Obama Will Be Missed


Jan 25, 2014
Obama has helped with ending the war on drugs. He has issued more commutations than other past presidents.

Ha, that's funny! Well, it would seem that Rolling Stone disagreed with you, as far back as 2012- Dickinson: Obama's War on Pot

But then again, Rolling Stone has been described as "much further right and conservative than Breitbart, National Review, American Thinker, and Infowars."

And for what it's worth, I'd like to point out that former Republican Congressman Ron Paul is the only person to receive an Electoral Vote for President after doing an interview with High Times- http://hightimes.com/culture/the-high-times-interview-ron-paul/
Feb 4, 2015
Some good points, but too much attribution to this 'feminism' strawman. Its probably a symptom of reducing male T over generations due to environment and diet influences, and less so aggressive feminists.

It's not a strawman. It's real and she's sharing her real life experiences with those imbeciles. We can find video clips of these people and you can go to any city and find them in person. They will gladly yell at you and probably assault you. I don't know what it's like in Oz, actually I have seen a few clips of Ozzie SJW's so they are everywhere now but I disagree about it being environmental and dietary because we've only seen it come out the way it has now within the last 10 years but mostly the last 5 years. You didn't see it like you do now on college campuses and crazies all over like today breaking bank windows and attacking people. Of course SJW's have always been around but they were always put in the same category as the mentally ill homeless junkie person. Now they are almost half the country. I doubt it was environment and diet because the same environment and diet has been around for decades now.


Forum Supporter
Nov 14, 2014
It's not a strawman. It's real and she's sharing her real life experiences with those imbeciles. We can find video clips of these people and you can go to any city and find them in person. They will gladly yell at you and probably assault you. I don't know what it's like in Oz, actually I have seen a few clips of Ozzie SJW's so they are everywhere now but I disagree about it being environmental and dietary because we've only seen it come out the way it has now within the last 10 years but mostly the last 5 years. You didn't see it like you do now on college campuses and crazies all over like today breaking bank windows and attacking people. Of course SJW's have always been around but they were always put in the same category as the mentally ill homeless junkie person. Now they are almost half the country. I doubt it was environment and diet because the same environment and diet has been around for decades now.

Not refuting the psychosocial hypothesis, but I can say that the academic SJW presence here pales in comparison to the US. In most universities they are just pests, but of course they are more intensely concentrated in the sheltered, elitist institutions like UNSW and USYD. Even then their products don't make it far. You won't find anything even in the conservative media about them.
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Oct 24, 2013
still a better a topic of conversation than the issues in australia atm LOL

not even my president but i would love to see everyone eating their words in a few years time... not saying they will be id just like to see it


Jun 16, 2015
I voted for Obama twice, but I consider him mostly a failure. He got a Nobel Peace Prize but the theatre of war in the Middle East is larger than when he took office. His use of drones to murder people without oversight is unprecedented.

With the exception of allowing people with pre-existing conditions to get health insurance, Obamacare is awful and already falling apart in some counties where no insurer wants to offer insurance. It assures a controlled market for insurance companies - limiting competition and raising profits - and the telling thing was that their stock went up when the bill passed. No surprise that healthcare costs are skyrocketing. I had to buy healthcare on the exchanges when they first debuted and the price was ridiculous for shitty coverage. His campaign promises had led met to believe we would get something similar to single-payer. Guess I was a sucker hoping he was a true progressive.

The national debt basically doubled under him (8 years to double the amount that accrued in the entire history of our nation including both world wars, Korea, Vietnam, a civil war, and various other military adventurism). He presided over a huge asset inflation bubble that benefited those with assets, but left those without assets out in the cold: the poor, the young, and the lower half of the middle class. This is what helped insure the massive wealth inequality that now exists.

He never closed Guantanamo like he promised.

He did nothing about the absurd cost of college and the use of college debt to debt-enslave the young in order to fund a product that can largely be provided on inexpensive chalkboards, cheap books, and a teacher's salary. He did nothing to reign in Wall Street or stop the revolving door between regulators and the financial system - again something I thought were progressive values. Maybe he gave some tough-sounding speeches, but no action.

I'm sure people will correct me, but it's hard to recall a major positive thing that he's done besides give fancy speeches and funny correspondents dinners. I know for certain that my standard of living and that of my wider family has gone down under his reign, despite some nominal increase in our salaries because the cost of living has risen so quickly (asset bubble), and because of student debt among my siblings and cousins.

Which reminds me of another one of his bull**** achievements: employment. Supposedly less people are unemployed because they keep changing the definition of employment, but the jobs created are part time and low paying, and the labor participation rate -which is what truly matters - is at historic lows. Oh right, he did nothing to reign in the military-industrial complex which I had thought was a liberal value. He did nothing to fix the corrupt pay-for-play political system. Fricking McCain looks more progressive than him in that respect.

The more I think about it, the more I realize he sucked (empirically). Faux-progressive. Bullshitter. Good riddance.


May 3, 2015
Hi @DrJ. You use the word progressive a lot but you may not know its meaning as Karl Marx used it.

Marx, the father of leftwing ideals wrote that human society will "progress" to a classless society where the underclasses will rule without the hindrance of any middle or upper class "laws of oppression" that protect property or personal rights!

In practice this means Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, etc locking up citizens in gulags, starving them to death in concentration camps, marching them to death across deserts, confiscating their property and redistributing it to other crooks...

Can you see now why so many lefties are smashing up limousines and bashing strangers?

Trump is putting a stop to this "progress" and "regressing us back" to a more Godly civilization!

The interesting thing is that they started hating Trump before they knew his policies... Spooky hey? The left recognized Trump was of a different spirit from their own, and different from most of the Democrat and Republican politicians in power!

What you call Obama's failures were actually successes in progressing toward hell on earth, which makes sense when you realize which master the likes of Marx and Obama serve.

Marx & Satan: Richard Wurmbrand: 9780891073796: Amazon.com: Books
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Aug 31, 2015
Feb 4, 2015
All of those hypocrites marching today. They act like they've never talked "dirty" with their friends in private conversation. They like movies like 50 Shades Of Grey but thats ok because its a movie. Jay-Z was on stage with Hillary and that's okay too just forget all of the things he's said about b**ches and h*es. There are women in this country who are extremely successful CEO's and the like, and also just normal middle/working class women that are just happy and healthy. Yet they want to march. There are some other countries that marching for women would actually make sense in, such as Yemen, Pakistan, Chad, Syria, Mauritania, Ivory Coast, Iran, Morocco, Mali, and Saudi Arabia. Start there.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Sep 20, 2015
I voted for Obama twice, but I consider him mostly a failure. He got a Nobel Peace Prize but the theatre of war in the Middle East is larger than when he took office. His use of drones to murder people without oversight is unprecedented.

With the exception of allowing people with pre-existing conditions to get health insurance, Obamacare is awful and already falling apart in some counties where no insurer wants to offer insurance. It assures a controlled market for insurance companies - limiting competition and raising profits - and the telling thing was that their stock went up when the bill passed. No surprise that healthcare costs are skyrocketing. I had to buy healthcare on the exchanges when they first debuted and the price was ridiculous for shitty coverage. His campaign promises had led met to believe we would get something similar to single-payer. Guess I was a sucker hoping he was a true progressive.

The national debt basically doubled under him (8 years to double the amount that accrued in the entire history of our nation including both world wars, Korea, Vietnam, a civil war, and various other military adventurism). He presided over a huge asset inflation bubble that benefited those with assets, but left those without assets out in the cold: the poor, the young, and the lower half of the middle class. This is what helped insure the massive wealth inequality that now exists.

He never closed Guantanamo like he promised.

He did nothing about the absurd cost of college and the use of college debt to debt-enslave the young in order to fund a product that can largely be provided on inexpensive chalkboards, cheap books, and a teacher's salary. He did nothing to reign in Wall Street or stop the revolving door between regulators and the financial system - again something I thought were progressive values. Maybe he gave some tough-sounding speeches, but no action.

I'm sure people will correct me, but it's hard to recall a major positive thing that he's done besides give fancy speeches and funny correspondents dinners. I know for certain that my standard of living and that of my wider family has gone down under his reign, despite some nominal increase in our salaries because the cost of living has risen so quickly (asset bubble), and because of student debt among my siblings and cousins.

Which reminds me of another one of his bull**** achievements: employment. Supposedly less people are unemployed because they keep changing the definition of employment, but the jobs created are part time and low paying, and the labor participation rate -which is what truly matters - is at historic lows. Oh right, he did nothing to reign in the military-industrial complex which I had thought was a liberal value. He did nothing to fix the corrupt pay-for-play political system. Fricking McCain looks more progressive than him in that respect.

The more I think about it, the more I realize he sucked (empirically). Faux-progressive. Bullshitter. Good riddance.
I concur--good summation.


Nov 2, 2016
Obama was in way over his head, which was probably the design, just as it was with Bush JR. Useful idiots for the rulers puling the strings, both of them.

I remember back in 2006 way before the democrat primaries even started there was a Bears NFL playoff game. The intro coverage randomly cut to Senator Obama and gave him some oddly fawning intro while he explained how he's a huge Bears fan. It was rather weird and right away I thought, "Oh, I guess they've picked this guy to be president next."
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