Newbie - Menopause Issues


Nov 1, 2012
I found the following (not Peat) -

Vitamin A: Vaginal administration of vitamin A is recommend to improve the integrity of the vaginal tissue and to enhance the function of local immune cells. Vitamin A can be administered vaginally by inserting a vitamin A capsule or using a prepared vitamin A suppository. Vitamin A when used this way can be irritating to local tissue, so it should not be used more than once per day and for no longer then seven consecutive days. It should be discontinued immediately, if it causes pain or increases the amount of irritation. 25,000-50,000 IU daily. During pregnancy or breast feeding do not exceed 10,000 IU daily. ... nitis.html

Effectiveness and safety of vaginal suppositories for the treatment of the vaginal atrophy in postmenopausal women: an open, non-controlled clinical trial.
Costantino D1, Guaraldi C.
Author information

Menopause, due to the physiological decrease in the estrogens levels, is often associated with many symptoms related to vaginal atrophy such vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, burning, itching, decreasing in libido and therefore a worsening of the quality of life and in particular of the sexual activity. There are many pharmacological remedies to solve these events, first of all hormone replacement therapy (HRT) that up to the 90s was the therapy of choice for the care of the menopause symptoms. This hormonal therapy, however, has been re-considered due to its side effects. As alternative, a clinical trial has been performed to investigate the efficacy and safety, in postmenopausal women with urogenital atrophy, of the use of suppositories for vaginal use, containing hyaluronic acid, vitamin E and vitamin A. The trial, according to a open, non-controlled design, was performed on 150 postmenopausal women, 1 vaginal suppository per day, for the first 14 days and then a vaginal suppository, day in and day out, for other 14 days. The primary endpoint was the evaluation of vaginal dryness assessed by a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) both by the investigator and the patient. The secondary endpoints were the evaluation of all the other symptoms and signs associated with the vaginal atrophy (itching, burning, dyspareunia, vaginal inflammation or swelling, irritation, assessed by a 4-point scale, presence of vaginal abrasions and irritation), and the recording of the adverse events occurring during the trial. The patients have not reported adverse effects during the treatment, and the results in terms of effectiveness on the vaginal atrophy symptoms were markedly positive. A high level of compliance was registered. The product tested can therefore be considered a safe and effective alternative for the treatment of vaginal atrophy symptoms in postmenopausal women, especially when HRT is not recommended.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
:1 thanks HDD. Perhaps I heard it mentioned in one of the radio interviews.


Jun 24, 2015
On the thread "surgical menopause HRT no libido", mittri posted the link to the KMUD radio show in which Ray talked about this. ( 2-21-14 Diabetes) Looks like you (Blossom) may have edited it so this could be it !


Sep 25, 2014
Somehow I missed that last couple of posts here.
For what it's worth to anyone, I went to see a naturopath and I was/ am very low iron, low pregnenolone, low throid. He's of a conservative mind and started me first on pro-biotics. I have no idea where they land in Ray Peat's theory of health, They helped with various things, nothing spectacular. But, they did help my vaginal atrophy --and to a surprising degree. Nat Dr. was surprised as well. And, it wasn't just any probiotics, it is only Metagenics Ultraflora Spectrum -their most expensive kind, unfortunately. I tried Vitacost brand that got good reviews but it hasn't done anything and I'm back to square one, so, I ordered more Metagenics on sale.

So, I will put in an order and try the Vit A and maybe Pansterone, and report back in case it's ever helpful to anyone.

Thanks for the last few posts that I missed at the time they were written. I do find them helpful now :):


ProgestE (orally) was the very best thing I ever did for menopause symptoms, including vaginal dryness. @Blossom gave me a good source for where to buy it. I'll have to look for it but will post it when I find it.

Ray never, ever recommends estrogen or estrogen producing substances for menopause symptoms, so if you saw that he did on another website, please disregard all the info on that site. They obviously know nothing of Peat's work (or Dr. Lee's for that matter). Estrogen is always the problem in menopause, never the solution.

Also, if you are eating any soy or soy based product you should immediately stop. Soy is estrogen producing and the estrogen is indirectly causing the dryness. The problems in menopause are caused by too little progesterone and too much estrogen. Progesterone from a pharmaceutical company is really just estrogen that has been tweaked chemically. Many of the supposed natural progesterones are also really estrogen. ProgestE is the way to go. Pregnenolone converts into progesterone, so you can also take that.

Most members on this forum are trying to reduce the iron in their bodies. I am skeptical that you are low on this toxic substance.

Edema (swelling) is greatly eased by increasing salt. Non-iodized white salt is the best. Ray suggests that you salt to taste, but I have found that 1/4 teaspoon in the evening (in addition to salting to taste) completely relieves any swelling. And it helps you sleep.

Finally, a woman in menopause can take a tiny amount of DHEA safely. No more than 2 or 3 mgs twice a day is safe. The problem is most DHEA supplements come in tablets that are many times more than that dose. Pregnenolone is safe in very high doses (Ray has said he has taken thousands of milligrams of this substance with no side effects.) And pregnenolone also converts in DHEA safely, so that might be another way to go.

I'd stop all supplements except for the ProgestE and/or pregnenolone until the worst of the symptoms disappear. Then I'd come back to this site and search for each individual supplement before buying it. The information you'll find here is priceless. Good luck.
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