Simple saline solution stops SARS-CoV-2...and maybe all viruses?


Feb 26, 2018
I still can't work out the salt thing. Blood pressure, edema, stomach irritation. Can't live with it can't live without it
For me the stomach irritation is only there when a large amount hits the stomach undiluted. I tried putting salt in gelatin capsules (1g/capsule) ,because I was tired of the taste and that definitely gave me nausea .
Now I just put a good amount in my mouth dissolve it in water by swishing around for a few secs and swallow it. That works.
The blood pressure increase only seems to be there for a short amount of time.

Salt was also the only thing that really worked for me for helping me adjust to high altitude, even better than acetazolamide.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
The saline prevents viral replication, but doesn't prevent binding to ACE2 before there would be replication. So what problems could there be from binding to ACE2 even though it doesn't replicate?

Potential enhancement of ACE and a swing towards RAS's inflammatory axis.


Sep 13, 2012
I still can't work out the salt thing. Blood pressure, edema, stomach irritation. Can't live with it can't live without it
Do you dissolve it into whatever you are eating it with?


What works best is taking 2 - 10cc syringes: 1 empty and 1 filled w/ 8cc saline solution, using a 3-way stopcock agitating it with both hands creating fine microbubbles. Once you reached the desired mixture, unscrew the filled syringe from the stopcock and inject directly into the nasal cavity.

What's even more effective is if you can connect the stopcock into an IV on your arm and directly inject it that way. You can definitely feel the warm sensation of the agitated saline solution as it flows through your veins. And if you have access to an ultrasound machine with a vector probe you can lie LLD position while placing the probe underneath your left breastbone. Watch the saline drain into your right heart chambers! And disappearing while it goes to your pulmonary arteries and into the lungs!

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
is that good or bad

It can be bad if the ACE2 axis gets suppressed too much. When the covid virus binds to ACE2 it deactivates it, which causes ACE to be expressed more. But I really have my doubts that that's what's causing severe covid. It's probably causing some of the initial inflammation, but I think that could be easily treated if done early. The problems arise when they don't treat early and then expose vulnerable patients to toxic and deadly treatments when they show up at the hospitals.


Sure, I have no doubts about ivermectin in India, where both production and sales price are low. I meant ivermectin's use in the Western world, where due to various licensing and logistics issues its production and supply can be fully controlled, and as such its price can skyrocket. We don't know much about who is behind the ivermectin production/supply/sales behind the scenes, in the West. These days, for most generic drugs on the Western market it tends to be one company, usually owned by a pharma shill. Look up the story on Shkreli and doxycycline. Before it happened, everybody thought it was impossible for Big Pharma to profit off of a drug with expired patent and cheap to make,
My Indian pharmacist here in Corozal gets his IVM from India...and many other drugs also...and I am happy w that.


Feb 18, 2016
The covid cult will have a morality seizure if this study does the rounds, their serotonin soaked brain naturally rejects such study because it may lower serotonin in the brain, serotonin is like a parasite in the mind rejecting anything that may usurp it’s existence.

At least this study explains why the ruling class do just fine with the vaccines, you get said saline solution if your on board with the fascist train.


Nov 29, 2017
Nebulize baking soda. CO2 benefits in addition to everything else discussed here

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Considering I overcame an intoxicating level of serotonin (after chugging canned coconut milk and feeling as though I was going to pass out a couple hours later... don't ask why) by literally barely tripping over to the kitchen and whipping myself up the closest thing to this recipe I could muster, so I dont doubt salt (and sugar) immediate and potent effects.

1qt water
2tblsp sugar
1tsp salt

In an instant I regained my composure, my light headedness went away, I became warm and went to sleep on the floor outside the kitchen...

whenever I've had a sore throat or just didn't feel right I'd make the classic warm water and salt gargle, I'm not joking I think it has worked every time I've done it. Something to salt that's just amazing.
Also they have these cool salt inhalers which may be really useful if someone doesn't have a nebulizer. Probably not as effective tho. Amazon product ASIN B0794HQ2YZView:
whats thr issue with coconut milk were there additives in the canned form. isnt the fat all saturated

I'm certainly not Haidut, but it will likely burn like hell. I once smeared Lugols on my scrotum following an internet idea. No bueno!

i put a drop of 11 keto dht inside the weener hole, i thought it would potentially have enlargement capabilities and other benefits, but it was extremely painful, i think the alcohol makes it painful, i doubt the coconut oil or mct would? i had painful burning urination for all of that day and the next day.

One reason why the unstabbed might use ivermectin is for its ability to function as a zinc ionophore similar to hydroxychloroquine and quercetin. This supposedly allows more zinc to enter a cell and prevent viral replication. For this reason it should be used in conjunction with zinc. Both are typically prescribed for only 3-7 days because of how well the combo works prophylactically.

isnt green tea extract also a zinc ionophore? the EGCG or whatever its called, epcatcehingallate
i heard its also a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor.

Yeah, just don't use chlorinated tap water as the disinfection byproducts generated by the iodine / chlorine reacting are toxic.

what happens when you mix iodine and chlorine?

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
For me the stomach irritation is only there when a large amount hits the stomach undiluted. I tried putting salt in gelatin capsules (1g/capsule) ,because I was tired of the taste and that definitely gave me nausea .
Now I just put a good amount in my mouth dissolve it in water by swishing around for a few secs and swallow it. That works.
The blood pressure increase only seems to be there for a short amount of time.

Salt was also the only thing that really worked for me for helping me adjust to high altitude, even better than acetazolamide.

where were you that you needed to adapt to high altitude?


Jan 9, 2019
whats thr issue with coconut milk were there additives in the canned form. isnt the fat all saturated

i put a drop of 11 keto dht inside the weener hole, i thought it would potentially have enlargement capabilities and other benefits, but it was extremely painful, i think the alcohol makes it painful, i doubt the coconut oil or mct would? i had painful burning urination for all of that day and the next day.

isnt green tea extract also a zinc ionophore? the EGCG or whatever its called, epcatcehingallate
i heard its also a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor.

what happens when you mix iodine and chlorine?
I used a whole can of unfiltered coconut milk in place of real milk in cereal, the sheer amount of fiber destroyed my gut.


Jan 9, 2019
Nebulize baking soda. CO2 benefits in addition to everything else discussed here
My fear would be that some sodium carbonate, not sodium chloride would be breathed in which would be irritating after the co2 is agitated out. That being said, is co2 agitated out of of baking soda when it's nebulized? My understanding is that for co2 to be agitated out of baking soda it has to be heated.


Nov 18, 2019
More news adding to the evidence that COVID-19 and its associated virus are little more than a media circus, at least when it comes to the gauging the pandemic's true danger to our health. We already have at least two amazing studies showing vitamins D/E can not only stop/treat COVID-19, but are also at least 2 orders of magnitude more effective than the flagship pharma drug (e.g. remdesivir) pushed by mainstream medicine. Now, we have a study proposing an even simpler prevention/treatment method that can be made/applied in just about any country, regardless of how poor and remote it is. Namely, a simple solution of salt in water, such that the concentration of salt is about 1.5% (e.g. commonly known as "hypertonic") in the solution, had a 100% effectiveness of stopping SARS-CoV-2 replication. Oh, and no side effects either! This effectiveness actually exceeds the results (90% inhibition) demonstrated by the study on low-dose vitamin E mentioned above. As the study says, this simple hypertonic saline solution can be administered as a nasal spray as a prophylactic method, or for treating early stages of the infection. For already established or more severe cases affecting the lungs, a nebulizer may have to be used so that the salt vapors can reach the lower regions of the respiratory tract. The mechanism of action for the anti-viral effects of the saline is remarkably simple - i.e. the extra salt from the solution accumulates into the cells, which forces them to expend ATP in order to re-balance the electrolyte gradient, and this limits the amount of ATP available for viral replication. Since virtually all viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, depend for their survival on being able to hijack ATP for their own replication this study suggests hypertonic saline may be a universally applicable antiviral treatment. As such, ending deadly flu and common cold pandemics worldwide may be as simple as increasing dietary salt intake in the general population, which (unlike a spray or nebulizer) ensures the antirival effects of salt are not limited to specific organs, but are systemic. No need for financially ruinous multi-billion dollar vaccination campaigns, and the long-term public health fallout from the side effects that all vaccines have. There are already studies with both animals and humans demonstrating increased dietary salt intake improves immune system status, and may be effective against even cancer. Thus, the "superhero salt" hypothesis is quite plausible. Who'd have thought that the cure for some of the most lethal viral conditions may already be in your kitchen cabinet:): I guess the ancients knew what they were doing when they treated salt as a commodity more valuable than gold and built empires and routes that spanned the world so that they can trade in this gift from the Gods...
Study reveals how saline solution can inhibit replication of SARS-CoV-2

"...Researchers at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil have shown that a hypertonic saline solution inhibits replication of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and have elucidated the biochemical mechanism involved. An article reporting the research is published in ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science. The study was performed in the laboratory using human epithelial lung cells infected with the virus..."It's very simple and cheap. It's already used prophylactically against other respiratory diseases, and it could minimize the severity of COVID-19 by reducing viral load. It could be added to safety protocols without replacing the use of face coverings, social distancing and vaccination," Guzzo said."

"...By comparing different concentrations of the product, the researchers found that a 1.5% NaCl solution completely inhibited viral replication in Vero cells. In human epithelial lung cells, a 1.1% solution was sufficient to achieve 88% inhibition. Vero cells are derived from kidney epithelial cells extracted from an African green monkey, and widely used as a model for studying SARS-CoV-2. Hypertonic saline is already adopted prophylactically to manage cases of influenza, bronchiolitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, and other respiratory disorders. A spray is sufficient for the upper airways, while a nebulizer is needed to reach the lungs. These interventions can minimize the symptoms of such diseases, but the mechanisms underlying their effects are poorly understood."

"...To grasp the mechanism involved, it is useful to bear in mind that viruses use elements of the host cell such as proteins and energy sources to replicate their genetic material and invade other cells and organs. "We discovered that NaCl doesn't interfere with interaction between the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and the ACE-2 receptor used by the virus to invade cells, but the saline does affect the post-infection viral cycle," Guzzo said. In an earlier article, published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Guzzo and colleagues showed how interaction between the spike protein and ACE-2 receptor survived different concentrations of NaCl. "The virus probably evolves so as to compensate for fluctuations in ionic strength and maintain an effective medium for cell invasion," she said. When NaCl molecules enter a cell, the membrane surrounding the cytoplasm is polarized owing to an increase in sodium ions (Na+). As a result of this energy imbalance, a large amount of the cell's potassium (K+) is ejected to restore a balance of charges in the membrane (this mechanism is known as the sodium-potassium pump). Saturation due to the sodium-potassium pump makes the cell expend ATP (adenosine triphosphate), one of the main sources of energy for cellular processes.Consumption of ATP for cellular depolarization prevents the virus from using it to replicate. "Cells have to get rid of sodium via the sodium-potassium pump, and this uses up their energy store, so there's no ATP left for viral replication," Ulrich explained. The study also showed that the salt does not affect mitochondrial activity. Mitochondria are dynamic organelles involved in cellular respiration and ATP creation, as well as other metabolic processes. "At these concentrations, the salt doesn't damage the cell. We observed that mitochondria remained healthy throughout the process," Guzzo said. In the study, the researchers suggest that the use of hypertonic saline could be tested in two ways. One is a nasal spray for prophylaxis of the airways, the main gateway for SARS-CoV-2 to enter the organism. "This type of spray can be found in any pharmacy and could be used prophylactically by front-line health workers or other people who are highly exposed to the virus. If its efficacy is confirmed in clinical trials, it could reduce viral replication in the nose and throat," Guzzo said. The other strategy they propose is nebulizing the saline into the lungs. In this case, the right concentration of NaCl is essential, and the efficacy of the method can be assessed only in clinical trials involving COVID-19 patients. It is worth recalling that hypertonic saline nebulization is already used to treat children with bronchiolitis, for example. In the case of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), the most common cause of bronchiolitis, hypertonic saline is known to reduce infection and inflammation in cultured human respiratory epithelial cells."
Wasn’t someone showing charts that there were less cases near oceans? I remember reading it but forget where. Does anyone know?
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