Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome

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Dec 8, 2019
Does anyone here have this? I do. I thought I felt bad because I was just becoming a teen. Then at 25 I got too hypothyroid to care about sex with low T and libido. Each passing month I felt better and suddenly my depression just lifted. Unfortunately now I am too high T, DHEA-S (I assume due to me becomming hyperthyroid) so my libido is so high that even if I avoid M and sex I get wet dreams so I feel terrible the next few days. Even worse I have high DHT so avoiding orgasm enlarges my prostate. My only hope is somehow treating my thyroid (antithyroid drugs give me stomach aches) and lowering my libido/T/DHT so I can avoid release and hence be depression-free and confident. Note, I didn't know about NoFap back then. What does Ray say about stuff like these?


“Avoiding orgasm enlarges my prostate.”

Are you sure about this? Avoiding it for how long?


Dec 17, 2018
lowering my libido/T/DHT so I can avoid release and hence be depression-free and confident.

Where do you people come from? How do you even get this retarded thinking into your head? You should thank the almighty lord for your libido every day of your life. I assume you are getting this POIS from regular sex as well?

Eat more quality animal protein, eat foods high in all the important minerals especially iron, zinc, copper, take a good B complex and take extra folic acid and possibly methylB12 occasionally and make sure to get vitamin C in the diet. POIS is because you are unhealthy and depleted of nutrients and cannot deal with post-orgasm changes like a normal person.


Oct 14, 2016
Where do you people come from? How do you even get this retarded thinking into your head? You should thank the almighty lord for your libido every day of your life. I assume you are getting this POIS from regular sex as well?

Eat more quality animal protein, eat foods high in all the important minerals especially iron, zinc, copper, take a good B complex and take extra folic acid and possibly methylB12 occasionally and make sure to get vitamin C in the diet. POIS is because you are unhealthy and depleted of nutrients and cannot deal with post-orgasm changes like a normal person.
Have you supplemented methyl b12? If so, what positive effects have you experienced?


Dec 17, 2018
Have you supplemented methyl b12? If so, what positive effects have you experienced?

It has many vital roles in health and I have found it can give sudden burst of energy and helps energize you in general. I take it here and there, mostly because I take quite a bit of folic acid to balance it out. Caution though if you do take it that it can cause potassium to deplete because more RBC are being made so if you feel bad from it that is likely what is going on and making sure to eat lots of potassium helps deal with this.
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Oct 1, 2019
I am with @redsun on this post orgasmic illness is probably nutritional problems.
@Eric88 some material for you to read:

FAQ - Ray Peat Forum Wiki
Ray Peat Diet, Food Choices, And General Guidelines


Ray Peat quotes on masturbation
Does masturbation or sex have positive or negative effects on the hormones or stress?
RP: Generally positive, but intense arousal can have unwanted consequences, such as herpes virus outbreaks.

I asked Dr. Peat about the effect of masturbation on prolactin (I am not quoting my question because it was a personal question)
Dr. Peat's answer: "I don't think masturbation affects the hormones more than regular sex does."

Here is another quote from RP on sex and masturbation.
RP: High estrogen does sometimes cause insatiable sexual interest, partly because it increases adrenal androgens, and partly by inhibiting satisfying orgasms. Too much progesterone can suppress or neutralize the androgens. Thyroid is the best way to regulate the system, keeping libido up, making orgasms satisfying.


Regarding your thyroid I linked something for you in your other thread: Hyperthyroid, Post-orgasmic Disorder And Slow Methylator


Dec 8, 2019
“Avoiding orgasm enlarges my prostate.”

Are you sure about this? Avoiding it for how long?
As much as possible. Unfortunately a wet dream happens every week.
I think it's autoimmune. Every single time after orgasm I get headaches, eye floaters, low energy, depression, and scratching pain in my stomach or intestines. I think it's allergy towards my own semen or/and prostate liquid.
Has been that way ever since I discovered sex. My nutrients are normal, only vitamin D sometimes gets lower but even when it was normal-high this summer I got the same issues. Nothing but total and complete abstinence from release helps.


As much as possible. Unfortunately a wet dream happens every week.
I think it's autoimmune. Every single time after orgasm I get headaches, eye floaters, low energy, depression, and scratching pain in my stomach or intestines. I think it's allergy towards my own semen or/and prostate liquid.
Has been that way ever since I discovered sex. My nutrients are normal, only vitamin D sometimes gets lower but even when it was normal-high this summer I got the same issues. Nothing but total and complete abstinence from release helps.

I also suffer from some form of this, but in my case the main problem is a dysfunctional pelvic floor which affects my prostate. Having a sexual rest is sometimes necessary to reduce prostate inflammation (if you’re prone to such ailments, which many people aren’t).
Nov 21, 2015
I will disagree with Dr.Peat on this one. I think masturbation isn’t good if it’s using porn, and fantasy.

I think that it is very different from partner sex. There is a solid body of work that says this.

And, I think that orgasms are not that great either, and it’s far better to practice non orgasmic sex anyway. The brain rewires to it and it is 100 times more pleasurable than conventional sex.


Dec 17, 2018
My nutrients are normal

No, they clearly aren't normal. If they were you would not have POIS. Autoimmune? I hope you're joking.

Every single time after orgasm I get headaches, eye floaters, low energy, depression, and scratching pain in my stomach or intestines.
Has been that way ever since I discovered sex.

Its been that way because you were likely nutrient deficient as most teenagers are. And 99% of these teenagers that grow older such as yourself still deal with the same subsufficient nutrient status because of years of a garbage diet that's doesn't go away. Eye floaters could be low B6, zinc, vitamin C. Ejaculation can deplete these things especially B6 and zinc which isn't a problem unless as I said you have and have had a crappy diet for years. Protein is especially important as well for these mental symptoms you are having. Depression, headaches, low energy, all points to a nutrient starved body, not autoimmune...

As @boris asked lets see your diet.


Does anyone here have this? I do. I thought I felt bad because I was just becoming a teen. Then at 25 I got too hypothyroid to care about sex with low T and libido. Each passing month I felt better and suddenly my depression just lifted. Unfortunately now I am too high T, DHEA-S (I assume due to me becomming hyperthyroid) so my libido is so high that even if I avoid M and sex I get wet dreams so I feel terrible the next few days. Even worse I have high DHT so avoiding orgasm enlarges my prostate. My only hope is somehow treating my thyroid (antithyroid drugs give me stomach aches) and lowering my libido/T/DHT so I can avoid release and hence be depression-free and confident. Note, I didn't know about NoFap back then. What does Ray say about stuff like these?

Bless the lord for your high sex drive and direct it towards a productive activity.
You are not an animal, you don't have to abide by everything your body tells you to do.


Oct 1, 2019
People understimate diet. Probably because mainstream medicinal practice largely ignores it.

Food is the single most important aspect of life and is involved in almost all health conditions. Every single cell in your body has to produce it's own energy and you need to ingest energy and cofactors to make this possible. If you don't do it or ingest the wrong things (PUFA), the cells die and you die (after your body catabolizes it's own tissue to keep you alive). Coupled with stress you get into a neverending negative chain reaction and all kinds of bodily functions get out of whack.
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Jul 23, 2018
I did some research on POIS years ago, as it’s one of the many real conditions ignored by mainstream science.

There are a lot of theories. The most popular states that’s its an autoimmune reaction to the seminal fluid, which I don’t know how it could work, since the attack only gets triggered when the semen passes trough the penis, but not while stored in the testis. Maybe the testis are somehow immunoprivileged.

There was also talk of it being a Type I hypersensitivity reaction, driven by Mast Cells, which secrete excess histamine. The problem is that histamine would raise libido, setting up a vicious cycle. Have you tried H1 and H2 blockers prior to an orgasm?

A “safe” way to tank libido and DHT is to take a lot of Pregnenolone and progesterone. Search the forum for therapeutic doses. Watch out for progestin driven gano, which given your high Androgenic status is highly unlikely.


Jul 23, 2018
It is NOT caused by any nutrient deficiency. Said deficiency would surely exacerbate the issue, but the theory of loosing nutrients when ejaculating doesn’t hold up. The nutrients are already sequestered in the sperm cells wether you ejaculate or not. Once you do ejaculate, the body would divert some of the nutrient pool towards the production of new sperm cells, but it would be a gradual process, not the instant reaction which caracterizas POIS.


Oct 1, 2019

Unfortunately now I am too high T, DHEA-S ... so my libido is so high that even if I avoid M and sex I get wet dreams so I feel terrible the next few days. Even worse I have high DHT

RP: "High estrogen does sometimes cause insatiable sexual interest, partly because it increases adrenal androgens, and partly by inhibiting satisfying orgasms. Too much progesterone can suppress or neutralize the androgens. Thyroid is the best way to regulate the system, keeping libido up, making orgasms satisfying."

OP is/was taking ANTI thyroid drugs.
@Eric88 None of the problems you describe have anything to do with too high thyroid function, rather the opposite.


Jul 23, 2018
Well, ray believes thyroid would raise people from the grave, but being hyperthyroid is as bad as being hypo. Take ten cups of coffee at once. That’s how hyper people feel. But good point, what anti-thyroid drugs did you take OP?


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
As much as possible. Unfortunately a wet dream happens every week.
I think it's autoimmune. Every single time after orgasm I get headaches, eye floaters, low energy, depression, and scratching pain in my stomach or intestines. I think it's allergy towards my own semen or/and prostate liquid.
Has been that way ever since I discovered sex. My nutrients are normal, only vitamin D sometimes gets lower but even when it was normal-high this summer I got the same issues. Nothing but total and complete abstinence from release helps.

I get this only from self stimulation induced ejaculation, not sex. Masturbation is simply very detrimental to my physical and emotional health. I do not know why that is, and I am not one of these whacked out Christians or No Fap people, I just know and feel different when sex is involved versus no sex. Even masturbating toward a partner in the room is different, I think the brain knows. I probably have masturbated three times in the last year.


Dec 17, 2018
It is NOT caused by any nutrient deficiency. Said deficiency would surely exacerbate the issue, but the theory of loosing nutrients when ejaculating doesn’t hold up. The nutrients are already sequestered in the sperm cells wether you ejaculate or not. Once you do ejaculate, the body would divert some of the nutrient pool towards the production of new sperm cells, but it would be a gradual process, not the instant reaction which caracterizas POIS.

There are specific hormonal things that happen because of an orgasm. Prolactin spike, very high dopamine to noradrenaline conversion. If you are unhealthy and lacking nutrients to the point where your brain's neurotransmitters are barely balanced to begin with and one little thing ruins it, you will not be able to handle these things caused by orgasm that you are supposed to be able to handle.

It less to due with nutrients and sperm and more to do with nutritional status affecting your neurotransmitter balance. This is where his headaches, low energy, depression come from, his neurotransmitter balance already sucks, orgasm makes it suck more.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
There are specific hormonal things that happen because of an orgasm. Prolactin spike, very high dopamine to noradrenaline conversion. If you are unhealthy and lacking nutrients to the point where your brain's neurotransmitters are barely balanced to begin with and one little thing ruins it, you will not be able to handle these things caused by orgasm that you are supposed to be able to handle.

It less to due with nutrients and sperm and more to do with nutritional status affecting your neurotransmitter balance. This is where his headaches, low energy, depression come from, his neurotransmitter balance already sucks, orgasm makes it suck more.

I agree
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