Please Support Our Legal Advocacy Efforts to Stop the Atrocity in the Hospitals and Expose the Fraud Against Humanity


Dec 11, 2020
A portion of the proceeds will be donated to our class action effort against Gilead with the intention of putting a stop to this, plus, in answer to the question posed to me of what can be done to empower against this madness if one should ever be in a position warranting a hospital, here is a solution. Thank you in advance for your support!

Give the gift of Health and Safety this holiday season to your friends, family members, co-workers and strangers on the street. This trendy medical alert bracelet is our unified way to say no to harmful drugs without going to Court.
Bi-partisan power of the people, yes we mean you! The bracelet says you are
Allergic to: Remdesivir, Barticinib and Fentanyl.

Hospitals cannot ignore this medical directive.

The hospitals and their employees have been pushing these deadly drugs because they are making enormous amounts of money. Big pharma buys expensive ads causing the networks and their affiliates to keep quiet when reporting the news. We can unite and force big pharma and hospitals to stop using these expensive deadly drugs.

The medical alert bracelet is your directive in case you are unable to speak for yourself if you have to go to the hospital. It’s a Tax deductible gift when purchased through through We are taking preorders now for delivery in two weeks. Demand is high so take advantage of the preorder by emailing CC at Former Feds

  1. Your name
  2. Address for delivery
  3. Quantity (see pricing below)
  4. Please put MAB in memo part of email
  5. You will receive an auto response confirming receipt of your email and a link to make your payment which is deductible as a charitable donation.

Email to: [email protected]

$25 for one medical alert bracelet. $20 per bracelet when you purchase five or more in one order.

The bracelet is a silicone band with a stainless steel buckle and plate, laser engraved. Turn it over it looks like a cool stylish bracelet. A conversation starter with strangers. Buy extras and hand them out to strangers and save lives this holiday season.

We already have pre-orders so if you want yours in time for the holidays order today.

Let’s make this the new ice bucket challenge. Let’s save the world from death by hospital and pharma protocols. Proceeds will help fund the class action on behalf of the thousands of victims killed by these protocols. The class action is Primarily seeking a cease and desist order from the Court. The Court could award disgorgement but the focus of the surviving family members is mostly to prevent others meeting the same painful and inhumane fate.

Thank you for your support. Stay healthy and safe


Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
So hospitals can ignore a Medical directive to not use Remdeathisnear, but not if it says you are allergic to Remdeathisnear? Or is there something special about wearing a bracelet besides it always being on your person?


Dec 11, 2020
The bracelet creates a much higher record of liability as if a hospital disregards it and the person is injured, there is a clear liability created since the bracelet served as notice and warning of allergy. So yes, it is a much more blatant form of protection.

As I stated prior, we are not living in a society in accordance with color of law at present; so while informed consent is law on the record, in practice hospitals, pharmacies, etc. are getting away with violating it. We are trying to change that and there are also massive criminal legal efforts underway against the perpetrators.

Our intention is to put an end to this and expose the illegality of all that has transpired with compensation and justice for the victims and retribution for the perpetrators. But, at present, we are still navigating a world where illegality is happening period; so we use what we can and yes, this notice and warning will give you more protection at this time than simply articulating you decline.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
OK thanks.

What rights does a patient have to refuse treatment by a hospital, either all or select treatments. Can it be considered medical kidnapping if a patient is held against their will, and assault against a person if they are treated with things the patient considers harmful and forewarns that he considers such harmful?

I have read/heard that a hospitalized a person can request hospice care and be discharged to a trusted person to provide such. This is preferred to being sent to the ICU gulag. Any advice in this regard?


Dec 11, 2020
OK thanks.

What rights does a patient have to refuse treatment by a hospital, either all or select treatments. Can it be considered medical kidnapping if a patient is held against their will, and assault against a person if they are treated with things the patient considers harmful and forewarns that he considers such harmful?

I have read/heard that a hospitalized a person can request hospice care and be discharged to a trusted person to provide such. This is preferred to being sent to the ICU gulag. Any advice in this regard?
Under normal circumstances when law is recognized yes, these things are generally true. But again, as i explained, the whole issue is that illegality is occurring unchecked so we have to navigate the world we currently live in above and beyond what might be true otherwise. Unfortunately, as things stand now, you cannot rely upon the protections you site for protection. Thus this idea of the bracelet which will be a disincentive to the hospitals due to the potential liability created that should still work even in this lawlessness.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Do you know of any way to find out which hospitals in one's area are not federally funded? I have read/heard that ones that are not federally funded don't have to follow the covid death protocols


Dec 11, 2020
Do you know of any way to find out which hospitals in one's area are not federally funded? I have read/heard that ones that are not federally funded don't have to follow the covid death protocols
You would just have to research that on a case-by-case basis the ones less likely to be federally funded would be private hospitals maybe some of the religious hospitals but you would just have to research them one by one there's no general rule I would think you could find that information online just by doing different queries. However I don't think that that is true because we've had instances in private hospitals with a religious affiliations for example that may not have been federally funded and it's the same story so I don't think that gives you full protection


Dec 11, 2020
You would just have to research that on a case-by-case basis the ones less likely to be federally funded would be private hospitals maybe some of the religious hospitals but you would just have to research them one by one there's no general rule I would think you could find that information online just by doing different queries. However I don't think that that is true because we've had instances in private hospitals with a religious affiliations for example that may not have been federally funded and it's the same story so I don't think that gives you full protection
Also all hospitals i believe interface with medicare/medicaid in some capacity due to patient demographics and federal regulations so that would subject them to the same paradigm


Dec 11, 2020
I shared on the Danny Roddy livestream last night commemorating Dr. Peat and ended up sharing about the legal efforts because my entire life mission and legal career has also been shaped by Dr. Peat and is directly related to so much of what he has exposed all these years. I was so emotional I did not think to give more contact info but i did put my direct email in the chat there when i looked after i got off the call and there was so much excitement. There was gentleman, i believe name there was Maldono? who lost a father to remdesivir it sounded like and asked for my email. i did put it in the chat but not sure if it was seen by this person so please anyone or Maldono message me directly so i can connect with you if you did not get my email. The site (my colleague's) for info and intake for the class action is HOME | myerandscher

And please see the bracelet initiative that begins this thread. We very much need your support to stop this monstrosity on humanity. I am hoping to be on the livestream soon with Danny and Georgi and have contacted them in detail in follow up per our exchange last night on the livestream and all of the comments in the chat there. We have an A-list team of attorneys, scientists, doctors and alternative media icons with whom we have been collaborating these last years. Reiner Fuellmich is barred in CA and part of the class action team for example. Dr Peat was a big fan of Reiner and i have been in close contact with Dr. Peat these last years and he had wanted to be part of our team meetings and had been planning to attend until he had issues with his vocal chords.

I look forward to sharing much more soon. Thank you in advance for your support. Please anyone feel free to contact me directly. Melissa


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Also all hospitals i believe interface with medicare/medicaid in some capacity due to patient demographics and federal regulations so that would subject them to the same paradigm
I was under the impression that any institution that receives federal reimbursement via Medicare or Medicaid is required to follow their directives which is every single hospital in the US. I’d be extremely happy though to find out I’m wrong.


Dec 11, 2020
I was under the impression that any institution that receives federal reimbursement via Medicare or Medicaid is required to follow their directives which is every single hospital in the US. I’d be extremely happy though to find out I’m wrong.
Under current circumstances which we contend are illegal and unconstitutional and are intending this will be exposed but is taking time, yes unconstitutional measures are happening. This is why the bracelet was created as it provides more accountability and notice. medical facilities are still subject to accountability for negligent administration of a drug when a known allergy is notices. and also the bracelet is a symbol that as sovereign beings and citizens, we have the right to refuse a treatment- that right should still be in place. many of the victims were not given informed consent - they did not even get the opportunity to refuse. this gives everyone that affirmative opportunity regardless of whether they are prompted and provides much more teeth for liability regarding lack of consent.


Dec 11, 2020
Can you provide the link to the site that your first post came from?
it was copy of an email my colleague sent to our entire team of attorneys and experts. her site with all of the info on our efforts that i posted in the commemoration thread is: HOME | myerandscher


Dec 11, 2020

This is the image of the bracelet- it did not copy in my original post which is a copy of the email my colleague sent out to a huge team of attorneys, scientists and collaborators. HOME | myerandscher

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Where it says "Please put MAB in memo part of email" does memo part mean the email Subject?


Dec 11, 2020
Is there a website where these bracelets are being sold?
the initiative is managed by Remdesivir

i am not seeing a link there for the bracelet and just texted my colleague. if one has been created i will post but per the original post, there is a procedure there for ordering via email to CC of former feds.
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