Nutrition For Women - Selected Parts


Apr 9, 2015
@lisaferraro- this can help. Some in our family have used beef tallow as their everyday moisturizer for several years and love it. Scented is an option if the smell bothers you. It's not super expensive-- worth a try!
I'm going to go unscented actually. Those scents and fragrances irritate my face. I've actually got pretty bad dry skin. My face is the worst it's been in months today. Acne and for the first time ever patches of dry skin everywhere. I'm pretty sure my low fat diet is doing me no favours.


@lisaferraro- this can help. Some in our family have used beef tallow as their everyday moisturizer for several years and love it. Scented is an option if the smell bothers you. It's not super expensive-- worth a try!
Thank you @classicallady! I also find it is super inexpensive. The small jar of that company lasts over 3 months. You only need a small amount. My husband uses the mildly manly one and his lasts almost half a year :):


Feb 22, 2014
I'm going to go unscented actually. Those scents and fragrances irritate my face. I've actually got pretty bad dry skin. My face is the worst it's been in months today. Acne and for the first time ever patches of dry skin everywhere. I'm pretty sure my low fat diet is doing me no favours.

@EIRE24-- I actually DON'T have a low-fat diet and still have dry skin. Not quite sure therefore what is the cause for the dry skin issues. I may go back to the tallow cream and see how it helps, along with upping my vitamin A/D levels. Think this could help?

On that note and since this is a "nutrition" thread, can someone chime in on their best sources of vitamin A (not beta-carotene), other than liver?


Apr 9, 2015
@EIRE24-- I actually DON'T have a low-fat diet and still have dry skin. Not quite sure therefore what is the cause for the dry skin issues. I may go back to the tallow cream and see how it helps, along with upping my vitamin A/D levels. Think this could help?

On that note and since this is a "nutrition" thread, can someone chime in on their best sources of vitamin A (not beta-carotene), other than liver?
I'm of the thought now that maybe it's the vitamin A making my skin worse as it's drying it out? So to counter that I'd be better off taking more vitamin D, no?

Ya I've ordered the tallow cream but it'll take a while to come. If I was you and wanted a good source of vitamin A I'd order haiduts reitinil supp.


Feb 22, 2014
Vit b5 is for a nutritionist what a first girlfriend/boyfriend is to someone (unless that boyfriend is pboy). Regardless of that, it's safe to try; you can find something about it on the email depository thread.
Vitamin D Hormone | Sleep, Chronic Pain, and Headaches (I already posted this link on a thread about gallbladder issues, but she constantly updates that page)

@Amazoniac: This is a great link, thanks! I'm devouring all the info on vitamin D/Bs and sleep quality. I'm going out for a sunny walk today, then coming home to mow the lawn (but not in my bathing suit!). I never realized optimal D levels affect so many things, including our bodies' own production of all 8 B vitamins!!!


Feb 22, 2014
I'm of the thought now that maybe it's the vitamin A making my skin worse as it's drying it out? So to counter that I'd be better off taking more vitamin D, no?

Ya I've ordered the tallow cream but it'll take a while to come. If I was you and wanted a good source of vitamin A I'd order haiduts reitinil supp.

@EIRE24: Could be. Are you already taking a D supplement? The link @Amazoniac sent on VITAMIN D is very interesting. Some precautions on supplementing that I wasn't aware of. Good reminder from the article-- "vitamin D" is really "hormone D", therefore should be used wisely, taking many things into account.

Hope the tallow works for your situation. I do have Retinil but since getting dry skin I stopped taking it. Maybe I have enough in my diet with butter, liver, eggs, etc.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Jan 22, 2013
some interesting quotes, I'm pretty sure based on listening to peat over the years he has evolved a lot of these beliefs...something common that happens to people learning and growing that happen to write something...hence more and newer editions. As an example, one interview he sort of shudders at the mention of someone using mushrooms and says 'make sure you don't get poisonous ones' or something similar, and later the last few months has been talking about their germicidal and antioxidant benefits. Personally though, I think mushrooms are not meant as food...theyre just a pretty terrible vibe, technically they have lot of nut rients...but which type on consciousness are those nutrients going to fuel?


Jan 6, 2015
Interesting,do you guys think he means elemental cobalt or cobalt in b12 form?!


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
"The rate of aging is greatest in the winter, and the risk of death is highest. All of the protective hormones tend to fall during winter."




Jan 6, 2015
some interesting quotes, I'm pretty sure based on listening to peat over the years he has evolved a lot of these beliefs...something common that happens to people learning and growing that happen to write something...hence more and newer editions. As an example, one interview he sort of shudders at the mention of someone using mushrooms and says 'make sure you don't get poisonous ones' or something similar, and later the last few months has been talking about their germicidal and antioxidant benefits. Personally though, I think mushrooms are not meant as food...theyre just a pretty terrible vibe, technically they have lot of nut rients...but which type on consciousness are those nutrients going to fuel?
What nutrients specifically can effect consciousness , maybe can you give an example ,it interests me..


Jan 22, 2013
well many nutrients effect consciousness...a deficiency in any will effect organs(s) and or nerves and things, and everything is relayed to the consciousness ultimately...the more adequate, balanced, and shored up in everything you are the more likely your forebrain will be activated...with dopamine potentially, many protective hormones, and other positive factors...where as deficiencies, allergens or other offenses, bad vibes and or oxidized things, just certain foods, and or imbalances or excesses (though usually, naturally, this takes a lot in most cases), will promote more the primitive mind and or serotonin, with nitric oxide and or estrogen also raising in potential potentially, and just it really has big effects on your hormones, consciousness, and outlook on what youre capable of, whats real and many things...immunity of the body and mind, how giving or how nervous, how intelligent overall...things like that, how optimistic

simply not having what it takes to oxidize glucose efficiently for example, the various things involved (which is a lot in this case) will cause a lethargic pancreas, which is associated with the will to a large extent aspects of your mind...and how much you feel capable of doing things, how juiced you are, how opposite of lazy...and or your ability to take a bump and keep going...also your charisma, of course there is also a mental/karmic/structural component to this, but in general they intertwine and effect each other...these aspects might be foundational, but its much harder to have them without the nutrition! In this case, I had good cause and drive so it led me to think about in a higher way that I needed more energy, and thought about it kind of holistically, then persued nutritional knowledge, experimented, and eventually figured out how to have better pancreatic and sugar oxidizing it stabilized and enhanced that will and therein the minds aspects in it, although growing up when looking back I did gravitate to an extent towards these promoting foods amongst what I had, to a pretty good extent, probably because even back then I wanted to have good mental function for various reasons...but in this case, the pancreas and will, shame is kind of the key mental blocking potential aspect...not necessarily in even the worse sense of the word, but just moreso its did you do all you could? did you have the courage? or did a little bump or lethargy (or a lot!) make you lay down so to speak? The will is also related to a large extent to fortification...which can manifest as not leaking bad energy...despite how you may feel, not erupting or over reacting...if you do this more its respectful, as well as having the will and core strength and drive to do the best you can genuinely and not to give up easily, and if you have these things, youll probably naturally gravitate towards more supportive foods and or have an interest at some point in learning more to enhance your physical capability in this regard, which strengthens the mental aspects and abilities as well


Oct 27, 2016
@lisaferraro- this can help. Some in our family have used beef tallow as their everyday moisturizer for several years and love it. Scented is an option if the smell bothers you. It's not super expensive-- worth a try!
This seems a bit off-putting really. You don't end smelling like a side of beef? That odor would be hard to mask.


This seems a bit off-putting really. You don't end smelling like a side of beef? That odor would be hard to mask.
No it is not @amethyst - the products from the company I linked above. Amazing smells. I carry a jar in my purse and on several occasions when in an auditorium waiting for an orchestral concert/play/show to begin etc., I pulled it out and put on my hands, people around me, in front, on side, have leaned over and asked me what I was using. It smelled so good they wanted to get some :):


Oct 27, 2016
No it is not @amethyst - the products from the company I linked above. Amazing smells. I carry a jar in my purse and on several occasions when in an auditorium waiting for an orchestral concert/play/show to begin etc., I pulled it out and put on my hands, people around me, in front, on side, have leaned over and asked me what I was using. It smelled so good they wanted to get some :)
Hi Lisa, I looked at the link you provided for that product and it looks quite nice :) I was actually kind of joking about "smelling like a side of beef" :D (my silly sense of humor-doesn't always translate in writing)...the lavender and sandalwood sound really nice. I think I am going to order some. The website says it's not greasy if rubbed in well. I love that the products are non-toxic! Thanks gurl!
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