New and Introducing


Apr 30, 2015
Hi everyone. I have been posting here for a little while and figured I should introduce myself.

What's your age?

I am a 28 year old male

How did you find the forum?

I found it after reading Ray Peats works and searching online for other resources.

How did you find Ray Peat's work?

I can't actually remember. I believe I heard it once when I was working in a health shop in relation to fish oil. I used to be an avid follower of Dr. Wilson, the hair test guy, and so I was used to reading online articles. One day I think I stumbled on Ray and gobbled up a bunch of his stuff.

How long have you been Peating?

Maybe nine months, slowly introducing some of his principles. Matt Stone made a lot of his principles more accessible through his diet recovery book which I read about six months ago.

What is your favorite part about Peating?

My favorite part, and maybe this isn't so much from Peat as it is from Matt Stone and youreatopia, is the emphasis on feeling good. I have been apart of the alternative health world for years and I would say an underlying theme in many people is that they need to feel bad before they feel good. Detox, getting rid of heavy metals, cleansing, etc. I did this for years and felt bad…really bad…depressed, stressed, hopeless, all chasing some dream of health that I would eventually get to. Well, after years doing this, it doesn't happen. I denied myself sugar for four years, and yet when I finally let go and ate what I wanted, I still loved it, I still craved it. All the detoxing in the world did not really changed much at all.

I am really into history and I remember reading one time about the Bubonic Plague, and how at the time, many people took up self flagellation. They would whip themselves and say that in feeling the pain of Christ, they would expunge their sins and be saved or what not. The funny thing is, it WORKED for many people... seemingly. It seemed like the pain they put themselves through saved them, and I see that in many alternative health care circles. People feel pain, and feel good from that, and then attribute their feeling good to all kinds of things. They deny themselves what they crave, and feel good from the feelings of control. I was there once too, and it is impossible to convince zealots when they are getting high off their own self inflicted pain.

What is the worst part?

The worst part of Peating is seeing people still take up some bastion of belief and defend it by skewing others words. I think when Peat said something to the effect that self experimentation was the highest form of evidence, I don't know something like that, I really related to that. To me that means while the theories are amazing and point you in the right direction, at the end of the day you still have to live with you. As I get older, being right just doesn't have the same warming effect it did when I was younger.

What are your health issues?

I am a type 1 diabetic, diagnosed when I was 12. Part of what has brought me to this health seeking world is looking for things that will cure/make easier type 1. I have tried probably just about everything at some point or another…working in health food stores gets you lots of samples :D . I also sometimes get down, stressed, and have some negative emotions. I think that is more hypothyroid symptoms then anything else.

What does your diet consist of? If you post a detailed outline of your diet members can take a look at it and maybe see things that can help optimize it.

My diet at the moment is really focused on what my body is craving. I lived off vegetables and meat for a couple years and really pounded the self denial button. In the last six months I have gone a bit nuts. I use Peat's principles to guide the choices I make. The other day I craved Pizza so much, so I bought one I could cook, but found the one with the most saturated fat, etc.

My staples are potatoes, oranges, Kobe beef, coconut ice cream, berries, goats milk, chicken broth, chicken, some rice, gelatin, and then I get stuff according to cravings…like mussels, mushrooms, chocolate, broccoli, carrots, grapefruit, scallops, oysters, mac and cheese, and anything else that catches my eye.

My hope on this forums is to learn and continue to listen to my body to the best of my ability, and also share some of the things I have found out from all the things I have tried over the years.


Feb 7, 2013
:welcome2 to the forum Tarmander


Mar 29, 2014
:welcome Tarmander
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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