Pregnenolone Metabolite Lowers Cortisol By 60%


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Oct 6, 2012
pregnenlone, aspirin, dhea, vitamin k, 5a-dhp, niacinmide, coffee, gelatin, and a peaty diet

Are you getting adequate calcium and vitamin D?

I guess that is a lot all at once. I think that I actually lowered my cortisol too low along with estrogen because I was aggressively targeting them. Maybe it does not take that much to restore the balance.

I am going to be running labs on hormones and cortisol along with breakdown metabolites. I am off everything now, coffee and I will be reducing gelatin. I feel comatosed if I have it. Where I had no issues before. I felt like I was on speed, when taking pregnenolone, coffee and OJ, milk and fruit and if I add thyroid hormone my temperatures are too high. I feel much more comfortable now. I have switched my diet to slow me down. My temps and pulse are good. I am feeling kind of normal, not tired and not hyper. Starting to wake up earlier without feeling I could just roll the covers over and sleep longer.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Are you getting adequate calcium and vitamin D?

I guess that is a lot all at once. I think that I actually lowered my cortisol too low along with estrogen because I was aggressively targeting them. Maybe it does not take that much to restore the balance.

I am going to be running labs on hormones and cortisol along with breakdown metabolites. I am off everything now, coffee and I will be reducing gelatin. I feel comatosed if I have it. Where I had no issues before. I felt like I was on speed, when taking pregnenolone, coffee and OJ, milk and fruit and if I add thyroid hormone my temperatures are too high. I feel much more comfortable now. I have switched my diet to slow me down. My temps and pulse are good. I am feeling kind of normal, not tired and not hyper. Starting to wake up earlier without feeling I could just roll the covers over and sleep longer.

It has been fairly easy to run down my stress hormones too low to the point where I feel andhedonic and even irritable. Lowering them somewhat feels pleasant, and seems to help me take on tough situations and keeping my serotonin low and my dopamine high puts a smile on my face, but for some reason if I really supress my cortisol and estrogen, especially when using strong 5-ar type hormones like androsterone/dht, I can really begin to feel unwell.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
It's interesting you say this. Have you noticed cravings for particular types of foods?

When on androsterone I do notice a somewhat insatiable hunger,t hat increases in severity with the dosage. The other supplements that are pro metabolic ahve the same effect on hunger but to a lesser extent. The hunger is for sugar.


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Oct 6, 2012
somewhat insatiable hunger

Peat does say that you need to support a high metabolism. But I found I needed heaps of food. And it is not like I eat junk. Lots of milk, fruit, gelatin, cheese, OJ, shellfish.

I have always loved cheese and fruit but I have gone off them and crave whole grains, peanuts and beans. WTF!!!

The hunger is for sugar.

Yeah, your right. I have never drank coke but found once I started on coke I would drink the whole bottle. I could not be satisfied with just a glass.

I am going to run some labs so I know for sure.


Jul 13, 2014
Re: Pregnenolone does NOT increase cortisol

Well, the human study I referred to above and all others I have seen show no increase in estrogen. In fact, you should be getting lower estrogen effects due to the large increases of endogenous progesterone that the supplemental pregnenolone is causing. Finally, I posted a study a while ago showing pregnenolone directly inhibits aromatase. Progesterone is also aromatase inhbitor. So, the combination of the two should at the very least NOT increase estrogen. All human studies I have seen agree with this reasoning.
However, I'd consider the blood tests you mention if that users finds this thread and posts. It could be other things he/she took, extra stress, inadequate sugar intake, etc.
Anyways, bottom line is that all the symptoms I have heard described in this thread and others are actually symptoms of lowered ACTH and cortisol, revealing low thyroid function or low metabolism due to other issues like high plasma levels of FFA.

It's been a few years since this thread Haidut. Just wondering if there's any updates re any link between pregnenolone/ progesterone and estrogen. I remember hearing you say something on a podcast about how taking progesterone can initially cause an increase in estrogen for men because it forces the estrogen to leave the cells? This might explain my man boobs after supplementing with progesterone.


Aug 15, 2016
Re: Pregnenolone does NOT increase cortisol

I think it's an issue of dosage too. I know people who get acne from 100mg pregnenolone but reducing it 50mg or less daily stops the acne.
I'm getting acne from a 10 mg dose. I've also tried much larger doses with the same effect. Any idea what could be causing acne at a 10 mg dose? I like pregnenolone and don't want to stop taking it, but the acne is so bad that I don't have any other choice at the moment.
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