Qwerty42 log


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Your temps are pretty low as you already probably realize. And it takes you most of the day to get to where you need to be.

It will be interesting to watch your progress as you go.


Oct 2, 2012
Well today went horrifically.

Had to come home from work after 3 hours, barely kept my eyes open on the drive home. Don't think the ice cream before bed was good for me at all, feel terrible all of today and still do.

Think I may try adding in 6.25 mcg of T3 in 1 1/2 hours before I get up ala the T3CM method again and see if I can't get things moving quicker.


was the ice cream a brand you know doesn't give you a bad reaction?
Sep 24, 2012
Qwerty, sorry your not finding success yet. I wanted to give you some bullet point context on what's working for me.

1- I started the peat program about a week and half ago after a miserable week of experimenting with a high tomatoe, high olive oil, high salt diet which made me feel miserable but thoroughly cleaned my colon.
2- My trial balloon for the peat diet was trying an experiment that peat recommended of sugared, salted milk with a 2oz's of coffee, oj and some egg to keep blood sugar steady till lunch. This seemed impossible to me because I've always considered myself exceptionally sensitive to both coffee and sugar in the morning and have had some pretty miserable experiences of rattled nerves with coffee and sugar. But I had never only consumed such a small amount. Anyways I had a great experience with that first experience, since then I've adjusted the amounts of coffee up and then back down in finding the right ratio, I've kept my sugar at about 4 tablespoons to 16 or so ounces of milk.
3- You've mentioned potatoes for lunch and experimenting with them for breakfast. Not recently, but I did experiment with eating potatoes fried in coconut oil for lunch or breakfast sometime ago and quickly found it made me extremely uncomfortable.
4- You've mentioned your eating fruit. Pulp and fiber are not in my diet at all, minus corn which is always saturated with coconut oil. You mention a couple places you eat fruit and pineapple slices, cut these out cold turkey and make sure your getting your carrot salad.
5- Your breakfast also didn't mention sugar or coffee, so I'd definitely get those in there. Personally I would experiment with the protocol I outline on the 1st bullet point using skim milk and no butter for right now. I knew the first morning that the inclusion of sugar and coffee, both of which were completely foreign to my eating habits, were having a positive impact on the way I felt.
6- I'm the team walmart guy regarding oj from concentrate, walmart box ice cream, and other cheap ingredients. I've tolerated these staples for a long time without any fuss. I could see my body becoming more particular and If it does I'll make corrections. So buy ice cream that you've enjoyed in the past without incidence.
7- Before Peating I've taken many quality whole food supplements. I quit taking them when I started this peat routine. I'd back off all supplements for a period of time and just try to get comfortable.
8- Pardon my know it all routine. It's just an efficient way to communicate. This message is just one mans opinion, and I could be completely wrong. best of luck to you.


New Member
Oct 7, 2012
Qwerty, your story is the male version of mine. Was super athletic and fit, overtrained, had a stressful event which pushed me over the edge, gained 15lbs then somehow lost 25lbs and was down to 105 and had friends and family asking if I was okay. Libido gone, period gone, depression for the first time in my life. Totally understand about the fear of losing your job, I think about it everyday. I have a fantastic job and im pretty young, 25yrs and there are a lot of expectations that I do not have the energy to fulfil right now. Tomorrow I am moving back home to help ease some stress of living on my own. Just recently got put on dessicated thyroid and i have been binging on ice cream (about 5000kcals/day) and my temps are around 99 and my bpm around 85. Last week my temps were 96 and bpm were 42. Gaining quite a bit of fat and its causing some stress but just need to keep at it I guess. Its hard not to feel hopeless sometimes. Especially when you see your friends who drink and smoke and eat burgers at 3am who are fully enjoying life. To be honest, I miss my libido the most. Went on a few dates and didnt feel a thing and felt super guilty when the other person felt a connection. Made the depression worst because I couldnt feel anything.

Working with a psychologist right now to keep confidence up and just talk about any underlying stressors. These forums help.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Qwerty any updates? Did you come out of that bad episode?


Oct 2, 2012
Hi all - sorry I haven't updated but to be honest I've had some blood results back - my thyroid and cortisol are now fine. They look pretty good to be honest, but I'm still experiencing low body temperature.

The ND I'm working with thinks that I likely have a problem with my methylation cycle and the Krebs cycle as a result which governs energy production and therefore also affects body temperature. I'm having genetic testing done to look at possible problems with this but previous testing I have had done has confirmed my Krebs cycle is operating at a highlu reduced rate.

I guess what i'm trying to say is that I've come to realise body temperature is not just thyroid / adrenal related, its much more complicated.

As for RP way of eating - I don't think its for me. I've always cooked with coconut oil and will continue to do so but for me, with a normal thyroid and adrenal function, I don't think its for me. I definitely think it can work, for people whos hormonal issues have arisen from over restriction of carbohydrates - but that has never been me.

I can't really say it worked for me as in the brief time that I switched to mostly milk, OJ, Gelatin and cut out most vegetables and muscle meats I've put on 5lbs around my stomach and my fasting blood glucose has gone from 4.4nmol/l to 5.5nmol/l.

I will update this when (if) I hopefully get a positive resolution to my scenario but I won't be eating peat. I'm going back to vegetables, fruit, meat and seafood with no gluten, alcohol or caffeine.

Hope you all have better mileage than me with RP eating.


Oct 2, 2012
I don't think I'll go back to taking fish oil or eating the volume of nuts / nut butters that I did. I don't use liquid oils for anything anyway really.

I've yet to make up my mind on either side of the fish oil debate. I definitely don't think you need O3 in the huge doses people take them.

I actually quite like the carrot salad for a snack so I'll keep that, but I disagree wholeheartedly with the anti-vegetables stance to be honest. I've always been interested in nutrition and if you're interested I'd suggest reading Alan Aragon. The idea that vegetables do more harm than good is, in my opinion, bunk.
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