Milk's Log. Orthotropics, TMJ, Learned Helplessness. Expert Advice Appreciated


Apr 27, 2015
Hey guys.

I've been meaning to do this for a while.

I'll try to be brief. I had an adenoidectomy when I was around 4. This made my face slightly asymmetrical and caused a retraction of my maxilla. This led to what dentists call a "class 3 malloclusion". In my childhood pictures my eyes always look kind of feverish. They don't in the pictures of when I was very little, before the surgery. Basically I believe the operation led me to a situation of chronic stress. Structural craniofacial complications. I started developing OCD when I was around 7. I know there's a relation between teeth, face, cranium and OCD.

Just a theory, but here's me as a small kid, before the surgery:


And here's me a few years later, after the surgery:


Idk if you can see it. But I was a very happy outgoing kid until I was around 4. I started being kind of neurotic after that.

The orthodontist detected recession of the maxilla/prognathism in my post-surgery pictures.

Anyway. I had braces -- the fixed on teeth kind -- from 15 to 21 years old. In order to correct said malloclusion. Shouldn't they have probed my medical history a little bit before putting the braces on me? I think what they essentially did was pull my mandible back to fit my already retracted maxilla. I had a virile face as a teen, I have a... not so manly face now. The dentist I recently saw think my face looks better now, I've shown him a lot of pics old and new. I disagree. Sure, my upper teeth match my lower teeth structurally speaking, no "malloclusion" there anymore. Ain't that great. But I used to have a great jawline, and I don't anymore.

Here's me at 12 or 13, before braces:



Here's me after two years with braces. That's when I started noticing my asymmetrical nose, which I didn't realize was being caused or exarcebated by the braces. Jawline seems to have been slightly compromised, too.


But it's not just about looks. Here's the thing. Ever since I was 18 years old, whenever I would read something that demands extra concentration, it would be physically uncomfortable. For a long while the issue was line breaks. The "saccadic" eye movement from one line to the next. Recently I even get a physical twitch somewhere in my face, skull or neck between one line and another. Other times this particular issue goes away but it's still uncomfortable. I can't relax at all and just read. Unless it's a blog, a message board post, something idle. But if I try to read an actual novel the discomfort sets in. I'm confident it's related to the braces. I'll explain it in more detail eventually. This is just a summation. But basically, my face feels crooked. The "line" of my vision is not horizontal. Indeed, sometimes it feels like it "shifts" while I'm reading. Like the horizontal motion of reading line after line makes that happen.

I have to assume strange body positions while I read. And make some sort of slow to-and-fro repetitive motion with my feet or just slowly turning left and right in my chair.

Anyway. When I got the braces removed at age 21, like the very same day, my face began feeling uncomfortable. I have described in in another thread. The thing that most peeves me about this is that listenign to music exarcebates the feeling a lot. I basically can't listen to music. It's a major bummer. Whether on headphones or a stereo, it just makes the feeling on my face and skull get all the more stronger. This feeling like everything's crooked. It's hard to describe.

Anyway. As I have said before, SSRI's attenuated this feeling a lot. I took venlafaxine for years. I could listen to music again while I was on it. One year and a half ago I took escitalopram for a week. That worked even better. But you know, not peaty, made me lose hair, etc. But some of the peaty supplements help attenuate the discomfort too, although not as strongly.

Namely, magnesium and vitamin D. What is it about them that could have this effect? What do magnesium and vitamin D have in common with those SSRI's?

I have found some TMJ exercises on Youtube that are helpful. And Orthotropics ties into this as well, as pointed out in the title. But that's for another post.

Thanks for reading. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Nov 21, 2015
There is this chiro out of the U.K. Who has an important angle on this. Says that braces jewelry etc can introduce huge imbalances that cause many physiological problems. I have the book downstairs I'll find it later and post. May be worth considering. Removing the braces may have introduced an imbalance because your young body had already compensated for the braces.


Apr 27, 2015
What are your temps like waking, through the day, bedtime?

I only measure temps by feel. Should get a thermometer, right? Anyway, my hands are warm right now. They usually are when I stick to a Peat protocol.


Apr 27, 2015
There is this chiro out of the U.K. Who has an important angle on this. Says that braces jewelry etc can introduce huge imbalances that cause many physiological problems. I have the book downstairs I'll find it later and post. May be worth considering. Removing the braces may have introduced an imbalance because your young body had already compensated for the braces.

If you could give me that reference it would be nice. I need all the info I can get.

The imbalance thing seems plausible. I get relief from my symptoms when I take baking soda too. But baking soda seems to make me lose more hair than usual, so I'm avoiding it.

(The imbalance would be a "mineral imbalance", no? And baking soda would be very much related to that, wouldn't it? I should definitely read up on all this...)


Apr 27, 2015
I wish I could edit that first post. I wrote it in a hurry and not in an optimal state of mind.

But whatever. I had been putting off doing this log but now I'll just stick with it.

All my energy goes into my work and worrying over things. Hence the late replies. But I'll try to be more disciplined about this.


Apr 27, 2015
These two exercises have been helping me a good deal:

Symptoms diminish considerably after doing both of these one after the other.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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