New to this...need some guidance please


Feb 20, 2013
leo said:
Ok. I eat a lot of shellfish so I can balance the copper with the chicken in pate? hmmm This I can do.
Ray Peat wrote back to up vitamin k2 and I did, but alas my supplements have will be dumping them soon and ordering the thorne variety.

Copper and selenium in shellfish are essential for thyroid function.
If you want you can add Ray Peat's advice to forums ' Email Advice Depository"

RP mentioned that lightly cooking egg helps to remove some rare bacteria.


Sep 12, 2013
No I have not been eating raw eggs everyday. Just last few days.

I will remove whites next time.

When I was on high protein low carb diet I ate fried/boiled/scrambled eggs out the wazoo. I would like to give the egg breakfast a break. I am loving fruit and cottage cheese or gouda for breakfast now. Just added the eggs to oj so there was enough protein...didn't know about the whites.

Sorry for being so out of it....but how do you get what the other person asks to appear at the top of your reply?

Also you are asking for me to write down everything Ray Peat suggests to me? Is he okay with that? If so I will be happy to.

Welll if he's reading ....a HUGE THANK YOU to him. He answers every time I write. There is a place in heaven for people who so graciously give of their time to help others....many of you here as well.


Sep 12, 2013
I just went to the email advice depository and saw that people actually cut and paste his answers. I am sorry I do not have all of the emails, but in the future will be sure to save them in order to do it this way.

In essence, I wrote him regarding my high bp and his answers have included looking into raising vitamin k, as well as checking to make sure I do not have too much t4.

Other emails have involved which types of foods I am able to get here....types of tropical fruits, etc. Nothing different from what you all have posted here.

In the past, years ago, my queries to him were regarding getting off of thyroid, and he always assured me that it is in fact possible to do, and that thyroid function should return within 3-4 days of quitting medication.

Thing is, when I wrote to him in the past I was unaware of this forum. I was also unaware he had a following. This is all new to me now. I am so happy I have found this site and maybe do not have to bother him so much now.

Thank you.


Sep 12, 2013
J. what you say makes sense. But how can you explain that I was on much higher Cytomel dosing and never had high blood pressure with it.

I used to take 12.5 mcg of Ctyomel 4 times a day, and temps were normal low.

I want to believe what you're saying, but it doesn't seem like the case when I was on cytomel, and taking much more. Unless t4 does something that t3 doesn't, but I thought t4 was the inactive hormone and really just used for storage.

It is quite the puzzle.

Thank you for responding.


Sep 12, 2013

I used to take 12.5 mcg of Cytomel 4 times a day and BLOOD PRESSURE was normal to low.


Sep 12, 2013
Mittir you said caffeine in the cofffee is not responsible for the iron blocking, but something else, am I correct?
In reading old posts I came across the following:

""My favorite use for Coca-Cola
is for the Peat-suggested technique of trying to always
having some caffeine with meat--
because the caffeine blocks the iron absorption from the meat.
Peat always says to have coffee with meat,
but...that is very unnatural for me.
Is it for anybody else?
If I'm eating some steak, say,
I really have to go out of my way to try to drink coffee with it.
But Coke...perfect!""

I am not trying to challenge anyone....I am just trying to get a grasp of things in order to better understand what I should be eating and what I should be avoiding. The coffee/caffeine thing is still not clear to me.

Thank you



Feb 20, 2013
That is a common misconception. Mainly because the type of compounds that
block iron absorption are found in Coffee, tea and Cocoa ( cola, chocolate).
These same foods are also high in caffeine. In another thread we discussed
how decaf coffee blocks iron. Here is one short article showing decaf does
a better job at lowering diabetes and decaf blocks iron absorption

Inhibition of Iron Absorption by Coffee and the Reduced Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Luca Mascitelli, MD; Francesca Pezzetta, MD; Jerome L. Sullivan, MD, PhD
Arch Intern Med. 2007;167(2):204-205. doi:10.1001/archinte.167.2.204-b. -

Pereira and colleagues1 found an inverse association between coffee consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Because this relation was stronger for decaffeinated coffee intake, it is likely that constituents other than caffeine are involved in this beneficial association. We suggest that some of the involved mechanisms might be related to inhibition of iron absorption by polyphenol compounds present in coffee, be it regular coffee or decaffeinated coffee. The main phenolic compound in coffee, chlorogenic acid, is a potent inhibitor of nonheme iron absorption.2- 3 Hurrell et al3 report that the polyphenolic content typical in a cup of instant coffee reduces iron absorption from a test meal by 60% to 90%. Among elderly participants in the Framingham Heart Study,2 each 236 mL/wk (1 cup per week) of coffee consumed was associated with 1% lower serum ferritin concentration. ... eid=411511


Sep 12, 2013
Ok...I have tweaked and tweaked for better results but weight gain is up by 6 lbs and BP is fluctuating but too high for my comfort level.

I may be one of the failures here and have to quit. It bums me as I love milk and fruit, but something is going wrong. On low carb, I had perfect BP and no weight gain.

Sleep and mood have improved on Peat, but getting fat again is going to put a real strain on my mood and my BP!!!


Here are some good quotes that I think are important for you if you are just staring out:

“If you aren't confused about health and nutrition, then you haven't studied it long enough or deeply enough.”-Matt Stone

"There is no perfect food; each comes with give and take. When eating for health, savvy eaters choose foods that give the most and take away the least." - Rob Turner

"I feel that Dr. Peat’s most important nutritional principles are to choose clean, nutritious, and historically relevant foods that are low in phytoestrogens, goitrogens, and polyunsaturated fats and have minimal contaminants (like carrageenan) or preservatives." Rob Turner

"The unifying principle of Ray Peat, PhD’s work in FPS’ opinion is that energy production from cellular respiration/metabolism allows for structure and function of cells to be optimized, and this improved structure and function promotes continued high energy output as well as the production of protective steroid hormones and carbon dioxide. Anything that interferes with energy production has opposing effects, slowing energy output, the consumption of oxygen, and the production of protective hormones and carbon dioxide. The ability to produce energy is at the center of health v. non health, youth v. aging, etc" - Rob Turner

The FPS in the above quote stands for Functional Performance Systems which is his website/gym/Ray Peat nutrition coaching.

"It took me so long to dial in this diet and realize most cheese makes me super sick, milk with added vitamins makes me super sick, big corpo oj makes me sick, too much cocoa powder etc. it doesn't surprise me so many people have problems, the quality of the food we have access to is horrendous." Cliff McCrary

"The thing I like about Ray's work is that it freed me to think for myself. Ray paints a meaningful picture of how the body works, and from there, I think there is a lot of experimentation that can be done. I think a 'Peat-inspired diet' looks something like this:

-adequate protein
-adequate carbohydrate (more than protein)
-an emphasis on saturated over unsaturated fats
-an emphasis on sugars over starches
-obtaining more calcium than phosphate
-supplemental foods/activities for harder-to-get nutrients

When I started reading Ray's work and applying his ideas, I was a complete mess. I literally was sh***ing my pants with all the milk I was drinking and was probably allergic to store bought orange juice I was consuming large amounts of.

When things weren't working, I reevaluated them. For instance, I changed milks, I started making fresh squeezed orange juice, I consumed more salt, I consumed liver, egg yolks, and oysters regularly, etc." - Danny Roddy

"Avoiding the stress-promoting antithyroid unsaturated oils is extremely important. Their role in diabetes, cancer, and other age-related and degenerative diseases (and I think this includes the estrogen-promoted autoimmune diseases) is well established." -Ray Peat, PhD

"Polyunsaturated fats can be reduced by careful selection of foods, but the food industry is finding ways to contaminate traditionally safe foods, such as beef and milk, by using new kinds of animal feed. Still, milk, cheese, beef, and lamb are safe, considering their high nutritional content, and the remarkable purification that occurs in the rumen of cows, sheep, and goats." -Ray Peat, PhD

“For the present, the important thing is to avoid the use of the least appropriate food products, while choosing natural foods that have historical, epidemiological, and biochemical justification.” –Ray Peat, PhD

"Avoiding the starches such as cereals and beans, and using fruits as a major part of the diet helps to minimize the effects of the polyunsaturated fats." –Ray Peat, PhD

"Drinking coffee seems to be very protective against developing diabetes. Its niacin and magnesium are clearly important, but it is also a rich source of antioxidants, and it helps to maintain normal thyroid and progesterone production. Chocolate is probably protective too, and it is a good source of magnesium and antioxidants."–Ray Peat, PhD

"A daily diet that includes two quarts of milk and a quart of orange juice provides enough fructose and other sugars for general resistance to stress, but larger amounts of fruit juice, honey, or other sugars can protect against increased stress, and can reverse some of the established degenerative conditions."–Ray Peat, PhD

"Fish oils are usually highly unsaturated; "dry" types of fish, and shellfish, used once or twice a week, are good. Avoid cod liver oil."–Ray Peat, PhD

"Using gelatin as a major dietary protein is an easy way to restrict the amino acids that are associated with many of the problems of aging." -Ray Peat, PhD

"It is extremely important to realize that calcium deposits in soft tissues become worse when the diet is low in calcium." A quote that Ray put in his calcium article from a book called "Lets Eat Right to Keep Fit, Adelle Davis, Signet, 1970."

"Choosing the right foods, the right atmosphere, the right mental and physical activities, and finding the optimal rhythms of light, darkness, and activity, can begin to alter the streaming renewal of cells in all the organs. Designing a more perfect environment is going to be much simpler than the schemes of the genetic engineers."-Ray Peat, PhD

“But I think the most important point to remember is that it is essential for maintaining adequate blood volume, and that it is almost always unphysiological and irrational to restrict sodium intake, because reduced blood volume tends to reduce the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to all tissues, leading to many problems.” -Ray Peat, PhD

"Iron is a potentially toxic heavy metal. In excess, it can cause cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses."-Ray Peat, PhD


New Member
Sep 29, 2013

I am new to the Forum and should like to say thank you for allowing me to join. But I have no idea what to do next. I have never done anything like this before - talking to people over the internet. I am desperate for your help, please.

I have been trying to follow this way of eating for only three days, but I think it is making me worse. I am desperate to find a way of healing, having been ill most of my life. Would you mind if I posted my history and waited to see if anyone would be willing to give me some guidance? And, if so, how do I do this? I am worried that I might place my questions in the wrong place and that I will just be too much. I am afraid that I have had a severe eating disorder since I was 17 (now 50). I have been searching for help all these years, but I cannot go on much longer. Fear and anxiety aobut what to eat, when to eat, etc are killing me, literally. More than anything else, I long to find a healing pattern of food intake which might give my body a chance of recovery, so that I can join the world again. I haven't started to live yet.

I know my situation is a complicated one but perhaps the road to recovery might not be as difficult as I imagine. And what a joy to get on to that road with confidence and hope. If someone feels they might be able to help me, I should be so relieved to hear from you, to share my concerns and ask for direction.

Thank you.


Sep 12, 2013
Hi Tilly and Welcome!

I am sorry I would not feel comfortable giving you advice since I just started this three weeks ago and have had some problems adjusting.

HOWEVER, there are many knowledgeable people here and I am sure they will chime in soon as they are all anxious to help when they can.

For now I would suggest you start your own thread with your name on it and some of your eating background and exactly what you would like to fix....thyroid, hormones, weight etc.

Don't be afraid to ask very specific need to understand the concepts behind this way of eating in order to my opinion.

I understand the frustration, fear etc., but although things may seem complicated, once you start seeing improvements you will be motivated to continue. I have bp issues now, but my sleep and mood are so much better, I am willling to keep trying to work it all out, without having to stop eating this way.

And do not be afraid. You will find your way.



There is no "this way of eating." See my list of quotes on the previous page of this thread.

Dan W

Jan 22, 2013
Yes, welcome, Tilly.

Definitely feel free to post your history for some help. The best place would be in the Ask for help subforum. There's also the Testimonials/Logs subforum if you'd like to start a thread where you keep track of how things are going for you.


Sep 12, 2013
The semantics on this forum in unnerving sometimes.

What would you call completely changing the way you view and consume foods?

I will stick with 'this way of eating" because I have already been chewed out on another forum for using the word "diet".

Not to be offensive, but what Tilly needs now is some positive contribution as to how to get started, especially from people who have been here a while and know the ropes.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Wheat and PUFAs said:

There is no "this way of eating."

Eating to optimize metabolic rate is a way of eating. ;)

This is a way of eating, this is a diet. Although its more of a personal experience of what works for you kind of diet, or way of eating. It is what it is. You come to Peat and get the tools so you can craft yourself your way of eating, or diet.



Feb 7, 2013
:welcome2 to the forum Tilly.

You are not alone. Many, many of us understand and experience or have experienced your frustration. Count me among them.

I have been trying to follow this way of eating for only three days, but I think it is making me worse. I am desperate to find a way of healing, having been ill most of my life. Would you mind if I posted my history and waited to see if anyone would be willing to give me some guidance? And, if so, how do I do this? I am worried that I might place my questions in the wrong place and that I will just be too much. I am afraid that I have had a severe eating disorder since I was 17 (now 50). I have been searching for help all these years, but I cannot go on much longer. Fear and anxiety aobut what to eat, when to eat, etc are killing me, literally. More than anything else, I long to find a healing pattern of food intake which might give my body a chance of recovery, so that I can join the world again. I haven't started to live yet.

I know my situation is a complicated one but perhaps the road to recovery might not be as difficult as I imagine. And what a joy to get on to that road with confidence and hope. If someone feels they might be able to help me, I should be so relieved to hear from you, to share my concerns and ask for direction.
Please do post your history and also give us an idea of what you are eating.
Three days will not give you any real sense of what works or does not work for you.
It is best to go very slowly and introduce new things one at a time. It is important for you to find the healthy foods that work for you, that you are able to digest and use the nutrients from. This is what differs from person to person, sometime quite extreme differences based on many factors. A healthy person is able to tolerate foods that sick people don't. If you have not been drinking milk or consuming dairy, it may be necessary for you to introduce milk and dairy products very slowly, 1/4 to 1/2 a cup at a time.

Please do start a thread for yourself in the Asking for Help section located here Ask for Help Section Simply click on "New Topic" to start a thread and give a full history and what your diet has been and is now. That will be a good start and enable people to offer you suggestions as well as their experience. Also provide your health history, particularly any issues with thyroid that you are aware of.

I recommend that you begin to chart your temperature and pulse if you have not already been doing that.
I also recommend that you read Ray Peat's articles over and over and listen to his audios. There is much to learn and much of what you have learned to discard.

So glad you have joined us! :woo


leo said:
The semantics on this forum in unnerving sometimes.

What would you call completely changing the way you view and consume foods?

I will stick with 'this way of eating" because I have already been chewed out on another forum for using the word "diet".

Not to be offensive, but what Tilly needs now is some positive contribution as to how to get started, especially from people who have been here a while and know the ropes.

leo, and charlie,

I understand what you mean. I am working on a post which will explain clearly what I mean. I will post it in a few days.


Sep 12, 2013
An update:

I am quitting everything to start again. I think I dove in too fast coming from a no sugar at all background, to one of massive doses of sugar. The cardiologist I visited yesterday seems to think it is affecting my neurotransmitters (didn't understand him actually) and that is the rise in BP. Also really fast and continuous weight gain.

Sooo....I am stopping this woe for now. Will try to stabilize bp again and lose this weight I gained in the past 4 weeks.

When I am back to normal, I will then EASE IN with adding fruits for a while, then milk, and so on. Hopefully my body will adjust better this way.

I will continue with: gelatin, thorne k, aspirin, coffee and will try to get away with a small cup of milk/honey at night as my sleep was much improved while peating.

So signing off for now...but I will return I promise.

Thanks to all who were so helpful....I truly appreciate your time.
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