More Bad News On Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics


Feb 26, 2016
It’s good to realize that sometimes none of the choices you are give are really good.

But some are less bad than others.

Being okay with that really helps keep things coherent. No one is a bad person for making choices under desperate conditions.
Nov 21, 2015
I’m so happy she’s pulling through! Pneumonia can certainly be deadly.

thank you so much for your kind wishes @Blossom I appreciate it very much. I was so worried. At one point yesterday she was ready to capitulate. “Let’s go to the hospital, get IV”. Fortunately we didn’t. The temptation is always at some point to surrender to the medical establishment, which sometimes is necessary. In those case, we tried other antibiotics first, and she got worse, so when we started the levoquin she was badly off, but we had to give it a little time to work.

It took her wanting to capitulate for me to realize that she was losing the mental game. So I got very involved with her for hours and hours to take her mind off of her sickness and it worked.

There are always dangers with a bad illness like pneumonia that capture the imagination and are real things you have to look out for — the fluid can leak out of the lung into the cavity, a pleural effusion, that would have to be surgically drained, etc. Etc. Etc. But I felt, well she isn’t worse, and let’s give the levofloxacin time to work. By the second dose she was feeling a little better. A miracle really. I thought, let’s just say the first antibiotic failed, we aren’t dealing with a effusion situation, she hasn’t crashed. I was very alert to her crashing. I stayed with her all night to make sure she wasn’t crashing.

I’m giving her some vitamin E and progesterone to help protect against the levofloxacin.


Mar 29, 2016
I'm glad your wife recovered very well and that you were there to make an informed decision. I didn't know she wasn't in a hospital. That was also a conscious and well thought out decision.

In a hospital, most people just leave decisions to doctors and they just open their mouth and say aah like amen. I know you wouldn't be that, but most patients and most of their children (caring for the parent or the child) would be like that. When asked what they're taking, dohh, I dunno wold be the refrain.
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