Pregnant Women Who Consume BPA Might Have Hypothyroid Boys



Pregnant women exposed to higher levels of the chemical bisphenol A gave birth to baby boys with lower thyroid hormones, according to a new study published today.

The study by University of California, Berkeley, scientists is the first to link the ubiquitous chemical – used in hard plastics, canned food liners and some paper receipts – to altered thyroid hormones in babies, and it adds to evidence that BPA may have some effects on fetuses.

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Re: Pregnant Women Who Consume BPA Might Have Hypothyroid Bo

I'm not sure they interpreting the study correctly. Also, this reveals shocking ignorance

“Most work up to this point has focused on [BPA’s] estrogen properties. The fact that it’s also messing up thyroid function is very surprising,” said Laura Vandenberg, a postdoctoral fellow at Tufts University who studies BPA but was not involved in the new study.


Jan 25, 2014
Re: Pregnant Women Who Consume BPA Might Have Hypothyroid Bo

I am not sure what you mean with: I'm not sure they interpreting the study correctly.

Think this could very well be true. And even dare to propose that this is just the tip of the iceberg!

The molecular structure is nasty. Take a look at the structure of bisphenol A. It's small, hydrophobic regions and has some OH groups too (electronegativity). It likely may interact with many more molecules. Proteins mainly, receptors or enzymes amond others BPA has affinity for (to some variable extent).


Re: Pregnant Women Who Consume BPA Might Have Hypothyroid Bo

Suikerbuik said:
It's small, hydrophobic regions and has some OH groups too (electronegativity).

If it's hydrophobic, if you have water in a BPA-containing bottle, and pour the water in a glass container, would the BPA go to the bottom? Would the same happen with milk? Or would it react with components of milk in all sorts of horrible ways so that no part can be recuperated?


Jan 22, 2013
Re: Pregnant Women Who Consume BPA Might Have Hypothyroid Bo

that seems pretty bad, so people who's parents are following the relatively average lifestyle are having children starting at a health disadvantage? Im not surprised that they are surprised to find that BPA effects thyroid...for some reason thyroid hasn't been that common to talk or even think about for the past while...the professors probably didn't talk about it as being that important to these people when they were students. In fact, if not for reading Peat's work I might not have looked into things more myself. Hopefully studies like this can bring more good info to the more mainstream of knowledge


Jan 25, 2014
Re: Pregnant Women Who Consume BPA Might Have Hypothyroid Bo

If it's hydrophobic, if you have water in a BPA-containing bottle, and pour the water in a glass container, would the BPA go to the bottom? Would the same happen with milk? Or would it react with components of milk in all sorts of horrible ways so that no part can be recuperated?

It is wayyy more soluble in milk, binding proteins and especially the fats. So recovering the milk is impossible or other solutions that have proteins but more important fats.

How it interacts with water? That is a difficult, though very important and interesting question. I don't know have an answer I'm afraid. It is mostly hydrophobic so solubility in water is low, but it is not completely hydrophobic so may interact with water molecules to some (small) extent likely depending what else is in the water too. If it will sink, I don't have any clue.


Re: Pregnant Women Who Consume BPA Might Have Hypothyroid Bo

If it's lipophilic, maybe boiling whole milk from a BPA-container, so that the fat goes to the top, and then removing the fat will remove a significant amount of BPA. Too much trouble though.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Re: Pregnant Women Who Consume BPA Might Have Hypothyroid Bo

j. said:
I'm not sure they interpreting the study correctly. Also, this reveals shocking ignorance

“Most work up to this point has focused on [BPA’s] estrogen properties. The fact that it’s also messing up thyroid function is very surprising,” said Laura Vandenberg, a postdoctoral fellow at Tufts University who studies BPA but was not involved in the new study.
That statement just confirms that a coherent view of human physiology is sorely lacking. That isn't meant as a criticism but an observation. In my lay person opinion it just illustrates compartmentalized thinking. As people who study Peat's work I think we appreciate the importance of the thyroid more than most (even mainstream endocrinologist). To this day I have never seen a person treated for hypothyroidism get anything but t4. One nurse at work told me she only got armour thyroid after begging her doctor. My own sister in law takes over 300mcg of synthroid each day and is still sick. When I mentioned she might ask her doctor about t3 she was furious that I implied that her doctor might not be providing her with the best medicine. Oops. I tried to explain that in other parts of the world t3 is often used when t4 alone isn't providing relief but it was too late. She wants to talk about her condition but I guess she doesn't want to consider there may be other options. It's truly amazing.


Re: Pregnant Women Who Consume BPA Might Have Hypothyroid Bo

Blossom said:
I tried to explain that in other parts of the world t3 is often used when t4 alone isn't providing relief but it was too late.

Do you know some examples of other parts of the world?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Re: Pregnant Women Who Consume BPA Might Have Hypothyroid Bo

j. said:
Blossom said:
I tried to explain that in other parts of the world t3 is often used when t4 alone isn't providing relief but it was too late.

Do you know some examples of other parts of the world?
Should I even answer this question? It has to be used somewhere. If I want treatment from the medical system for my prolactinoma (in America) lisuride isn't an option for me but it is used in many other parts of the world. If someone is seeking medical treatment for depression in the U.S. they will most likely receive an SSRI not an SSRE (which is also available in other countries). If medicine is a true science then we should probably be more transparent and open to medicines used around the world for similar conditions. These various treatments should be available since we are all human. Especially when people are suffering and not given an option of a medicine that could make a true difference in their quality of life. The world is small enough that hopefully people will start to figure these things out. I'm not informed about the practice of medicine all over the world but I do know enough about the practice of medicine in the area I'm from to know that some options are seemingly being withheld from people unnecessarily (probably political and financial reasons). The point I was trying to make to her was that there might be another option for her situation. Where it is used specifically I really don't know.


Re: Pregnant Women Who Consume BPA Might Have Hypothyroid Bo

I was wondering just to look for studies in those countries.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Re: Pregnant Women Who Consume BPA Might Have Hypothyroid Bo

j. said:
I was wondering just to look for studies in those countries.
Sorry, I wish I knew. :roll:


Re: Pregnant Women Who Consume BPA Might Have Hypothyroid Bo

At least Norway and Germany.

Nycomed also produces Liothyronin (T3). This tablet comes only in a strength of 20mcg. Many Norwegian patients use a small supplement of T3 for better cognitive function, usually 5mcg twice a day. We have therefore asked Nycomed to produce tablets with 5mcg strength, but so far with no success.


There are also two brands of combination T4 and T3: Novothyral (Merck Pharma) 100mcg (100mcg T4 and 20mcg T3) and Prothyrid (Sanofi-Aventis) 100mcg (100mcg T4 and 10mcg T3).



Re: Pregnant Women Who Consume BPA Might Have Hypothyroid Bo

That Nycomed T3 seems like a good product. I think stop the thyroid madness isn't aware of it, it isn't listed in their compilation.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Re: Pregnant Women Who Consume BPA Might Have Hypothyroid Bo

Cytomel is apparently manufactured in TX,U.S. from what I read. I guess many perscibers just don't recognize the difficulty many people have with conversion of t4 to t3 and definitely don't have the understanding Peat does about thyroid in general. It's a shame so many people suffer due to inadequate treatment.
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