Severe Flesh Pain, Doctors Cannot Give A Diagnosis


Apr 14, 2013

Flesh pain, like bruised feeling all over...Has anyone heard of or experienced this?

Symptoms started about 15yrs ago in my 20's, here's rough timeline...
(note: I've had SIBO for about 25yrs)

1st - in mid 20's started getting migraines (up to 3 a month, lasting 2 or 3 days ea.) and rashes that wouldn't go away.

2nd - started getting flesh pain, the pain starts in the back of my neck then radiates to my whole head arms and legs, my feet and hands aren't affected. It literally feels like bruises all over my body. The only way to make the pain bearable is to put on loose fitting clothes and lay completely still, if any one touches me or I move it feels like someone is pressing on a giant bruise. The pain lasts about 8 to 10 hours. Asprin and other OTC medications do not help.

3rd - I realized the pain would happen when I ate junk food, eventually I was able to pinpoint gluten as the cause but my doctor tested me several times for Celiac and results were negative (in hind sight, I already had reduced gluten significantly so that would explain negative results as, I was uninformed at the time)

4th - Once the flesh pain started happening regularly, I was able to see a pattern of the migraines happening shortly after the flesh pain episodes. Started taking Zomig for migraines and although, it too caused the flesh pain, it would only last about an hour, then both the pain and the migraine would be gone. After some time of this I went entirely gluten free and both issues reduce significantly.

5th - In early 30's started taking Swedish Bitters for digestion and constipation. It was helping but after a while it too start causing the flesh pain, severely (I called the manufacturer and they assured me it was gluten free so I still don't know what in it was causing the flare ups).

6th - I'm now 38 and within the past year I've developed the intolerance to several more foods including dairy (including organic grass fed), rice (including organic non-gmo), corn (including organic non-gmo), and some gum additives. As for dairy, at first it was just milk and haagen-das (the only kind I'd eat) causing the pain, now within the past few days even organic grass fed butter is causing the pain!

I realize the foods causing the flair ups are all typical offenders and I can still follow a somewhat healthy diet without them but how do keep from ending up even more intolerance's to foods I actually do need?
Having gotten so many new intolerances in just the past year is very freaky, especially since I thought I was doing pretty good staying on the Peat style diet.

What is this disease???
It is also somehow connected, at least I think so, to my Enteric Nervous system dysfunction of slow motility.

Could it be mixed connective tissue disease, leaky gut, celiac, Fibromyalgia, or some other autoimmune disease that I don't know of???

BTW, I also have hypothyroid (normalized by synthetic T3 and T4), estrogen dominance, peripheral neuropathy in my feet (benfothiamine helps this), SIBO-C, Raynaud's syndrome, reoccurring shingles and gastritis, low blood pressure, and night sweats.

If anyone can help, I'd much appreciate it!


Jul 13, 2014
estrogen dominance, peripheral neuropathy in my feet (benfothiamine helps this), SIBO-C, Raynaud's syndrome, reoccurring shingles.

i also have had problems with shingles, peripheral neuropathy and i think i also have estrogen issues. are they all linked and if so how? does high estrogen perhaps overstimulate the central nervous system.

ive found aspirin helps, as does b2 riboflavin 5 phosphate and increasing potassium - i use potassium gluconate. i need to give benfothiamine a go too.


Oct 11, 2016
Sounds like hashimotos and/or Celiac's... Neck pain can be caused by the body attacking the thyroid.... Or rather, since this forum doesnt seem to believe in autoimmune, then whatever thyroid antibodies actually are doing. So you eat gluten, then your thyroid flares up, and anything that has inflammation potentially causes inflammation on the same rung as the nerves that feed it (your neck). Back and neck pain are symptoms of celiac and hashimotos in this way - and of other inflammatory conditions. Have you been tested for any of this?


Apr 14, 2013
i also have had problems with shingles, peripheral neuropathy and i think i also have estrogen issues. are they all linked and if so how? does high estrogen perhaps overstimulate the central nervous system.

I do think they are all related but I'm not quite sure how yet.

as does b2 riboflavin 5 phosphate and increasing potassium

I just got these two supplements, I do hope they help! I got Cream of Tarter for potassium, not sure what type of potassium it contains.


Oct 29, 2015
Melt method might be a route to go. I learned everything I need from the book. It hydrates connective tissues very nicely. Make sure you are getting enough clean protein. Do you tolerate shrimp and or oysters? You've been around this site longer than me so you likely have your diet sorted out as best as you can despite your different responses to food. Gelatin would also be top of the list in my mind.


Mar 10, 2013
Melbourne Australia
I would look in to atlas malalignment. Probably due to a head injury at some point.
The migraines would fit too.
After a while it can stress the system so much that it can lead to autoimmune problems. The malalignment can compromise the brainstem (central to all autoregulation).

Have a look at this website:
Up C Spine
Look especially at the owner's own story (he had an obvious head injury- which simplifies things greatly)
About Up C Spine - My Story

Greg Buchanan (the guy who wrote the website is actually in IT), so he has no primary interest in drumming up business for anyone. He is very approachable and has given me a good number of very useful contacts.

I am very grateful that I came across this website in 2009, as at that stage the pain was so severe that I was actually pretty close to suicide.

I was 47 when I had the first treatment and have been working since to stabilise my neck and back as there are plenty of worn joints and my system does slump back into the old posture and re-displace things if I am incautious. Having a desk job and doing a lot of reading do not help at all.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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