Peatist Losers [Weight Loss]



May 6, 2016
And whenever I go low fat I need to rub to the toilet often at the beginning. It's udually violent and smells awful which is abnormal for me. Is this some way of "detoxing" or is something else going on?
Sounds like you have liver issues (not liver disease, just some problems with optimal functioning, which is quite common), and probably bacteria problem in your gut. VLF seems to give me a rise in inflammation, as evidenced by brain fog, sour/unstable mood, and irritable bowel issues. I don't get low blood pressure any more but when I was your age I did. VLF Peat, with all the sugar and fruit, sent all the problems I experience with VLF into overdrive.

I do believe it is a kind of detox in that since the liver doesn't have to process meals with a bunch of fat in them it gets freed up to do other things. Also, fat is supposed sort of encapsulate some bacteria and its by products (called endotoxin, bad stuff), so maybe when fat is absent these baddies become liberated so they can circulate and cause problems.

Or maybe it's just about the stored fat that's being liberated once we stop eating it in our diet. For most of us, a lot of stored fat is PUFA, and it also has toxins in it. Still a detox.

I dunno. This is mostly just speculation, since what I read says that fat promotes inflammation but I tend to feel more inflammatory doing VLF for more than a few days at a time.

But even with the problems, VLF is one of the best things I've ever done for my liver. There are things that are things I could suddenly tolerate after being VLF for a while that I could never tolerate before (like progesterone), because apparently my liver was too clogged up or whatever to do its job properly. Also, I went to a wedding one night and drank a bunch of alcohol and had no hangover the next day. Sight unseen. That hadn't happened since I was in my early 20's. Only explanation is improved liver function. Only thing I'd done differently was VLF. So VLF is very good for me and very bad for me at the same time. Catch-22.

My solution is that I've been doing a detox protocol that can address all these issues that arise with VLF. Seems to be working although I'm still in the middle of it so can't really speak to long term benefits as yet.

Since you're very young you might be okay doing simple detox measures like daily carrot salad. I would say that's something you should consider doing in perpetuity. If that doesn't cure it you might try adding in a more powerful detoxer like activated charcoal. Activeated charcoal kind of grabs onto toxins and endotoxins and binds them so that they don't circualate, and can be eliminated.

If those two things don't work then there are other measures...reading around on the internet for detox ideas yields a ton of good (and also bad) ideas. But with your age I'd try those first for a while. It's likely a simpler fix for you at this stage. Good luck!

I had this at the start too, I've been under 10 grams fat for a long time and I am starting to see some unhealthy side affects which I am unsure it has to do with the low fat but i'm going to start increasing it to see.
The above might apply to you.

I also find that VLF impacts the quality of my seems drier and also a little "looser". Soles of my feet get a little rougher. I wonder if this may have to do with the detox and toxins blocking some crucial process that affects the lipid membranes of our cells. I don't think it has entirely to do with fat intake, otherwise everyone would probably experience the same problem and from what I read, not everyone does. I'm hoping that detoxing also fixes this, in addition to the mood and cognition problems. Time will tell.

Point being, you might try something to detox you, see if it helps whatever problems you're experiencing.
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Jan 24, 2014
I also find that VLF impacts the quality of my seems drier and also a little "looser". Soles of my feet get a little rougher. I wonder if this may have to do with the detox and toxins blocking some crucial process that affects the lipid membranes of our cells. I don't think it has entirely to do with fat intake, otherwise everyone would probably experience the same problem and from what I read, not everyone does. I'm hoping that detoxing also fixes this, in addition to the mood and cognition problems. Time will tell.

A Very LOW Fat diet worked great for me when I had a lot of body fat to lose...However, it hasn't been sustainable in the long term for me. I am only speaking for myself here based on my own personal experience.

Eating under 20 grams of fat per day for many months resulted in fabulous fat loss initially, but some new and unpleasant issues developed over a long time period: dry crepe-y skin with acne (AWESOME), also some pretty severe memory/cognitive issues and insomnia.

While things started off great for many months, eventually eating carbs with very little to NO fat caused me some distress, perhaps due to a lack of fat soluble vitamins??? Who knows....our brains are made up of a lot fat, mine apparently desperately needed some fat. Cravings for it became insane, so I caved in and it was the best thing EVER.

Eating a LOT more fat has not caused me to get fat.


I am currently off all thyroid medication (I quit all T4 last April and all T3 in July), while I'm still not at my goal of 120 to 125, my weight is stable at 128lbs.

Sleep, memory and skin are soooooo much better now with more fat in my diet.

Eating very low fat during Spring and early Summer WHILE taking thyroid meds was waaaay to stimulating this go round.

I just got a load of blood labs done, everything is perfect ('cept maybe my iron)....including a full thyroid panel. My doctor will NOT renew any thyroid med prescriptions for me, apparently I no longer have Hashimoto's after 17 years of exogenous thyroid medication.

My last three antibody tests (for the last three years now) have been negative, so they will no longer test those. T4 and T3 are in range. Free T3 is 3.1 with a ref. range of I guess my thyroid gland is indeed producing T4 and my liver and intestines are converting to T3 well enough....Go figure.

Prolactin was 12.1....I think Peat said 12 was good for women, close enough.

Glucose was 90, this was not a fasting draw, it was taken about two hours after lunch.

@whodathunkit or guys seem to know a lot about iron issues, can you help me interpret my Iron Panel, pretty please??? Anybody? Bueller?

IRON = 70 with a REF RANGE: 30-180ug/dL
TRANSFERRIN = 306 with a REF RANGE: 200-360mg/dL....(I don't know what transferrin is, is this too high per Peat?)
%SATURATION = 16 with a REF RANGE: 20-55%, the lab says this is LOW (and naturally I have NO idea what this indicates.)

Hugs and Kisses to ALL Peatiest Losers, I hope you're ALL having a fabulous Summer!!!



Apr 9, 2015
A Very LOW Fat diet worked great for me when I had a lot of body fat to lose...However, it hasn't been sustainable in the long term for me. I am only speaking for myself here based on my own personal experience.

Eating under 20 grams of fat per day for many months resulted in fabulous fat loss initially, but some new and unpleasant issues developed over a long time period: dry crepe-y skin with acne (AWESOME), also some pretty severe memory/cognitive issues and insomnia.

While things started off great for many months, eventually eating carbs with very little to NO fat caused me some distress, perhaps due to a lack of fat soluble vitamins??? Who knows....our brains are made up of a lot fat, mine apparently desperately needed some fat. Cravings for it became insane, so I caved in and it was the best thing EVER.

Eating a LOT more fat has not caused me to get fat.


I am currently off all thyroid medication (I quit all T4 last April and all T3 in July), while I'm still not at my goal of 120 to 125, my weight is stable at 128lbs.

Sleep, memory and skin are soooooo much better now with more fat in my diet.

Eating very low fat during Spring and early Summer WHILE taking thyroid meds was waaaay to stimulating this go round.

I just got a load of blood labs done, everything is perfect ('cept maybe my iron)....including a full thyroid panel. My doctor will NOT renew any thyroid med prescriptions for me, apparently I no longer have Hashimoto's after 17 years of exogenous thyroid medication.

My last three antibody tests (for the last three years now) have been negative, so they will no longer test those. T4 and T3 are in range. Free T3 is 3.1 with a ref. range of I guess my thyroid gland is indeed producing T4 and my liver and intestines are converting to T3 well enough....Go figure.

Prolactin was 12.1....I think Peat said 12 was good for women, close enough.

Glucose was 90, this was not a fasting draw, it was taken about two hours after lunch.

@whodathunkit or guys seem to know a lot about iron issues, can you help me interpret my Iron Panel, pretty please??? Anybody? Bueller?

IRON = 70 with a REF RANGE: 30-180ug/dL
TRANSFERRIN = 306 with a REF RANGE: 200-360mg/dL....(I don't know what transferrin is, is this too high per Peat?)
%SATURATION = 16 with a REF RANGE: 20-55%, the lab says this is LOW (and naturally I have NO idea what this indicates.)

Hugs and Kisses to ALL Peatiest Losers, I hope you're ALL having a fabulous Summer!!!

So was it as simple as just adding more fat to get rid of the dry skin and acne it was there any other things you had to do? I'm currently still on a low fat diet and have the dry skin and acne
Jan 24, 2014
So was it as simple as just adding more fat to get rid of the dry skin and acne it was there any other things you had to do?

Yep, the craving for fat became too intense to ignore so I began eating full fat goat dairy....perhaps the switch from conventional cow dairy was a partial issue? Dunno.....too many confounders is par for the course with me.

I noticed the skin around my eyes especially and on my arms, legs and feet started to look really dry (like crepe paper) and it got worse with each passing month.

I cut back and then completely stopped my vitamin A supplement, but that alone didn't fix the parched look. Quitting thyroid meds and really ramping up my fat intake (like closer to 100 grams per day) is what helped. My theory is that I needed more actual fat in my diet in order to make fat soluble vitamins more absorbable, but I really have NO usual, I'm merely guessing.

My sleep improved greatly with eating more fat (even before I quit thyroid), so maybe just getting more/better sleep accounts for some of the skin improvements?

Do you take thyroid meds @EIRE24 ?


May 26, 2015
I saw the posts about turpentine and biofilms and it made me remember that xylitol is good at disrupting biofilms.

Have any of you tried it?
Jan 24, 2014
I used to eat tons of xylitol mints and make low-carb desserts using xylitol (during my keto days)...I do recall it irritating my guts, made me bloat too....could have been all the almond flour too tho....ugh.

I guess I might have been stirring stuff up and just didn't realize it at the time.

I think xylitol may be a good-n-useful mouth rinse, iffin ya got icky mouth.:spitoutdummy:


Apr 9, 2015
Yep, the craving for fat became too intense to ignore so I began eating full fat goat dairy....perhaps the switch from conventional cow dairy was a partial issue? Dunno.....too many confounders is par for the course with me.

I noticed the skin around my eyes especially and on my arms, legs and feet started to look really dry (like crepe paper) and it got worse with each passing month.

I cut back and then completely stopped my vitamin A supplement, but that alone didn't fix the parched look. Quitting thyroid meds and really ramping up my fat intake (like closer to 100 grams per day) is what helped. My theory is that I needed more actual fat in my diet in order to make fat soluble vitamins more absorbable, but I really have NO usual, I'm merely guessing.

My sleep improved greatly with eating more fat (even before I quit thyroid), so maybe just getting more/better sleep accounts for some of the skin improvements?

Do you take thyroid meds @EIRE24 ?
Wow, this is exactly how I would describe my face with the dry looking skin but I've also got acne but I don't know if it is due to this or not. I think also, that being this low in fat isn't helping me absorb all nutrients and thus this is why I'm getting the acne.

No, I don't take any thyroid meds


May 26, 2015
I used to eat tons of xylitol mints and make low-carb desserts using xylitol (during my keto days)...I do recall it irritating my guts, made me bloat too....could have been all the almond flour too tho....ugh.

I guess I might have been stirring stuff up and just didn't realize it at the time.

I think xylitol may be a good-n-useful mouth rinse, iffin ya got icky mouth.:spitoutdummy:

Almond flour? Yuck. ;)

Xylitol is great for breaking up the biofilms of plaque causing critters in your mouth for sure.

I think it would be safer than drinking turpentine for anti biofilm use as well.

Maybe used in combination with broad spectrum antibiotics...
Jan 24, 2014
Yuck is right on the almond flour, that was during my Low-Carb GAPS days. I was trying to heal my gut by eating mountains of nuts chased with fantastically overpriced probiotics....ha ha, what a JOKE!!!

I don't tolerate many broad spectrum antibiotics well at all, this is most likely due to taking too many over the course of my life time (chronic ear infections as a baby, acne as a teen, ruptured appendix 6 years ago)....that's just me though. Others here have great success with them.

Raw garlic is practically miraculous and I love my turpentine DEARLY, so that's what I'm sticking with when needed. I find it to be very cheap, quick, easy and effective....oh, and safe.

From CBC collected this month:

My ALT (GPT) is 16 with a ref range of 10-65 U/L.
My AST (GOT) is 17 with a ref range of 10-45 U/L.
My ALP is 39 with a ref range of 35-115 U/L.
My ALBUMIN, S is 4.6 with a ref range of 3.5-5.0 g/dL
My BILIRUBIN, TOTAL is 0.4 with a ref range of 0.1-1.5 mg/dL.
My WBC is 4.72 with a ref range of 3.80-11.0 10*3/uL
My RBC is 4.99 with a ref range of 3.70-5.10 10*6/uL
My HCT is 43.5 with a ref range of 34.0-46.0%
My HGB is 14.6 with a ref range of 11.3-15.5 g/dL
My PLATELET CT is 259 with a ref range of 150-400 10*3/uL
My CREATININE is 0.6 with a ref range of 0.5-1.0 mg/dL
My EGFR IS >60 with a ref range of >60 mL/min/1.73_m2
My BUN/CREATININE RATIO is 17 with a ref range of 12-20 ratio
My GLOBULIN is 2.3 with a ref range of 1.8-3.5 g/dL
My A/G RATIO is 2.0 with a ref range of 1.2-2.8 ratio

I have very little experience interpreting lab results (mostly cuz I hate doctors & needles), but these values don't look out of whack to me at all. I don't know what other values would indicate bodily damage due to my Turp Slurping Tendencies.....anyone know? What other values would you like to see?

*crickets chirping*

I wanted to scan and post the whole four page Shebango, but me scanner is on the fritz.
Jan 24, 2014
Wow, this is exactly how I would describe my face with the dry looking skin but I've also got acne but I don't know if it is due to this or not. I think also, that being this low in fat isn't helping me absorb all nutrients and thus this is why I'm getting the acne.

No, I don't take any thyroid meds

Are you eating a low fat diet in order to lose some body fat? Sorry, I'm not familiar with your particular health challenges, other than your dry skin with acne.

I think skin issues arise from a few different sources:
  • Low vitamin A, but you would need fat in order to absorb more A.
  • Dry skin can be from hypothyroidism......have you tried taking some thyroid meds?
  • Gut and/or Liver is your digestion/elimination?
  • Whacked hormones....usually due to all of the above.


Apr 9, 2015
Are you eating a low fat diet in order to lose some body fat? Sorry, I'm not familiar with your particular health challenges, other than your dry skin with acne.

I think skin issues arise from a few different sources:
  • Low vitamin A, but you would need fat in order to absorb more A.
  • Dry skin can be from hypothyroidism......have you tried taking some thyroid meds?
  • Gut and/or Liver is your digestion/elimination?
  • Whacked hormones....usually due to all of the above.
Initially it was to drop body fat and get lean but I achieved this a couple months ago and continued to eat low fat which then the skin was a result of. I'm guessing that increasing fat will fix the issue.


May 6, 2016
Mmmmm, butter.



Peatowski, sorry, I don't think my notifications are working right. There's been about a gazillion posts to this thread and I've only gotten one notification from it. :meh: Saw your post when you made it the other day but only just now had time for a proper reply.

IRON = 70 with a REF RANGE: 30-180ug/dL
TRANSFERRIN = 306 with a REF RANGE: 200-360mg/dL....(I don't know what transferrin is, is this too high per Peat?)
%SATURATION = 16 with a REF RANGE: 20-55%, the lab says this is LOW (and naturally I have NO idea what this indicates.)
I'm sorry, I'm no expert, and at any rate it's been a while since I've done a bunch of reading about the different tests, so my retention isn't great.

But here's a good link

TIBC, UIBC, and Transferrin: At a Glance | TIBC, UIBC, and Transferrin Test: Iron Binding Capacity; IBC; Serum Iron-Binding Capacity; Siderophilin; Total Iron Binding Capacity; Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity | Lab Tests Online

that helped me figure out some things to order when I had insurance and could afford it. I mostly had/have chronically low ferritin, which my hematologist said was all we needed to look at. But no matter what I did ferritin would only come up transiently, and supplementing iron never made me feel different or better (except would make my blood sugar go up, it *skyrocketed* after an iron transfusion). My anemia can be explained by blood loss every month but it seemed some things were inconsistent like my ferritin was low but all other values okay, and I never felt better from supplementing iron, etc. So I tried to learn a little about tests for it but nothing made a lot of sense in my case and multiple lab tests provided almost no guidance so I promptly forgot most of it. LOL

From what little I know all your blood values look pretty good. I would not be unhappy to have your numbers, that's for sure. :)

If'n it were me I wouldn't worry about any of the odd low-ish values in the iron panel unless it becomes clear over time they're not resolving, or even becoming worse. Mostly because chasing lab values sux in general. But primarily because if there are intractable sub-acute anemia values of unknown that don't resolve no matter what you do, suckage seems to increase about 10-fold. An expensive boondoggle.

BTW, congrats on your thyroid victory. BIG DEAL, that. And for a disease that is supposed to never be cured or go into remission, either! :partydance:dance :bravo
Jan 24, 2014
BTW, congrats on your thyroid victory. BIG DEAL, that. And for a disease that is supposed to never be cured or go into remission, either!

Thank you...Yes, my "Hashi's" has been in remission (non-existent) for three years straight now. So I guess the makes RP right AGAIN. And thanks for the links, I'll do some more iron panel studying.:thumbsup:

I'm in no way saying that I will never take thyroid meds again, but I surely DO NOT need them in the spring/summertime....eeegads. I get unbearably hot:fire:, can't sleep and develop RAVENOUSLY INSANE hunger.

Funny thing though, I never get a racing heart, not ever. This is my biggest challenge, no matter what I try my pulse is always lowish. If I do manage to get bpm up there then I'm sweating bullets and blood pressure goes up too.

I always have low blood pressure, in the mornings t's like 102/64 rises mildly in the afternoon (on average something like 128/76), but on thyroid meds it goes too high and my temps will be pushing 100, meanwhile my heart rate might reach 80 bpm if I'm lucky or 90 bpm if I'm in front of a doctor (adrenaline coursing through my veins with utter disdain). This happens even on the tiniest dose or no meds at all in the summer......not sure what to do there.


Essentially this latest doctor visit has guaranteed that I will never EVER be able to get thyroid meds legally ever again.:shifty:

On a brighter note, in the last two weeks I have been told:
  • that I have a "nice ****, baby" by some random dude driving by in his car whilst I was putting out the garbage....I had my backside to him (obviously), so I'm pretty sure he was not aware that he was addressing a 50 year Old Bag.

  • my Pap Smear Doc was asking me if I had any abnormalities with my menstrual cycle while preparing me for said Pap. I told her YES, I had some weird spotting in July and wasn't sure if it was due to stopping thyroid meds or maybe due to Menopause. She suddenly got a very confused look on her face, wrinkled her nose and looked at my chart (again)....and then said "Oh, wow....I would never have guessed that you are old enough for menopause, but you're FIFTY!", yes I am. Her "Well, you certainly don't look it.", thank you, I feel 100% better about having my ovaries assaulted now.

  • I got carded last Friday night....CARDED! I burst out laughing cuz I thought it was a joke, but no, she was serious. I told her she was off by three decades while I dug around for my driver's license. Ha ha...I haven't been carded in well, 30 years.

Guess I'll keep on Keepin' On.


Sep 13, 2012
Thank you...Yes, my "Hashi's" has been in remission (non-existent) for three years straight now. So I guess the makes RP right AGAIN. And thanks for the links, I'll do some more iron panel studying.:thumbsup:

I'm in no way saying that I will never take thyroid meds again, but I surely DO NOT need them in the spring/summertime....eeegads. I get unbearably hot:fire:, can't sleep and develop RAVENOUSLY INSANE hunger.

Funny thing though, I never get a racing heart, not ever. This is my biggest challenge, no matter what I try my pulse is always lowish. If I do manage to get bpm up there then I'm sweating bullets and blood pressure goes up too.

I always have low blood pressure, in the mornings t's like 102/64 rises mildly in the afternoon (on average something like 128/76), but on thyroid meds it goes too high and my temps will be pushing 100, meanwhile my heart rate might reach 80 bpm if I'm lucky or 90 bpm if I'm in front of a doctor (adrenaline coursing through my veins with utter disdain). This happens even on the tiniest dose or no meds at all in the summer......not sure what to do there.


Essentially this latest doctor visit has guaranteed that I will never EVER be able to get thyroid meds legally ever again.:shifty:

On a brighter note, in the last two weeks I have been told:
  • that I have a "nice ****, baby" by some random dude driving by in his car whilst I was putting out the garbage....I had my backside to him (obviously), so I'm pretty sure he was not aware that he was addressing a 50 year Old Bag.

  • my Pap Smear Doc was asking me if I had any abnormalities with my menstrual cycle while preparing me for said Pap. I told her YES, I had some weird spotting in July and wasn't sure if it was due to stopping thyroid meds or maybe due to Menopause. She suddenly got a very confused look on her face, wrinkled her nose and looked at my chart (again)....and then said "Oh, wow....I would never have guessed that you are old enough for menopause, but you're FIFTY!", yes I am. Her "Well, you certainly don't look it.", thank you, I feel 100% better about having my ovaries assaulted now.

  • I got carded last Friday night....CARDED! I burst out laughing cuz I thought it was a joke, but no, she was serious. I told her she was off by three decades while I dug around for my driver's license. Ha ha...I haven't been carded in well, 30 years.

Guess I'll keep on Keepin' On.
Haha I love your posts lol! Congrats on being carded! I wish I could get my heart rate below 90 during the day!! Seriously beginning of the day my resting pulse is usually over 100 going up when standing or walking around. And this can cause panic attacks. Sounds like your health is just fine without having the 'normal' heart rate of 80. I'd rather be below 80 than above 100.
Jan 24, 2014
Yeah @Janelle525 ....I think a heart rate of 100 would definitely make me panic too. I wish I knew how to help you, but obviously we are having very different profiles here.

Does drinking salted OJ or honey help?

Coincidentally, my brother has had several episodes recently where his heart began racing for no apparent reason. The last time it happened was on his birthday at the end of June and he ended up in the ER with a pulse of 220 bpm, like I said this isn't the first time it has happened and he fully panics too. I just cannot even imagine...

Cardiologists went in and explored all of his veins/arteries with dyes, scans and all that sort of stuff. Said his heart looked clear and eventually they decided the racing was caused by some sort of a nerve problem over-firing or some such thing.....they used some wires going through all his veins, testing each nerve along the way and "cauterized the offending nerve"...whatever that means. He had to remain awake for this procedure which took many hours. He could feel the wires....says he still feels pain where the wires were squirming around in his chest.:jawdrop:
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Jan 24, 2014
Congrats @thebigpeatowski on, well EVERYTHING!!!

Thanks Blossom!

Do we have a Resident Lab Reader here on the Forum? You know, someone who knows what they're looking at and perhaps actually enjoys analyzing/scrutinizing blood work? Is there a thread for that?

I tried to read @whodathunkit's link, but numbers bore me to tears...... and I'm lazy, so there's that.
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Sep 13, 2012
Yeah....I think a heart rate of 100 would definitely make me panic too. I wish I knew how to help you, but obviously we are having very different profiles here.

Does drinking salted OJ or honey help?

Coincidentally, my brother has had several episodes recently where his heart began racing for no apparent reason. The last time it happened was on his birthday at the end of June and he ended up in the ER with a pulse of 220 bpm, like I said this isn't the first time it has happened and he fully panics too. I just cannot even imagine...

Cardiologists went in and explored all of his veins/arteries with dyes, scans and all that sort of stuff. Said his heart looked clear and eventually they decided the racing was caused by some sort of a nerve problem over-firing or some such thing.....they used some wires going through all his veins, testing each nerve along the way and "cauterized the offending nerve"...whatever that means. He had to remain awake for this procedure which took many hours. He could feel the wires....says he still feels pain where the wires were squirming around in his chest.:jawdrop:
Yes I definitely feel better the more OJ I get into me, can't seem to get it in fast enough in the morning so I have to deal with the tachy for a while. Actually my resting isn't so bad today. 86 right now in the evening, but feels like cortisol because I haven't eaten near enough today usually this time of the month its 100 when I'm eating enough.

Wow I can't even imagine 220 either!! When I had my first panic attack it got up to 140 and I thought that was serious. I think over 200 is like SVT or even AFIB which usually responds to vagal maneuvers. I can't imagine having that procedure done!


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
There's been about a gazillion posts to this thread and I've only gotten one notification from it.
You only get one notification. Then when you come and read the thread and then someone posts after that, you will only get one notification, even if there are a bazillion posts. :D
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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