Shedding of Spike Proteins from the vaccinated


Jan 15, 2013
Would anyone know enough about immunology to discuss shedding from vaccines. If someone that is not vaccinated is in contact with a vaccinated person would they be effectively 'vaxxed' too due the shedding from the vaccinated person. Also how long does the virus survive outside the body without a host. Sorry if this is a silly question just would like to know if the unvaccinated are in any longterm danger.
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Jun 14, 2020
Would anyone know enough about immunology to discuss shedding from vaccines. If someone that is not vaccinated is in contact with a vaccinated person would they be effectively be 'vaxxed' also due the shedding from the vaccinated person. Also how long does the virus survive outside the body without a host. Sorry if this is a silly question just would like to know if the unvaccinated are in any longterm danger.
They may shed spike proteins, but not the contents of the vial which would turn your cells into spike protein factories


Jan 15, 2013
They may shed spike proteins, but not the contents of the vial which would turn your cells into spike protein factories
Thank you Indicator. Would you know which contents of the vial turns the cells into spike protein factories?


Jan 25, 2014
Would anyone know enough about immunology to discuss shedding from vaccines. If someone that is not vaccinated is in contact with a vaccinated person would they be effectively 'vaxxed' too due the shedding from the vaccinated person. Also how long does the virus survive outside the body without a host. Sorry if this is a silly question just would like to know if the unvaccinated are in any longterm danger.

GIraffe posted a study in a similar thread showing that spike protein and spike protein fragments were only detectable in subjects in the first two weeks after the first shot (Moderna). Even then, it was tiny amounts. I don't think there is much danger from "shedding" from the vaxxed. And also, there is no claim from the "shed crowd" that any virus is being shed..... only spike protein, which aren't self replicating.

Also, if this spike protein is supposed to be so problematic when shed.... why wouldn't the host who is making all these "spike proteins" be suffering noticeable symptoms? It's not like any of the vaxxes turn them into metal cybermen.

So, I just don't think there is much to worry about if you are unvaxxed. If you see someone who is having serious cold symptoms, like nasty coughing fits, avoid them. But, that was wise to do before the demonvax came to market.
Apr 11, 2021
This study discusses a possible mechanism by which shedding caused by the mRNA vaccines could occur:
There has been considerable chatter on the Internet about the possibility of vaccinated people causing disease in unvaccinated people in close proximity. While this may seem hard to believe, there is a plausible process by which it could occur through the release of exosomes from dendritic cells in the spleen containing misfolded spike proteins, in complex with other prion reconformed proteins. These exosomes can travel to distant places. It is not impossible to imagine that they are being released from the lungs and inhaled by a nearby person. Extracellular vesicles, including exosomes, have been detected in sputum, mucus, epithelial lining fluid, and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in association with respiratory diseases.

While this is purely theoretical and is yet to be observed empirically, there is evidence that Pfizer itself treats the possibility of shedding seriously:
A Phase 1/2/3 study undertaken by BioNTech on the Pfizer mRNA vaccine implied in their study protocol that they anticipated the possibility of secondary exposure to the vaccine (BioNTech, 2020). The protocol included the requirement that “exposure during pregnancy” should be reported by the study participants. They then gave examples of “environmental exposure during pregnancy” which included exposure “to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact.” They even suggested two levels of indirect exposure: “A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception.”


Jun 20, 2019
Non-vaxxed women are spontaneously BLEEDING menstrually and aborting babies after transmission. It is not true "shedding", more of a transmission. It's pure evil these bioweapons.


Jun 10, 2020

Thanks for sharing this, Pina. The introduction of that document she refers to classifies shedding as "release of VBGT or oncolytic products from the patient through one or all of the following ways: excreta (feces); secreta (urine, saliva, nasopharyngeal fluids etc.); or through the skin (pustules, sores, wounds)." It does seem like excretions or skin contact poses a risk, but it doesn't seem to mention breath or exosomes just floating off of you.


Thanks for sharing this, Pina. The introduction of that document she refers to classifies shedding as "release of VBGT or oncolytic products from the patient through one or all of the following ways: excreta (feces); secreta (urine, saliva, nasopharyngeal fluids etc.); or through the skin (pustules, sores, wounds)." It does seem like excretions or skin contact poses a risk, but it doesn't seem to mention breath or exosomes just floating off of you.
Skin contact will pose a risk because we sweat. Breath, though not mentioned. I believe may pose a risk too if close enough.

This summer I was told by a care worker that they were instructed to stop using gloves to examine patients. Apparently this is because using gloves discourages washing hands. Why not wash hands and then put on gloves? I wondered. I suggest if anyone finds themselves in a health care setting to insist on gloves when being examined by a doctor or nurse.
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Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Thank you Indicator. Would you know which contents of the vial turns the cells into spike protein factories?

The MRNA is encapsulated with 4 lipid nanoparticles (LNP) that enable it to enter cells and instruct them to produce spikey proteins. Without that LNP protection mRNA is very unstable and disintegrates quickly. Shedding vaxxed people are not shedding LNP (that I am aware of), but simply proteins that any healthy immune system should be able to quench. I think they probably confer immunity.


Nov 18, 2019
The MRNA is encapsulated with 4 lipid nanoparticles (LNP) that enable it to enter cells and instruct them to produce spikey proteins. Without that LNP protection mRNA is very unstable and disintegrates quickly. Shedding vaxxed people are not shedding LNP (that I am aware of), but simply proteins that any healthy immune system should be able to quench. I think they probably confer immunity.


Nov 18, 2019
Well, I do not know to say here. Apparently a study came out showing the C vax shed from vaxxed parent to unvaxxed child. Hmmm…? @tankasnowgod what do you think?

Edit. Just want to say “it sheds” rather than from parent to child. The study looked at intranasal contents. He explains it better than me.


Jan 25, 2014
Well, I do not know to say here. Apparently a study came out showing the C vax shed from vaxxed parent to unvaxxed child. Hmmm…? @tankasnowgod what do you think?

I don't know that they did. The study linked is about antibodies, not the alleged "Spike Protein" that everyone is so worried about. And considering they detected these antibodies in masks, I would still say they didn't prove that it "sheds" from person to person, even if we are now pivoting to antibodies.

Of course, if we can shed "antibodies," wouldn't this be a concern for anything that generates antibodies? Like a traditional vaccine, or a cold?


Nov 18, 2019
This researcher pulls together some interesting information and then asks questions. I appreciate the fact that she doesn’t come to conclusions and admits she doesn’t know but sees suspicious evidence and asks questions around it.

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