL with your meals to correct the low stomach acid, but you may need to first heal your gut before you can tolerate HCL. I recommend you test for H Pylori (a top cause of reflux) and eradicate it if you have it. At the same time, take glutamine, DGL, and probiotics to heal your gut. Not all probiotics are good for SIBO/reflux. Saccharomyces boulardii is a great strain of probiotics for reflux sufferers. I take 2 a night before bed and it helps me a lot.
Take enzymes before every meal to help with digestion. Drink warm water with lemon in the mornings, to keep bowels flowing and increase stomach acid. You could also try drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in water, in the morning. Don’t try everything at once…. Start with lemon in warm water for a week and see how you do. That is the most mild approach. Then try apple cider vinegar.
Once your gut is healed, you increase stomach acid, and you take enzymes with your meals, I’m certain this will go away.

Could you take a quick look at my GI mapping results and give me your opinion on what the main culprit could be? the H.Pylori is there and i've been given triple therapy as a prescription by a private GP but I am hesitant to take it. What were your levels of H.Pylori?

I also had SIBO results come back and they were very borderline at

19ppm hydrogen. Expected <20ppm
6ppm methane. Expected <12ppm

Increase in combined h2 & ch2 = 25ppm (high). Expected <15ppm. Nutritionist said I was "sibo negative" overall though so didn't recommend a treatment protocol for it.

Forgot if I mentioned it but the endoscope sample results came back. Negative H.Pylori and some moderate inflammation which I believe is partly the awful sensation I get due to the belching (stomach contents comes up with it at times I am guessing) leading to a tight, inflamed feeling in my lower esophagus area.
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